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Untitled - ENU.KZ


Academic year: 2023

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1 General provisions 4

2 Stages of completion of the thesis 5

2.1 Requirements for the subject of the thesis 5

2.2 Appointment of scientific supervisors of theses 6

2.3 Assignment for the thesis 7

2.4 Thesis structure 8

3 Requirements for the thesis format 14

4 Submission for the defense of the thesis 20

5 The procedure for defending a thesis 21

6 Theses storage procedure 23

Appendices 24



1 General provisions

1.1 A thesis is a final written work that, in accordance with the curriculum of the specialty, is performed at the final stage of course, reflecting the erudition, professional knowledge, technological skills and creative qualities of the graduate's personality.

The thesis is the result of university studies, research and practical activities of the student, in the course of which the graduate solves professional theoretical, methodological and organizational problems of tourism sector, service activities, hotel and restaurant business, entertainment industry.

The completion of a student's thesis is the final stage of his/her training, and its defense is an integral part of the state certification of a university graduate in the 5B090200 – "Tourism".

1.2 According to the order On Amending the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 18, 2008 No.

125 "On Approval of the Model Rules for Conducting Current Monitoring of academic performance, midterm and Final Attestation of Students" in the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 13, 2010 No. 168, registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on May 17, 2010 No. 6236, students who have grades "excellent" or

"good" and "excellent" are allowed to write and defend the thesis on the basis of the decision of the department.

If a student with a "satisfactory" grade has shown a propensity for research work and has "excellent" and "good" grades in basic and major disciplines, the department allows student to write and defend the thesis.

In lieu of defending the thesis (project), two state exams are to be taken in the major disciplines of the specialty (educational program):

1) students with satisfactory or moderate academic performance;

2) students undergoing long-term treatment in a hospital (more than one month) on the basis of a medical certificate of health;

3) students who have a child under the age of 2 years on the basis of a child's birth certificate;

4) students caring for sick parents on the basis of a medical certificate on the state of health of the parents.

1.3 The purpose of the thesis is to make an independent contribution to the improvement of the theory, methodology and organization of tourism, hotel and restaurant business, which gives the right to receive a higher education diploma with "bachelor of tourism" the qualification, and includes:

- systematization, consolidation and expansion of theoretical and practical, professional knowledge of students obtained in the course of training;

- mastering the methodology of independent scientific research and experimentation in the development and research of specific issues and problems;



- identification of the student's level of preparedness, acquisition of practical skills and professional competence that contribute to their independent work in the tourism industry, service activities, hotel and restaurant business, and the entertainment industry.

1.4 A thesis must meet one of the following requirements:

- study and generalization of research findings and design decisions made by scientists, analysts, practitioners, and economists;

- contain scientifically-based theoretical conclusions and suggestions for the object under study;

- contain evidence-based findings aimed at solving specific problems, issues and problems.

1.5 To achieve these goals, the graduate student must address the following tasks:

- substantiate the relevance of the chosen topic, its value and significance for the implementation of a specific type of activity (service, production and technological, organizational or managerial) in the enterprise of the tourism and service industry;

- study theoretical provisions, normative and technical documentation, statistical materials, reference and scientific literature on the chosen topic;

- collect the necessary statistical material for a specific analysis;

- analyze the state of the object (subject) of research by collecting the necessary data, using appropriate methods of processing and analyzing information, and identify shortcomings and problems (for example, in the activities of a tourism industry enterprise);

- formulate specific conclusions and suggestions based on the generalization of the findings obtained in the course of the study;

- based on the generalization of the findings obtained, suggest ways to improve the activities of research objects or ways to solve specific problems, issues and tasks;

- calculate the socio-economic efficiency of the implementation of the proposed measures;

- issue a thesis in accordance with regulatory requirements.

1.6 The student as the author of the thesis is responsible for the accuracy and objectivity of all data collected in the thesis and decisions made.

2 Stages of completion of the thesis

2.1 Requirements for the subject of the thesis

2.1.1 The subject of theses is developed by the Tourism department in strict accordance with the specialty profile of training specialists.

2.1.2 The subject of theses should be relevant, correspond to the state and prospects of development of the theory and practice of tourism sector, take into account the real problems and problems of tourism, service activities, hotel and restaurant business, entertainment industry.



When choosing a thesis topic, students should:

- take into account the degree of their professional training;

- be based on their own practical experiences;

- be aware of the reality of the planned work, its scope, timing, and availability of sources.

2.1.3 Themes of theses should be entered into the Platonus system by the teaching staff, according to the workload of the teaching staff.

The general list of topics in the subject of theses should exceed the number of graduates by 2-3 times and be updated annually by at least 50%.

2.1.4 A student must select the topic and supervisor of the thesis in Platonus and the thesis supervisor of the thesis either approves or rejects the student's request.

A student chooses the topic of the thesis from the approved topic list based on a personal application submitted to the dean of the faculty. In the application, the graduate student asks to assign a specific topic for writing a thesis according to the corresponding direction of the thesis supervisor from among the faculty of the department. A sample student application is provided in Appendix A.

2.1.5 A student can suggest a topic for research that is not included in the approved topic list. To do this, student must justify the decision in writing, based on own scientific and practical interests.

2.1.6 Students can complete their theses on the subject of written orders (contracts) of interested legal entities.

2.1.7 The topic of the thesis, on the basis of the decision of the Academic Council, is approved at the beginning of the academic year of the graduation course by order of the Chairman of the Management Board - Rector of the NJSC

“L.N Gumilyov Eurasian National University” behind each student, with the indication of the scientific advisor.

2.1.8 The topic of the thesis, if necessary, after completing the pre-graduate practice, can be changed, clarified, adjusted based on the motivated presentation of the head of the department.

