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Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal, ISSN NO. 2456-1037

Available Online: www.ajeee.co.in/index.php/AJEEE



Dr. Pratima Upadhyay1, Dr. Hemlata Thakur2

12Lecturer (Modern Office Management)

12Govt. Women’s Polytechnic College Jabalpur

Abstract- The expression 'No existence without a telephone' has gotten extremely obvious in the existence of youths. Having a portable in your grasp resembles having this entire world with you. Fast logical and innovative headway, data transformation brought about by innovation have given instruction another job and shape, in this manner the job of the instructor is likewise in change. Data and Communication Technology (ICT) at present being utilized in instruction to help understudies to learn all the more successfully by giving instructors admittance to a wide scope of new educating techniques. This paper centers around how innovation will be effectively utilized in homeroom to make addresses intriguing for the understudies by utilizing unique (ICT) apparatuses in the study hall during addresses. In the wake of making definite investigation of various ICT devices and its highlights, a framework is created which directs the instructors to pick the suitable ICT apparatus according to their need in educating.

Keywords: Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Matrix, Technology, Information, Communication.


The objectives of the present study are

 To make near investigation of various ICT devices and the offices and highlights given by them.

 To set up a lattice of the assessment boundaries of various ICT instruments which would fill in as an aide for the instructors to choose and choose a suitable ICT apparatus for their educating.


1. In the exploration paper [2] the creators have concentrated how the fast development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has tested the instructors' perspective and changed the educational scene universally. The aftereffect of this investigation uncovered that utilization of ICT technique works on the nature of both instructing and learning. [2]

2. In the paper [13] the creators have featured the utilization of ICT in advanced education and furthermore the effects on future turn of events. The paper likewise expresses the job of ICT in changing instructor focused figuring out how to understudy focused learning. [13]

3. This exploration paper [1] features the significance of ICT in making the

showing learning undertaking more useful and significant using different instruments. It likewise determines the job of ICT in keeping the understudies refreshed and in this way helping them in independent learning. [1]

4. This paper [14], centers around the successful utilization of ICT instruments in instruction accordingly improving the understudy focused learning measure. [14]

5. This paper [12] reports the discoveries that have added to the proceeding with utilization of ICT by experienced ICT educators in their instructing. It likewise gives confirmations of the components which were discovered to be generally imperative to these educators in their instructing, for example, making the exercises really intriguing, simpler, different and persuading for both the instructors and the understudies. [12]


"Innovation has always changed the world we live in. We're on the web, somehow, the entire day. Our telephones and PCs have become impressions of our characters, our inclinations, and our



Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal, ISSN NO. 2456-1037

Available Online: www.ajeee.co.in/index.php/AJEEE

Vol. 06, Issue 01,January 2021 IMPACT FACTOR: 7.98 (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL) 136 personalities. They hold a lot of that is

critical to us." James Comey. The expression 'No existence without a telephone' has gotten exceptionally evident in the existence of young people.

Having a versatile in your grasp resembles having this entire world with you. In this aggressive world, if specialized gadgets can assume control over every one of the exercises of people like talking, understanding news and for watching motion pictures, 'Why can't innovation be utilized in the training framework?' Rapid logical and mechanical progression and data transformation brought about by innovation have given instruction another job and shape; hence the job of the educator is additionally in change. Data and Communication Technology (ICT) represents data and correspondence advancements and are characterized as a

"Different arrangement of mechanical instruments and assets used to impart and to make, spread, store, and oversee data." [4] Worldwide exploration has shown that ICT can prompt a further developed understudy learning and better instructing techniques. It is right now being utilized in schooling to help understudies to learn all the more successfully by furnishing instructors with admittance to a wide scope of new instructional method.

Additionally, it fosters the understudy educator relationship, advances collaboration, innovativeness, dynamic learning and high request thinking among the understudies. There are different ICT devices each with its own highlights. Some ICT apparatuses can be utilized for just giving the substance of a specific subject, while others can be utilized for assessing the understudies' comprehension of the point. There are devices that offer the office of executing the SQL Queries.

This paper centers around how innovation will be effectively utilized in study hall to make addresses intriguing for the understudies by utilizing distinctive ICT devices in the homeroom during addresses. This paper gives a detail investigation of various ICT devices and will go about as an aide for the instructors to pick the fitting ICT apparatus that suits for their subjects.

The statement of the problem can be defined as follows:

• Use of ICT is nearly less in any event, when assets are free

• Lack of mindfulness about ICT devices in the training field There is a need of study which will give complete investigation of various ICT devices and their relevance in different circumstance.


This study depends on optional information, which has been gathered from different sources like National and International Published Journals, Internet, Books, and so forth


The paper centers around the point by point investigation of the for the most part favored ICT devices and its highlights and not all the accessible ICT Tools.


Generally favored ICT instruments

1) Socrative: Socrative [8] help educators to gather information from their understudies by means of cell phones, workstations and tablets hence making it is a savvy understudy reaction framework. It very well may be utilized as an appraisal instrument that assists instructors with testing the information on the understudies in the study hall through tests, speedy inquiry surveys, leave tickets and space races. It furnishes moment results with different report age designs (Whole Class Excel, Individual Student PDFs, Question Specific PDF) to dissect understudies' presentation on a specific theme.

2) My Class Notes: My Class Notes [3] goes about as the virtual online homeroom for understudies and instructors.

