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Academic year: 2023



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Dr. Anju Sonkar

Sr. Assistant Professor – Home Science, L. S. Government Girls Post Graduate College, Adalhat, Mirzapur, UP, India


The term adolescence comes from the Latin word adolescence meaning “To Grow” or to grow to maturity. As it is used today, the term adolescence has a broader meaning it includes mental, emotional and social maturity as well as physically maturity, this point of view has been expressed by Paget when she said psychologically adolescence is the age when the individual becomes integrated in the society of adults, the age when the child no longer feels that he is below the level of his elders but equal, at least in rights this integration into adult society has many affective, aspects, more or less link a with puberty. It also includes very profound intellectual changes these intellectual transformation typical of the adolescent’s thinking enable him not only to active his integration into the social relationship of adults, which in infact the most general characteristic of this period of development. Adolescence into two subdivision early and late adolescence.

Early adolescence extends roughly from 13 to 16 or 17 years and late adolescence covers the period from the until 18" the age of legal maturity late adolescence is thus average short period. Early adolescence is usually referred to as the

“Teens” some time even the “Terrible Teens” Although older adolescent’s are strictly speaking teenagers” until they reach twenty years of age the level teenagers.

Boys mature, on the average later than girls are as a result they frequently seem more immature for their age than girls. However as they are accorded, along in the home and school, they usually settle down quickly and show a maturity at behavior which in marked. Contrast to that of the younger adolescence.

Adolescence is the period of transition between childhood and adulthood. It is a period of development from pubescence the child moves from dependency to autonomy.

In this stage the adolescence is seen to be very active and constable as well as disturbed. He give the impression

of being some what last and in subject to rapidly varying moods of dedications and elution enthusing and deep lethargy etc.

the main thing concerning this period in life is that the adolescence is no longer a child but and adult through the society in which me liver continues to trend him as a child secondary me climes down from the giddy night at imagination that be reached in his infancy and child mood and steps firmly into the real world by it time he enters this stage. He has climed down a bit and shown sing at stability. He carrier a nice for himself his society and gradually her tendencies habits and activities, become stable and regular.

Adolescence is the period of life when the individual shown sigh of development interior respect emotional development reaches its maturity in this stage various emotions such as fear anger hatred discrimination, pleasure etc. can be distincty seen in an individual and generally their patterns of expression can also be recognized emotional reaction in this age are influenced by such complex factored as values berries ideals view point and common thus at conciety. Even when angry no classes not immediately give it expression but stares it in his mind to manifest it some days later when opportunity presents itself, problems such of failure to secure the desired profession counted unemployment, undesirable marriage increase in the number of children unsound economic position absence of domestic claim and bliss can only help to creates such emotion as anger, fear, jealously etc.


In the words of Laurence F. Shafter

“Adjustment is the process by which a living organism maintains a balance between its needs and the circumstances that influence the circumstances that influence the satisfaction of these needs.”

Accordingly, the process of adjustment has two primary or main elements one of the need of the living organism and two, the condition or circumstances that


2 influence these needs. On the other hand,

the circumstance influencing these needs, also can either be inside the individual or outside him factor within the individual that influence there needs are his physical and mental status, capacity, attitudes, interests etc. for example, most weakly constituted individuals cannot fulfill their own psychological motives, and thus their needs arte definitely affected by their lack of strength.

The concept of adjustment was originally a biological one and was corers stone in Darwin's theory of evaluation.

The biological concept of adoption has been borrowed by the psychologists and renamed as adjustment. The psychologists are more concerned with what might be called “Psychological Survival” than physical survival; there demands are primarily social or interpersonal and they influence the psychological structure and functioning of a person.

Schneiders (1955) regards adjustment as “anything such as need gratification skill in dealing with frustrations and conflicts, peace of mind or even the formation of symptoms."

According to Shafter & Shoben (1956), “the trem adjustment is simply a process, involving both mental and behavioral responses by which an individual strives to cope with inner demands and those impased upon him by the external world.”

Lazarus (1961) “while defining adjustment emphasized upon the reaction of the person to demands impased upon him.

Tallent (1978), “the Psychology of adjustment focuses on practical matters understanding over selves, understanding other. Living in harmony with ourselves and with our neighbors.”

