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FYP 2 COMPLETED Chapter (1-5).docx

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Academic year: 2023

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Several aspects have been identified through the E-learning approach to answer the research question regarding the effectiveness and potential of E-learning for higher education. Therefore, this research aims to study the perception of Malaysian university students towards the effectiveness of the e-learning approach in higher education.

Problem Statement

The main challenge of the e-learning approach is the high reliability of technology where technical problems take place, secondly, the disclosure of new university policies and self-motivation (Adnan, 2021). In short, it is crucial to pay attention to the perception of Malaysian students regarding the effectiveness of the e-learning approach to higher education and student engagement, which exposes the aspects of e-learning.

Research Objective

There is a lack of adequate information on the perception of undergraduate students regarding the mandatory transition to e-learning in the midst of a pandemic. Despite the introduction of techniques adaptable to both formal and informal strategies, university politics has been understudied in previous studies.

To explore the perception of Malaysian undergraduates towards the E-learning approach during the pandemic period

It refers to whether someone considers a piece of technology to be beneficial for the task at hand. Although techniques that can be adapted to both formal and informal strategies are introduced, the mandatory requirement to accept e-learning in the context of the pandemic is missing in previous studies.

To explore the effectiveness of university policies on E-learning towards Malaysian

The e-learning approach is complex and multi-dimensional thus it fails to determine how people's self-reliance, motivation and compulsory e-learning approach has improved in a multi-cultural context in Malaysia.

To explore the effects of the E-learning approach on the self-motivation of Malaysian undergraduates

Research Question

What are the perceptions of Malaysian undergraduates towards the E-learning approach during the pandemic period?

What are the effects of the E-learning approach on the self-motivation of Malaysian undergraduates?


  • Research Significance
  • Practical Significance
  • Theoretical Significance

In addition, this study will also investigate the effects of the E-learning technique on the self-motivation of Malaysian students. Moreover, Malaysian students can practice it without feeling demotivated to ensure the effectiveness of e-learning methods.

Operational Definition of Terms .1 Technology

  • E-learning
  • Academic Performance
  • University Policies
  • Student Engagement

Academic performance is a way of evaluating students' progress in several academic areas and their educational satisfaction. A university policy is a document that describes the university's position on a particular topic and indicates how to comply with it.


This is because students who are actively interested in their studies are more likely to succeed (Kahu & Nelson, 2018). Furthermore, research has found a link between student engagement and motivation, with engaged students showing "consistent behavioral engagement in learning activities accompanied by a positive emotional tone" (Groccia, 2018).

Literature Review

  • Introduction
  • Effectiveness and Benefits between E-learning and Traditional Learning
  • E-learning Engagement towards the Users
  • Technical Challenges Faced by Students and Parents
  • Universities Policy
  • Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
    • Perceived Usefulness
    • Perceived Ease of Use
    • Conceptual Framework
  • Summary

According to the original technology acceptance model, there is a direct relationship between perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, which further research has confirmed. According to the study, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are characteristics that influence students' response to using e-learning.

Figure 1: Original Technology Acceptance Model
Figure 1: Original Technology Acceptance Model



Research Design

Section C is key, closely linked to the study's research questions and objectives and these questions provide the most valuable information. Finally, section D is closing, simple questions to address and provide a sense of closure giving participants a chance to discuss any topics not addressed or offer advice.


According to the Ministry of Higher Education, there are 20 public universities and 47 private universities in Malaysia. Researchers collected 15 undergraduate students because it can reach a sufficient number of data required for this study.


Therefore, the researcher must have advanced knowledge about the purpose of conducting this study for the selected qualified participants. The objective of this study is to highlight the importance of Malaysian University students' perception towards the effectiveness of e-learning approach in higher education.

Research Instrument

This is because all the changes of the independent variables will affect the purpose of using E-learning. In addition, our questions were constructed to study whether the independent variables are important versus usefulness and ease of use in e-learning.


  • Pilot Study

To ensure a reliable, high-quality research result, a pilot study was conducted for the semi-structured interview (Junyong, 2017). A pilot study is a prominent step in the research methodology that the researcher must understand in order to acquire qualitative data.

Interview Protocol Framework

  • Data collection

Therefore, an email will be issued to participants as a reminder of the group discussion email for this study. Acknowledgment of registration is to ensure that this study adheres to the ethical requirements of the research study, which is the informed consent of the participants.

Data Analysis Procedures

Data immersion requires repeated active reading of the data looking for meanings and trends. Themes are usually large structures that connect key pieces of data once discovered.

Ethical Consideration

  • Informed Consent Form

Before the interview begins, all interviewees will be informed of a brief and explicit description of the study protocol and interview process to ensure that they are ready to proceed and ensure their participation throughout the session (Bhutta, 2004). Interviewees should be guided and their right to ask questions, refuse or end the interview should be respected if they become uncomfortable (Zaal, 2017).


