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Academic year: 2023

Membagikan "bulletin-philology.kaznpu.kz"


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The authors of the article consider the source of the intrusion of Arabic loans, their function and word-forming role in the English language. Based on the analyzed data, it can be said that the main cases of the formation of derived words and compound words from Arabic loans are suffixation, conversion, word composition and shortening. There have been no cases of formation of neologisms using other grammatical means (prefix that moves the word concrete, the alternation of sounds, etc.).

Key words: loanword, Arabic, English, neologism, suffix, transformation, word formation, abbreviation, metaphorical transfer, metonymic transfer, meaning transfer, word-forming potential, vocabulary. Economy in the organization of the language system is called one of the linguistic laws on the basis of which all languages ​​are built, regardless of the differences expressed between them. Such a universal law, without justification, cannot be considered one of the most common linguistic universals applicable to every language, as well as to every aspect of it.

In this article, we discuss the principle of linguistic and speech economy in the development of modern English vocabulary. The mechanism of the principle of economy through consideration of the concepts of mental energy, word-forming energy, pronunciation energy is investigated by the authors of the presented article.

It is expected that such a great work will be the pride of the next generation. The ornithological picture of the world in the worldview of the ethnos is represented in artistic texts in various ways. Keywords: language unity, ornithologism, ethnos, cultural knowledge, world view, artistic text, etc.

The article deals with the analytical forms of well-defined verbs in Turkic languages, which are one of the urgent problems of modern linguistics. This article considers the linguistic features of the concepts of "youth" and "old age" in the poetry of Ilyas Zhansugurov. It has been determined that the concept of "old age" in the space of people's knowledge is associated with pleasant or negative meanings.

The concept of "old age" in the author's poetic works in his individual concept and poetic image is determined by the author's personal situation. It is necessary to divide the cognitive (cognitive), content (semantic), word-forming function of the Kazakh language. The value of models of the verbal word formation units is shown in the semantic analysis.

Being a specific method of existence of culture, cultural codes are fixed in the linguistic consciousness of the individual.



The article considers thematic, ideological and art and subject communication in Kazakh-Kyrgyz literature. Evidence of the fraternal relationship of the Kyrgyz and Kazakh people is given not only in traditions and customs, but also in features of national culture. In the unique Kyrgyz epic "Manas", the description of the history of two people closely collides.

And also in the article, the similarity between psychological and ideological and artistic aspects in stories of the Kyrgyz writer Chinghiz Aitmatov about "Zhamil" and stories of the Kazakh writer Mukhtar Auezov "Qaraly sulu" is analyzed. The main reason why mythology in Kazakh literacy has not been studied yet is related to Kazakh traditional notion that had been modified by Turkic traditional belief. And the author also shows another reason why the Kazakh myth has not been studied systematically, is the social situation that people leave a life in Turkish style. Meanwhile, there are several explanations of the Kazakh myth in this article, and it is closely related to Kazakh people's understanding of nature. In their nomadic life, Kazakh people could mention any natural phenomenon, so the original notion of myth in Kazakh life was formed gradually.

This article defines the types of detail and reveals the artistic function of the detail in the novels of the brilliant writer B.Maylin, who comprehensively described the reality and breath of his time. The author proved on the basis of concrete examples that the passages of the writer's works, accepted to this day in Kazakh prose, were related to the new genre, strengthening his judgment with the views of famous researchers and scholars of the literary science. studies. And he also determined the presence in the works of novelists of such kinds of details as material, landscape, portrait and psychological, analyzed and revealed their functions.

The author of the article reveals that the secret of the great success of the writer's works is in the actuality in people's lives, in the sincerity in the content, in the correct and accurate description of the phenomena and events that happened in Kazakh. Keywords: novel, detail, voice of the era, social truth, portrait, landscape, material, psychological, artistic function. It also describes the symbolic landscape of the holy places, based on mythological knowledge in Kazakh legends.

Currently, literature and art are undergoing transformative changes in the features of historical development. Therefore it is impossible to ignore the evolution of the millennium, which was resolved in the optimal solution of the fundamental issues of art and literature. The study and understanding of the concept of sacred places in the traditional worldview of the Kazakh people is the national code.


Fourth goal: language, religion and spirituality of the forming nation should serve the dominants in the Kazakh state. The research showed that society is insufficiently aware of the nature of distance learning. Expanding the atmosphere of independent work of students in distance education leads to a greater share in the organization of the educational process.

Expansion of the scope of students' independent work in the distance education system is accompanied by an expansion of the informative field within which the student works. The organization of individual or group self-activity for students in the distance education system presupposes, as in the case of full-time education, the use of the latest educational technologies. In the long term, the main trends in the curriculum for a year, learning objectives.

As mentioned the report of UNESCO's International Commission on Education in the 21st Century. A fundamentally new approach to the organization of the third stage of youth education consists in profiling it. The composition and content of intercultural communicative competence as a special competence depends on the definition of the final goal of foreign language teaching.

Thus, in modern theories of foreign language education, the ultimate goal is determined by achieving the level of intercultural and communicative competence. An innovative model of creating international standard levels of foreign language knowledge in the conditions of international schools. 34; Scientific and theoretical bases of the formation of intercultural and communicative competence in the conditions of computerization of foreign language education.


The article discusses the design technology method and the possibility of using it in the lessons of the Kazakh language and literature. THE DEMAND FOR THE ELIMINATION OF ANALFABESM IN THE KAZAKIAN STEPPE THROUGH THE CREATION OF LEARNING MATERIALS.



In early times loanwords accounted for 25% of the total terminology in English, in the Middle Ages 28% and now 17%. The article is devoted to the communicative and pragmatic characteristics of threatening speech acts in political discourse, the theoretical foundations of translation, and a description of the conceptual approach of researchers who have studied threatening speech acts from various perspectives. In our research, we focus on one of the special types of speech act, namely the threatening speech act.

In general, the content of the threatening speech act in the political discourse is characterized by a number of semantic topics. According to Epstein O.V. the content of the threatening speech act in the political discourse can be divided into three main types: It should be noted that the communicatively pragmatic aspect of the threatening speech act in political discourse is also a very important area of ​​speech act theory.

The addressee/addressee factor, where the communicative and pragmatic aspect of the threatening speech act in political discourse involves the participation of at least two parties. The remaining types of threat (actual threat ultimatum, blackmail, categorical demand, caution) focus more on the intellectual and rational response of the addressee. The act of threatening action implies the presence of a priority position of one of the communicators in the hierarchy of relations.

Of course, this factor is realized by the inclusion of the addressee in the addressee's near or far communication environment. Based on the generality of the expressed intentional meaning, the means form a system of language variants, i.e. By expressing the same proposal, the communicator can warn, promise, threaten, depending on the communication goal of the person participating in the communication.

We agree with the opinion of scientists that the main component of the threatening speech act is a requirement. Note that these kinds of additions and changes in the text drastically change the meaning of the statement. Pragmalinguistic features of the menacing speech act in political discourse (based on the English language), specialty 10.02.04 Germanic languages.



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