Eysneck et al.; 1972, “A state in which the needs of the individual on the one hand and the claims of the environment on the other hand are fully satisfied or the process by which this harmonious relationship can be attained..”

This adjustment is such a process by which man maintains balance between his inner needs and other circumstances and by which the gratification of inner needs is affected. This process at maintaining balance between inner &

other worlds goes on till the survival of an individual in this universe.

3 TYPES OF ADJUSTMENT a. Normal Adjustment.

b. Abnormal Adjustment Normal Adjustment.

When a relationship between an individual and his environment is established norms then that relationship is considered as normal Adjustment.

3.1 Abnormal Adjustment

Abnormal adjustment means problem behavior or popular speaking miiIdjustinent. Maladjustment takes place when the relationship between an individual and environment is not established standards or norms.

Adjustment as a process is at major importance for psychologists, teacher and parents. The child at the time of his birth is absolutely dependent on other for the satisfaction of his needs, but gradually with age he learns to control his needs. His adjustment largely depends on his interaction with the external environment in which belives when the child is born the world for him is a big buzzing, blooming, contusion.


The term “Emotional Intelligence” debuted in several scientific articles written by Thon D Mayer, Peter Salvey during the early 1990’S. The reaches defined emotional intelligence as the competition of for kinds of skills perceiving expressing emotion, under & tending emotions, using emotions & managing emotions.

Buck (1985) has defmed emotion as process by which motivational potential is realized or read out when activated by challenging by stimuli. In the other, words, emotions are seen as a read out mechanism carrying information about motivational systems. Contrar3’ to most conventional thinking emotions are inherently neither positive nor negative, rather they serve as the single most powerful source at human energy. In fact cache feeling provides as with vital &

potentially profitable information every minute of the day. This feedback ignites creative genius improves shapes trusting relationship provides are inner compass for ones life & carrier guides to unexpected possibilities & even saves


2 organization from disaster to exhibit

emotion is very but doing it at he right place with the right person & to the right degree is difficult.

Cooper & Saws (1997) define emotional intelligence as the ability to sense understand an effectively apply the power & acumen of emotions as a source of humor energy, information connection

& influence.

Jersild (1960), “The term emotion denotes a state of being move, stirred up or aroused in some way.”

H. J. Eysenck et al. (1972), “It is applied to a distinctive category of experience most writers agree that it is a complex state involving heightened perception of an object of situation wide- spread bodily changes, repulsion and behavior organize toward approach or withdrawal.”


Goleman’s books on emotional intelligence reorganized Salvey & Mayer’s Model into five board categories:-

a. Self Awareness

People with a healthy sense of self awareness are “comfortable in their own skin.” They understand their strength weakness emotions & impaction other one of the most telling signs of self awareness is how well a person respond to constructive criticism.

b. Self Regulation

Not only do the E.I. understand their emotions, but also they can demonstrate maturity & restraint when revealing them.

They do not squetch their feeling instead.

Expressing them in a manner that shows a high level of Judgment & control.

c. Motivation

Managers generally are ambitions.

However, emotionally intelligent leaders are motivated by a strong inner drive not simply money or titles. They are resilient

& optimistic in the disappointments. It takes a lot to break their spirit or thwart their confidence.

d. Empathy

Managers with empathy are not necessarily easy on their staffs. They do however process the compassion and understanding of human nature that enables them to connect emotionally with

others. Empathy allows them to provide stellar customer service and respond genuinely to an employee’s frustration or concern.

e. People Skills

Emotionally Intelligent managers are widely respected by their losses peers and employees. They like people and are Savvy enough to know what makes them tick.

Their ability to quickly build rapport and trust with those on whom they depend seems abbots second nature. Power wars, backbiting and duplicity are not their style.


Salovey and Mayer proposed a model that indentified four different factors of emotional intelligence; the perception of emotion the ability reason using emotions the ability to understanding emotion and the ability to mange emotions.

a. Perceiving Emotions

The first step in understanding emotions is to accurately perceive them. In many case, this might involve understanding nonverbal signals such as body language facial expressions.

b. Reasoning with Emotions

The next step involves using emotions to promote thinking and cognitive activity.

c. Understanding Emotions

The emotions that we perceive can carry a wide variety at meanings. It someone is expressing angry emotions, the observer must interpret the causes might means.

d. Meaning Emotions

The ability to mange emotions effectively is a key part of emotional intelligence, responding appropriately and responding to the emotions of others are all important aspect of emotional management.

