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Вестник Bulletin - Enu


Academic year: 2023

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Owner: Republican state enterprise in the capacity of economic conduct «L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University» Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Russian government policy towards the Muslims in Central Asia at the beginning of the XX century. 101 Samet Azap Analysis of transitional stages (birth-wedding-death) in the tradition of the Kyrgyz people based on publications of the Kyrgyz writer Tologon Kasymbekov.

The Russian government policy towards the Muslims in Central Asia at the beginning of the XX century. The authors examine some aspects of the implementation of China's "Silk Road Economic belt" in the context of cooperation between countries and regions of the Eurasian continent, focusing on opportunities for Kazakhstan. RIA Novosti [India and Iran signed bilateral documents on the development of the Chabahar port.

Участие совместно с Председателем КНР Си Цзиньпином в церемонии открытия первой очереди казахстанско-китайского логистического терминала в морском порту Ляньцзиньган. Китайский логистический терминал в порту Ляньюньган] Режим доступа: http://www.akorda.kz/ru/events/international_community/foreign_visits/. Формирование общих рынков энергоресурсов в Евразийском экономическом союзе.


Speech of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan] October 16, 1997. Speech of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan] September 16, 1998. Speech of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan] September 16, 1999.

Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan]. Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan] February 16, 2005. Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan] March 1, 2006.

Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan] 6 febralja 2008g. Address of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan] 28 janvarja 2011g.

M. Mukhambetkaliyeva

Restrukturizaciya gradoobrazuyushchih predpriyatij: uroki i peredovoj opyt Vostochnoj Germanii [Herstrukturering van die stadvormende ondernemings: lesse en beste praktyke van Oos-Duitsland], Issledovatel’skij centr IPM, Nemeckaya ehkonomicheskaya gruppa v Belarusi. Beskikbaar by: http://docplayer.ru/44726540-Restrukturizaciya-gradoobrazuyushchih-predpriyatiy-uroki-i-peredovoy-opyt-vostochnoy-germanii.html (toegang. Programma razvitiya monogorodov na 2012-2020 die ontwikkeling van [2020-program vir die ontwikkeling van] enkel-industrie dorpe vir 2012-2020].

Тот белдеуін жасылдандыру: Американдық жоспарлау қауымдастығының Американың кішірейіп бара жатқан қалаларын дұрыс мөлшерлеуге арналған жасыл инфрақұрылым үлгісі. 2008-2020 жылдарға арналған Францияның сыртқы және еуропалық саясаты туралы «Ақ кітапта» халықаралық қатынастар жүйесі халықаралық құқық сақталған АҚШ-тың бірлескен немесе біржақты әрекеттерімен анықталады [1, 120]. «Франциядағы менің 60 міндеттемем» ресми сайлауалды бағдарламасы (Le changement c'est maintenant. Mes 60 commitments pour la France) [Электрондық қор] URL: http://fil-info-ance.com/60_.

Zh. Oten

This style is particularly adept at generating good test scores, but it remains to be determined how to accurately assess independent critical thinking [1, pp.143-144]. In support of this, Shah & Jain's study of medical students found that not only did 95 percent of their students feel they understood a subject better after an integrated lecture, but they also scored significantly better on exams [6, pp.1431 -1432]. Simulations such as MUN lead to growth in both subject-specific and occupational competences [16, pp.10-11].

Simulations not only give students an increased understanding of subject material, but also increase their analytical thinking skills [17, p.26-28]. Students learn material in depth through their own research and apply it in real time [22, p.2013]. Seifert Tami "Involvement, Collaboration, and Engagement: Social Networks through a Pedagogical Lens"// Journal of Learning Design-2016.- Vol 9, No 2, pp.31-45.

An Empirical Evaluation of an IR Simulation” // Journal of Political Science Education-2006.- Vol 2, No 1.- pp. Student perceptions of a role-playing simulation in an introductory international relations course” // Journal of Political Science Education -2013.- Vol 9.- pp. Cultivating Civic Competence: Simulations and Skill-Building in an Introductory Government Class”// Journal of Political Science Education-2007.- Vol 4, No 1.- pp.

Morton, Jeffrey “Participating in the Model United Nations”// Montessori Life- 2002.- Vol 14, No 2.- URL: http://eds.b.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.net.ucf.edu/eds/ pdfviewer/. McIntosh, Daniel “The Uses and Limits of the Model United Nations in an International Relations Classroom” //International Studies Perspectives-2001.- Vol 2.- pp. Obendorf, Simon, Randerson, Claire “The Model United Nations simulation and the student as producer agenda”// Enhancing Learning in the Social Sciences- 2012.-Vol 4, No 3.-pp.