2.2 Appointment of scientific supervisors of theses

2.2.1 Experienced teachers of the department, regardless of their position, can be appointed as thesis supervisors.

2.2.2 The supervisor of the thesis must:

- set a task for the student to complete the thesis after an academic supervisor assignment order is issued;

- develop a plan for the thesis completion for the entire period, reflecting all stages of the thesis completion;

- recommend the data sources and the necessary main literature, including monographs, legislative and regulatory acts, reference and archival materials, articles from periodical scientific publications, instructions, rules, lecture courses,



journals (including in foreign languages), since the thesis should be performed on the basis of a thorough study of the relevant specialized literature;

- perform ongoing monitoring of the student's compliance with the schedule for the thesis completion;

- provide consulting and methodological assistance at the specified time, as well as consult on the volume and sections of the thesis.

2.2.3 Head of Department shall provide guidelines for the implementation of the thesis, establish a timeline for periodic student report on the implementation of the thesis and check together with the supervisor an interim report on the readiness of the thesis in accordance with the completion plan of the thesis.

Information about the readiness of the thesis by students of the graduating department is submitted to the dean of the faculty. The student must submit three reports on the degree of completion of the thesis according to the task for the thesis:

- the first interim report on the implementation of Chapter I before leaving for practice;

- second interim report on the implementation of Chapter II and/or III-upon completion of the practice;

- the third report on the completion of the thesis - before the mock defense of the thesis – a month prior to the SAC starts working in accordance with the academic calendar.

In case of non-compliance with the completion plan of the thesis and failure to provide reports on the readiness state of the thesis, the supervisor reports to the head of the department in a written form for adoption of measures.

2.3 Assignment for the thesis

2.3.1 The assignment for the thesis contains a description of the primary resource material and ancillary sources, a list of questions developed by the student, a list of recommended literature, a list of graphic material (tables, diagrams, charts, drawings, etc.), a detailed plan for writing the thesis. Form of assignment for thesis is provided in Appendix B.

2.3.2 Thesis assignment is approved by the head of department indicating the completion date and must be filed in a thesis after the title page without numbering, but should be included in the total number of pages.

2.3.3 In some cases, consultants may be invited for certain sections of the thesis, indicating them in the assignment for the thesis within the 24 hours allotted for scientific guidance.

2.3.4 The calendar plan is drawn up for the entire period indicating all the successive stages of the thesis from the selection of literature to passing the preliminary/ mock defense (see Appendix B).

Students are encouraged to follow the schedule for developing their thesis:

1. Selection of the topic of the thesis and its approval at the department.

2. Selection, study and processing of literature. Compiling a bibliography of the main sources and presenting it to the supervisor.



3. Drawing up a thesis plan, approving it with the supervisor.

4. Development and submission for review of the introduction, the theoretical part of the work.

5. Accumulation, systematization and analysis of practical materials.

6. Development and presentation of the analytical part of the work.

7. Development and presentation of the practical part of the work.

8. Development and presentation of the report on the work.

9. Coordination of conclusions and proposals with the thesis supervisor.

10. Processing (completion) of the thesis in accordance with the comments of the supervisor.

11. The submission of the thesis to the Commission for the mock defense.

12. Correction of the thesis in accordance with the comments of the Commission on mock defense.

13. Submission of the work to the supervisor for signing.

14. The procedure of compliance control.

15. Submission of the work to the supervisor for a review preparation.

16. Submission of the work to the head of the department for signing.

17. Completion of the thesis in accordance with the comments of the head of the department.

18. Review of the thesis by an external specialist.

19. Submission of the thesis with the review of the supervisor and the review of the external specialist to the technical secretary of the SAC for registration.

20. Presentation of handout (illustrative) material, electronic presentation of the thesis and a disk with its contents to the SAC.

2.3.5 Students ' theses should be of interest for practice and, if possible, reflect the range of problems solved by national, regional or municipal programs for the development of the tourist and service complex, hotel and restaurant industry, and entertainment industry.

2.3.6 The main part of the thesis should disclose goals and objectives of the theme with a support of used methods, description of experiments, a comparative analysis of the different variants, accompanied by illustrations, graphs, drawings, sketches, diagrams, schemes and the use of software where applicable.

2.3.7 Thesis can be performed by the student, both at the university and in other enterprises and organizations, in accordance with the object and subject of the study.

2.4 Thesis structure

2.4.1 A thesis should be a research paper prepared by the student of a specific specialty in the form of a manuscript with a volume of 40-50 pages of printed text. Appendices are not included in the specified volume of the thesis but numbered.

2.4.2 the structural elements of the thesis are:

- cover;

- title page;



- thesis assignment;



- main part (theoretical, analytical and recommendation parts);

- conclusion (conclusions and suggestions);

- bibliography;

- appendix/appendices.

2.4.3 The cover and title page are the first pages of the thesis and serve as information source and provides information for processing and searching the document.

The cover and title page of the thesis are not numbered but are included in the total number of pages. The cover and title page forms are given in appendices C and D.

2.4.4 The content of the thesis includes the introduction, sequence numbers and names of all chapters (sections) and paragraphs (subsections), conclusion, bibliography and name of appendices.

In the content, each element (chapter, paragraph) of the thesis is marked with the page number from which it begins.

The content of the thesis must meet the following requirements:

- logical sequence of the material presentation;

- a clear target orientation of the research;

- concreteness of findings’ description;

- evidence of conclusions, findings and validity of the proposed solutions and recommendations.

A sample of the "Content" is given in Appendix D.

2.4.5 The introduction should contain a justification of the relevance of the topic of the thesis, an assessment of the current state of the problem being solved;

the purpose, objectives, object and subject of the thesis should be formulated; the theoretical and methodological basis of the research, the novelty and practical significance of the thesis should be described. The volume of the introduction can be 1-2 pages.