Findings & Analaysis

  • Introduction
  • Data Analysis
  • Line by line coding
  • Codes
  • Thematic analysis

The researcher will then develop the code to identify the information from the interview transcripts that is critical to answering the question. In addition, the researcher will then compare the potential themes with the data set to determine if there is a relationship between the data and the topic and thus answer the research question.

Student Engagement

Respondents mentioned that they may have additional knowledge that they can use for academic purposes. Fewer interactions: Respondents mentioned that they feel that e-learning is lacking in interactions, especially during discussion. In addition, the respondents mentioned that e-learning takes place via the Internet, so; cannot support face-to-face interactions.


Flexibility in learning: the respondent stated that he can organize his time according to the time allocated to him. Since it is e-learning mode during the COVID-19 pandemic, he will take advantage of devoting his time to his academics. He used it so he could organize his time and find a way to follow up with the subjects and allow them to plan their tasks.

Technicality issue

Furthermore, one of the respondents answered during the interview session that a good mindset is effective for him to keep going in a new learning mode. The connectivity issue is considered as one of the inevitable hurdles during online classes, meanwhile the requirement of gadgets and software varies according to the course undertaken. The residential areas also affect the stability of the connection and the accessibility to the Internet.

Behavioral Factor

Self-discipline: Respondents indicated that they were unable to discipline themselves during E-learning because of the other tasks they have to focus on at home during E-learning. One of the most difficult tasks for teachers is encouraging students to pay attention in class to maximize learning opportunities. Finally, the student also has to discipline himself in the E-learning environment because he has not used the flexibility of E-learning.

E-learning benefits

Students mentioned that they can focus more when they discipline themselves to limit their media use during e-learning. Respondents also mentioned that they get a lot of new knowledge about computers through e-education. In addition, the respondents mentioned that they can easily communicate with friends or the lecturer through online platforms.

University policy


These themes and codes are guided by thematic analysis to extract the clear perception, which is mostly neutral.

Discussion & Conclusion

  • Introduction
  • Discussion on the related themes
    • Perception of Malaysian undergraduates towards the E-learning approach during the pandemic period
    • Effects of the E-learning approach on the university policy of Malaysian Undergraduates
    • Effects of the E-learning approach on the self-motivation of Malaysian Undergraduates
    • Effects of the E-learning approach on the academic performance of Malaysian Undergraduates
  • Limitation
  • Recommendation
  • Conclusion

Academic performance of Malaysian undergraduate students has its effects during the introduction of the E-learning method. Respondents mentioned that they use the platform well to ensure that their academic performance is sustainable. Finally, the effectiveness of the E-learning approach on the self-motivation of Malaysian undergraduate students is based on the behavioral factor of the student.

Applying technology acceptance model (TAM) to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: Accounting students' perspective. Mental health matters. The star. https://www.thestar.com.my/news/education mental-health-mattershealth-matters. Suicide rising in Malaysia due to hardships amid https://www.aa.com.tr/en/asia-pacific/suicide-rising-in-malaysia-due-to-hardships-amid-coronavirus-pandemic December 29). Prospective English teachers' perspective on implementing e-learning in the Covid-19 pandemic era. 2019).Self.


Simple questions to address and provide a sense of closure that gives the participant an opportunity to raise any outstanding topics or give advice. Before we wrap up this interview, is there anything about your e-learning experience that you feel affects your participation in online classes that we haven't had a chance to discuss yet.

Participants Consent Form

Interview Transcript

Email: phajanmagen13@1utar.my Contact Number Date of Interview: 8 June 2022 Platform of Interview: Microsoft Teams Link to recorded interview. Based on the information you provided in the questionnaire you are studying at Utar University, information you provided in the questionnaire you are studying at Utar University, right.

OK, so for e-learning, because for such live classes, it affects my academic performance quite a lot, because I have to do more preparations for my study instead of pre-recorded lectures, because I can view those pre-recorded lectures in my free time instead of the live class because live classes certain lectures they won't they won't record the class so you have to pay a lot of 100% attention in the classes like that. So I have to come up with a strategy like setting aside time to do some self-study and then every three weeks I set aside for consultation lecturer to get all the facts facts right. Have a black out”, so I think we faced a very difficult time in communication. With our group meeting about our assignments so, I also think that this is also the reason why during the online learning for my department the lectures actually discouraged group work, so that at least it will encourage the students to be more responsible with their Academic Responsibilities. Actually we are conducting this interview for our FYP. So, before we start our interview, you can introduce yourself your name and which University you are from.

AF: For me, for my experience, I think the traditional method is better because the lecture will be more "semangat", so the lecture will be able to teach because the lecture gets to see his or his students one by one. What most students have to deal with during online lessons and you face technical challenges during this E-learning.


Figure 1: Original Technology Acceptance Model
Figure 2: Technology Acceptance Model Conceptual framework
Table 1: Type of interview questions for participants
Table 1 : Key themes 4.4.1 Key Themes


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