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Хабаршысы Bulletin Вестник


Academic year: 2023

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Deputy editor-in-chief Aitmukhanbet Yesdauletov, candidate of philology, associate professor (Kazakhstan) Deputy editor-in-chief dr. Gulnar Kendirbai, Professor (USA). Kara Abdulvahap, doctor of historical sciences, prof. Turkey) Kozybayev Sagymbai Doctor of Historical Sciences, prof. Kazakhstan) Lebedeva Tatiana doctor of philology, prof. Kazakhstan) Takhan Serik, doctor of historical sciences, prof. Kazakhstan) Toktagazin Muratbek candidate of philology, assoc.

Қазақстан Республикасы Ақпарат және коммуникациялар министрлігінде тіркелді Тіркеу туралы куәлік 27.03. Кейінгі кеңестік кезеңдегі қазақстандық баспасөзде ұлттық бірегейлік мәселелерінің орын алуы. Содан 1933 жылдың 21 қаңтарына дейін Қазақстанды 8 жыл үгіттеп, ақыры қызметінен шеттетілді.

Қазақстанның ауыл шаруашылығындағы бірінші бесжылдықтың қорытындысы бойынша бізде үлкен олқылық бар екені анық. Ауылды социализм пайдасына әлеуметтік-экономикалық өзгертуде үлкен табыстарға қол жеткізгенімен, 1929 жылы бекітілген бірінші бесжылдықты қайта қарап, жаңа жоспар қабылдаған VII партия конференциясының нұсқаулары орындалмады. Себебі: а) мал басы бойынша – бесжылдықты (1932 ж.) қорытындылаған соңғы жылы мал басын 1928 жылмен салыстырғанда 129,7 пайызға, 1929 жылмен салыстырғанда 160 пайызға өсірудің орнына. Алынған болжамды деректерге қарағанда, биылғы көктемде аштықтан 10-12 мың адам өлген, әсіресе 1931 жылы басқа облыстар мен республикаларда басталған жаппай қоныс аудару қазір де жалғасуда.

M. Aldabergenov

Но если события, связанные со студенческими волнениями в Якутии в 1985 году, остались незамеченными прессой, то алма-атинские события 16-18 декабря 1986 года получили широкий резонанс и огласку. Что касается алма-атинских событий, то на митинге областного и городского партийно-хозяйственного актива 18 декабря 1986 г. протестующие были названы «националистами, экстремистами, наркоманами и алкоголиками». И только после того, как в мае 1990 года было принято постановление, признающее и отменяющее постановление от 16 июля 1987 года «О работе Казахской республиканской партийной организации по интернационально-патриотическому воспитанию трудящихся» ошибочным, казахский народ обвиняет в национализме . , В печати стали появляться материалы, которые шаг за шагом воссоздавали истинную картину событий.

Identity Politics in Central Asia and the Muslim World; Nationalism, ethnicity and labor in the tweeting century.


Coverage of issues of national identification and national identity in the written press of Kazakhstan (historical, philological and methodological aspects). Problems of national identification and national identity in the press of the International Publishing Center of Kazakhstan (Palmarium Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken Germany, 2014. – p. 373). The press and interethnic relations: criticism of stereotypes of totalitarianism, analysis of the policy of independent development (on the press materials of Uzbekistan for.

Doctor of Philology (Uzbekistan), Doctor of Philosophy in Journalism (Kazakhstan), Professor of the Department of Social Sciences and Journalism, Kazak-Turk International University Khoja Ahmet Yassawi, B.

Sailaukyzy 1 , K. Sak 2

It is known that the concept of democracy comes from the Greek word "δημοκρατία", which means "the rule of the people". In his article "The benefits and disadvantages of colonization" in "Akzhol" newspaper from 1925, ZhusipbekAimauytuly's words about the land issue: « As well as having some cattle, being able to grow something, moving in summer, the people whose land does'' t let them rest. 10, p.207]In the same way, Zhakhansha AlmukhamedulySeidalin publishes in the 11th number of the magazine his article "What is the way not to be humiliated?" where he says: “…the Kazakh people are being humiliated.

