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Academic year: 2023



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Dr. Anju Sonkar

Assistant Professor - Home Science,

L. S. Rajkiya Mahila Post Graduate, College, Adalhat, Mirzapur, UP

Abstract- Today the fact of the matter is passim through a phase of deficiency of essentialness obliged for development on one hand and the near end about inexhaustible wellsprings of imperativeness on the unique. That legitimacy from asserting trademark resources and trading with green essentialness is that primary outcome. This forthcoming review could have been conveyed out investigating clients about common photovoltaic system dwelling secured close by Different metropolitan regions for Punjab, India. What amounted to 300 respondents (both male Also females) comprise the case of the consider.

The review is graphic in nature and essential information is utilized for this reason. A self- developed interview plan was utilized to gather the information from the clients of the sun powered photovoltaic (PV) framework. An example of 300 families from various urban communities of Punjab comprising 27 families from Jalandhar, 47 families from Patiala, 13 families from Mohali, 200 families from Ludhiana and 13 families from Amritsar who had introduced photovoltaic frameworks in their home in 2014-17 were chosen for the concentrate by proportionate arbitrary inspecting strategy. The current review is an endeavor to study the financial profile of clients of sun oriented photovoltaic framework and to correspond it with their consciousness of nearby planet group so the legend of joining luxuriousness with the reasonableness of homegrown photovoltaic planetary group be broken. It will help in revising nearsighted point of view of clients relating to sun powered photovoltaic framework and contribute towards biological maintainability without compromising the turn of events.

Keywords: Net metering, sustainable power framework, financial status, sun based photovoltaic framework.


Essentialness need been perceived since long, Concerning outline a basic component for venture improvement of an associations in the country for association with extending those type of living of the people (Chavan 2014) of the degree that it need turned comparable word with Advance of a country over Also India, continually on the method of monetary Furthermore friendly turn of events, might be no exceptional case to it. For the ever-evolving essentialness interest those individuals, those dependence on the non-sustainable imperativeness resources about fossil fills like coal, oil, gasses oil, etc. Need extended provoking the quick depletion from asserting these stores.

Those assessed stores from asserting trademark gas have lessened Toward 1. 97% over the a long time 2016 (Energy Statistics, 2017). A similar will be those occasion with various essentialness wellsprings which not primary executing or disregarding those risk of decreasing these resources sooner over later as well as those ascent about wary issues with haphazard costs Similarly as one point

and ozone layer exhaustion, overall warming nature's space debasement as others (Anbuchezhian 2014). This calls to the shift to non-sustainable imperativeness for progression making sensible headway a buzz articulation.

The pie out line underneath shows the adjustment of the portion of the powers from 1973 to 2015 in satisfying the energy interest of the world economy.

The diagram plainly shows a decline in the portion of oil from 56.3% to 47.7%, expansion in portion of flammable gas from 17.7% to 19.8%, bio-energizes and squander expanded from 3% to 5.4%, power from 11.5% to 22.2%, a high diminishing in coal from 10.8% to 3%.

This shows that the energy utilization is moving from coal and oil to different wellsprings of energy (IEA, 2017).

India, with its always developing populace and desire to become financial force of the world, is additionally moving however with slow speed, from inexhaustible to non-environmentally friendly power assets. The absolute potential for sustainable power age in the


country as on 31.03.16 is assessed at 1198856 MW which incorporates wind power capability of 102788 MW (8.57%), wind power capability of 302235 MW (25.21%), SHP (little hydro power) capability of 19749 MW (1.65%), biomass force of 17,538 MW (1.46%), 5000 MW (0.42%) from bagasse-based cogeneration in sugar plants, 2556 MW (0.21%) from waste to energy and sun oriented power capability of 748990 MW (62.48.

Anyway out of the absolute introduced age limit of sustainable power as on 31-03-2016, wind power represented around 62.7%, trailed by sunlight based power (15.78%) and biomass power (11.46%) which shows that the sun oriented energy in India is horribly under utilized which in any case is accessible in overflow because of the topographical area of the country with around 300 clear and radiant days in a year. Indian Government has taken solid drives and the country's sun oriented introduced limit has reached 25.21 GW as on 31 December, 2018.

The province of Punjab is quite possibly the most well-to-do and moderate territory of Indium. However basically an agrarian economy is currently quickly developing towards agro-based modern turn of events and power is the focal pivot of Punjab's financial turn of events. Punjab Energy Development Agency is the state nodal organization for the advancement and improvement of environmentally friendly power activities and energy protection projects in Punjab.

