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Academic year: 2023

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In general, the concept of human security seems promising or even, as realists might say, utopian. Implementation of the Human Security Concept and the United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security.

Features of the formation and development of China’s economic diplomacy

Features of the formation and development of China's economic diplomacy According to Heath, Chinese economic. Using the comparative method, the similarities and differences in the definition of the concept of "economic diplomacy".

Репатриация бағдарламалары: салыстырмалы талдау (шетелдік және Қазақстан тәжірибесі негізінде)

Examples are given of the problem of the diaspora, its return and resettlement to the historical homeland. After gaining its independence, the Republic of Kazakhstan began to pursue its policy as a sovereign state, a subject of the international community.

Social constructivism in international relations theory

The bulk of the work then deals with social constructivism as a (meta)theory of IR. Others even speak of social constructivism as part of the Fourth Debate, with an independent role in IR.

Analysis of foreign experience on hybrid operations and management decisions to counter them

The development of NATO's strategic communications capabilities is at the heart of the Centre's Strategic Communications Centre. And the further continuation of the hybrid conflict in the eastern part of our country requires.

Afghanistan in the context of Russian and Chinese projects

Afghanistan and the subsequent withdrawal of the Taliban to the southern borders of the CIS. Dialogue with Moscow is necessary, as the Taliban are aware of the importance of the region for Moscow.

Анализ деятельности европейских транснациональных корпораций в Центральной Азии: проблемы и

The article discusses aspects of cooperation in the oil sector of multinational companies representing the interests of countries of the European Union. In the context of the economic crisis, the impossibility of OPEC + to regulate oil prices, and the volume of its production, it is difficult to make predictions of further economic cooperation. In our opinion, in the future there will be revised legal regime for the presence of multinational companies in the interest of national economies.

The Energy Charter from 1991, which deprives the Central Asian countries of the right to legal protection, the oil crisis will lead to a serious crisis in the oil sector. Private Law in the Republic of Kazakhstan: History and Modernity], available at: https://zangerlf.com/ru/publications/216[in Russian], (accessed

Ресей мен Қазақстанның шекаралық ынтымақтастығын зерттеудегі тұжырымдамалық тәсілдер

This article is also of interest from the point of view of the challenges that the CIS countries face in the context of globalization. As a result, the importance of Russian-Kazakh cross-border (and inter-regional) cooperation is increasing sharply, reducing the barrier function of the border countries and stimulating the economic integration of the two countries. The experience of Russian-Kazakh cross-border cooperation of the late XX - early XXI centuries is of particular importance through the prism of theories and concepts of international relations and makes it possible to identify objective prerequisites, patterns of formation, development, which are currently a to acquire fundamentally new quality.

The article summarizes the existing theoretical and methodological aspects of cross-border cooperation in modern conditions of globalization and regionalization. Kozhirova Svetlana Basievna - doctor of political science, professor, head of the Center for Chinese and Asian Studies of the International Scientific Complex «Astana», Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan.

There are two key parts of the BRI: the Silk Road Economic Belt (SREB); and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road [5]. Belt and Road Initiative; and Kazakhstan's engagement in this project with its response strategies regarding the convergence of the BRI and Nurly Zhol strategic plans. Kazakhstan's Nurly Zhol and China's Silk Road Economic Belt: Crossing Goals [Online Resource].

The implications of the 'Belt and Road Initiative' on globalization and inclusive growth for the Eurasian continent. Political and Strategic Implications of the Belt and Road Initiative (National Bureau of Asian Research, 2017).

The complexity of the relationship between human rights and national interests

In 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was thus adopted by most of the UN member states. Monitoring is another form The complexity of the relationship between human rights and national interests. The Power of Principled Ideas: Human Rights Policies in the USA and Western Europe / K.

Бұл зерттеудің бастапқы мақсаты қауіпсіздік пен экономикадағы ұлттық мүдде мен адамның табиғи құқықтарын қорғау арасындағы өзара әрекеттесу болып табылады. Адам құқықтары мен ұлттық мүдделер арасындағы байланыстың күрделілігі. Принципті идеялардың күші: АҚШ пен Батыс Еуропадағы адам құқығы саясаты.

Гражданское общество: теоретико-методологические подходы и международные исследования по Казахстану

Muratova, Y. Onuchko

The article provides an overview of the main studies on the state of civil society development in Kazakhstan conducted by international organisations. The source basis of the research was country profiles, studies on civil society in Kazakhstan, published after 2010. The scientific significance of the article lies in the increase of knowledge about the current state and development of civil society in Kazakhstan.

The definition of the concept "civil society": the experience of systematization] Grazhdanskoe Obshchestvo v Rossii i za rubezhom [Civil society in Russia and abroad]. Civil Society Initiative Program] Available at: https://www.ucentralasia.org/Research/CSI/RU [in Russian], (access.

Қазіргі қоғамдағы ақпараттық қауіпсіздікті жүзеге асыру мәселелері

U. Nussipova

Abstract: There is no doubt that the rapid development of information and communication technologies (ICT) and a sharp increase in the role of information in all spheres of society is the main trend. The influence of information in any form on all areas of public life, politics, economy and culture predetermines the relevance of the processes of formation and implementation of state information policy. Taking into account the connection between these factors, the article examines the issues of studying the public perception of information security in different spheres of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Nacional'no-specificheskie osobennosti jelektronnoj kommunikacii na anglijskom i russkom jazykah [National specifics of electronic communication in English and Russian], available at: https://studwood. Basic terms and definitions in the field of technical protection of information”, available at: https://files.stroyinf.ru/.

