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(1)Yergaliev Dastan Syrymovich Head of the Department of Space Technology and the Eurasian National University of Technology them


Academic year: 2023

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Yergaliev Dastan Syrymovich

Head of the Department of Space Technology and the Eurasian National University of Technology them. LN Gumilyov

Scientific degree, scientific school:

Kuibyshev Institute of Aviation after academian S. P. Korolev (1992), The Samara state university of aerospace after academian S. P. Korolev (national research university), faculty of exploitation aircrafts and engines, chair of exploitation aviation technics, specialty «Technic exploitation of aircrafts and engines», candidate of technical sciences in specialty of 05.02.18 – theory of mechanisms and machinery, dissertation defended in Institute of mechanic and machinery after U. Dzholdasbekov Alamaty (2004y.);

candidate of technical sciences in specialty of 05.07.07 – control and test aircrafts and their systems, dissertation defended in Samara state university of aerospace after academian S. P. Korolev, Samara city (2010 y.);

docent VAK (2008) in in specialty of 05.07.002 – «Aviation and rocket-space technic»

Professional experience:

05.1992-06.1993 – Engineer OTK ATB – AVLUGA;

06.1993-12.1994 – Head of shift ATB – AVLUGA;

12.1994-10.1996 – Head teacher of the department of S&D;

10.1996-06.2003 – Head teacher of the department of K&EAD – AVVAU;

06.2003-05.2004 – Head teacher of the department of K&EAD VI SVO;

05.2004-04.2010 – Deputy head of department K&EAD VI SVO;

04.2006-04.2010 – Head of department K&EAD VI SVO;


04.2010-08.20010 – Docent of department of the «Design and building» AU S.


08.2010-09.2013 Docent of department of the Space Technics and Technologies;

09.2013-04.2016 - Acting Professor of the Department "Space technology and technology" ENU;

04.2016-present Head of the Department of Space Technology and technologies ENU. LN Gumilyov.

Publications (selected):

More than 143 articles in science magazines and international conferences publications, Conditions of practical exploitation «aging» airplanes. Science magazine of the Ministry of education and science of RK «Ізденіс» «Search» – 2006. - №4 – 266-271 p.;

The task of studying to recognition patterns. Radio altimeter – 2007: II All-Russia science-technic conference – Kamensk-Uralsk city, 2007. – P.257 -262;

Theoretic foundation of forming original plurality diagnostic sign of technical service and repair objects. Improving technological processes of technic service:

seminar articles collection of nondestructive methods of control. Samara, 2007. – P.21-27;

Modeling the architecture of controlling systems in technical service objects status.

Messenger of Samara state university of aerospace after academian S. P. Korolev.

Samara, 2008 №1(14) – P.219-225;

Algorithms for showing tasks to organizing flexible systems of technical service and repair in aviation technics. Reliability and quality – 2008: International symposium. Penza, - 2008. tom 1 - P.441-442;

The importance of researching the satelittes with the purpose of solving problems.Messenger.–Astana: ЕNU after L.N.Gumilev, 2012.-Special release. – P.446 – 453;

Investigation of the mechanism of compression of crystals under uniaxial elastic deformation. Nanotechnology, Energy and Space: The third international symposium. – Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2013. – P. 27 – 29;

Statistical methods for reliability analisis of padio electronic products.

Nanotechnology, Energy and Space: The third international symposium. – Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2013. – P. 30 – 33;

Intelligent systems for the assessment of airborne equipment set (AES).

International Conference «Global Science and Innovation». Materials of the International scientific conference. Chicago, USA, December 17-18, 2013. 250- 253 p.;

Basics of interpreting the results of diagnostic testing of airborne equipment set.

International Conference «Global Science and Innovation». Materials of the International scientific conference. Chicago, USA, December 17-18, 2013. 253- 256 p.

Scientific interests:


Studying methods of showing for analysis aggregates and systems of BKO aircrafts as objects of control and diagnostic.


International scholar «Bolashak» by specialty 47-T «Theory of flight and designing spacecraft» BTU, FRG (2014y.);

Medal «For the contribution business-education of Russia» RF 2015;

Letter of appreciation after the First President Day RK from A. Bimendina the head of the education management of Astana city 2013 y.


e-mail: eds_kaz67@mail.ru mob: 8-701-749-5854

tel: 8-(7172)-70-95-00 in (33-310)


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