Table 1 Source wise Estimated Potential and Installed Capacity of Renewable Power: Punjab (as on 31-01-

2018) (Mws)

Source: Punjab Energy Development Agency

At present the cumulative capacity of new and renewable sources of energy (NRSE) projects in the state is 1551.55 MW. It is estimated that the state of Punjab would further achieve an additional capacity of 3114.50 MW power through renewable sources of energy by the year 2021 (Table 1). The contribution would come from solar, biomass, cogeneration, hydel and waste to energy projects. The generation of power from above renewable sources of energy will also help in mitigating carbon dioxide emissions and combat climate change.

Table 2 Energy Statistics in Punjab as on December 2017

Source: MNRE and Ministry of statistics and programme implementation (MOSPI) The Table 1 and 2 plainly shows that Punjab has huge possibility for sun based energy age with as low as 28.3%

acknowledgment of that potential till date.

Legislature of India in cooperation of Punjab government has stepped up and involve sunlight based power in agribusiness area at large scale 5000 sun oriented siphons of limit 3HP and 5HP are to be introduced during the F.Y.2018-19 under the 150 arrangement of 58%

sponsorship by Punjab government and 22% appropriation by Government of India of the complete expense of the siphon.

These 5000 siphons will save 20MW for control north of 80000 units for consistently and total saving secured close by a long time could make with respect to 300 lacs units which will save over Rs. 14 crores of state government ceaselessly accommodated Similarly as sponsorship of the ranchers. Punjab need those World's greatest single rooftop sun based plant put for Beas Dera with 11.5 MW arrangement capacity and the greatest outright region sun based plant to Mansa area with 3.5 MW breaking point Govt.


From asserting India need arranged Punjab An objective for 40,000MW about energy beginning with inexhaustible wellsprings should an opportunity to be changed the a surprisingly long time, from guaranteeing which sun based will expect a basic responsibility Furthermore Domesticated front for sun situated imperativeness use will be the standard keep tabs an outcome nuclear family might be those genuine power use division Previously, India and it is persistently growing a direct result of anytime extending people.

On move people to embrace earth's planetary gathering for family utilization, Punjab council need progressed its sun situated approach.

1.1 The prominent features of Punjab Solar policy are

 It has predominantly rooftop system with net metering facility with minimum sanctioned capacity 1 kWp and maximum of 1 MWp and utilization limit of 80%

of sanctioned load of consumer.

 It provides self ownership option at COPEX model where entire investment comes from consumer as well as third party ownership at RESCO model where the entire system is owned by the developer and the consume pay a pre- determined tariff monthly.

 The billing mechanism is annual from October to September. The settlement of net energy including any banked energy be done at the end of each settlement period based on 90% of the consumption.

 The loan for solar system would be considered as a part of home loan and the loan up to 10 lacs be available under priority sector lending.

Roger (2003) has presented a model for adoption of any innovation passes through various channels before being finally accepted. The knowledge of innovation is the first and prime factor in adoption of that innovation which in turn depends on the socio-economic characteristics, personality and communication behavior of the individuals. The knowledge lead to the persuasion for the innovation and is based on five attributes of the innovation

i.e. relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trial ability and observability that eventually determine the decision in favour or against implementation of that innovation. The present study focuses on the awareness of domestic photovoltaic system in Punjab among its users and their socio-economic profile which is the foremost factor underlying its adoption.


This forthcoming analyze could have been conveyed insane ahead clients of family photovoltaic system dwelling to Different metropolitan networks from guaranteeing Punjab, India. What amounted to 300 mature individuals (both male females) comprise those trial of the analyst. They consider might be enchanting secured close ordinarily rudimentary data might be used for this plan.

Socio-venture status scale made Meenakshi (2010) could have been utilized to suspect that data beginning with the clients of the sun based PV system. A trial of 300 gatherings beginning with independent metropolitan regions about Punjab containing 27 gatherings from Jalandhar, 47 gatherings from Patiala, 13 gatherings from Mohali, 200 gatherings from Ludhiana Also 13 gatherings from Amritsar who required presented photovoltaic systems for their home to 2014-17 were decided for those consider.

The scale comprises of seven distinct viewpoints, viz. instruction, calling, month to month pay, all out abundance, property, encompassing region and societal position. A self- organized interview plan was intended to inspire the particular data connected with clients of homegrown photovoltaic framework in Punjab in regards to mindfulness related with sun based photovoltaic framework. The factual strategy of Pearson Product Moment relationship methods was utilized between the scores of financial status and the mindfulness.


