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Academic year: 2023



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SOCIO-ECONOMIC INDICATORS OF THE SITUATION OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES IN THE COMMUNITY OF INDEPENDENT STATES AND. The factors affecting the employment of people with disabilities in Kazakhstan, as well as the role of the state and business in this process are given.


УДК 330(075.8)

Американдық менеджмент басқару аудитін «клиентке оның мүмкіндіктері мен ресурстарын пайдалану тиімділігін арттыруға және қойылған мақсаттарға жетуге көмектесетін консалтингтік қызмет түрі» деп анықтайды [2, б. 6]. Басқару жүйесінде әлеуметтік-экономикалық жүйелердің тиімді жұмыс істеуі үшін әртүрлі стандарттарға сәйкес басқару қызметін тәуелсіз зерттеу және бағалау ретінде басқару аудиті ерекше орын алады.

УДК 657 (075.8)

Отложенные налоговые обязательства по налогу на прибыль» или 2810 «Отложенные налоговые активы по налогу на прибыль» в корреспонденции со счетом 7710 «Расходы по налогу на прибыль». Признание отложенных налоговых обязательств и активов и их движение отражается на счетах 4310 «Отложенные налоговые обязательства по налогу на прибыль» или 2810 «Отложенные налоговые активы по налогу на прибыль» в корреспонденции со счетом 7710 «Расходы по налогу на прибыль» (см. табл. номер 2).

УДК 336.14

In this article, we consider examples of calculating IT, IT and deferred tax using the balance sheet method. The article discusses the principles, components and methods of government audit, government control in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

МРНТИ 06.35.31 УДК 657 (075.8)

In the context of globalization, the need for various state mechanisms, state control over socio-economic systems in the development of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan is increasing day by day. URL: https://www.ifrs.org/issued-standards/list-of-standards/ias-8-accounting-policieschanges-in- accounting-estimates-and-errors/ (saying before.

УДК 657.1:338.46

This article examines the role and importance of international financial reporting standards as an essential element of standardization and harmonization of the accounting system. Harmonization means that the accounting standards of each country are consistent with those of the member states of the community, i.e.


УДК 339

One of the important issues of discussion was the problem of barriers to the development of regional tourism. The most important aspects of the development of foreign economic activity in the era of globalization.

Figure 1- Map of modern Silk Road.
Figure 1- Map of modern Silk Road.

IRSTI 06.51.21 UDC 336.767.1

In this regard, the study of the current state of the world oil market is important. Despite the current state of affairs in the world oil market, experts predict a short continuation of the war.

UDC 33.334

However, the effectiveness of the bank's brand assessment depends on the chosen method in the context of different approaches used in practice (see figure). At the same time, it is difficult to assess all the expenses that have been incurred to create and develop the bank's brand.

Figure 1. The mechanism of the relationship between development strategy and business   model financial institutions
Figure 1. The mechanism of the relationship between development strategy and business model financial institutions

UDC 330.34

UNT in the specialty "Tourism" depends to a small extent on the requirements of the labor market. Systematic study of the labor market in the tourism industry in the region for the distribution of university graduates majoring in "Tourism".

Figure 1. Hierarchy of concepts in tourism theory
Figure 1. Hierarchy of concepts in tourism theory

UDC 334.8

Before proceeding directly to the composition of the assortment, it is therefore necessary to develop an assortment concept. The level of development of agricultural production is closely related to the well-being of most Kazakhstanis. Agreements on both projects were signed at the level of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan [7].

Returning to the internal control system, it should be noted that it is an integral part of the organization's risk management process.

Figure 1. Algorithm for implementing the company
Figure 1. Algorithm for implementing the company's product strategy

УДК 631.1

This principle encourages the development of a democratic framework for the management of the cooperative. Of the 14 multinational companies operating in the country, 9 are located in the Almaty region [5]. This is due to the fact that, in the composition of the members of agricultural cooperatives in the area of ​​80-90% all men (ethnic Kazakhs repatriates moved to Kazakhstan from neighboring countries) and due to their dissatisfaction with the requirement to land and financial issues for two years, they were eliminated in 2019 [8].

Thus, economic methods of risk management have significant limitations in the formation and implementation of the development strategy of the agribusiness organization.

