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RMSE Specificity Precision Recall f1-score Build time


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Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

BULLETIN Ser. Physical & Mathematical


№ 1 (57) Editor-in-Chief Dr. Sci. Berdyshev A.S.

Deputy Editor-in-Chief:

Dr. Sci. Ualiyev Z.G.

Responsible editorial secretary:

Cand. Sci. (Ped.) Akhmetova O.S.

Cand. Sci. (Ped.) Khalikova G.Z.

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Cand.Sci. Bekpatshayev M.Zh.

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© Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, 2017

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№ 4824 - Ж - 15.03.2004 (Periodicity: 4 issues per year)

Published since 2000 Editors: Akhmetova O.S.,

Khalikova G.Z.


Akhmetova O.S.

Signed to print 31.03.2017 г.

Format 60х84 1/8. Vol. 33,25 p.

Printing 300 copies Publishing and Editorial:

050010, 13 Dostyk av., Almaty, Kazakhstan Publishing House “Ulagat” of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical





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Учитывая тот момент, что вопрос определения пределов на изображении в достаточной степени проанализирован в прогрессивной технической литературе, он все же до этого времени оставался довольно ресурсоемкой задачей, к примеру, как высококачественное выделение пределов всякий раз находится в зависимости от большого количества, влияющих на итог, моментов.

Список использованной литературы:

1. Стругайло В.В. Обзор методов фильтрации и сегментации цифровых изображений // Наука и образование:

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УДК 004.855 : 004.891.3 ГРНТИ28.23.25: 28.23.35

Amirgaliyev Y.N.1,3, Shamiluulu Sh.2, Aldabergen A.2

1Institute of Information Technologies,

2Department of Computer Science, Suleyman Demirel University, Kaskelen, Kazakhstan

3Institute of Information and Computing Technologies (IICT), Almaty, Kazakhstan



In the current research study, a performance analysis on four supervised machine learning algorithms has been performed i.e., k nearest neighbors, decision trees, naïve-base and logistic regression over scikit-learn ml framework on medical data for patients with heart disorders. The purpose of the research study is show the effect of feature correlation on classification model with over seven different performance metrics. Research study revealed that logistic regression and naïve-base methods are top in classifying patients with disorders with over 80% accuracy.

Keywords: Heart diseases, Machine Learning, Data Classification, Computer Diagnosis Аннотация

Е.Н. Амиргалиев 1,3, Ш.Шамильуулу 2, А.Алдаберген 2

1Институт Информационных Технологий,г. Алматы, Казахстан

2Кафедра Компьютерных Наук Университета Сулеймана Демиреля, г. Каскелен, Казахстан

3Институт Информационных и Вычислительных Технологий (ИИВТ), г. Алматы, Казахстан КЛАССИФИКАЦИЯ СЕРДЕЧНЫХ ЗАБОЛЕВАНИЙ


Используя данные о пациентах с пороками сердца, в данной исследовательской работе был выполнен анализ производительности на четырех алгоритмах машинного обучения, такие как knearestneighbors, decisiontrees, naïve- base и logisticregression с помощью программной платформы для машинного обучения scikit-learn. Цель данной исследовательской работы состоит в том, чтобы показать эффект корреляции атрибутов на классифицированной модели с более семи различными показателями производительности. Результаты исследовательской работы показали, что в нахождении пациентов с пороками сердца методы logisticregressionи naïve-base имеют самые высокие результаты точности со значениями более 80%.

Ключевые слова: Порок сердца, Машинное обучение, Классификация Данных, Компьютерная Диагностика.



Әмірғалиев Е.Н.1,3, Шамильуулу Ш.2, Алдаберген А.2


1Ақпараттық Технологиялар Институты, Алматы қ., Қазақстан

2Компьютер Ғылымдары Кафедрасы,Сүлеймен Демирел Университеті, Қаскелең қ., Қазақстан

3Ақпараттық және Есептеу Технологиялары Институты (АЕТИ), Алматы қ., Қазақстан

Бұл зерттеу жұмысында scikit-learn машиналық оқытуға арналған программалық платформасының көмегімен жүрек ауруына шалдыққан науқастар жайлы мәліметтерді пайдалана отырып, k nearest neighbors, decision trees, naïve- base және logistic regression сынды машиналық оқыту алгоритмдерінің төрт түрінің өнімділігіне сараптама жасалын- ды.

Зерттеу жұмысының мақсаты – әртүрлі жеті өнімділік көрсеткіштерінқарастыра отырып, атрибуттар корреля- циясының жіктелу үлгісіне әсерін көрсету болып табылады. Зерттеу жұмысының нәтижесі бойынша жүрек ауруына ұшыраған науқастарды анықтауда logistic regression және naïve-base әдістері 80%-дан астам дәлдікпен аса жоғары нәтижеге қол жеткізуге болатынын көрсетті.

