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2020, Volume 11, Number 2 - Eurasian mathematical journal


Academic year: 2024

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ISSN (Print): 2077-9879 ISSN (Online): 2617-2658


Mathematical Journal

2020, Volume 11, Number 2

Founded in 2010 by

the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University in cooperation with

the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) the University of Padua

Starting with 2018 co-funded

by the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University and

the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)

Supported by the ISAAC

(International Society for Analysis, its Applications and Computation) and

by the Kazakhstan Mathematical Society

Published by

the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan



Editorial Board


V.I. Burenkov, M. Otelbaev, V.A. Sadovnichy


K.N. Ospanov, T.V. Tararykova


Sh.A. Alimov (Uzbekistan), H. Begehr (Germany), T. Bekjan (China), O.V. Besov (Russia), N.K. Bliev (Kazakhstan), N.A. Bokayev (Kazakhstan), A.A. Borubaev (Kyrgyzstan), G. Bourdaud (France), A. Caetano (Portugal), M. Carro (Spain), A.D.R. Choudary (Pakistan), V.N. Chubarikov (Russia), A.S. Dzumadildaev (Kazakhstan), V.M. Filippov (Russia), H. Ghazaryan (Armenia), M.L. Goldman (Russia), V. Goldshtein (Israel), V. Guliyev (Azerbaijan), D.D. Haroske (Germany), A. Hasanoglu (Turkey), M. Huxley (Great Britain), P. Jain (India), T.Sh. Kalmenov (Kazakhstan), B.E. Kangyzhin (Kazakhstan), K.K. Kenzhibaev (Kazakhstan), S.N. Kharin (Kazakhstan), E. Kissin (Great Britain), V. Kokilashvili (Georgia), V.I. Korzyuk (Belarus), A. Kufner (Czech Republic), L.K. Kussainova (Kazakhstan), P.D. Lamberti (Italy), M. Lanza de Cristoforis (Italy), F. Lan- zara (Italy), V.G. Maz’ya (Sweden), K.T. Mynbayev (Kazakhstan), E.D. Nursultanov (Kazakhstan), R. Oinarov (Kazakhstan), I.N. Parasidis (Greece), J. Peˇcari´c (Croatia), S.A. Plaksa (Ukraine), L.- E. Persson (Sweden), E.L. Presman (Russia), M.A. Ragusa (Italy), M.D. Ramazanov (Russia), M. Reissig (Germany), M. Ruzhansky (Great Britain), M.A. Sadybekov (Kazakhstan), S. Sagitov (Sweden), T.O. Shaposhnikova (Sweden), A.A. Shkalikov (Russia), V.A. Skvortsov (Poland), G. Sin- namon (Canada), E.S. Smailov (Kazakhstan), V.D. Stepanov (Russia), Ya.T. Sultanaev (Russia), D. Suragan (Kazakhstan), I.A. Taimanov (Russia), J.A. Tussupov (Kazakhstan), U.U. Umirbaev (Kazakhstan), Z.D. Usmanov (Tajikistan), N. Vasilevski (Mexico), Dachun Yang (China), B.T. Zhu- magulov (Kazakhstan)

Managing Editor

A.M. Temirkhanova


The L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University


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The Eurasian Mathematical Journal (EMJ) publishes carefully selected original research papers in all areas of mathematics written by mathematicians, principally from Europe and Asia. However papers by mathematicians from other continents are also welcome.

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The Eurasian Mathematical Journal (EMJ) The Nur-Sultan Editorial Office

The L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Building no. 3

Room 306a

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MIKHAIL L’VOVICH GOLDMAN (to the 75th birthday)

Mikhail L’vovich Goldman was born on April 13, 1945 in Moscow.

In 1963 he graduated from school in Moscow and entered the Physical Faculty of the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) from which he graduated in 1969 and became a PhD student (1969–1972) at the Mathematical Department of this Faculty. In 1972 he has defended the PhD thesis, and in 1988 his DSc thesis “The study of spaces of differ- entiable functions of many variables with generalized smoothness” at the S.L. Sobolev Institute of Mathematics in Novosibirsk. Scientific degree

“Professor in Mathematics” was awarded to him in 1991.

From 1974 to 2000 M.L. Goldman was successively an assistant Profes- sor, Full Professor, Head of the Mathematical Department at the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation (technical university). Since 2000 he is a Professor of the S.M. Nikol’skii Mathemat- ical Institute at the Peoples Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University).