The relevance of the chosen topic should show the importance and significance of the problem posed in the study, as well as its impact on various fields of activity, indicators.Thus, to justify the relevance means to explain why it is necessary at present to solve formulated problem in the work (why the new scientific knowledge is essential for practice, what problem in the existing practice of the tourism industry requires, in the opinion of the graduate, its solution, what is the main idea of the research, what has been done to solve the problem by other researchers and what needs to be done by the student).

The research goal is the final result that the graduate student determines at the beginning of the research and achieves in the process of its implementation.

The thesis on "Corporate culture in the hospitality industry" assumes the following goal: analysis of the state of corporate culture in the hospitality industry in Nur- Sultan and development proposals for its improvement.



Research objectives are a list of step-by-step achievement of the research goal. Each task represents a specific part of the thesis is to examine the theoretical basis (e.g., accounting, cross-cultural factors in tourism); to justify the need (e.g., accounting, cross-cultural factors in the formation of documentary support of outbound tours to Arab countries); to develop (for example, activities ...); to define (e.g., factors that enhance the effectiveness from implementation activities for ...);

to fulfil (for example, economic analysis of measures of…)

The object of research is the process or phenomenon (system) that gave rise to the problem under study. The object of research can be:

- the organizational structure of the enterprise of the tourism industry (for a thesis on improving the organizational structure of a particular enterprise);

- system of monitoring, marketing, advertising, public relations, etc. (in works devoted to research and development of proposals for improving the system of monitoring, marketing, advertising, public relations, etc.);

- tourist resources of a certain type of tourism or a certain territory (for theses devoted to the analysis or comparison of tourist resources of a certain type of tourism or territory);

- tour operating of a specific type, direction of tourism (for example, in the thesis on the topic "Formation of a new tourist product for family holidays in Borovoye", the object of research is a new tourist product);

- a certain aspect of activity of the enterprises of the tourism industry, associations of enterprises of the tourism industry, the system of regulation of the industry (for theses dedicated to the analysis, comparative analysis, developing and improving a specific aspect of tourist industry enterprises, the system of regulation of the industry).

For example, for a thesis on "Corporate culture in the hospitality industry", the object of research is the corporate culture of hotels, for example, in Nur-Sultan.

The subject of research is a specific designation of the properties of the object of research. For example, for a thesis on "Corporate culture in the hospitality industry", the subject of research is the process of improving corporate culture in the hospitality industry.

Research methodology is a system of basic principles, methods, techniques, ways and means of their implementation in the organization and construction of research activities. The research methodology can be based on the following approaches:

- the system is the study of phenomenon as the aggregate of its constituent parts (for example, a study of "The formation of a new tourism product for a family holiday in Borovoye" applies a systematic approach to the analysis of such phenomenon as the creation of tourist products, since the creation of the tourist product is a complex of events and phenomena interrelated and interdependent;

system components (or complex) the formation of tourism product are: the tourism products as the goal, methods and practices of tour operating, consumer product, creator of tourist products – tour operator, circumstances of the tourism product – the direction of departure, service providers, etc.);



- formal or substantial – the extraction only relatively stable and invariant moments of the studied phenomena (for example, in the study "Evaluation of resource provision of sports tourism in Almaty", most likely, will be applied a formal approach, which based on well-known ideas about the necessary components of resource provision of sports tourism will be systematized and summarized the facts supporting/refuting the presence of the necessary components of the system sports tourism in Almaty).

The novelty of the thesis usually consists in clarifying individual concepts, components of economic processes and characterizes the author's contribution to the development of the problem under study (author's approaches to the interpretation of concepts, systematization of classification, methods of marketing research, market segmentation, etc.). The novelty of the thesis allows you to evaluate the author's ability to study the problem and find extraordinary solutions, improve existing methods and techniques. These can be new useful results, a new object of research, new research methods, consideration of the object in new conditions.

The practical significance of the work reflects the role of the chosen topic and the actions proposed by the author to solve the problem, the usefulness of the study for solving specific practical problems of the tourism industry.The practical significance The description of practical significance implies a focus on a specific target group of potential consumers of the research findings (for example, the target group of research findings on the topic "Formation of a new tourist product for family holidays in Borovoye" may include tour operators of domestic tourism).

2.4.6 The main part of the thesis contains data reflecting the essence, content, methodology and main findings of the work performed. The main part of the thesis is usually divided into sections and subsections (chapters and paragraphs). Thesis includes 3 chapters.

The first chapter is theoretical, which may include 2-3 paragraphs. In this chapter, based on a review of scientific, legislative, statistical, practical and other literature sources, the theoretical aspects and issues of the problem under study are considered. During the review of literature sources, this Chapter should reveal the conceptual framework, methodological foundations of the problem under consideration, give a comparative assessment of various points of view of both domestic and foreign scientists on the topic under study, and determine their own approach and contribution to the study and solution of tasks. This Chapter can be 5-10 pages long. An example content of the theoretical part:

- history of the issue under study;

- clarification of wording/definition;

- description of the essence of the phenomenon under study;

- analysis of the degree of study and elaboration of the problem under study.

For example:

1 Theoretical foundations of tour booking organization 1.1 Concept, content and functions of tour operator activity

1.2 Main factors influencing the economic efficiency of tour booking



1.3 Foreign experience in the development of tour operator activities

Chapter two is analytical. This Chapter may include 2-3 paragraphs, in which, based on the study of special information (scientific, reference, regulatory, statistical, practical, etc.), a comprehensive analysis of the object under study is carried out, a detailed description of the object and subject of research is given, factors and patterns of the object under study are identified, development trends, shortcomings in existing practice and ways to solve them. This chapter may be 15- 20 pages long. The analytical part of the thesis should contain:

- systematization of the findings of the research aspect of activity (for example, a tour operator);

- formulation of conclusions based on the findings of the study, stating the existence of a problem;

- assessment of the prospects for developing new approaches to solving the task (a new organization of work of one of the departments, a new tour, a monitoring system, an advertising company, a document management system, etc.);

- findings of marketing research on the possibility and necessity of preparing and implementing new services;

- main conclusions on the analytical part.