Түйінді сөздер: Жүрек аурулары, Машиналық Оқыту, Деректерді Жіктеу, Компьютер Сараптамасы І Introduction

Presently computer-aided diagnostic systems used in various areas of medicine such as prognosis, diagnosis, treatment of illnesses and patient follow-ups. In this area which is very complex and uncertain, the clinical decision support systems employ different state of the art intelligent systems such as fuzzy logic, artificial neural network and genetic algorithm [1].

Heart diseases have emerged as the number one killer in both urban and rural areas in most of the countries according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The statistical evidences states that heart diseases accounts 1 in every 4 deaths. Of these deaths, 150,000 are under the age of 65, according to the Million Hearts Foundation. As of 2010, it is the leading cause of death in the U.S., England and Canada, accounting for 25.4% of the total deaths in the United States. Similar situation is found rest of the countries all over the world [2]. In case of heart disease time is very crucial to get correct diagnosis in early stage. Patient having chest pain complaint may undergo unnecessary treatment or admitted in the hospital. In most of the developing countries specialists are not widely available for the diagnosis. Hence, such automated system can help to medical community to assist doctor for the accurate diagnosis well in advance [3].

In domain heart disease risk, smoke, cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes, sex and age are main risk factors that have direct relation with heart diseases [4]. Because of the many and uncertain risk factors, many times heart disease diagnosis becomes hard task for experts. In the other word, there exists no strict boundary between healthy and unhealthy states [5]. Having so many factors to analyze in-order to diagnose the heart disease of a patient, makes the physician’s job difficult. So, experts require an accurate tool that considers these risk factors and show certain result in uncertain term. It is clear that automation of the process of analyzing and identifying the diseases is obvious and accordingly this opens the doors for efficient decision support systems that can help to deal with large amount of information. In this case machine learning is an efficient and important tool in medicine that eases the process of identifying diseases according to symptoms and medical data.

Motivated by the need of such an important tool, in this study, we performed a comparative analysis between several machine learning algorithms for heart diseases medical data. Several algorithms were trained in order to compare and get the best model among them. The dataset was taken from UCI Machine Learning Repository and was used for number of researches in Machine Learning.

II Literature Review

This section reviews several studies related to applications of machine learning algorithms for examining medical data. It can be seen that a great variety of methods were used which reached high classification accuracies using the datasets generally taken from UCI-ML repository. Moriset al. used logistic regression algorithm on heart diseases dataset. By applying various preprocessing techniques, he achieved in obtaining 77.0% of classification accuracy [6]. Further, Kamruzzaman et al. proposed a neural network ensemble based methodology for diagnosing of the heart disease diagnosis and achieved prediction accuracy over 80% [7]. Moreover, Das et al. [8]

in 2008 applied genetic algorithm (GA) based Neuro Fuzzy Techniques for breast cancer identification and adaptive neuro fuzzy classifier has been introduced to classify the tumor mass in breast.On more study where authors implemented fuzzy neural network for survey work on medicine [9]. In their study, the Zhang et al., reviewed the position of the art for the application of fuzzy neural network in diagnosis, recognition, image processing and intelligence robot control of medicine with the overall accuracy of 70%. Tanriverdi et al. proposed


a fuzzy expert system for determination of coronary heart disease risk (CHD) of patient for the upcoming ten- years [1]. Developed system outputs the risk ratio and recommends using one of three treatment options: (1) normal live, (2) diet, (3) drug treatment. The result of this fuzzy expert system in 79% as a well as the expert did.

As can be seen the ml algorithms can be successfully applied in medical field.

IIIMaterials and Methods

3.1 Machine Learning Algorithms

The scikit-learn machine learning framework with four algorithms has been used to evaluate the classification performance on heart diseases dataset. The brief explanations for algorithms are provided below.

I. K Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm is one of the first simple supervised learning machine learning algorithms. The logic behind this method is to find a predefined number of training samples closest in distance to the new point, and predict the label from these given data-points. Despite its simplicity, nearest neighbors has been successful in a large number of classification and regression problems. As a distance metric generally the Euclidean distance measure is used. For detailed information refer [5].

II. Decision Trees (D-Tree) isa supervised learning method that is used for classification and regression. The feature is to create a model that predicts the value of a target variable by learning simple decision rules inferred from the data features. This method has some advantages like being simple to understand and easy to interpret and also trees can be visualized and requires little data preparation. The method is based on information theory paradigm. The more information can be obtained [5].

III. Gaussian Naïve Bayes (NB)is a classification technique based on Bayes’ Theorem. In general, the Naïve Bayes classifier assumes the presence of a particular feature in a class is unrelated to the presence of any other feature. For example, a fruit may be considered to be an orange if it is orange, round, and about 10 cm in diameter.