Research interests of M.L. Goldman are: the theory of function spaces, optimal embeddings, in- tegral inequalities, spectral theory of differential operators. Main achievements: optimal embeddings of spaces with generalized smoothness, sharp conditions of the convergence of spectral expansions, descriptions of integral and differential properties of the generalized Bessel and Riesz-type poten- tials, sharp estimates for operators on cones and optimal envelopes for the cones of functions with properties of monotonicity. Professor M.L. Goldman has over 140 scientific publications in leading mathematical journals.

Under his scientific supervision, 8 candidate theses in Russia and 1 thesis in Kazakhstan were successfully defended. Some of his former students are now professors in Ethiopia, Columbia, Mon- golia.

Participation in scientific and organizational activities of M.L. Goldman is well known. He is a member of the DSc Councils at RUDN and MSU, of the PhD Council in the Lulea Technical University (Sweden), a member of the Editorial Board of the Eurasian Mathematical Journal, an invited lector and visiting professor at universities of Russia, Germany, Sweden, UK etc., an invited speaker at many international conferences.

The mathematical community, friends and colleagues and the Editorial Board of the Eurasian Mathematical Journal cordially congratulate Mikhail L’vovich Goldman on the occasions of his 75th birthday and wish him good health, happiness, and new achievements in mathematics and mathe- matical education.



Volume 11, Number 2 (2020), 30 – 39


A.G. Baskakov, I.A. Krishtal, N.B. Uskova Communicated by T.V. Tararykova

Key words: the method of similar operators, differential operator with an involution.

AMS Mathematics Subject Classification: 35L75, 35Q53, 37K10.

Abstract. We study first-order differential operators with an involution and non-periodic boundary conditions. We exhibit their spectral properties such as the asymptotic estimates of their eigenvalues, eigenvectors and spectral projections. We also use these properties to estimate the groups generated by the differential operators we study. The results were obtained by using the method of similar operators.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32523/2077-9879-2020-11-2-30-39

1 Introduction

Let H = L2[0, ω] be the complex Hilbert space of all (equivalence classes of) square integrable functions on the closed interval[0, ω]. The inner product in the space L2[0, ω] is defined, as usually, by

hx, yi= 1 ω

Z ω



and the L2[0, ω] norm is induced by this inner product. We denote by W21[0, ω] the Sobolev space of all absolutely continuous functions from [0, ω] whose derivatives (existing almost everywhere on [0, ω]) belong to also in L2[0, ω].

We consider a differential operator L : D(L) ⊂ L2[0, ω] →L2[0, ω] generated by the differential expression with an involution:

(lx)(s) = dx

ds(s)−q0(s)x(s)−q1(s)x(ω−s), s∈[0, ω], (1.1) where x∈L2[0, ω]and q0, q1 ∈L2[0, ω].

The domain D(L)of the operator L is defined by the general boundary conditions

D(L) ={x∈W21[0, ω] :x(0) =γx(ω)}, γ ∈C, γ 6= 0. (1.2) In this paper, we explore the spectral properties of the differential operator L. We employ the method of similar operators (see [1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9] and references therein).

The operators with an involution arise in various applications, such as the filtering and predic- tion theory [22] and the study of subharmonic oscillations [26, 27]. In addition, operators with an involution are interesting because of their relation to the Dirac operators [5, 13, 15, 20, 28].

First-order differential operators with periodic boundary conditions, an involution, and a smooth potential were studied in a series of papers by A.P. Khromov and M.Sh. Burlutskaya (see [13, 14, 15,


On the spectral analysis of a differential operator with an involution. . . 31 16, 17]). Second-order differential operators with an involution were investigated by A.M. Sarsenbi and L.V. Kritskov (see [24] and references therein). In this paper, we shall study the spectral properties of differential operators with an involution defined by differential expression (1.1) and general boundary conditions (1.2). Other authors considered similar problems in [18, 19, 23, 25, 29, 30].

The authors of this paper studied first-order differential operators with an involution and periodic boundary conditions in a series of papers [6, 7, 10, 11, 12]. The method of similar operators was also used there. In [6] and [10], operators with a matrix potential were studied. In [6], estimates for the weighted averages of eigenvalues and the equiconvergence of spectral decompositions were proved. In [10], a differential operator was transformed into an orthogonal direct sum of finite rank operators (see Definition 2). An operator group was then constructed to describe mild solutions of a mixed problem. In this paper, we introduce a similarity transform which allows us to reduce the operatorL defined by (1.1) and (1.2) to the operator L1 with periodic boundary conditions and q0(s)≡const, s∈[0, ω]. For the operator L1, the results from [6, 7, 10, 11, 12] can be applied.