Student perceptions of a role-play simulation in an introductory international relations course, Journal of Political Science Education.


Russians make up 19.8%, and other ethnic groups such as Uzbeks, Germans, Koreans make up 12.7% of the entire population of Kazakhstan. This caused strong opposition from ethnic Russians, who lived mainly in the northern part of Kazakhstan, and caused mass migrations of them. APK was formed by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on May 1, 1995.

13, p. 4] The President of the APK is the President of Kazakhstan and the various delegates representing the officially registered various ethnic cultural organizations are composed of this state-level organization. Therefore, APK can be considered a substantive institution and the center of the multi-ethnic politics of Kazakhstan in reality. In October 2008, the status of APK was recorded in the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan". This document states that the goal of the assembly is to ensure inter-ethnic consensus in Kazakhstan in the process of forming Kazakh civic identity and competitiveness.

The decree on "the concept of strengthening and developing the identity and unity of Kazakhstan" was approved in 2015 for 2015-2025. In this decree, the document mentions that the AK Party plays a key role in strengthening the identity and unity of Kazakhstan as a constitutional body to ensure stability and harmony in society. The main factor of their sense of belonging is 66% for the possibility to have work and stay in the territory of Kazakhstan and 54.2% for the place of birth is Kazakhstan.

The result of the research shows that Kazakhstan's multi-ethnic policies have created an environment for ethnic minority groups to recognize themselves as one of the members of Kazakh society, without giving up their ethnic characteristics. Kim Sang-Cheol The development of Kazakhstan over 20 years and the changes in the society of ethnic Koreans in Kazakhstan // Journal of Nation. The development of Kazakhstan over 20 years and the changes in society of ethnic Koreans in Kazakhstan, Journal of Nation.

Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Satpayev Str., Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan // Research Fellow of POSCO TJ Park Foundation (Republic of Korea).


U. Zvonareva, Lu Zhou

Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, PRC Zoomorphic code in the poetry of Kazimierz Święgocki. The authors of the article consider the work of the famous Polish poet of the middle generation, Doctor of Philosophy Kazimierz Svvegotsky on a wide cultural and historical-literary background. The stability of individual symbols and signs in East Slavic literature is traced by them from the era of Ivan the Terrible to the beginning of the 21st century.

The authors reveal hidden meanings and demonstrate the origin of images, which the Polish poet has a particular preference for in his philosophical texts. Considering the chronologically used images of animals, birds and insects in the artistic fabric of works, the authors note the following trends: with age they become less and less. The poet was born in the countryside, studied and taught in the city, for many years city life inevitably gradually alienated the living nature of the soul and heart of an impressionable creative person, which is immediately reflected in his work.

The authors believe that in modern literature there is an active process that repeats the situation of the Silver Age: the active actualization of zoomorphic code in the texts of contemporary authors and in literary life.


Bjulleten' of the Statistics Committee of the Ministry of the Republic of Kazakhstan [Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan by individual ethnic groups at the beginning of 2010. Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan by individual ethnic groups at the beginning of 2011. Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan by individual ethnic groups at the beginning of 2012.

The population of the Republic of Kazakhstan for individual ethnic groups at the beginning of 2013. The population of the Republic of Kazakhstan for individual ethnic groups at the beginning of 2014. The population of the Republic of Kazakhstan for individual ethnic groups at the beginning of 2015 .

The population of the Republic of Kazakhstan by individual ethnic groups at the beginning of 2016. The population of the Republic of Kazakhstan by individual ethnic groups at the beginning of 2018. Statisticheskij sbornik [Income and sources of livelihood of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan .

Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan Cultural and linguistic processes in the language of the Ahiska Turks. This article examines the peculiarities of the language of the Turkish diaspora of Kazakhstan ahiska. Full name of the organization, city, country (if the authors work in different organizations, place the same icon next to the name of the author and the corresponding organization) - centered, italics.

Information on the financial support of the article is indicated on the first page in the form of a footnote. The reference to the book in the main text of the article should be accompanied by an indication of the pages used (for example, [1, 45 p.]). All article comments sent to Publications (editorial) are sent for anonymous review.


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