Figure 1 - Management of the process of cost optimization in agricultural cooperatives of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Figure 1 - Management of the process of cost optimization in agricultural cooperatives of the Republic of Kazakhstan

UDC 332.02

  • URSS, 2015

This specialization ensures a certain level of socio-economic development of the region, determines its place in the system of the "national economy". In the course of the regional economic cycle, there are injections that represent a flow of funds aimed at the purchase of gross regional product (investment costs of companies operating in the region; costs of regional authorities in connection with the purchase of regional goods and services, cash receipts from exports and sales of products outside regions). The regional economy, which is a relatively separate part of the national economy, is characterized by important peculiarities of economic processes.

It is manifested in the homogeneity and generality of the economic processes taking place on the territory of the country and its regions.

UDC 338.012

The competitiveness of the national agro-industrial complex is determined by the following main factors;. The UAE is a rapidly developing country with one of the highest living standards in the world. This country is one of the fastest growing and most prosperous in the world economy.

Thus, with the development of the economy and the introduction of new technologies, the attractiveness of the United Arab Emirates in the international space is expanding.

Figure 1 - Organizational and economic mechanism that ensures the competitiveness   of agricultural enterprises
Figure 1 - Organizational and economic mechanism that ensures the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises

УДК 351

The article discusses the gradual introduction of the project management system in state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The authors propose an algorithm for the implementation of the project management system in state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Before introducing a project management system in a state agency, it is necessary to analyze the maturity of the organization, i.e.

To implement project management in the state system of Kazakhstan, we conducted an analysis of the maturity of state bodies based on process management.

UDC 338.001

If the purpose of the issue is a project in the field of education, medicine or social purposes, general bonds are issued. The financing of the bank's activities is based on the issuance of bonds in accordance with the law on the KfW. Fourth, special attention should be paid to the relative limitations of the number of stakeholders involved in the financing of PPP projects.

The stages of development of the legislation on the securities market in Kazakhstan, Vestnik KazNU, Ser.

UDC 338.012

Interstate integration has the greatest impact on the so-called sensitive sectors of the economy, i.e. in recent years the problems of overcoming the consequences of the global crisis and developing a strategy for sustainable economic development. The study results contributed to the identification of the negative effects of rural unemployment on regional economic activity, development dynamics and tension in the village labor market.

In the structure of all registered small businesses of the republic, the largest share falls on individual entrepreneurs.

УДК 339.138

В частности, система Booking.com и социальные сети используются для продвижения отелей, которые выполняют две функции, такие как инструмент продвижения и способ оценки уровня обслуживания. На рейтинг отеля на Booking.com косвенно влияет мнение потребителей, их отзывы, жалобы и потребительские предпочтения [2]. Сюй, Ю.Л. (Сюй, Ю-Лун) Facebook как международная стратегия электронного маркетинга отелей на Тайване, МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ ЖУРНАЛ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ГОСТЕПРИИМСТВОМ Том: 31 Выпуск: 3 стр.

To improve the competitiveness of hotels, it is advisable to monitor the service cycle and monitor the indicator at each stage.

УДК 338.242.2

MARKETING MANAGEMENT OF HOTEL COMPETITIVENESS IN KAZAKHSTAN E.A. 4 Almaty Management University, Almaty, Kazakhstan e-mail address: mraisovna@mail.ru. The Internet technologies used are of great importance in the process of assessing competitiveness. The study of foreign experiences on opportunities to increase competitiveness showed that the main trends are the individuality or uniqueness of services, the use of the multi-design hotel format, and the emphasis is on the complexity of solutions and the further development of Internet technologies. Issledovanie (Kazakhstan's economy can return to indicators from the times of the collapse of the USSR. Study), https://informburo.kz/stati/ekonomika-kazahstana-mozhet-vernutsya-k-pokazatelyam-vremyon- razvala-sssr-.

The approach is to allocate the organization of the network of processes and processes where the occurrence of risk situations is inevitable.

УДК 336.64

Фискалдық ынталандырулар болмаған және дағдарыстан зардап шеккен экономика секторларының IT тауарлары мен қызметтеріне сұраныстың айтарлықтай төмендеуі жағдайында 2020 жылы сала ЖІӨ үлесі және 2024 жылға дейінгі қызметкерлер саны бойынша 2019 жылғы деңгейге оралуы мүмкін. . Түйін сөздер: ақпараттық технологиялар, цифрландыру, IT-компаниялар, IT-нарық, қаржы ресурстары, инвестициялар, салықтар, стартап жоба, дебиторлық берешек, мемлекеттік қолдау. Дүниежүзілік банк ел экономикасына соңғы шолуында 2020 жылдың соңына қарай Қазақстанның жалпы ішкі өнімі 3%-ға төмендейді, одан кейін 2,5%-ға қалпына келеді деп болжайды.

