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PDF Mediator Volume 3 Issue 1 October 2001 - apnts.edu.ph


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It is the same simple faith in God's love with which I began my theological journey many years ago. I would rather make a combined approach to the issue of Christ and Culture.


Monistic Life Style

In the Japanese language, the word "yes" can mean "yes" or "no" depending on the situation. I believe this monistic lifestyle philosophy incorporates the natural direction of Japanese culture without changing the teachings of the Bible.

Understanding Human Life as a Total Being

As is clear from the Bible, humans were created by the Creator "in the image of God." While every person is a sinner before God because of sin, the fact that human beings were originally created "in the image of God" means that in dealing with your clients, you understand and believe that the client has the seed of "life." and certainly holds the opportunity for that.

Understanding Human Life as a Relational Being

Communicating the gospel thus begins and ends with careful attention to the emotional state of the person. Restoring the relationship means making a new pipe in the person's heart and pouring energy of love into that pipe.

Understanding the Characteristics of the Japanese People This last point of Rev. Tanaka is exactly what I intended to

And if you can restore the inadequate relationship of the person through Christ, you can build a new relationship between the person and God. Tanaka exploits with great effectiveness the emotional human relationship that is the primary characteristic of the culture, proving to be a heartwarming approach to the Japanese people.

The Wesleyan Doctrine of Prevenient Grace A. The Problem of Sin

In this verse, the first verb is aorist, suggesting a past act, but the second verb is present, suggesting the resulting state of the act of sin. He is thoroughly sinful, and knows not God, and hath not power to turn to him of his own free will.”5 The power of idolatry and self-love blinds us.

The Beginning of Salvation

Lindstrom notes, "The idea of ​​prevenient grace is logically connected in Wesley to the Arminian view of election. If God were to leave the choice to us, the choice would already be made because of our propensity for sin—the choice of self-centered, proud destruction and ultimate damnation .

The Source of Salvation

We allow, it is the work of God alone to justify, sanctify, and glorify; which three comprehend all salvation. Since nothing we do in and out of ourselves can merit salvation, and since it is God's intention that all be saved through Jesus Christ's work on the cross, grace must be universally given in some measure.

The Ultimate Purpose of Prevenient Grace

  • The Place of the Conscience A. Conscience Defined

It does not depend on his good will or good wishes or good intentions and intentions; for all this proceeds from the free grace of God; they are only streams, not a well. As a disciple of Paul, Wesley built his understanding of prevenient grace on important statements or conclusions from the apostle's writings.

Cognition and Conscience in Paul’s Epistles

In the situation in Corinth, the conscience of the weak brother was damaged by the strong believers' use of a different norm than God's norm revealed to them. The most basic and essential norm for the development of conscience in believers is the law of Christ, the law of love.

The Work of the Holy Spirit through the Conscience

Ray Dunning makes this distinction: "We can say that formally conscience is the work of the Spirit (preventive grace), but materially it is the result of background, experience and education."38 Conscience can also be developed by the Holy One. The Spirit uses the resources (the general revelation of God's law written on the heart) of the person to convict that person of sin. A number of things contribute to the development of consciousness, including family, culture, and various environmental influences. Since the world is in a fallen state, it is not difficult to assume that external influences on consciousness only contribute to the fallen state of the individual.

Two Options

  • Paul’s Use of the Law

If a person heeds the guidance of the Holy Ghost, that person can have “the mind of Christ.” Paul speaks of having the mind of Christ in 1 Corinthians 2:6-16. Some Corinthians did not trust in the mind of Christ, but in their own spirit. The Spirit speaks to our conscience and tells us how to live by the standard of the law of Christ.

Law Defined

50 Depending on the context, Paul uses the word novmos to refer to God's commandments in general and specifically as seen in the Law of Moses. 52 Line 12 begins with w@ste men, "therefore," which contrasts the statement that marriage is holy, just, and good with what precedes it, namely sin (7:11).