The main topics, covered by "Qazaq" in 265 issues in 5 years, were: Kazakhstan in the era of Russian colonization; Kazakh administrative and judicial system; Kazakhstan's socio-economic development; literacy and education issues; the history of the nation, as well as most of the articles devoted to publicist compositions on the land question, are important for the Kazakh nation, who think that "the fate of the country is the fate of the nation." In the same newspaper “Qazaq” AlikhanBokeihan writes: “Bashkurds are just as lazy as us, they lost all the land they could sell. In his article, he requested graybeard brother, young brother, to stop the family quarrels over the association and start serving for the destiny of the nation.

Astrahan is the land of the Kazakhs", in his article "The Kazakhs and the land question" he proposes concrete solutions when he writes: "The land question is more important, deeper question than the alphabet. Soon, in the "Alash" party program written together with his compassionate companions, "The Land issue" was described comprehensively, and showed concrete actions to solve it, they wanted to protect the rights of the nation through the adoption of a legally binding document. When we read these historical data and publicist works, we can evaluate the latest attempts to express an opinion of the people on the land question, which was raised several years ago as a renewal of historical memory, in the blood of the nation by the letters of injustice.

For all the life of the nation, wealth, history, traditional experience, the future of posterity and independence comes from land protection and dedicated to protect, while the protection of the interests of the state is committed to further generations. That is why the Kazakhs value the land as the mother, understood the land as the abode of the ancestors who left their historical imprint, and this became the whole concept in the minds of the nation'. At the beginning of the twentieth century, a small liberal national intelligentsia drew up the programmatic basis of the Alash movement.

Looking through the pages of the past, we can see that the land question was just as important a century ago as it is today. The national liberation movement of the Kazakh intelligentsia in the early 20th century. From Turkestan mukhtariyat to Alash autonomy: bases of the Kazakh state and historical interrelationships”.

M. Yessenbekova

In addition, we can observe a dynamic of the increase in the employment of journalists in electronic media and more specifically in Internet resources. To study public opinion, the authors of the article conducted surveys and worked with focus groups. It is concluded that it is the main tool for the formation and development of the economy as the highest stage in the development of the global economic system.

Human capital develops in an intellectual society; it is a breakthrough in the development of the education system, development of science and the improvement of the country's scientific potential. One of the problems presented with a theoretical point of view is the evolution of investment from non-material sphere. The problem of non-material spheres financing is relevant in the advanced countries of the world.

That is why, in addition to the agricultural and industrial plan, a plan map of the intellectual capital must be developed in the near future. Thus, the intellectual capital of society is the result of the development and interaction of the intellectual potential of employees. The article provides a general description of the PR sector in Kazakhstan's information space.

The expansion of the information field requires additional research in the field of PR technologies. The article also shows ways to increase the competitiveness of public relations services of the Republic of Kazakhstan in modern conditions. The article discusses the characteristics of the mass communication system and the methodology of their research.

Gumilyov Eurasian National University, PhD candidate of the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science, Astana, Kazakhstan. Publication of carefully selected original scientific works in the field of journalism, publication of material devoted to the scientific issues of the direction of historical, theoretical and applied research of journalism, public relations, journalism, publishing. Submission of articles to the scientific publishing office implies that the authors consent to the right of the publisher, L.N.

Full name of the organization, city, country (if the authors work in different organizations, place the same icon next to the name of the author and associated organization) - centered alignment, italics. Information about the financial support of the article is indicated on the first page in the form of a footnote. The reference to the book in the body of the article should be accompanied by an indication of the pages used (eg [1, 45 p.]).

Articles that have positive reviews are submitted to the journal's editors for discussion and approval for publication.


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