For example:

2 Current state of tour booking in the Republic of Kazakhstan 2.1 Current state of tour operator activity

2.2 Analysis of the formation, promotion and sale of tourist products by leading tour operators

2.3 Main problems of development of tour operator activity

Chapter three contains summary, recommendation. This chapter may consist of 2-3 paragraphs, in which, based on theoretical and practical analysis of the research problem, the shortcomings of the research object, unsolved problems in this area, prospects for further development, as well as other possible ways to improve certain areas of organization and management of the object of study are determined. This chapter may be 15-20 pages long.

The practical part of the thesis should include:

- measures to improve the activities of tour operators / travel agencies, create a new travel product, new forms of service, improve the organizational structure of the travel company, develop proposals for the use of travel resources, etc. This section of the practical part contains the findings of a research search for a graduate student on a specific project, a method for solving the problem formulated in the previous chapter (for example, technology for creating a new tourist product, ways to implement the proposed measures to streamline document flow, etc.);

- information support of the thesis.

Sample list of questions on information support of the thesis:

- analysis of information sources used in the formation of travel products, development of proposals for improving the work of travel agencies, research of travel resources, etc.;



-assessment of the use of internet technologies (databases, e-mail, website, etc.) and suggestions for their improvement.

For example:

3 Ways of development of tour operator activity in competitive environment in the Republic of Kazakhstan

3.1 Prospects for the development of tour booking

3.2 Economic efficiency in improving the forms and methods of conducting tour operating activities by tourist enterprises

3.3 Ways to improve tour operator activity

In the third part of the thesis, it is necessary to determine the effectiveness of the proposed measures (solutions).

For example, to calculate the main financial and economic indicators of the enterprise's economic activity, which will be achieved as a result of the implementation of measures and recommendations proposed by the student in the practical part of the thesis.

The economic efficiency (absolute) of the measures proposed in the practical part is usually determined by comparing the result (R) and costs (C).

e = R-C

The result from the implementation of an event can be expressed either in the form of an increase in profit, or in the form of a reduction in production costs (circulation).

Social efficiency is characterized by saving the free time of the population, which can be expressed in hours or be estimated in terms of value.

Specific approaches to calculating the effectiveness of measures depend on the research direction chosen in the thesis.

So, if the work offers solutions for introducing new types of services and / or forms of their promotion, improving the pricing strategy (using discounts, discount cards, etc.), conducting advertising events, providing additional types of services to customers, etc., it is advisable to calculate the possible additional revenue and the amount of additional profit received as a result of implementing the decisions made.

For example:

3.3 Calculation of the effectiveness of the proposed measures (or comparative characteristics of the cost)

It is advisable to make conclusion of each section of the work that follows logically from the content of the section.

2.4.7 The conclusion of 1-2 pages should contain brief conclusions on the findings of the thesis research, an assessment of the completeness of the tasks’

solutions, specific suggestions and recommendations for the analyzed object of research.

2.4.8 The bibliography is a list of used scientific, educational, periodical, legislative and regulatory, statistical, electronic and other sources, designed in accordance with the established requirements for scientific works and must include at least 30 sources. Of these, at least 30% of the sources must be published no



earlier than 2016. It will be advisable to cite the scientific works of domestic scientists. A sample of the bibliography is given in Appendix E.

2.4.9 Appendices include materials related to the implementation of the thesis, which are not reflected in the main part and can be presented in the form of tables, figures, instructions, technical descriptions, software products, calculations, etc.

2.5.1 Theses are checked for plagiarism, according to The procedure for checking theses of students (bachelor's, master's) for plagiarism I ENU 20-17.

2.5.2 The schedule for submitting for plagiarism is made by the decision of the graduating department according to the academic calendar of this specialty.

3 Requirements for the thesis format

3.1.1 Each student passes the procedure of compliance control of the thesis with the requirements for the thesis format. Conformity of the thesis with the requirements is reflected on compliance control sheet, which is signed by the compliance controller and the student, is enclosed in an envelope in the thesis (Appendix G).

3.1.2 Compliance controllers are appointed by the head of the department from the teaching staff of the department.

3.2 Compliance control sheet is given in Appendix G. The task of compliance controller is to check compliance of the thesis to the formatting requirements.

3.3 Thesis must be printed using a computer and a printer on one side of a sheet of white A4 paper at single interval. Font – Times New Roman (normal), size – 14. It is necessary to observe uniform density, contrast and the overall clarity of the image throughout the work. The thesis must have a hardcover.

3.4 The following page parameters must be observed: margins – left - 30 mm, right – 10 mm, top – 20 mm, bottom – 25 mm. Paragraph indent – 12.5 mm.

3.5 Typos, misprints and graphic inaccuracies found in the course of the thesis may be corrected by erasing or painting over with corrector and applying the corrected text (graphics) in the same place in a printed or handwritten way (black ink or gel pen).

3.6 The surnames, names of institutions, organizations and firms, product names and proper names should be given in original language.

3.7 Each chapter (section) and each paragraph (subsection) must contain complete information and disclose the topic of the thesis.

3.8 Names of chapters (sections) and paragraphs (subsections) should be printed with a paragraph indent with an uppercase (capital letter) without a dot at the end, without underlining. If the name consists of two sentences, then they are separated by a dot.



3.9 Pages are numbered in Arabic numerals, with a continuous numbering throughout the text. The page number is placed in the center of the lower part of the page without a dot, 12 font.

