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Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh

The professional identity of pre- and beginning teachers and its relation to dropping out of the profession. The formation of a young teacher under the conditions of the educational process in a secondary school. Profesijne stanovlennya molodogo vchitelya v Ukrayini: vikliki suchasnosti, potrebi majbutnogo - Edukacja dla prószłoń w świłte wyzwań XXI wieku, 2017 - core.ac.uk [Trinus, O. 2017: our professional development of a teacher) the needs of the future.

The process of adapting a teacher to the profession and becoming a specialist is characterized as one of the most important stages. The aim of the study was to create motivation to stay in school and improve their professional skills by managing an important moment in the life of a teacher. In accordance with the research topic, the analysis of the scientific literature was carried out.

Жуламанова Динара Болатовна, майстр педагогических наук, Казахский национальный педагогический универсия, Казахский национальный педагогический универсия захcтан, zhakdinara@mail.ru. Talking about empirical approaches to the study of the socio-psychological adaptation of students with visual impairments (hereinafter referred to as SPAVI), it is necessary to start from the understanding that the process of adaptation for students with the indicated health limitations is the basic process of social and spiritual development of the individual. In this regard, the relevance and significance of empirical approaches to the study of SPAVI is determined by their position and the degree of formation of the ability to be included in the life of the microsociety in which they are socialized and to have a full creative "membership " in it.

The author concludes that the support of the SPAVI process on the basis of the identified approaches will effectively contribute to the development of a high level of self-actualization and social activity in this category of students.

Оценка показателей двигательной подготовленности (юноши) Вид

Оценка показателей двигательной подготовленности (девушки) Вид

Статистические данные для двух показателей двигательной подготовленности

Характеристика уровней двигательной подготовленности

Сравнение уровней двигательной подготовленности по показателю

Вид окна «Тест физического развития»

Распределение обучающихся по уровням двигательной подготовленности в начале и в конце исследования (усредненные данные по нескольким показателям)

Strategy for the development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 / / Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation no. 2003). Teoriya sporta: konspekty` lekzij, voprosy` dlya self-tests and tasks according to UIRS: Uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie. Improving the psychomotor skills of children in the second and third year of life with the help of physical education / / Modern problems of science and education]. Innovative health and preventive technologies in physical culture and sports activities of students in formal institutions // Olympic sport and sport for everyone: Mater.

Updating dominant physical qualities as a means of increasing the level of motor readiness of students: abstract diss. Glossary on "Theory and Method of Physical Culture": self-study guide: a pedagogical tool for full-time and part-time students in the direction of training 49.03.01. International scientific congress "Physical culture, sports, tourism - under new conditions for the development of CIS countries"].

The availability of information about the level of motor (physical) readiness of students at each individual level allows us to determine the priority goals and tasks of physical education in an educational institution, to plan the educational process more purposefully. The article discusses one of the possibilities for improving students' motor skills by introducing a special program. Quantitative and qualitative characteristics are given for determining the level of physical readiness of students.

The results of a comparative study of motor (physical) readiness of students when using it at the beginning and at the end of training are shown. Special attention is paid to the individualization of the control system, which allows you to manage the learning process, make appropriate adjustments in time. In order to evaluate the positive impact of the proposed program on improving students' motor readiness, pedagogical feedback is taken into account.

Within its framework, the results of the student survey regarding physical culture and the "Passport of physical abilities" are presented. The obtained results show that the proposed program for improving the motor fitness of students enables not only the improvement of the general motor (physical fitness) of students, but also the diversification of the educational process, promotes adaptation to academic and work activities. Keywords: movement (physical) fitness, indicators, levels of fitness, individualization of the control system, feedback, passport of physical abilities.





3-бөлім / Раздел 3 ФИЗИКА




4-бөлім ТАРИХ


Раздел 4 ИСТОРИЯ


Section 4 HISTORY

5-бөлім / Раздел 5 ФИЛОЛОГИЯ


Kuleshov University is currently working on a new textbook "Practical phonetics of the first foreign language". Practical English Grammar: Verbals” [16] approved by the Methodological Association of Teachers of Foreign Languages ​​of Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Belarus. The textbook "Practical English Grammar: Elementary Level" [18] is aimed at the elementary level and contains introductory information on grammar topics such as "The Verb to be".

Construction There + To be”, “The Active Voice”, “The Passive Voice”, “The order of tenses and the reported speech” and “Irregular verbs”. Each topical part of the textbook contains a rule section and exercises on the given topic. The textbook "Practical English Grammar: Morphology" [5] consists of seven parts, each of which contains general rules for the use of different parts of English speech ("The Noun", "The Article",).

The Adjective", "The Adverb", "The Pronoun", "The Number" and "The Verb") and exercises that contribute to the effective acquisition of theoretical knowledge and the formation of skills and abilities in grammatically correct English speech. Development of speaking and writing skills" in two parts [3, 4], approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus. Lexical Meaning: Choosing the Right Word" [14] contains five units: "Education", "Urban Life", "World Map", "Shopping" and "Multiple Service".

Two textbooks have been published to help students research linguistics: "Annual Article in Linguistics" [19] and "Etymology and History of English Proverbs" [20]. The origin, etymology, history of use and historical versions of proverbs common in modern English, originating from literary texts or long used in literary texts, are described in the textbook "Etymology and History of English Proverbs" [20]. The development of textbooks is one of the most challenging aspects of training a foreign language specialist.

Special conditions can be created through differentiated teaching, namely the adaptation of the content of the lesson. One of the frequent factors is own perspectives in the future as work, education or travel. In general, the results of the influence of differentiation on student motivation can be summarized as below:.

Finally, adapting the content of the lesson is the main part of differentiated teaching, because according to the findings in the research, it is a core of the learning process. Attention is focused on the importance of the assessment stage as a fundamental phase in the educational process system.

Figure 5. Students’ answers related to differentiated teaching.
Figure 5. Students’ answers related to differentiated teaching.

6 - бөлім




Оперативное руководство по осуществлению Конвенции об охране всемирного наследия (2019 г.) http://whc.unesco.org/en/guidelines. 2013) Память тюрко-монгольской земли: происхождение и символика топонимов. В статье предпринимается попытка рассмотреть казахские топонимы этого региона как индикаторы сырдарьинского культурного ландшафта. философии), профессор, заведующий кафедрой философии Евразийского национального университета имени Л.Гумилева, г. Нур-Султан, Казахстан, mkulshat@mail.ru.

The Paper should contain a description of the relevance of the problem (theoretical and scientific-practical significance, practical application of methods and technologies). No more than 1 article by one author will be accepted in any one issue of the journal. In the top left corner of the 1st page of the article it says IRSTI - International Classifier of Scientific and Technical Information.

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Authors are strongly encouraged to make changes to the version of the article the editor submits. The internal review involves members of the editorial board, the external review involves independent experts whose research interests are close to the topic of the article. The reviewer receives the text of the article (without information about authors) and the review form.

The review period depends on the capabilities of the reviewer, but should not exceed 1 month from the date of receipt of the article. At the request of the author, Express Mail will be sent by the editor at the expense of the recipient.







Figure 5. Students’ answers related to differentiated teaching.


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