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Academic year: 2023



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ACCENT JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS ECOLOGY & ENGINEERING Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal, ISSN NO. 2456-1037

Available Online: www.ajeee.co.in/index.php/AJEEE

Vol. 06, Special Issue 08, (ELL-2021) November 2021 IMPACT FACTOR: 7.98 (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL)




Ex-Student, St. Thomas College, Hemchand Yadav University, Chhattisgarh, India Abstract: Somewhere in our psychology we have a definite image of a man and a woman. In our patriarchal society, men have been defining women as a character that suites their needs and fits in their lifestyle. With so much stereotyping of women going on and their gender role defined, women often struggle with identity crisis. Growth has become a condition of privilege that is not for all sexes. Women often struggle to grow under oppressive mindset of the society. So much effort has been made by the popular literature and cinema to show such stories and inspire us all to break the barriers set by the shallow society. Bildungsroman stories are a very important genre in the feminist canon. It has been shown again and again with different settings and actors with the same message and goal. Bildungsroman for women is so much more than psychological or character development. It also focuses on a woman’s understanding of her value and capability in a male-centric society. Movies like ‘Dear Zindagi’, ‘Pink’, ‘Queen’ etc. show women under a different light. They not only try to live life on their own terms but thrive while doing so.

Their character development also says so much about the society we live in. This paper talks about such coming of age stories with an emphasis on the struggle of women associated with them.

As we grow up we learn that the struggles faced by men and women are different.

The coming of age story of a man is very different from that of a woman. A woman fights with herself, with misogynistic society and sometimes with family to live her dreams. The coming-of-age films attract and entertain people very much due to their nostalgic familiarity and brutal honesty. The common experience of growing up is so relatable that these kind of movies tap into something inside of us. They show funny moments and heartbreaks, and every other emotion in between.

Bollywood has learned the perfect ingredients to be put in a movie to drive people to the theatres. People are appreciating a strong female protagonist very much these days.

They want to watch more such movies. Indian audience is lately enamored by the kind of heroines who take charge of their lives by smashing the patriarchy.

Gauri Shinde (director) has delivered a beautiful story through the film, ‘Dear Zindagi’. It is definitely a one of a kind coming-of-age film which discusses many taboos like childhood trauma, mental illness etc. It shows mental therapy in a very positive light which often many people consider to be unimportant and a senseless thing. The movie covers the story of a blunt and cynical young girl (played by Alia Bhatt) who struggles with relationships due to her abandonment issues. She is also suffering from insomnia and depression due to constant struggles and setbacks she is facing in her life. She seeks help of a therapist (played by Shah Rukh Khan) to understand herself. The protagonist Kaira’s (Alia Bhatt) character resonates with so many young people. In spite of all the issues she rebuilds herself and comes out of the depression with more confidence and faith. The movie talks bluntly and openly about the childhood trauma of a parent leaving suddenly, which affects the child throughout life. The movie also in a way encourages mental therapy, which is otherwise considered to be a big taboo in India, as a cure for people going through mental health issues. The movie is deep and philosophical and due to strong performances, is successful in delivering the message loud and clear.

‘Queen’ is the first bildungsroman movie that revolved around a woman. Vikas Bahl in his directorial debut delivered a masterpiece and earned many accolades. It earned Kangana Ranaut. A National Award for her powerful and realistic portrayal of a naïve middle class woman. Marriage is a big deal in India and it comes with a lot of pressure and expectations. It’s a story of a young woman who goes on her honeymoon to Europe by herself after her fiancé cancels the wedding. Heartbroken and alone, she embarks on the adventure of a lifetime. In an unknown country she begins to gain confidence by taking control of her own decisions. She develops many meaningful friendships on her journey.

Her fiancé tries to make up by apologizing to her. But in the end she rejects him and walks


ACCENT JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS ECOLOGY & ENGINEERING Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal, ISSN NO. 2456-1037

Available Online: www.ajeee.co.in/index.php/AJEEE

Vol. 06, Special Issue 08, (ELL-2021) November 2021 IMPACT FACTOR: 7.98 (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL)


away confidently. The movie has a groundbreaking feminist storyline. It highlights the problems of the society and regressive mindset regarding marriage, overtly.

Another movie in the same genre is ‘Thappad’. Otherwise called a feminist film,

‘Thappad’ is also a coming of age story of a married woman. The woman (played by Tap see Pannu) is a content housewife. She spends her days looking after her husband and in-laws.

The movie revolves around an unfortunate incident at a party where her husband slaps her in front of the guests. Suddenly she feels so overwhelmed by the sudden realizations of insults she has ignored in the past. Unable to forget the incident, woman files for divorce.

After a long and tiring legal battle she is granted divorce. The movie talks about a very important aspect of our lives. We often ignore insults and wrongdoings of others because we love them so much. We try to slip things under the rug and move on. But these incidents always get bigger and worse with time if they are ignored or forgiven. Married women in India are fearful to end their marriage and they live in an abusive relationship because divorce is still a taboo in India. The heroine in the end takes charge of her own life, comes out as a more confident person and finds back her identity.

‘Wake up Sid!’ is another movie which talks about a woman (played by Konkana Sen Sharma) struggling to find her place in life. She moves to a new city and finds a place to live with the help of a friend. The friend, who is much younger than her, later becomes her love interest. The movie actually has two bildungsromanstories combined. Aisha and Sid are two creative people who want to work for a magazine. Aisha is definitely shown to be more mature and less confused than Sid but she certainly has her own struggles. She is constantly rejected and undermined in her job and is confused between two men in her life.

This movie has a very important aspect. Being the more responsible one, Aisha manages to inspire Sid to pursue his goal of becoming a photographer. She sees his laziness and gets annoyed and schools Sid on multiple occasions. She proves to be a powerful force in his life and Sid finally gets a job and also reconciles with his parents. In the end they both confess their love to each other. So, the movie has a happy ending and has a great storyline with a definite feel good factor.

These coming of age movies, though less in number, have hugely impacted the audience. Coming of age films are so popular because they are not some far-fetched stories of imaginary people. These movies resonate with everyone who is struggling in life. The feminist aspect in such movies only makes them more realistic. It’s beautiful to see a woman taking charge of her life confidently and gracefully. These movies clearly highlight the unique struggle faced by women. They are so stereotyped and oppressed in their lives that it’s often difficult for them to find their identity. Finding a place in the world is so much harder for a woman. Hence, these movies cannot be overlooked.

These movies talk about personal and vulnerable things of life. They bring out a feeling of nostalgia. They show something we are going through or have gone through in our lives. There are many things that we can learn and take away from these films. These movies definitely create an environment of more understanding of oneself and others and make us all more empathetic to accept and appreciate individuality.


1. https://princetonbuffer.princeton.edu/2014/06/12/the-coming-of-age-of-coming-of-age-films/

2. https://www.imdb.com/list/ls024933763/

3. https://www.jstor.org/stable/4315991

4. https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:303315/fulltext01.pdf 5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bildungsroman

6. http://rushfordeng.weebly.com/uploads/5/8/3/3/58335989/5_traits_of_a_bildungsroman__1_.pdf 7. https://prezi.com/ypormpanpdj_/characteristics-of-a-bildungsroman/

8. https://www.cliffsnotes.com/literature/m/the-magic-mountain/critical-essays/the-bildungsroman 9. https://www.literarysalon.ca/post/is-there-such-a-thing-as-the-female-bildungsroman


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