3.10 The cover, title page, and thesis assignment are not numbered, but are included in the general page numbering.

3.11 The contents and the first page of the introduction are not numbered, but are also included in the general page numbering. Page numbering starts from the second page of the introduction, which numbered by “6”, and continues consequently till the last page of the work, including the appendices.

3.12 Illustrations and tables on separate sheets are included in the total page numbering of the thesis. The A3 format is considered as a single page.

3.13 Chapters (sections) of the thesis should have sequential numbers within the entire work, indicated by Arabic numerals without a dot and written with paragraph indentation. Paragraphs (subsections) must be numbered within each chapter (subsection), separated by a dot. A dot should not be put at the end of the paragraph (subsection) number.


1. Theoretical foundations of tour booking organization 1.1 Concept, content and functions of tour operator activity

1.2 Main factors influencing the economic efficiency of tour booking 1.3 Foreign experience in the development of tour operator activities

Each chapter (section) of the thesis begins with a new page. The text is separated from the title of the chapter and paragraph by one line spacing (one Enter). Paragraphs (subsections) within a chapter are separated by one line (one Enter) from the text. The names of chapters (sections) and paragraphs (subsections) should be printed with uppercase (capital) letters, not in quotation marks, and no dot should be placed at the end of the name.


(paragraph indent) Introduction

(1 line between the section title and the text) ...(text)

...(text) ...(text) (New section starts with a new page)

(paragraph indent) 1 Theoretical foundations of the organization of tour booking

(indent - 1 line)

(paragraph indent) 1.1 the Concept, content and functions of tour operator activities

(indent - 1 line)

... (text)

... (text) ... ...(text)



(indent - 1 line)

(paragraph indent) 1.2 the Main factors influencing the economic efficiency of tour booking

(indent - 1 line)

... (text)

...(text) ... (text) (indent - 1 line)

(paragraph indent) 1.3 Foreign experience in the development of tour operator activities

(indent -1 line)


...(text) ... (text) (New section starts with a new page)

(paragraph indent) 2 Current state of tour booking in the Republic of Kazakhstan

(indent - 1 line)

(paragraph indent) 2.1 Analysis of the formation, promotion and sale of tourist products by leading tour operators of the Republic of Kazakhstan

(indent-1 line)

...(text) ...(text) ...(text)

3.14 Illustrations (figures, maps, graphs, diagrams, photos) should be placed in the center, immediately after the text in which they are mentioned for the first time or on the next page. The illustrations can be colored and numbered in Arabian figures through continuous numbering. All illustrations should be referenced.

Illustrations, drawings, if necessary, can have the name and explanatory data (explanatory text). Before and after the illustration, you must leave a space in one line. The word "Figure", its number and after a dash — the name of the figure is placed after the explanatory data and is placed in the center under the figure without a dot at the end.

The word "Note" is placed after the figure and its name, with paragraph indentation.


27 498,00

33 933,00

23 088,00 19179

17 128,00

37 554,00

29 586,00

0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000

2016 yr. 2017 yr. 2018 yr. 2014 yr.

Volume of production of tourist products and services rendered

Income from the sale of tourist products and services rendered, million tenge



Figure 1 Financial and economic activity of tourist companies in 2016-2019 Note – compiled by the author based on data [3]

3.15 Tables should be placed immediately after the text in which it is mentioned for the first time or on the next page. All tables must be referenced.

Before and after the table, you must leave a space in one line. The name of the table should reflect its content, be precise and concise. The name should be placed above the table on the left, without indentation in the following format: Table Table number Table name. The name of the table is given with a capital letter without a dot at the end.


Table 1 Key performance indicators of travel companies

Key performance indicators of travel companies


2016 2017 2018 2019

Number of travel agencies, units 1 715 1 994 2 189 1 777 Financial and economic activities of tourist companies, million tenge

Production volume of tourist products

and rendered services 18 416,5 27 498,5 33 933,2 23 088,7 Income from sales of tourist products

and services 19 179,5 17 128,9 37 554,0 29 586,3

Note – compiled by the author based on the source [5]


Note – based on the source [5]

A table with a large number of rows can be moved to another page. When transferring a part of the table to another page, the word "Continuation of table 1"

is written on the right above the table, indicating the table number. When moving a part of an incomplete table, do not draw the lower horizontal line that restricts the table.


Table 2

Key performance indicators of travel companies

Key performance indicators of travel companies


2016 2017 2018 2019

1 2 3 4 5

Number of travel agencies, units 715 994 189 777



Continuation of table 2

A table with multiple columns, occupying more than half of the page, is recommended to place in appendix.

The tables should indicate the units of measurement of the values given, and follow the rules for their reduction. Arbitrary abbreviations in columns and other text are not allowed. In the text of the table, a dot is not placed at the end of sentences.

If the text consists of one word, duplicated in column of the table, it is allowed to replace the quotation marks after the first writing; if two or more words, the first repetition it is replaced with the words "the same", and then quotation marks. It is not allowed to put quotation marks instead of repeated numbers, marks, signs, mathematical and chemical symbols. If digital or other data in any row of the table is not given, then a dash is put in it. Tables are numbered with Arabic numerals by end-to-end numbering. It is allowed to use a smaller font size in the table than in the text.

3.16 The note should be placed directly after the text or graphic material or in the table to which these notes relate without additional line indentation.

The word "note" should be printed in 12 fonts, italics, capital letters, and paragraphs. If there is only one note, then a dash is put after the word "note" and the note is written with a capital letter. One note is not numbered, and several notes are numbered in order in Arabic numerals without a dot.

3.17 Formulas and equations in the text are highlighted in a separate line.

At least one free line must be left above and below each formula or equation. If the equation does not fit in one line, then it must be moved after the equal sign (=) or after the plus (+), minus (-), multiplication (x), division (:) or other mathematical signs, and the signs in the next line repeat.