Пандемия COVID-19 как фактор трансформации продовольственной политики Республики Казахстан


Food safety issues have become even more acute in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The article is devoted to the analysis of the degree of impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which affected all countries of the world in 2020, on the state of food security in Kazakhstan. The paper identifies the main problems and risks related to the consequences of the impact of the pandemic on the state of food security.

In addition, the author identifies the key directions and approaches of the state food policy, as well as factors that affect the state of food security in modern conditions. Official website of the UN Standing Committee on Nutrition] Available at: http://www.unscn.org/files/cfs/MD776R.pdf [in Russian], (access.

Бір белдеу-бір жол»жобасының Еуразиядағы біртұтас кеңістікке ықпалы

The scientific article comprehensively analyzes the historical and economic meaning and significance of the Project» One Belt-One Road», the impact of this project on Kazakhstan and the countries of Central Asia. Reforms in the countries of Central Asia (CA) and the impact of the Silk Road model on the economic, spiritual and cultural development of Kazakhstan, favorable geopolitical conditions for China and their political significance are scientifically analyzed. The article examines the importance of new transit routes from China, the development of this Eurasian Integration Association of the EAEU «One Belt and one road», the dry port on the eastern border with China and other investment projects.

One Belt-One Road «» in the concept of geo-economy and joint development between China and Kazakhstan, which proves that it is a large-scale and important project for the development of the country.» The article also analyzes the problems of China-Kazakhstan's international relations and emerging issues related to the current pandemic. On the Chinese idea of ​​building the economic space on the Great Silk Road], Rossiya v global`noj politike [Russia in global politics].

Анализ основных направлений деятельности исламского банка развития в странах Центральной Азии

Оказание технической помощи в стране в сотни раз уступает вышеперечисленным показателям, поэтому общая сумма за 2018 год составила 2,5 млн. За пятилетний период наблюдается лишь незначительное колебание показателей с 2016 по 2018 год, а в 2014-2015 годах не отмечено ни роста, ни снижения. В целом по проектному финансированию за период с 2014 по 2018 годы наблюдается положительная динамика, то есть рост составляет с 209,3 до 324,5 млн рублей.

В оказании технической помощи государству в 2014 и 2015 годах годы остаются без изменений, в 2016 году мы наблюдаем ухудшение финансирования на 0,8 млн. Торговое финансирование и целевая помощь.

This article examines IsDB activities in Central Asia, including the formation and development of cooperation, the provision of financial transactions to countries, and the dynamics of their relations. The purpose of the work is to analyze and compare IsDB activities in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. A comparative analysis was then carried out of the aggregate of financial transactions in five countries for the five years from 2014 to 2018, including project finance, trade finance, technical assistance and special purpose assistance.

According to the analysis in the studied region, project financing is the most important type of financial transaction, which reflects the general dynamics of IsDB's work in Central Asia. Scientific publication], (Kazakhstan Institute of Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty p.), [in Russian].

Kazakh-Russian border in the context of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

With the development of Eurasian integration and the launch of the Eurasian Economic Union, the role of cross-border cooperation is increasing. The start of the activities of the Eurasian Economic Union marks a new stage in the development of cross-border and interregional cooperation. Kolosov, the Kazakh-Russian border in the new conditions of the development of Eurasian integration should have moved from the "connecting" type to the.

However, the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly changed the functional characteristics of the state border between Kazakhstan and Russia. At the same time, important conclusions must be drawn from the analysis of the situation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.

Қазіргі заманғы корей поэзиясындағы су стихиясы мәселесі

The article explores the role of the element of water in the artistic image of the world and its place in Korean poetry. Depictions of nature have deep philosophical and symbolic significance in Far Eastern poetry, including Korean. The element of water is one of the oldest images that prevailed in the history of human development.

Depictions of nature have deep philosophical and symbolic significance in Far Eastern poetry, including Korean. Amirbekova Umitai Abdikapparovna – Associate Professor of the Department of the Far East, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Peacebuilding from a religious perspective

Shanti, Shanti, Shanti" which means "peace, peace, peace". The teachings of world religions emphasize peace. Peace'—such is the greeting from the All-Merciful God." The Qur'an says that there will be peace everywhere in Paradise: "Nothing but the saying "peace, peace". [27]. Many similarities regarding peace building are found in the teachings of the Qur'an and the Bible.

On the contrary, people can act out of "great unselfish love for humanity" and act like "the fingers of one hand, like the parts of one body." The Bahá'í Writings affirm unity in diversity. More than the simple tolerance of differences or the celebration of superficial aspects of different cultures, the diversity of the human family should be the cause of lasting love and harmony: "as in music where many different notes blend together to create one perfect chords. .” The human family can be compared to the variety of flowers in an orchard.

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Sargeltayeva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty е-mail: ardaksar2016@gmail.com THE CONCEPT OF CHARACTER BEHAVIOR IN THE POEMS OF ABAI The article discusses