The main result of this paper is Theorem 5.1, where we establish the similarity of the operatorL and an operator given by a direct sum of a single finite-rank operator and countably many rank-one operators. This theorem allows us to obtain structural results aboutLand the group generated by it.

In particular, asymptotic estimates of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors ofLappear in Theorems 5.2, 5.3, and the group generated by the operator Lis exhibited in Theorem 5.4.

2 Notation and the first similarity transform

In this section, we introduce the necessary notation following [7, 10, 11, 12].

For a function v ∈L2[0, ω], its Fourier series is given by v(s)∼X


bv(n)ei2πnω s, s ∈[0, ω], where the Fourier coefficients are

bv(n) = 1 ω

Z ω


v(s)e−i2πnω sds =hv, eni, n ∈Z.

Throughout this section, by H we denote an abstract Hilbert space and by EndH the Banach algebra of all bounded linear operators inH. We shall also make use of the ideal of Hilbert-Schmidt operators in H denoted by S2(H). The norm in S2(H) is kXk2 = (trXX)1/2 = P


, where (sn) is the sequence of singular values of the operator X. We refer to [21] for the standard properties ofS2(H)used in this paper.

Let`p(Z), p>1, be the complex Banach space of allp-summable sequences. If p= 2, then`2(Z) is the Hilbert space with the inner product and the norm defined by hx, yi = P

n∈Zx(n)y(n) and kxk2 = P


, x, y∈`2(Z), respectively.

We begin with the following definitions.

Definition 1 ([3]). Two linear operators Ai :D(Ai)⊂ H → H, i= 1,2, are called similar, if there exists a continuously invertible operatorU ∈EndH such that

A1U x=U A2x, x∈D(A2), U D(A2) = D(A1).

The operator U is called the similarity transformof A1 into A2.

Directly from Definition 1, we have the following result on spectral properties of similar operators.


32 A.G. Baskakov, I.A. Krishtal, N.B. Uskova

Lemma 2.1 ([9]). Let Ai : D(Ai) ⊂ H → H, i = 1,2, be two similar operators with the similarity transform U. Then the following properties hold.

(1) We have σ(A1) = σ(A2), σp(A1) = σp(A2), and σc(A1) = σc(A2), where σp denotes the point spectrum and σc denotes the continuous spectrum.

(2) Assume that the operator A2 admits a decomposition A2 =A21⊕A22 with respect to a direct sum H=H1⊕ H2, where A21 =A2|H1 and A22 =A2|H2 are the restrictions of A2 to the respective subspaces. Then the operator A1 admits a decomposition A1 = A11+A12 with respect to the direct sum H=He1⊕He2, where A11 =A1|He1 and A12 =A1|He2 are the restrictions of A1 to the respective invariant subspaces. Moreover, if P is the projection onto H1 parallel to H2, then Pe = U P U−1 is the projection onto He1 parallel to He2.

(3) If λ0 is an eigenvalue of the operator A2 and x is a corresponding eigenvector, then y = U x is an eigenvector of the operator A1 corresponding to the same eigenvalue λ0.

(4)IfA2 is a generator of aC0-semigroup (group)T2 :J→EndH,J={R,R+}, then the operator A1 generates the C0-semigroup (group) T1(t) =U T2(t)U−1, t∈J, T1 :J→EndH, J={R,R+}.

We begin the study of the operator Ldefined by (1.1) and (1.2) with a similarity transform of L into the operatorLe with

D(eL) ={x∈W21[0, ω] :x(0) =x(ω)}. (2.1) By lnγ, γ 6= 0, we denote the complex number z0 satisfying ez0 =γ and 0 6 argz0 6 argz for all z ∈C with ez =γ. We then let

g0(s) = q0(s) + lnγ

ω , g1(s) = q1(s)γ2sω−1, s∈[0, ω], (2.2) and define W ∈EndL2[0, ω] by

(W z)(s) = γωsz(s), s∈[0, ω]. (2.3) The main result of this section is

Theorem 2.1. The operator L is similar to the operator Le :D(eL)⊂L2[0, ω]→L2[0, ω] defined by (eLy)(s) =y0(s)−g0(s)y(s)−g1(s)y(ω−s), (2.4) and domain (2.1). The functions g0, g1 ∈ L2[0, ω] in (2.4) are defined by (2.2). The similarity transform W of L into Le is given by (2.3).