An explanation of the meaning of symbols and numerical coefficients should be given directly below the formula in the same sequence as they are given in the formula. The value of each symbol and coefficient should be given on a new line.

The first line of the explanation begins with the word "where" without a colon.

Formulas in the thesis should be numbered by ordinal numbering, within the entire work in Arabic numerals in parentheses in the rightmost position on the line.


1 2 3 4 5

Number of travel agencies, units 715 994 189 777

Financial and economic activities of tourist companies, million tenge Volume of production of tourist products

and services rendered 18 416,5 27 498,5 33 933,2 23 088,7 Income from sales of tourist products and

services 19 179,5 17 128,9 37 554,0 29 586,3

Note – compiled by the author based on the source [5]



E1-n = P1-n / A1-n (8)

ESR = ∑ E1-n / n (9)

CE=[∑(NP1+NP2+ ...+ NWP )] / [∑(GA1+GA2+...+GAn)], (10)


E1-n is the economic efficiency from the 1st to the nth enterprise;

NP1-n-net profit from the 1st to the nth enterprise;

GA1-n-gross assets from the 1st to the nth enterprise;

AEE– average economic efficiency from the 1st to the nth enterprise;

n – number of businesses;

CE-cluster efficiency;

NP1, NP2,..., NWP – net profit of n enterprises;

GA1, GA2,..., GAn – gross assets of n enterprises.

3.18 References to the used sources are given in square brackets. If you repeatedly refer to the same source in square brackets, in addition to the ordinal number of the source, put the corresponding pages. For example, [23, p. 145], where 23 is the ordinal number of the used source in accordance with the bibliography of the thesis, and p.145 is the ordinal number of the page in the cited source. The number of references in the text should correspond to the number of sources in the list of references. A dot is placed at the end of the sentence after a square bracket, for example: [23, p. 145].

3.19 Information about sources should be arranged in the order of appearance of references to sources in the text of the thesis, numbered in Arabic numerals without a dot and printed with paragraph indentation (see Appendix E).

3.20 Appendix is designed as a continuation of the thesis and placed after the bibliography. All appendices must be referenced in the text. Appendices are placed in the order of references to them in the text. Each application starts with a new page with the word "Appendix" and its designation capitalized and indicated on the top right of the page (for example, Appendix A). The names of applications are printed on the next line, in the center of the line with a capital letter in a separate line. Appendices should have a common end-to-end page numbering with the rest of the thesis.

Printouts of formats larger than A4 are placed as appendices and folded according to the format of the thesis sheets.

The appendices include materials related to the implementation of the diploma research, which are not reflected in the main part and can be presented in the form of tables, figures, instructions, technical descriptions, software products, calculations, etc.

4 Submission for the defense of the thesis



4.1 After passing the compliance control, the thesis is submitted to the graduating department for the mock defense procedure.

4.2 Procedure of mock defenses of the thesis shall be appointed one month before the beginning of work of SAC and the open department meeting with the participation of the student and the obligatory presence of the supervisor and reflected in the protocol of the department (Appendix H).

4.3 Thesis after successfully passing the mock-defense and compliance control with the established requirements is signed by the student and sent to the supervisor, who writes a review of the thesis and presents it to the head of the department. The head of the department makes the final decision on this thesis, making a corresponding entry on the title page.

4.4 In a review, the supervisor should note the relevance of the topic, the student's independence in performing the work, the logical sequence of issues considered, the reasonableness and specificity of conclusions and proposals, the positive and negative aspects of the work, compliance (non-compliance) with the requirements, admission (non-admission) to the defense at a meeting of the State Attestation Commission. A review should be written in printed form, 1-2 pages in size.

The review form is given in Appendix I.

4.5 In case of disapproval of the thesis, the supervisor does not sign the thesis, but provides a written review, where he justifies his decision not to allow the thesis to be defended.

The student defends the thesis in the presence of a positive review of the supervisor and one review of a specialist corresponding to the profile of the defensed thesis.

If the supervisor gives a negative conclusion "not allowed to defend", the student is not allowed to defend the thesis.

If the head of the department does not consider it possible to allow a student to defend a thesis, this issue is considered at a meeting of the department with the mandatory participation of this student and his/her supervisor. The protocol of the meeting of the department are submitted for approval to the rector of the University.

4.6 After passing the preliminary defense, the thesis is sent by the dean of the faculty for review.

4.7 The review, in contrast to the thesis supervisor review, is the result of an independent expert's content quality assessment of the thesis.

4.8 The reviewer must carefully study the content of the thesis and make a review in 1-2 printed pages, which reflects:

- the relevance of the topic;

- novelty and practical significance of the topic;

- full disclosure of the research topic;

- literacy of presentation and design of the thesis;

- compliance of the content with the requirements and the task for the thesis;



- sufficient (insufficient) volume of literature sources used;

- positive and negative aspects of the thesis;

- reasonable comments and shortcomings;

- degree of problem solving and research completion;

- traditional rating with a reflection of its point-rating letter equivalent;

- the possibility of assigning the appropriate academic bachelor's degree to the graduate.

The review form is given in Appendix J.

4.9 The referral form is given in Appendix H.

4.10 Reviewers of theses are approved by the order of the rector of the University by a General list on the proposal of the head of the department, indicating the work place, position and education background (academic or academic degree in the specialty, basic education on a higher education diploma).

4.11 Review of the thesis is carried out by external specialists from organizations whose qualifications correspond to the profile of the defended thesis.

4.12 The student is allowed to defend the thesis both with a positive and negative conclusion of the reviewer.

5 The procedure for defending the thesis.

5.1 No later than three working days before the start of the final certification, the following documents are submitted to the SAC:

1) Order on admission of students to the final certification;

2) A transcript of students with the calculation of the average grade point (GPA) for the entire period of study.

