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Эффективное использование и управление финансовых ресурсов организации


Academic year: 2023

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The most important advantage of Agile is its flexibility and adaptability. It can be modified in any project terms and processes. It determines its current popularity and how many systems have been created on its basis for different industries.

One of the Agile Principles: "The reaction to change is more important than the plan." The rapid and relatively painless reactions of these changes make the majority of large companies flexible in their processes. Additionally, Agile is perfectly suited for open competition projects - for example, launching a service or blog.

Agile is used for the development of new technologies in the process of innovation projects management, the creation of innovative products. Any uncertainty arises in projects for the development of such products, and product information will be disclosed during project implementation. In this case, project implementation can not be done in "waterfall" because information for planning is insufficient.

Agile is a set of principles and values. The weak side is that each group is based on the Agile Principles by creating a self-governance system. This is a complex and long process that requires the introduction of changes to the whole project starting from this procedure and with the key points.

Changes may be made during the implementation of the project and effective methods are required for them to be adapted. One of these methods is the Agile method:

The Flexible method differs from Agile: Scrum, Kanban, Lean, Crystal and others. the basis for some of the methodological practices that incorporate ideas. Scrum's methodology, for example, is a software development toolkit, which is always available in Agile

Agile is an innovative approach to creating a new product or service. Its foundation is a very simple idea: every participant of the process must take part in the review of his / her responsibilities and common cause. Each participant can make his / her own rational suggestions.


1. Selyutina L.G., Mityagina N.V. Features of innovative investment processes in modern construction. In the collection: Problems of economics and construction management in an environmentally friendly development. Materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical online conference with international participation and elements of a scientific school for young people.

Irkutsk, 2014. p. 319-323.

2. Selyutina L.G., Sushko A.I. The role and place of information in the design and management of construction // Economics and Management: analysis of trends and development prospects. 2014. No. 17. P. 272-276.

3. Selyutina L.G. Innovative approach to the management of investment processes in the field of reproduction of the housing stock // Modern management technologies. - 2014. - № 11. - p. 37-41.

УДК 658.15 (574)


Абдиманапов Ерлан Ауелбекулы abdimanapov.erlan@mail.ru

ЕНУ им. Л.Н.Гумилева, Нур-Султан, Казахстан

Научный руководитель – к.э.н., доцент Бұлақбай Жанат Мұканбетжанқызы В современных условиях существования экономики для многих коммерческих организаций задача закрепления и расширения своих позиций на рынке товаров и услуг является наиболее значимой и первостепенной.


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