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"Membership in the WTO:


Academic year: 2023

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M 54 «Membership in the WTO: Prospects for scientific research and the international technology market»: Materials of the III International Scientific-Practical Conference. The collection of materials from the III international scientific and practical conference "Innovation Management and Technology in the Era of Globalization".



The Impact of Economic Reform on Political Reform: Jordan as a Model

This is achieved in three phases, starting with developing the methodological framework of the study. The total value of the six economic reform indicators was moderate, as was the total value of the six indicators related to political reform.


This was followed by the creation of a theoretical scale of the relationship between economic and political reforms through the use of moderating variables, which was applied to the Jordanian experience in the third and final phase of the study. Finally, this scale is applied to the Jordanian experience in the third phase of the study, to identify the impact of economic reforms on political reforms.

The Methodological Framework 1. The Research Problem

  • The Study Hypotheses
  • The Study Variables
  • Study Methodology
  • Study Limitations
  • Study Significance
  • Study Concepts and Terminology

They also include scoring indices of the dependent variable of political reform in the period immediately before the implementation of the Socio-Economic Transformation Program, i.e. scoring indices of the independent variable of economic reform in the period immediately after the implementation of the Program, i.e. The second meaning is the practical meaning with which the authors tried to reveal the impact of the economic reform in Jordan on the democratic transition, especially in the context of the implementation of the socio-economic transformation program during the study period.

Literature Review

  • Relationship between Economic Development and Democracy
  • Economic Progress in Jordan over Time
  • Creating Democracy Indices

In summary, the relationship between democracy and economic development takes one of the following forms: [13]. However, most of the research and theories put forward since the 1980s endorse the simultaneity of political reform and economic reform.

Assessing the Relationship between Economic and Political Reform in Jordan

  • Scoring the Moderating Variables of Economic Reform Average Annual Per Capita Income in Jordan
  • Change in the Class Structure and Middle-Class Size
  • Urbanization Rate
  • Degree and Level of Education
  • Level of Industrialization
  • Scoring Political Development Indices 1. Political Pluralism Index
    • The Public Freedoms Index
    • Political Participation Index
    • Government Stability Index
    • Parliamentary Stability Index
    • Transparency Index

The middle-class family groups are ranked by annual expenditures per capita in Table 2. Most Jordanian government effectiveness scores were less than 1 (Table 12).

Table 1. Average annual per capita income and inflation rate in USD.
Table 1. Average annual per capita income and inflation rate in USD.

Tested Hypotheses


Routledge Publishers, New York, NY The Impact of Economic and Social Transformation on Political Development in Jordan. International Journal of Human Rights and Constitutional Studies, 6. Unpublished master's thesis, in Arabic) [Citation Time(s):1].

The Legal System for Credit Cards in Jordan

In the business field, credit cards offer advanced payments and fulfillment which is the main feature of business deals. The reason behind this article is the lack of a proper legislative mechanism in Jordan regarding credit cards.

Definitions, Characteristics and Types of Credit Cards

  • Definitions of Credit Cards
  • Features of Credit Cards
  • Different Categories of Payment Cards
    • Debit Cards
    • Charge Cards
    • Credit Cards

The customer is represented by the bank towards service providers and traders. This type of card requires the holder to deposit money so that it can be managed by the bank.

Legal Aspects of Credit Cards

  • A Theory of Credit Cards 1. Debt Assignment Theory
    • Authority Theory
    • Agency Fulfillment Theory
    • Bail Theory
    • Loan Contract Theory
  • Credit Card Parties that Originate the Legal Relationships A credit card has three primary relationships that originate from deals
    • Connection between Card Owner and Bank
    • Association between Merchant and Bank
  • Association between Merchant and Cardholder

The merchant acts as the customer of the card, while the bank acts as the card issuer. The commitment signed by the merchant and the card issuer enables them to fulfill their obligations.

Credit Cards’ Legitimate Safety

  • Civil Protection for Credit Cards
    • Cardholder’s National Accountability
    • Card Issuer’s National Accountability
    • Merchant’s National Accountability
    • National Accountability of Others
  • Penal Protection for Credit Cards
    • Accountabilities of the Cardholder
    • Third-Party Criminal Accountability

In these situations, the most important duty of the cardholder is to return the card to the issuer. Businesses should avoid doing business with the said card when the issuer informs the business about the cancellation of the card.


Journal of the Fatwa and Legislation Department, 4. The impact of Jordanian e-transactions on banking transactions. 4Article 399 of the Jordanian Penal Code: "1) Theft is the taking away of movable property belonging to another without his/her consent.