According to Salovey and Mayer the four branches of their model are

“Arranged from more basic Psychological Prosseses to higher, more psychologically integrated Processes.


Danial Goleman (1998) for the first time developed a framework of Emotional


2 competencies which determines the

existent of emotional intelligence acquired by an individual. An emotional competency according to him “is a learned

capacity based on emotional intelligence that results in understanding performance at work (1998).


Emotional intelligence (E.I) and EQ were selected as the most useful novel terms of 1995 by the American Dialect Society (1995, 1999; Brodie, 1996).

A review of the works related to conceptualization of Ed. suggests that the term emotional intelligence has been conceptualized in two windily different ways. One that emphasizes more on the cognitive aspects, such as perception understanding, analysis and reflective regulation (thinking about feelings) of emotions (e.g. Mayer & Salovey, 1997;

Salovey & Mayer 1990) and the other include non-cognitive aspects, such motivation, general mood and global personal and social functioning along with some cognitive aspects (e. g. Bar -on, 1997; Goleman 1995 6). Following is a brief review of these two models of E. l.

Non-ability or mixed models of emotional intelligence emphasized on non-cognitive aspects, such as motivation, general mood and global personal and social functioning along with some cognitive aspect.

Baron (1997) defines emotional intelligence as “an array of non- cognitive capabilities, competencies and skill that influence one’s ability to succeed in coping with environmental demands and pressures” and has indentified five broad areas of functioning relevant to the construct of emotional ineI1igence.

a. Interpersonal Skills b. Interpersonal Skills c. Adaptability

d. Stress management e. General Mood

Each broad area is further divided into sub components, According to Goleman (1995 6) whom “emotional


2 intelligence includes self control, zeal and

persistence and the ability to motivate oneself.” Goleman model of E.I. includes:

a. Knowing one’s emotions b. Managing emotions c. Motivating oneself

d. Recognizing emotions in others e. Handling relationship

This non-ability model of emotional intelligence reflects its use personality rather than as ability.

According to Mayer (1999), “Such Popular models are using a catchy new name to sell worth old fashioned personality research and predictors.

The mental ability model of Emotional Intelligence has its own Set of Competing Constructs and Concepts.

In the mental ability frame work, generally, emotional intelligence has been express emotions to understand and use them, and to manage emotions. So as to faster personal growth (Mayer & Solovey 1997, Salovey & Mayer 1990).

The mental ability model of emotional intelligence makes predictions about the internal structure of the intelligence is in fact like other intelligences in that it meets there empirical criteria. First, mental problems have right or wrong answers, as assessed by the convergence of alternative scoring method. Second, the measures skills correlate with other measures of mental ability (because mental abilities tend of inter-correlate). And third, the absolute ability level rises with age.


1. Hurlock Elizabeth.(1981); B Development Psy Life-Span Approach "Adolescence?

2. Cooper R. K. Sawat A. (1997); Executive EQ:

Emotional Intelligence in Leadership and organization, New York, NY: Perigee Book.

3. Bar On, R. (1991): EQ-I Bar on Emotional Quotient Inventory Technical Manual Toranto : Multi Health Systems.

4. Bar – On, R. (1997-August); Development of the Bar on the EQ -1: A measure of Emotional and Social Intelligence. Paper presented at the 105 Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association Chicago, IL

5. Goleman, D. (1195 a): Emotional Intelligence, Bhatan Books, New York:

6. Salavey, P. & Mayer, I.D. (1990): Emotional Intelligence, Imagination Cognition and Personality. 9. 185-211,

7. Goleman D. (1998): working with Emotional Intelligence, Bantam Books, New York:

8. Goleman, D. (1995): Emotional Intelligence:

Why It can matter more than 10. Bhatan Books, New York.

9. Austin, EJ, Evans, P, Goldwater, R. & Potter.

V (2005): A Preliminary study of Emotional Intelligence empathy and exam performance in first year medical students. Personality and Individuals Differences, 39, 1395.


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