Paul’s Uses of the Law 1. Reveals the Will of God

  • Defines Sin
  • Leads to Christ

The law acts as a pedagogue (paidagwgoVs, 3:24) until we put our faith in Christ, that we may be justified by faith.62 Only once. Like an educator, the law protects, but living under an educator is no better than being a slave. This does not mean abolishing the law; rather, faith establishes the law (3:31).

The Law in Adam

It proves that both Jew and Gentile are guilty of breaking God's law. If mankind could obey God's will (revealed through the law of conscience or the Torah), it would escape the curse of the law, which is guilt, condemnation, and separation from God. Finally, although seemingly possible, perfect obedience to the law is proven by history and experience to be impossible.

The Law in Christ

In this regard, Paul suppresses the cultic aspects of the law and exalts the moral aspects. He is very devoted to those parts of the law that fulfill "the law of Christ" (Gal 6:2). The law of the Spirit frees the law of sin and death (8:2).

The Law and the Conscience

  • The Relationship between Prevenient Grace, Conscience, and Law

God is a righteous judge and will judge righteously those who do not have the written law, but only the law of conscience. The revealed law and the law of conscience work in the same way: to show that we need a savior. Undoubtedly, all these and other areas directly affect the unwritten law of conscience.

In Pursuit of Christ

He realized that because of the power of sin, no one can keep the law, whether he is a Jew with the Torah or a Gentile with the law of conscience. Based on this study, we can be sure that the power of God's grace is at work in the lives of all people. Similarly, we can be sure of the fallen condition of all men and that all men need a Savior.

In Pursuit of Holiness

Forsyth has said, "Unless there is in us what is above us, we will soon yield to what is around us."

In Pursuit of the Mind of Christ

When we are obedient to what we "hear" from God, we will naturally grow into the image of Christ. When we confess our sins, God will forgive us our sins against the law of Christ and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9; 2:2). We can reach this goal more and more as we obey the voice of the Spirit reminding our conscience of the mind of Christ.


18John Stuart in Resolutions on the Establishment of the Methodist Missionary Society, of the Dublin District. Finally, Wesleyan missionary thought was influenced by the deep Wesleyan confidence in the power of the gospel preached from the Bible. Public Address by the General Committee of the Methodist Missionary Society for the Newcastle District (c. 1816), 3.


Love is the nature of God

God is love; John repeats this over and over, for example at the end of verse 8. At the very beginning of the passage, "Love comes from God." All these verses present the same thought. He did not choose the qualities of righteousness, perfection, or holiness, but he chose "love." He included all the attributes of God in the word "love".

God revealed His love through His Son

We may forget to ask God to bear our burdens, but He does not forget to remember His children. We cannot see Him, but we can perceive Him and who He is through His attributes or nature. Scripture clearly states in verse 14 that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world.

Through Jesus Christ we become the children of God

Loving each other is the evidence that we are the children of God

With this we will be able to show that we are God's children. We extend our compassionate hearts without expecting anything in return because God has taught us so. My friends, only the Holy Spirit can save us and shape us into what God wants us to be.

Introduction: Broken Relationships

The Knowledge That Counts

We know about His grace (vv. 8-12)

But when I met Jesus, He healed that broken relationship with the balm of His shed blood. Unsurprisingly, she used to have one of the fastest growing groups in her district and she now handles two cells and two subgroups. It is quite true that among Christians, love is one of the most powerful magnets of the Church.2.

We know that we live in Him (vv. 13-15)

I have a friend who is a cell leader and is now new at Faith Bible College. We also experience life in Him more fully as He perfects His love in us and makes us more like Christ (vv.

We know that God loves us and that we can rely on His love (vv. 16-19)

  • Conclusion: Keeping and Forming Relationships John ends this passage by concluding that “We love because He

He was originally slated to be one of the keynote speakers at the International Symposium on Asian Mission. Walls is director of the Center for the Study of Christianity in the Non-Western World at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. It is a wonderful book for studying the wider scope of Asian Christianity in its context.


Asia Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary is a graduate level school of the Church of the Nazarene. Since its first graduating class in 1986, APNTS has trained men and women for a wide range of occupations. Master of Divinity (93 units) with possible concentrations in Biblical Studies, Religious Education, Missions and Christian Communication.


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