The Impact of Direct Foreign Investment on Unemployment in Jordan

Therefore, the flows of foreign direct investment to Jordan can support the local, but insufficient, investments. Our study will focus on the size of foreign investment in Jordan and challenges that will be faced due to its importance to the national economy.

Questions of Study

Objectives of the Study

The Concept of Direct Foreign Investment

Importance of Direct Foreign Investment to the Developing Countries

Aspects of Foreign Investment

If the host country has benefited from these investments, they will improve productivity in the local market and support exports and economic development. In the stage of economic development and in accordance with the international commitments of developing countries, they will not be able to intertwine the competitive market locally and internationally.

Drivers for Direct Foreign Investment in Development Countries

  • The Economic Factors That Include
    • Nature of Economic and Commercial Activity
    • Increase Profits
    • Desire for Rapid Growth
    • Reduction the Risks of Dependence on One Economic Market
    • Grasp the Educational and Technical Knowledge
  • Legal Factors
  • Socio-Political Factors

This cooperation will be carried out through research and development contracts, and then in production through the cooperation of companies in developed countries. Consumer preferences in host countries in favor of domestic products will encourage foreign investors to move their capital abroad to establish production projects in host countries [9].

Obstacles against the Direct Foreign Investment in Jordan 1) Bureaucracy and multiple contradicted legislations that regulate the

Legal factors leave foreign investors satisfied with the legal protection that will enable them to invest without the worry of unexpected changes affecting their investments. Foreign investors will not risk transferring their capital and expertise abroad unless they are satisfied that the political conditions there are good and stable [8].


Developing countries will not gain such knowledge without the participation of advanced countries, where some kind of cooperation between developing and developed countries should be created and established. These projects cannot be classified in the short term, which will be reflected in the relative stability of foreign direct investments in times of crisis.


1976) The Realism of Foreign Investment Flow Expectations and Its Contribution to Egypt's Development.

The Modern Problems of Classical Theory of Common Equilibrium

Introduction Study level

They provide an explanation and classification of foreign investments, form a definition of the investment climate and explain its characteristics, provide an analysis of the international experience of attracting foreign investments in national methods of attracting efficiency. Taking this opinion into account, empirical research on the normative effects of foreign investments, which are related to the growth of the business efficiency of foreign companies, as well as their impact on the productivity and market positions of domestic competitors, are becoming current.

The Subject of Research

Methodological basis for normative analysis of foreign direct investment in the presented monograph is economic theory of well-being. The theoretical basis for the analysis of well-being effects received from foreign direct investment is neoclassical and modern theories of international trade.

Main Part

  • Modern Problems of the Common Equilibrium Theory and Its Basics According to Lozan School of Macroeconomy

However, Pareto analysis is extremely challenging and is distinguished by the fact that it considers the measures of sellers and buyers as a single person. Depending on the first fundamental theorem of the economic theory of well-being, under the conditions of special assumptions, the general economic equilibrium, achieved under conditions of comprehensive competition, is effective according to Pareto (Varian H. R., 1978).


The method of approach to the evaluation of the effects of the good name, from the point of view of representative households, allows the use of different evaluation instruments acceptable for specific households. Here, in the first place, we mean using the effects of the level of goodwill of the profitability of the family economy as the main criterion.

Theoretical Aspects of Innovative Economics

The objectives related to stimulating the development of the country's economy and innovative technologies and institutional support are carried out on the scales required at the level of significant challenges from highly developed countries. The country's economic policy must be based on the promotion of demand in the country.

Review of the Literature

  • For Determination of Innovative Economy
  • Negative Trends in the Economy of Georgia
  • Science, Innovations and Technological Order
  • Forming Future Economy in Georgia

Free competitiveness in the economic and other activities that support effective innovations in all areas of the economy and life. Further stage and sequence of the economy of post-industrial innovation is knowledge economy and society.

Zasoby energetyczne świata – jakie będzie jutro?

Podobnie jak w przypadku ropy naftowej, eksperci wskazują, że zasoby gazu powinny wystarczyć na około 70 lat (o ile będą eksploatowane na dotychczasową skalę). Zakłada się jednak, że złoża piasku i łupków będą zaopatrywać świat w ropę jeszcze przez 30-40 lat.

Защита украинских производителей от растущего импорта Евгений Александрович Романенко

Согласно законопроекту, одна или несколько компаний-производителей, а также физическое/юридическое лицо или ассоциация, действующие от имени такой компании, могут подать иск о «существенном ущербе отечественной промышленности». 34; Защитные меры применяются на срок и в том объеме, который необходим для ликвидации значительного времени и способствует адаптации отечественной промышленности к конкуренции", - говорится в законопроекте.