Even if these features depend on each other or upon the existence of the other features, all of these properties independently contribute to the probability that this fruit is an apple and that is why it is known as ‘Naive’. This method’s advantage is that Naive Bayes model is easy to build and particularly useful for very large data sets. For details refer [5].

IV. Logistic regression (Logit)is a part of regression models where the output value is binary or dichotomous.

The prediction curve is S-shaped and based on a sigmoid function [5]. Because of non-linear nature this algorithm shows one of the best results on getting the classification model for the data, for details refer results and discussion section.

3.2 Data collections

The dataset obtained from UCI machine learning repository. There are 14 attributes and over 300 instances.

Table 1 shows details of attributes with correlation coefficients. The target attribute provides 4 categories where first three are related to heart diseases and last one to healthy state. The hold-out method used for training and testing the models, where 70% for training set and 30% for testing set.

Table 1.Features descriptions

Feature title Correlation (r) Description

1 Age 0.237 Age of the patient (numeric)

2 Gender 0.277 Gender of the patient (numeric)

3 CP 0.472 Chest pain type (numeric)

4 Trestpbs 0.128 Resting blood pressure (numeric)

5 Chol 0.121 Serum cholesterol (numeric)

6 Fbs 0.025 Fasting blood sugar (numeric)

7 Restecg 0.169 Resting electrocardiographic results (numeric)

8 Thalach -0.423 Maximum heart rate achieved (numeric)

9 Exang 0.432 Exercise induced angina (numeric)

10 Oldpeak 0.413 =ST: depression induced by exercise relative to rest (numeric)

11 Slope 0.364 The slope of the peak exercise ST segment (numeric)

12 Ca 0.488 Number of major vessels (0-3) colored by

fluoroscopy (numeric)

13 Thal 0.526 3 = normal; 6 = fixed defect; 7 = reversible defect(numeric)

14 DsPrt - The predicted attribute (presence of disease or absence).


IVImplementation, Results and Discussions

Models simulations performed over scikit-learn ml framework for 4 different algorithms over heart diseases dataset. In order to reveal the true potential of algorithms the dataset has been divided into two parts shown in Figure 1 A-B. The first part contains the highly correlated features where r >= 0.5 and second part is lower than r

< 0.5. Generally, highly correlated features have a better relationship between target variable and thus better classification model. This phenomenon also can be seen in confusion matrices plots.

A. Highly correlated features B.Low correlated features

Figure 1. Histograms and scatter plots for each part

The accuracy metrics for algorithms are provided in Figure 2 and 3 for each part. We can see the accuracies for each algorithm for cross-validations between 5 and 12. As can be seen the accuracy is higher for highly correlated features this is obvious because the higher relation between independent and dependent features the better is model. It can be seen that the Logit and NB outperforms all remaining algorithms with over 80% for highly and over 60% for lower related features.

A. Highly correlated featuresB. Low correlated features

Figure 2. Accuracy metrics for each part in training mode


A. Highly correlated featuresB. Low correlated features

Figure 3. Accuracy metrics for each part in testing mode

The performance metrics for each part is provided in Table 2 and 3. The top algorithm for highly correlated features is Logit. Because Logit employs the non-linear modeling techniques thus makes it better than other ml methods but there is a tradeoff in building time.

Table 2. Performance metrics for highly correlated features

RMSE Specificity Precision Recall f1-score Build time (sec)

KNN 0.445 0.76 0.82 0.80 0.80 0.001

D-Tree 0.445 0.77 0.81 0.80 0.80 0.003

NB 0.378 0.87 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.002

Logit 0.331 0.87 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.003

Table 3. Performance metrics for low correlated features

RMSE Specificity Precision Recall f1-score Build time


KNN 0.638 0.62 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.002

D-Tree 0.620 0.62 0.61 0.62 0.61 0.002

NB 0.574 0.66 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.002

Logit 0.611 0.61 0.63 0.63 0.61 0.003

Working with low correlated features the NB outperforms all other algorithms. The probability logic makes classification better but increases the build time for the model. The Logit slightly underperform the NB but still able to follow classification trend. Root mean square errors (RMSE) are provided in Figure 4 for each dataset. It can be seen that the lower the RMSE the better the model.


Figure 4. Algorithms RMSE errors for two datasets


In this research study four supervised machine learning algorithms were applied on heart diseases dataset.

According to resulting studies the top algorithms for highly correlated features is the Logit. This is because the Logit employs the non-linear modeling techniques which makes it better than other ml methods but there is a trade-off in building time. Working with low correlated features the NB outperforms all other algorithms. The probability logic makes classification better but increases the build time for the model. In conclusion we can say that, Logit method can be a good and practical choice to classify a heart disorders medical data.


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