Understudies can join classes from anyplace on the planet utilizing any internet browser. They can take notes, submit tasks, see their timetable, contact class individuals and view accommodating assets. This device



Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal, ISSN NO. 2456-1037

Available Online: www.ajeee.co.in/index.php/AJEEE

Vol. 06, Issue 01,January 2021 IMPACT FACTOR: 7.98 (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL) 137 can be utilized distinctly for data

sharing reason.

3) Slide Share: Slide Share [7] is a site that empowers educators to transfer their substance either secretly or freely. Introductions, records and recordings in PowerPoint, Word, PDF or Open Document are the different configuration that can be utilized for transferring the substance. It additionally permits its clients to view and remark on the transferred content.

4) Edmodo: The Edmodo [6] is very instructor driven or educator cordial apparatus that empowers them to share content, disperse tests, tasks, and oversee

correspondence with

understudies, partners, and guardians. The understudies and guardians can join Edmodo just if the instructor welcomes.

5) Flexi Quiz: Flexi Quiz [11] is an online device that can be utilized to test the information on the understudies by making, sharing, reviewing and dissecting tests, tests and evaluations for a specific subject. A period cutoff can be set on a specific inquiry or in general test. Tests can be imported from the bookkeeping page.

6) Animoto: Animoto [5] is a video creation instrument that produces video from photographs, video clasps, and music which can be changed over into video slideshows and tweaked electronic introductions. Its principle highlight is that it is a cloud-based application. It is accessible in both on the web and portable stages and offered for nothing and paid updated accounts.

7) SQL Code Play: SQL Code Play [9]

is a versatile application for Android and iOS gadget which can be utilized by understudies to gain proficiency with all the fundamental SQL inquiries. It can likewise be utilized to learn SQL instructional exercise disconnected. It has inbuilt manager - SQLite supervisor that can be utilized to execute SQL

questions. SQL practice application gives in excess of thirty straightforward SQL questions, its clarification, and live yield.

In the wake of making a definite investigation of the above ICT instruments and thinking about the different highlights given by every one of these ICT devices, a grid was created which would go about as an aide for the instructors to choose the suitable ICT device during their talks. The highlights that were thought about in planning the lattice can be summed up as –

Provides Content– proposes whether the picked ICT apparatus can be utilized to give content of their subject notes

Evaluation – gives an answer for the inquiry 'Whether the ICT device can be utilized for assessment?'

Performance– assists with

understanding whether

understudies' exhibition can be estimated in less time

Question insightful Analysis – gives the data whether each question of the test can be dissected separately concerning which question is addressed effectively or wrongly by larger part understudies

User Amicaxle – recommends whether the apparatus is not difficult to use for different purposes like creating tests, assessing understudies' presentation, etc

Downloadable and Printable Result – gives a knowledge on the way that whether the instrument gives an arrangement of getting the outcome in the printed design

Software Program Execution–

seeing this element the instructor can choose whether the device be utilized for executing programming programs



Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal, ISSN NO. 2456-1037

Available Online: www.ajeee.co.in/index.php/AJEEE

Vol. 06, Issue 01,January 2021 IMPACT FACTOR: 7.98 (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL) 138 Fig.1 Results Matrix


The framework created in this paper can be reached out for all the uncovered and recently arising ICT apparatuses subsequent to making a nitty gritty investigation of the highlights given by them.


ICT Tools like My Class Notes, Slide Share, Edmodo, Animoto, and SQL Code Play App can be utilized by the educators to give the notes to their subjects.

Assuming the instructors need to lead a class test in their subject, they can pick either Socrative, Edmodo or Flexi Quiz.

The ICT instrument SQL Code Play likewise gives a supervisor to execute distinctive SQL questions. Additionally, the educator can request that the understudies present their tasks in video design utilizing Animoto. Socrative instrument gives the general outcome sheet of the whole class by which the instructor can make an investigation of the presentation of the understudies.

Along these lines, the framework created in this paper can go about as an aide for the educators to pick the fitting device according to their need in instructing REFERENCES

1. Anu Sharma, Kapil Gandhar, Sameer Sharma, Seema Sharma, 2011, "Job of ICT in the Process of Teaching and Learning", Journal of Education and Practice, ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper), ISSN 2222-288X (Online), Vol 2, No 5, 2011.

2. Dr. Pushpa Negi, Dr. C.J. Rawandale, Mr.

Sukhvinder Singh, Ms. Shikha Priyadarshini, 2013, "ICT technique v/s customary strategy: an investigation of law understudies", Prestige International

Journal of Management and IT-Sanchayan, Vol. 2(2), 2013, pp. 39-48. ISSN: 22771689 (Print), 2278 – 8441 (Online)

3. http://www.myclassnotes.org/aboutus.ph p

4. https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/ICT_in_Edu cation/Definition_of_Terms

5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animoto 6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edmodo 7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SlideShare 8. https://play.google.com/store/applications

/details?id=com.socrative.teacher&hl=en 9. https://play.google.com/store/applications


10. https://www.brainyquote.com/creators/ja mes_come

11. https://www.flexiquiz.com

12. Margaret Cox, Christina Preston and Kate Cox, 1999, "What Factors Support or Prevent Teachers from Using ICT in their Classrooms?", British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, University of Sussex at Brighton, September 2-5 1999.

13. Mrs. Swati Desai, 2010, "Job of Information Communication Technologies in Education", Proceedings of the fourth National Conference; INDIACom-2010 Computing For Nation Development, 2010.

14. Syed Noor-Ul-Amin, 2013, "A powerful utilization of ICT for training and learning by drawing on overall information, examination and experience: ICT as a change specialist for schooling (A Literature audit)", Scholarly Journal of Education Vol.

2(4), pp. 38-45, April 2013.


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