Нечёткая постановка цели

Неполная, запоздалая информация. Несвоевременно предоставленная менеджеру или руководителю фирмы информация

Недостаточный контроль за перепорученными делами

Новый безмоншонный способ отжима влаги из мокрого кожполуфабриката

Известно, что процесс прессования на кожевенных заводах осуществляется на прессовальном станке ВОРМ-1800К (РСФСР) и на прессовальном станке Чехия Свит. На пресс-машине ВОПМ-1800К используется моншон марки БМ в виде закрытого чулка и на пресс-машине фирмы «Свит».

Criticism of Islam: Former Muslims’ Views on the Status of Women in Islam

The purpose of the article is to examine the views of some former Muslim public figures, writers and politicians on the position of women in Islam. Analysis of ex-Muslims' ideas and beliefs about the status of women in Islam is simply necessary from the point of view of discourse analysis.


The Role of Oil and Gas Industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan and its Significant Benefits

Zinullina Master of Economics

Pesticide Residues in Food Problem in Kazakhstan

Laboratory control on the residual content of pesticides in food and food raw materials is carried out within the framework of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance in accordance with the current orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Croatia: Order no. 258 of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, dated "On approval of the standard nomenclature of laboratory research at various levels of state sanitary and epidemiological expertise, in accordance with international standards".

Table  1  -  Maximum  acceptable  levels  of  pesticides  content  in  food  and  raw  materials for their production
Table 1 - Maximum acceptable levels of pesticides content in food and raw materials for their production

Об информационном обеспечении «Стратегии устойчивой энергетики будущего Казахстана до 2050 года»

С 1 июля 2013 года на коммуникационной площадке G-Global в рамках виртуального проекта «VII АЭФ и II Всемирная антикризисная конференция» в режиме онлайн проводятся предварительные обсуждения, обсуждения и видеоконференции для решения ключевых вопросов сессии. VII АЭФ и Второй Всемирной антикризисной конференции (ВААК). В связи с этим исследовательский центр Академии Кайнар приглашает всех желающих поддержать деятельность коммуникационной платформы G-Global и зарегистрироваться на сайте www.group-global.org, где у вас будет возможность участвовать онлайн. конференциях, публикуют результаты своей научной деятельности и высказывают свое мнение о современных тенденциях развития мировой экономики и отдельных государств, а также предлагают рекомендации по выходу из финансового кризиса мировой экономики для стран G-20.

Экспортты әртараптандыруды мемлекеттік қолдау Олжас Адилханов

Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от 31 июля 2013 г. № 750 «Об утверждении Плана мероприятий по реализации Концепции перехода Республики Казахстан к «зеленой экономике» на годы».

Загальні підходи до нормативно-правового регулювання соціально-економічних відносин у будівництві

Роль громадських слухань у залученні потенціалу

Санариптик экономика: таасири жана өзгөчөлүктөрү Мейманбү Жолдошевна Акжолова

Бул күн тартибинде 2019-жылдан баштап санариптештирүү аракеттеринин негизинде 2025-жылы толук кандуу санариптик базага өтүү маселеси каралды.

Тенденции развития рынка образовательных услуг Республики Казахстан

Рейтинг рассчитывается на основе комбинированного индикатора Education Index - индекса уровня образования в странах Программы развития ООН: индекса грамотности взрослого населения и индекса общей доли получающих образование [5].

Еңбек ресурстарын басқару механизмі және оның инновациялық өзгерістері

Роль и значение инновационной компоненты в стратегии развития естественных монополий РК

Экономикалық талдау жүргізуде статистикалық әдістер қолдану

Ол келесі формулалармен анықталады: u = yi −yi−1- тізбектер үшін және б = yi −y1- негізгі көрсеткіштер үшін, мұндағы yi – i-ші жылдың деңгейі; y1 – базалық жыл деңгейі [2, б. 122].

Детерминирленген модельдерге негізделген факторлық талдау

Егер факторлардың барлық өзгеру аралығын (i) кесіндісіне бөлсек, келесі өрнекті аламыз: ΔP=Σfx'Δix+ Σfx'Δiy+….


Figure 1. Variables of Economic, Socioeconomic & Political Reform
Table 1. Average annual per capita income and inflation rate in USD.
Table 2. Middle Class Size.
Table 3. Relative distribution of poor Jordanian families by governorate.


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