Proof. We have

(LW z)(s) =γωsz0(s)−lnγ

ω γωsz(s)−q0(s)γωsz(s)−q1(s)γs−ωω z(ω−s) and

Le= (W−1LW z)(s) = z0(s)− lnγ

ω +q0(s)


The assertion about the domains is straightforward.


On the spectral analysis of a differential operator with an involution. . . 33

3 Direct sums

We need to extend Property (2) in Lemma 2.1 to the case of countable direct sums [7, 10, 11, 12].

To do this, we assume that the abstract Hilbert space H can be written as H=M



where each Hl, l ∈Z, is a closed nonzero subspace of H, Hj is orthogonal to Hl for l 6=j ∈Z, and each x∈ H satisfies x=P

l∈Zxl, where xl ∈ Hl and kxk2 =P

l∈Zkxlk2. In other words, we have a disjunctive resolution of the identity

P ={Pl, l ∈Z}, that is a system of idempotents with the following properties:

1) Pl =Pl, l ∈Z;

2) PjPljlPl,j,l ∈Z, whereδjl is the Kronecker delta;

3) the series P

l∈ZPlx converges unconditionally tox∈ H and kxk2 =P

l∈ZkPlxk2; 4) equalities Plx= 0,l ∈Z, imply x= 0∈ H;

5) Hl = ImPl, xl =Plx, l∈Z.

Definition 2 ([7, 11]). We say that a closed linear operator A : D(A)⊂ H → H is represented as anorthogonal direct sum of bounded operators Al∈EndHl, l ∈Z, that is



Al, if the following three properties hold.

1. D(A) ={x∈ H:P

l∈ZkAlxlk2 <∞, xl =Plx, l∈Z} and Hl ⊂D(A)for all l∈Z.

2. For each l ∈ Z, the subspace Hl is an invariant subspace of the operator A and Al is the restriction of A toHl. The operators Al, l ∈Z, are called the parts of the operator A.

3. Ax =P

l∈ZAlxl, x ∈ D(A), where xl = Plx, l ∈ Z, and the series converges unconditionally inH.

Definition 3 ([7, 11]). Given a continuously invertible operator U ∈ EndH and an orthogonal decomposition of H, aU-orthogonal decomposition of H is the orthogonal direct sum




Definition 4 ([7, 11]). Given a continuously invertible operator U ∈ EndH, we say that a closed linear operator A : D(A) ⊂ H → H is a U-orthogonal direct sum of bounded linear operators Ael, l ∈Z, if Ael =U AlU−1, l∈Z, and

U−1AU =M



We remark that U-orthogonal decompositions and direct sums can be viewed as orthogonal with respect to the inner product

hx, yiU =hU x, U yi, x, y ∈ H.

We writeLe=L0−V, whereL0 :D(L0) = D(eL)⊂L2[0, ω]→L2[0, ω]is the differential operator L0 =d/ds with periodic boundary conditions (2.1) and

(V y)(s) = g0(s)y(s) +g1(s)y(ω−s), s∈[0, ω].


34 A.G. Baskakov, I.A. Krishtal, N.B. Uskova

The operator V is well defined because D(L0) ⊂ D(V). We shall treat the operator Le as a perturbation of L0 byV.

We shall illustrate the notion of direct sums of operators with the help of an operatorL0. We shall call this operator unperturbed or free. The operator L0 possesses simple eigenvalues λn = i2πn/ω, n ∈ Z, and its spectrum satisfies σ(L0) = ∪n∈Zσn, where σn = {λn}, n ∈ Z. An eigenvector that corresponds to an eigenvalueλn,n ∈Z, is given byen(s) =ei2πnω s,s∈[0, ω]. The spectral projections Pn =P(σn, L0), n∈Z, are defined by

(Pny)(s) =y(n)eb i2πnω s, y∈L2[0, ω], n ∈Z, s∈[0, ω].