Shows that right around A huge part of the respondents were of typical preparation level since one-fifth of the respondents were for low guidance level;

About four-fifth of the respondents were of ordinary group occupation level


Furthermore remaining respondents were similarly as scattered once optional Also low pack occupation level; An enormous piece of the respondents were of ordinary wealth status while 33% of the respondents were of ordinary wealth status; 10% of the respondents were from guaranteeing low property status for in excess of An enormous part of the respondents were of ordinary property level Furthermore property around 33%

respondents were about auxiliary level;

33% of the respondents were about auxiliary financial prosperity Furthermore 17% were from asserting low societal position; About one-fifth of the respondents have a spot with low compensation level.

The general socio-speculation status of 15% respondents could have been found on underneath Also principle 19% respondents were about optional socio-venture status. Those come about appropriately for those revelations about Stefan (2004) [9], Kotler (2006) and nelson et al. (2011) which thought that those instructive, financial, social Also friendly Components contributed basically Previously, purchase about sun arranged photovoltaic structure. This shows the standard development in the socio- venture status about clients about sun based photovoltaic system inverse of the acknowledged conviction that best those people from guaranteeing willy nilly socio- speculation status usage sun based photovoltaic structure.

Uncovered that every one of the respondents (100.00%) knew about on- matrix as well as off-framework sun powered photovoltaic frameworks and its functioning standard and have their sun oriented photovoltaic framework according to IS particulars. Every one of the respondents (100 percent) knew precisely about how long the PV modules would endure. More than four-fifth of the respondents (82.70%) had the information on every one of the potential spots where the sun powered photovoltaic framework could be introduced.

More than 33% of the respondents (36.70%) accepted that the sun oriented photovoltaic framework could be introduced at top of private and business complex; almost than one-fourth of the respondents (23.30%) knew distinctly about lodging social orders/business

foundations like shopping centers and equivalent number of respondents (21.33%) realized uniquely about public venues and government associations and 21 percent respondents knew uniquely about private establishments as the spots conceivable to introduce sun based photovoltaic framework.

Almost three-fourth of the respondents (71.30%) believed that the normal expense of sun based photovoltaic framework lies between Rs. 65,000 to Rs.

75,000 for each Kwp though 22%

respondents paid the normal expense of sun powered photovoltaic framework between Rs. 75,000 to Rs. 85,000 for every Kwp and just 6.70 percent of respondents thought that the normal expense of sunlight based photovoltaic framework lies between Rs. 55,000 to Rs.

65,000 for each Kwp. Almost four-fifth of the respondent (79.67%) precisely have some familiarity with the specific region is expected to set up the sun powered photovoltaic framework though the leftover one-fifth (20.33%) respondents couldn't offer the right response.

An exceptionally high greater part of respondents (97%) professed to have information with respect to net metering arrangement of sunlight based photovoltaic framework. Just three percent concurred that they had hardly any insight into net metering. Those respondents really picked off-network framework which work on batteries and didn't require net metering. An extremely high greater part of close to 100%

respondents acknowledged that their sun based photovoltaic boards were getting sufficient measure of daylight and equivalent extent of respondents acknowledged that their sun powered photovoltaic framework were satisfying the expected measure of power. The excess one percent differ on both the issues.

The above conversation obviously demonstrate that the respondents were very much educated and very much aware of sun powered photovoltaic framework which is very normal for any Indian purchaser who tended to get data about the item from every one of the potential sources prior to burning through cash on it. A tiny extent of respondents showed absence of data and mindfulness.


The examination of information displayed in show that the attention to respondents relating to the different parts of sun based photovoltaic frameworks was decidedly and fundamentally associated with their degree of instruction, their occupation, riches, property, encompassing territory, societal position as well as their by and large financial status which thusly outlined that the respondents with more elevated level of family training, occupation, abundance, property, great encompassing region, high societal position as well as high generally speaking financial status were more mindful about sun powered photovoltaic framework when contrasted with their partner with low degree of family schooling, occupation, abundance, property, great encompassing area, low societal position as well as low in general financial status.


Those graph of the impacts represented secured close by table out and out clearly distinctively addressed that the clients of socio-speculation profile of clients for sun situated photovoltaic system will go through standard development from those acknowledged conviction that vitally the people about auxiliary socio-venture status use sun arranged photovoltaic structure. A steadily expanding sum people from Normal Furthermore low socio-speculation layers need help hailing in the net from asserting sun situated photovoltaic system clients.

The outcome is upheld by a review attempted by Sommerfeld (2017) which uncovered that the monetary limit, training status and house purchasing had in the past been viewed as significant pre- essentials in the take-up of sun oriented PV however as of now these elements never again stay the predominant ones.

The outcome upholds the ordinary conviction that high financial status of

clients guarantees the elevated degree of mindfulness relating to fundamental highlights and working of sun oriented photovoltaic framework.


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