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Milkfish and shrimp fry grounds and seasons


Academic year: 2023

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Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center Aquaculture Department

SEAFDEC/AQD Institutional Repository http://repository.seafdec.org.ph

Journals/Magazines Aqua Farm News


Milkfish and shrimp fry grounds and seasons

Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center

Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Aquaculture Department (1988). Milkfish and shrimp fry grounds and seasons. Aqua Farm News, 6(5), 5-7.


Downloaded from http://repository.seafdec.org.ph, SEAFDEC/AQD's Institutional Repository





M ilk fis h fry occur from India to T a h iti and from southern Japan to M alaysia. They have not been reported outside this range, probably due to non-use of the appropriate gear at the right place and tim e. A t present, only the Ph ilippines, Indonesia, and Taiwan c o lle c t m ilk fish fry for a co m m e rcia l cu ltu re, w hile several countries c o lle c t fry and fingerlings for experim ental cu ltu re (e.g., Sri Lanka, K irib a ti, F iji, India).

M ilk fis h fry grounds in the Ph ilipp in e s have been w e ll surveyed.

F ry grounds are located throughout the country although they are more prevalent on the western and southern coasts of islands than on eastern and northern shores. The m ilk fish fry grounds are usually fla t sandy beaches, riv e r mouths, and tid a l creeks and mangrove swamps.

M ilk fis h fry are available throughout the year at one location or another, but individual fry grounds experience marked peaks and slack periods at ce rtain tim es of the year. The season begins earlie st in Mindanao (Cotabato-Zam boanga) where it peaks in M ay. A fte r a decline in catch through August, a sm aller peak occurs in Septem ber to Novem ber. In the Visayas (Cebu, Panay, Negros), the season begins in M a rc h -A p ril, peaking in M ay, and lasts t ill N ovem ber-D ecem ber. w ith a second peak in O ctober in some fry grounds and none in others.

In northern Luzon (Ilocos, Cagayan, Pangasinan), the season s t a r t s in A p r il and lasts t ill O ctober w ith a peak in M ay-June.

The d iffe re n ce in the length of the m ilk fis h fry season seems to be due to the la titu d in a l position of the fry grounds (Table 1).

The P h ilipp ines covers from 5 to 21°N la titu d e s. F ry appear early (January-February) in the south, and later (M a rch -A p ril) in the north. They disappear e a rlie r in the north (August-O ctober) than in the south (Decem ber- January). M oreover, in the south at latitudes about 5-11º N, there are two peaks, of which the form er is higher; in the north 12-21º N, there is only one peak. In w estern Panay (Antique Province), the two towns of Pandan and H a m tik, 130 km apart on the same coast have d iffe re n t fry seasons.

In Pan dan, m ilk fis h fry start to appear at the end of M arch and disappear early in Decem ber, w ith a peak in May. In H am tik, fry appear in the m iddle of M arc h and disappear in the m iddle of Decem ber w ith peaks in M ay and October;



Table 1. M ilk fis h fry co lle c tio n season at various lo c a litie s from north to south in the P h ilipp ines (A fte r Kum agai 1984).

Latitude N Localities Collection season Peak Santa Ana April to October June

Badoc April to October (July) August 17.5°

San Fernando April to July May Lingayen (March) April to July June 15.0°

Batangas (March) April to July May

Naujan April to August May

Tabaco April to November May


Culasi April to November June

Hamtic March to November May & October Cadiz March to November May & October 10.0°

Narra March to December May & October Sipalay March to December May & October Naawan (February) March to


May & November 7.5°

Malita February to December April & October Zamboanga (January) February

to December

(March) April & October (November)

Glan Throughout the year (March) April &

November SHRIMP F R Y

Shrim p fry are often c o lle c te d together w ith m ilk fish fry from shore w aters as w ell as from inland w aters where the la tte r can hardly be caught.

Shrim p fry are present all year round w ith two peak seasons a year: June- Ju ly and O ctober-N ovem ber. How ever, there are d ifferen ces among species:


P. monodon July-A ug ust; N ovem ber-D ecem ber P. semisulcatus Fe bru ary-M arch ; N ovem ber-D ecem ber P. merguiensis/P. indicus June-July; O ctober-N ovem ber

P. japonicus M a rc h -A p ril; Septem ber-Novem ber

Seasonal occurrence seems to depend p rim arily on the prevailing monsoon and secondarily on. the geographic location (Table 2). Shrim p fry seem to be ca rrie d by w ind-generated currents. In addition, the co lle c tin g a c tiv ity depends on the demand, e.g., shrim p c u ltu rists do not buy shrimp fry im m ediately p rio r to the dry season because grow th of shrim ps in ponds is slow at high sa lin itie s.



In the past 10 years, several shrimp h atcheries have sprung up in the P h ilip p in e s to supply the great demand for P . monodon and P . m erguiensis- P. indicus fry. The demand for w ild fry nevertheless rem ains undiminished due to the expansion of shrimp cu ltu re operations supplying the export m arket.

Table 2. L o c a l and seasonal occurrences of P. monodon fry, based on interview s w ith fry c o lle c to rs in the P h ilippines (Motoh 1981).

Place Collection period Peak season


Dalahican Southwest monsoon August

Atimonan Northwest monsoon February

Calauag Year round Northeast monsoon

(February to June except.

March and April) VISAYAS

Batan Year round November to February

Barotac Nuevo June to October August

Villa, Tigbauan May to December October to November Bolanon, Danao March to September May to June

Tabao, Caingin Northwest (December to February) & Southwest

(June to November) August-October

Aguisan Year round November

Bocana, Tabla July to December August to September November

Sipalay March to June, October to December

June, November

Malabugas April to December May to June

Polo March to June, October-


June, November


Dapitan Year round September to October

Dipolog Year round September to November

Ozamis Northeast & Southwest monsoon

July, November to December

Zamboanga September-November -

Tagum Northeast & Southeast monsoon

April to May, October to November

Matina, Aplaya Northeast monsoon April to May

Source : Bagarinao TU, Solis N B, Vil l aver WR, V illa lu z A C . 1986.

Important Fish and Shrimp Fry in P h ilip p in e C o astal Waters:

Id e n tifica tio n , C o lle c tio n , and H andling. Extension Manual No. 10, S E A F D E C A quaculture D epartm ent, Tigbauan, Iloilo.

A F N - V I - 5-2


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