No later than five working days before the start of the thesis defense, the following documents are submitted to the SAC:

1) Review of the thesis supervisor;

2) A review of the thesis, which provides a comprehensive description of the thesis submitted for defense and a reasoned conclusion indicating the score on the point-rating letter system of knowledge assessment and the possibility of awarding a bachelor's degree or qualification in the relevant specialty;

3) The decision of the department on the recommendation for defense (extract from the protocols of the department meeting);

4) Certificate of passing the thesis for plagiarism control.

If necessary, the SAC is presented with materials, characterizing practical value of the performed thesis work, informal opinions, written reports of organizations engaged in practical activities on the profile of the thesis, statements or acts of implementation of research findings, models, samples of materials and etc.

5.2 The defense of the thesis is held at an open meeting of the SAC with the participation of at least 50% of members. All interested persons who can participate in the discussion of the thesis in the form of questions and speeches can attend the defense.



5.3 The defense may be conducted in Kazakh, Russian and in some cases in a foreign language.

5.4 The duration of the defense of one thesis should not exceed 30 minutes per student.

5.5 A student is allowed no more than 15 minutes to make a report to the State Attestation Commission. The report must first be checked by the supervisor.

The presentation itself should be accompanied by visual materials or presentation in interactive mode.

5.6 After the discussion, the Secretary of the SAC reads out the supervisor’s review and review of the external specialist. If the supervisor is present, he/she can speak in person. If there are comments in the reviews, the student must give reasoned explanations of their essence.

5.7 The findings of the defense of the thesis are recorded in the protocols of the meeting of the State Attestation Commission (SAC) for each student separately and are announced on the same day. The protocols of the SAC meeting are stored in the University archive in accordance with the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan December 22, 1998 "On the national archive fund and archives".

5.8 Decisions on the assessment of the thesis defense, as well as on the designation of a degree or qualification and the issuance of a diploma/certificate (without distinction, with distinction) are made by the SAC at a closed meeting by open voting by a simple majority of the members of the SAC who participated in the meeting. If the number of votes is equal, the Chairman of the Commission has the deciding vote.

5.9 A student, who did not show up for the thesis defense for reasonable excuses, writes an application in any form addressed to the Chairman of the SAC, submits a document confirming reasonable excuses, and with the permission of SAC Chairman can sit the exam or defend his/her thesis on the next day of the SAC meeting.

5.10 A student who does not agree with the findings of the thesis defense, submits an appeal no later than the next working day after the defense day.

5.11 To conduct an appeal, an Appeal Commission is created by the order of the Head of the University from among experienced teachers whose qualifications correspond to the profile of the specialty.

5.12 Documents submitted to the SAC on the state of health after receiving an unsatisfactory assessment are not considered.

5.13 Re-defense of the thesis in order to increase the positive rating is not allowed.

5.14 Re-defense of the thesis to persons who received the rating

"unsatisfactory", during the period of final certification is not allowed.

5.15 When defending a thesis if the thesis is considered unsatisfactory, the SAC establishes the possibility of re-submission for the defense of the same work with revision, or the development of a work with a new topic. This decision of the SAC is recorded in the protocols of the meeting.



5.16 A person who has not passed the final certification, in the next academic year, no later than a month before the start of the final certification, writes an application to the head of the University for admission to the re-final certification.

5.17 Admission to re-final certification is issued by the order of the rector of the University.

5.18 Repeated final certification of the student is carried out only in those forms in which he received an unsatisfactory rating in the previous final certification.

6 Theses storage procedure

6.1 Theses after the defense are transferred by the department to the archive of the University according to the inventory approved by the head of the department.

6.2 Theses are stored in the archive of the University for 5 years. At the end of this period, the Commission created by the order of the rector will write off the theses according to the act.

6.3 In order to provide educational and methodological assistance, participate in competitions, and introduce them into the educational process, a copy of the thesis is taken with the permission of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and transmitted to the interested party.

Appendix A

The sample application

Dean of Economics faculty S.B.Makysh



from the student of

5B090200 "Tourism", group _____

Akpisheva Ayaulym Asanovna


I kindly ask you to approve the topic №__ of the thesis in the following wording _____________________________________________________________________________

(topic title) and to assign as a thesis supervisor


(position, academic degree, rank, full name of the thesis supervisor)

Student group _____________________ (full name) Signature




Appendix B

L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Faculty of Economics

“Tourism” specialty- 5B090200 Tourism Department

APPROVED Head of department

_________Mutaliyeva L.M.

«___» ________ 20____


for bachelor’s degree thesis


full name


course, group, specialty, form of education

1.The theme of the thesis________________________________________________________


Approved by the order of rector of «____» _______ 20___ № _____

2. Term of delivery of the completed work by the student «____» ______20_____

3. Primary data for the study (laws, literature, laboratory and production data)




4. List of issues to be developed in the thesis






5.List of graphic materials (drawings, tables, diagrams, etc)



6. List of the main recommended literature




7. Consultations on the work (with indication the relevant sections of the work)


26 Number, title of

the section, chapter

Thesis supervisor, consultant

Terms of received assignment

Assignment issued (signature)

Assignment accepted (signature)

8. The timetable for the completion of the thesis

Stages of study Deadlines for

completion Note

1 Approval of the thesis theme

2 Collecting of materials for the preparation of the thesis

3 Preparing theoretical part of the thesis (Chapter 1)

Prior to practice 4 Preparing analytical part of the thesis

(Chapter 2-3)

During practice 5 Completion of the draft version of the thesis the first week after the

completion of practice 6 Providing a thesis for mock-presentation During review lectures

(consultations) 7 Providing a thesis for review

8 Submission of the final version of the thesis with the review of the supervisor and the review

9 Defense of the thesis According to the SAC

schedule Date of issue «______» _____________ 20___

Thesis supervisor ____________________________

signature, full name, academic degree, position

Assignment received by _______________ _______________

signature Student’s full name



Appendix C

Sample cover of the thesis

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Khamzina Ainara Ruslanovna BACHELOR’S THESIS

Theme: Improvement of tour operator activity in the competitive environment in the Republic of Kazakhstan

5B090200 - “Tourism” specialty

Nur-Sultan 2022



Appendix D

Sample design of the title page

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

“Admitted to the Defense”

Head of Tourism department _________Mutaliyeva L.M.