We letHn = ImPn,n∈Z. Then L0 is an orthogonal direct sum of the operatorsL0l =L0|HllIl, where Il is the identity operator on Hl = ImPl, l ∈ Z. In other words, L0 = L


λlIl. This representation is with respect to the orthogonal decomposition ofL2[0, ω]given by L2[0, ω] =L


Hl. Given m∈Z+, consider a new resolution of the identity

P(m) ={P(m)} ∪ {Pl,|l|> m, l∈Z}, whereP(m) =P

|l|≤mPl. Then the operator L0 may also be represented as an orthogonal direct sum L0 =L0(m)⊕ M



=L0(m)⊕ M


i2πl ω Il

, (3.1)

where L0(m) is the restriction of L0 to H(m) = ImP(m). Representation (2.1) is with respect to the orthogonal decomposition L2[0, ω] =H(m)⊕ L



. Observe that L0(m) = L


i2πlω Il with respect to the decompositionH(m)= L



4 The second similarity transform

Theorem 4.1. We have L1 =fW−1LfeW, where

(fW y)(s) = (exp Z s


(g0(τ)−bg0(0))dτ)y(s), s∈[0, ω], (4.1)

(L1y)(s) = dy

ds − lnγ

ω −qb0(0)


v(s) =g1(s)exp

Z ω−s





bv(l)ei2πlω s, (4.2) and D(L1) =D(L).


On the spectral analysis of a differential operator with an involution. . . 35 Proof. Firstly, (fW−1y)(s) = exp (−Rs

0(g0(τ)−bg0(0))dτ)y(s) and (LfeW x)(s) = Le

exp Z s


(g0(τ)−bg0(0))dτ x(s)


= (g0(s)−bg0(0))exp Z s


(g0(τ)−bg0(0))dτ x(s)+

+ exp Z s



ds −g1(s)exp

Z ω−s




x(ω−s)−g0(s)exp Z s


(g0(τ)−bg0(0))dτ x(s) =

= exp Z s



ds −g1(s)exp

Z ω−s





ω +qb0(0) exp

Z s


(g0(τ)−bg0(0))dτ x(s).


L1 = (fW−1LfeW x)(s) = dx

ds −g1(s)exp − Z s



−bg0(0))dτ exp

Z ω−s





ω +qb0(0)

x(s) = dx

ds −g1(s)exp

Z ω−s





ω −bq0(0) x(s) =

= dx

ds −v(s)x(ω−s)−lnγ

ω +qb0(0)

x(s), where v was defined by (4.2).

Let z(s) = (fW y)(s), wherey(0) =y(ω) and Wf is defined by (4.1). Then z(0) = exp

Z 0



y(0) =y(0), z(ω) = exp

Z ω



y(ω) =

= exp (ω(bg0(0)−bg0(0)))y(ω) =y(ω), and the result is proved.

5 Main results

Our main Theorem 5.1 exhibits several spectral properties of the operatorL. It follows by Lemma 2.1 and an application of [7, Theorem 2.6], [10, Theorem 1], [11, Theorem 3], and [12, Theorem 1] to the operator L1. In the formulation of the theorem, we use the notation introduced in the previous sections.

Theorem 5.1. There exists a number n ∈ Z+, such that the operator L is similar to the operator L0lnωγ +qb0(0)

I−B, where the operator B belongs to the space S2(L2[0, ω]), and the subspaces


36 A.G. Baskakov, I.A. Krishtal, N.B. Uskova

H(m) = ImP(m), Hl = ImPl, |l| > m, l ∈ Z+, are invariant subspaces of the operator B. The operator L0−B is the orthogonal direct sum:

L0−B =

(L0(m)−B(m))⊕ M



ω Il−Bl with respect to the orthogonal decomposition L2[0, ω] =H(m)⊕ L


; the dimension of H(m) is 2m+ 1 and the dimension of each Hl, |l| > m, is one. Moreover, there exists U ∈ S2(L2[0, ω]), such that with Ue = (I+U)fW W, the operator L is theUe-orthogonal direct sum:


(L0(m)−B(m))⊕ M



ω Il−Bl


ω +qb0(0) I

Ue−1 with respect to the Ue-orthogonal decomposition L2[0, ω] =UeH(m)


l>mUHe l


The operatorU in Theorem 5.1 can be effectively calculated as the limit of a sequence of operators that emerge when applying the method of simple iterations to a Riccati-type equation (see [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11] for details).

A result similar to Theorem 5.1 for the operator L0 −V, where (V y)(s) = v(s)y(ω −s), was proved in [6] using the approach from [5]. Theorem 1 from [10] and Theorem 1 from [12] are a reformulation of Theorems 3.3 and 3.4 from [6] that takes into account the terminology introduced above. Theorem 5.1 follows from [11, Theorem 3] or [7, Theorem 2.6], and Theorems 1 and 2 in this paper.

