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Academic year: 2023

Membagikan "· LITTLE APOSTLE"


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34; A catechist is the bones, the lungs, the brain and the heart of the missionary priest among the heathen. Meanwhile, malaria or another disease also brings one of the inhabitants to the brink of eternity. The help of the Catechist has become more important in our days than in the beginning when the missionary work only started and developed little by little.

Which of us is the ne'.X:t to be fired. is the terrifying question of the Catechist's heart. To be continued) Very Rev. obtained through the intercession of St. Theresa of the Child Jesus). And now to the story, which for me is one of the sweetest souvenirs of my missionary life.

Wet to the skin, Father Jose reached the top of the mountain, from where he could see below the house of the dying poor man. Father Jose organized the burial and, before closing the casket, placed in the hand of his convert, the image of the Little Flower of Jesus (the beautiful Dove of Heaven!). But before she had reached the edge of the terrace of the house, her little daughter came running and wanted to follow her.

Just then, the phantom spirits of the heavenly world looked down and saw a child by the fence. The next morning they started again and reached the top of the mountain, from where they looked down on the Mayaoyao rice terraces. The Belgian community in Manila of former days: in the center he, who is now Leopold III, King of Belgium, and the late Queen Astrid.


This decision of an essential military command was taken by the King as Supreme Army Chief, in full agreement with his Chief of Staff and following his advice. It is untrue to assert that the command of the Allied Forces was not made aware of the need for a cessation of hostilities. We cordially invite the faithful to commend without pause to God in their prayers and communions, the cause of the King and the salvation of the country.

More than ever, then, let us trust in the infinite mercy of the Sacred Heart of Jesus." Although France was so loyal to the Holy See as to earn the title, Great Daughter. From that time, the relations between the government and the Church have been good, though some of the old anti-clerical legislation still remains unrepealed.

During the stormy days of the last century and a half, the philosophies of Catholicism and materialism have struggled for supremacy in France. It is the fashion of the Hindu to boast of the ancient glory and grandeur of Hindustan, to admire its gray bards and to observe its social customs. The old slander that missionaries are the thin end of the wedge of imperialism was recently repeated in a public speech in Madras by a public man.

What the effect of the national movement will be on the prospects of the conversion of India to Christianity is not easy to estimate. The Indian National Congress, which is the most representative and powerful political organization, and which controls eight of the eleven provincial governments, has guaranteed freedom of worship to all religions. However, Ghandi, who has tremendous influence over the masses of the people, declared himself firmly opposed to conversion work by missionaries.

Christians in the elections of legislators, even the latter, are not looking for those of the former. The future hope of the Church in India lies in the numerous and influential native priests and in the well-organized and enlightened laity. The testimony of the life of many flourishing Christian communities in different parts of the country and the zeal of the Indian clergy are becoming increasingly important factors in the spread of Christianity.

ABSOLVE, we beseech Thee, Lord, the souls of Thy servants

Bretain plans to help West Indian missionaries.-Financial aid for foreign missionary societies working in British colonies will be available from government funds under large-scale long-term plans announced in London. The recommendations of the West Indian Royal Commission contain this passage: "That an organized campaign should be undertaken against the social, moral and economic evils of promiscuity, the success of which will depend mainly on the extent to which the combined authority of the churches behind it." The importance of education is recognized, and the recommendations provide for the payment of teachers' salaries in denominational schools, although in such cases the Government claims "complete control in personnel matters".

However, it is recommended that when new schools are provided entirely from public funds, and consequently "in all respects administered by the Government", the existing relief.

Our Fatnily Circle

Fourth Meditation on the "Little Way"

Marie du Sacre Coeur, "how much virility hid her Way of Childhood, and I thought it most fitting that in her autobiography she should have appropriated the saying of the Prophet David: I am young, and yet. Theresa on the Child Jesus three positive paradoxes : the simplicity of a child combined with the consumed prudence of old age; the humblest littleness united with magnanimous greatness; deep joy in the midst of cruel mental afflictions. The higher principles which effect the union of these paradoxes are the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and especially the gifts of wisdom and strength, and finally the gift of the Spirit, which is Charity.

It excludes all pride or presumption; it presupposes a lively belief in the existence of Gpd and sure application of his divine providence. Theresa's greatness lies in her smallness, in the knowledge of it, in the joy she found in it. For the mighty one has done great things to me, and holy is his name."

Understanding and accepting this paradoxical mystery is the divine secret revealed to the little ones and hidden from the great of the world. 34. I thank Thee, Father,' Jesus prayed, 'because Thou hast revealed these things to the little ones, and hast hidden them from the great and mighty of the world.' Never has this statement of the Gospel been so perfectly realized. then in St. Teresa of the Child Jesus. In his homily delivered during the solemnity of canonization, the Sovereign Pope declared: "If this path of spiritual childhood is propagated, it is easy to see how much it will facilitate the reformation of human society, which we have predetermined as our program established at the beginning of our pontificate.".

The correct understanding of the spirituality of the Saint, her virtuous example and her graces. It would be useless to disguise the fact; we all need to renew our spiritual life with a kind of mortification and prayer better suited to the ways and conditions of our age; we need greater faith in the influence of the Holy Spirit and, above all, we must turn to them more often. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the spirit is spirit.

One must be born from a different doctrine than that of the rabbis or what Pai::cal called philosophers and wise men. One must be born again of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and give up everything scientific. With Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus, a young saint inspired by God, as our master, we are determined to study this saving Little Way - and follow it, with the help of God's grace.

Novena of "Last Resort"



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