«___» ________ 2022


Theme: Improving tour operator activity in the competitive environment in the Republic of Kazakhstan

“Tourism” specialty - 5B090200

Completed by Khamzina A. R.

Thesis supervisor

PhD., Professor Supataeva B. O.

Nur-Sultan 2022



Appendix E Sample of the content of the thesis


Introduction 6

1 Theoretical foundations of the organization of tour booking 8

1.1 Concept, content and functions of tour operator activity 8

1.2 Main factors influencing the economic efficiency of tour operating 11

1.3 Foreign experience in the development of tour operator activities 14

2 Current state of tour operating in the Republic of Kazakhstan 17

2.1 Current state of tour operator activity 17

2.2 Analysis of the formation, promotion and implementation of tourism

products leading tour operators 23

2.3 Main problems of development of tourist activities 29

3 The way of the development tour operator activity in conditions of

Competition in the Republic of Kazakhstan 35

3.1 Prospects for the development of tour operating in the conditions of

competition 35

3.2 Economic efficiency by improving the forms and methods of tour

operating activities of tourist enterprises 41

3.3 Ways to improve tour operator activity 47

Conclusion 53

Bibliography 56



Appendix (Appendices) 57



Appendix F

Sample design of the list of references


1. Bibliographic description of the book

… one author

1 Kvartalnov V. A. Tourism: textbook. M.: Finance and statistics, 2014.

– 336 p.

2 Mutalieva L.M. Restaurant business marketing: a textbook. – Almaty:

Economics, 2020. – 196 p.

... two and three authors

3 Eshenkulova G.I. Fundamentals of turismology: textbook / G.I.

Eshenkulova, A.B. Baimbetova, A.H. Mukanov, A.G. Gizzatzhanova, O.V.

Podsukhina. – Astana: Ed. L.N. Gumilyov ENU, 2017.– 308 p.

… without the authors

4 Large dictionary of official legal terms / comp. Yu. I. Fedinsky, M.:

Ekonomika, 2018, – 646 p.

2. Bibliographic description of collections

… articles

5 Syzdykbaeva B. U. Evaluating the effectiveness of the tourism and hospitality industry development // Herald Of Kazakhstan National University.

Economic series. – 2017. – № 1 (119). – P.159 – 165.

… statistical material

6 Tourism of Kazakhstan: Stat. sat. / Edited by N.S. Aidapkelov. – Nur- Sultan: Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Committee on Statistics, 2019. – 65 p.

… conference proceedings

7 Nurlanova A.A. Problems and prospects of development of youth tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan // Collection of materials. The Third International.

the symposium of tourism of the Turkic world. – Bishkek, April 20 - 22, 2017. – P.702 - 707.

6. Bibliographic description of multi-volume publications ... the document as a whole



8 Kazakhstan. The National Encyclopedia: in 5 volumes / Chief editor A.N.

Nysanbayev. – Almaty: Kazakh. encycl., 1998-2007 – 5 vols.

9 Kazakhstan. The National Encyclopedia: in 5 volumes / Chief editor A.N.

Nysanbayev. – Almaty: Kazakh. encycl., 1998-2007. Vol.4: M - S. – 2006 – 560 p.

… separate volume

10 Maksakovsky V. P. Geographical picture of the world. In 2 books. Book 1:

General characteristics of the world / V.P. Maksakovsky. – M.: Bustard, 2003 – 495 p.

4. Bibliographic description of the component part of the document (article)

... from the newspapers

11 Tourism development will increase the production of domestic goods //

Kazakhstanskaya Pravda. – 2018. – March 30. – P. 7.

... from magazines

12 Dementiev S. The pros and cons of a large selection // Travel Business. – 2019. – No. 8. P. 79-85.

5. Bibliographic description of dissertations and abstracts

13 Nasanbekova S. T. Use of digital marketing in the development of tourist destinations (on the example of Akmola region): dis. ... doctor of Philosophy (PhD). – Nur-Sultan, 2020. – 141 P.

14 14 Tleubayeva A. T. models of rural tourism development in the Republic of Kazakhstan (on the example of Akmola region): dis. ... doctor of Philosophy (PhD). – Nur-Sultan, 2020 – 243 p.

6. Bibliographic description of electronic resources

15 Concept of development of the tourism industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2020: Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 19, 2014 No. 508 [Electronic resource]. – URL:

http://online.zakon.kz/Document/?doc_id=31559370 (accessed 21.10.2021)

16 Akisheva A.S. The impact of sustainable tourism on the economy //

Bulletin of ENU. Economic series. – 2021. – No. 1. – PP.201 – 207. – URL http://bulecon.enu.kz/article/archive/view?id=the-impact-of-sustainable-tourism- on-the-economy (accessed 25.09.2021)

7. Bibliographic description of legislative materials



17 Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 13, 2001 No. 211 "On tourist activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan" / / Vedomosti of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2001. – No. 13-14.

Note: the dot is not placed after the source number, then follows a paragraph indent and the source data is printed


Figure 1  –  Financial and economic activity of tourist companies in 2016-2019  Note  –  compiled by the author based on data [3]
Table 1  —  Key performance indicators of travel companies
18  Table layout  They are placed after the text  19  Figure layout  They are placed after the text


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