It follows from Theorem 5.1, Lemma 2.1, and an argument in [5, Remark 2] that the spectrum σ(L) of the operator L coincides with the union of the spectra of its parts. Therefore, we have the following assertion.

Theorem 5.2. The spectrum σ(L) of the operator L can be represented in the form σ(L) =σ(m)∪ [




where σ(m) consists of no more than 2m + 1 eigenvalues. The sets σl, |l| > m, are singletons:

σl ={eλl} with

l =i2πl

ω −qb0(0)− lnγ ω −µl, where the sequence {µl,|l|> m} belongs to `2. More precisely,

µl =bv(2l) + ω 2πi



bv(n+j)2 n+j +ηl, where the sequence {ηl,|l|> m} belongs to `1.

The normalized eigenvectorsul,|l|> m, of the operatorLform a Riesz basis in the spaceL2[0, ω].

They satisfy the asymptotic estimate kul−eulk2l, |l|> m,

eul(s) =γωsse





ei2πlω s, s ∈[0, ω], where the sequence {αl,|l|> m} belongs to `2.


On the spectral analysis of a differential operator with an involution. . . 37 Let Pem =P(σ(m), L) and Pel = P({λl}, L), |l|> m, be the spectral projections corresponding to the sets σ(m) and σl ={i2πlω −qb0(0)− lnωγ −µl}, |l|> m, respectively.

Theorem 5.3. We have

n→∞lim kPe(m)+ X






U Pe lUe−1k2 = 0.

Definition 5. Two families of idempotents {Pn, n ∈ Z} and {Pen, n ∈ Z} are called equiconvergent with respect to the U-orthogonal decomposition of H orU-equiconvergent, if




(Pen−U Pe nUe−1)

= 0.

Thus, Theorem 5.3 can be stated as a result on U-equiconvergence.

Theorem 5.4. The differential operator L is a generator of a C0-group T :R→EndL2[0, ω]. This group is similar to the group Te:R→EndL2[0, ω] that admits the orthogonal decomposition

Te(t) =et(L0(m)−B(m))⊕ M


e(i2πlω lnωγqb0(0)+µl)tIl

, t ∈R, with respect to the decomposition L2[0, ω] = H(m)⊕ L


of the space L2[0, ω] with T(t) = UeTe(t)Ue−1, t∈R. The operator group Te can also be written as

Te(t) =e(L0(m)−B(m))tP(m)+ X


e(i2πlω lnωγbq0(0)+µl)tPl

, t ∈R, The above result motivates the terminology in the following definition.

Definition 6. A strongly continuous operator (semi)group T0 : J→ EndH, J= {R,R+}, is called a basic (semi)group for a strongly continuous operator (semi)group T : J → EndH if there exists a strongly continuous operator-valued function V : J → EndH such that T(t) = T0(t)V(t) and

t→∞lim kV(t)k = 0. If kV(t)k 6 e−βt, t > 0, for some β > 0, then we call T an exponentially basic (semi)group.

If Relnωγ >0and Reqb0(0)>0, we have Te(t) =T0(t)V(t), where Te0(t) =e(L0(m)−B(m))t⊕ M


e−i2πlω tIl

, t∈R, (5.1)

V(t) = M




ω qb0(0)+µl

tIl, t∈R.

It follows that the group T0 :R→EndH is exponentially basic for the group Te:R→EndH.

The existence of the operator groupT, guaranteed by Theorem 5.4, is important because it allows one to use the results, for example, from [2] on exponential dichotomy and the estimates for Green’s function.


The first and third authors are supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project no.



38 A.G. Baskakov, I.A. Krishtal, N.B. Uskova


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Anatoly Grigorievich Baskakov

Department of Applied Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics Voronezh State University

1 Universitetskaya Sq, 394018 Voronezh, Russia

E-mail: anatbaskakov@yandex.ru Ilya Arkadievich Krishtal

Department of Mathematical Sciences Northern Illinois University,

1425 West Lincoln Hwy, DeKalb, IL 60115, USA E-mail: ikrishtal@niu.edu Natalya Borisovna Uskova

Department of Higher Mathematics and Physical and Mathematical Modeling Voronezh State Technical University

14 Moscovsky Ave, 394016 Voronezh, Russia E-mail: nat-uskova@mail.ru

Received: 06.11.2018


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