34, 2020 жылдың бірінші жартыжылдығында экономикалық белсенділікке күтілгеннен теріс әсер еткенін және қалпына келтіру бұрын болжанғанға қарағанда біртіндеп болатынын хабарлайды.

УДК 338

ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF FINANCIAL POLICY IN THE SYSTEM OF INTERNAL-BUDGET RELATIONS IN THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN. This article examines the objectives, levels and tools of government fiscal policy and their interrelationship, as well as the factors that influence the effectiveness of government fiscal policy. WAYS TO IMPROVE ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY AND ECONOMIC RELATIONS IN THE SUGAR AND SUGAR BEET MARKET IN THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN.

This article examines the effectiveness of the scientific and innovative system to integrate sugar beet production and agricultural relations in the Republic of Kazakhstan and to improve production efficiency.

УДК 338.001.36

The analysis of the development of the countries in modern agricultural relations shows that the further development of Kazakhstan's agro-industrial complex should be aimed at improving competitiveness by creating a level playing field for innovation through the effectiveness of state support and the establishment of consolidated cooperative associations around the sugar factory. 1.Ukaz Prezidenta Respubliki Kazakhstan «Ob utverzhdenii Strategicheskogo plana razvitiya Respubliki Kazakhstan do 2025 goda» ot 15 fevralya 2018 goda No.636 (Decision of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "After approval of the Strategic Development Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kazakhstan until 2025" of February 15, 2018 No. 636). Upravlenie razvitiem chelovecheskogo kapitala kompanii (Management of company human capital development), Obrazovanie i biznes, 2000, no. 24.

Sravnitelnyi analiz metodik i pokazatelei otsenki chelovecheskogo kapitala predpriyatii (Vergelykende ontleding van metodes en aanwysers vir die beoordeling van die menslike kapitaal van ondernemings), Sovremennye tekhnologii upravleniya, No.6, 2015.

ӘОЖ: 379.832

Жасы бойынша 35 жасқа дейінгі топтағы респонденттердің 70%-ы Астана және Шымкент қалаларының жұмысшылары болса, Алматыдағы 35 жасқа дейінгі тобындағы жұмысшылардың үлесі 48,6 құрайды. 35 жастан асқан сауалнамаға қатысқандардың 51,4%-ы Түркістандағы қонақүй жұмысшылары болса, Астана мен Шымкенттегі жұмысшылардың үлесі 30%-ды құрайды. ҚОНАҚ үй БИЗНЕСІ САПАСЫН ЖОҚАРТУДА КӘСІБИ ҚЫЗМЕТКЕРЛЕРДІҢ ҚАНАҒАТТАНУ ДЕҢГЕЙІН АНЫҚТАУДЫҢ ӘДІСТЕМЕЛІК АСПЕКТІЛЕРІ.

The article investigates the methodological aspects of determining the level of professional satisfaction of employees in improving the quality of hotel operations.

УДК 664

2019 жылы Қазақстан Республикасында тамақ өнімдерін өндіру көлемі 6,7%-ға, сусындар өндірісі 17,1%-ға өсті [4]. Мысалы, 2019 жылы азық-түлік және ауыл шаруашылығы өнімдерінің таза импорты экспорт көлеміне ақшалай түрде де сәйкес келмейді – 62,14%. Статистикалық мәліметтерге сүйенсек, 2018 жылмен салыстырғанда 2019 жылы экспорттың өсуі және елдің жалпы айналымында импорттың төмендеуі 2,34% құрайды [4].

Oczenka prodovol`stvennoj bezopasnosti-streek (Assessering van voedselsekerheid in die streek), Vestnik universiteta Turan, 2018, No. 6 Obrabaty`vayushhaya promy`shlennost` Kazakhstana 2015-2019 g.g. Vervaardigingsbedryf van Kazakstan


Figure 1- Map of modern Silk Road.
Figure 1. The mechanism of the relationship between development strategy and business   model financial institutions
Figure 1. Hierarchy of concepts in tourism theory
Figure 1. Algorithm for implementing the company's product strategy


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