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Academic year: 2023



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28-day menstrual cycle

The 1995 average annual population growth rate in different parts of the world

Abscission zone in maple (Acer)

Absorption of visible light by photosynthetic pigments

Acid precipitation

Acids, Bases and pH Values

Active transport across a cell membrane

Activity series of metals

Acute inflammation

Adaptive radiation

Algal micrograph : light microscope, transmission EM, and scanning EM

Alpha and beta emission

Amoeboid protozoans

An amphoteric substance

The anatomy of a clam

The anatomy of a crayfish

The anatomy of a grasshopper

The anatomy of a marine sandworm

The anatomy of a snake

The anatomy of a spider

The anatomy of a sponge

The anatomy of a starfish

Anatomy of teleost fishes

Antarctic food web

Antibody-mediated immune response

Antibody production in response to fetal Rh+ markers

Arrangement of actin and myosin filaments in a sarcomere

Attraction and Repulsion of Magnets

Bacteria on the tip of a pin

Bacterial agents of gonorrhea, syphillis, and chlamydia

Bacterial DNA. Photosynthetic bacteria. Flagellated bacterium

Bacterial reproduction by binary fission, a cell division mechanism

The bacteriophage virus

Ball and stick models


A Barr body from a human female. (b) anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia

Beating of a sperm flagellum. Ciliated paramecium

The beginning of digestion

A benign tumor. (b) a Cancerous neoplasm

Bilateral invertebrate nervous systems

Biology : transparencies, teacher's guide

Bird anatomy

Bird respiratory system

Blood and lymph vessels in intestinal villi

Blood circulation in a full-term placenta. Blood vessels extend from the fetus, through the umbilical cord, and into chorionic villi

Body plan and micrograph of a Euglena

Body plan of a clam

Body plan of a cuttlefish

Body plan of a female roundworm

Body plan of a flowering plant

Body plan of a hagfish and a lamprey. The toothed oral disk of a lamprey

Body plan of a sea anemone

Body plan of a sea star

Body plan of a simple sponge

Body plan of an earthworm

A bomb calorimeter


Boyle's and Charles' Laws

The brain structure of vertebrates

Bread mold

Bronsted-lowry acids and bases

The carbon cycle

The cecum and appendix

Cell division

Cell functions

Cell-mediated immune response

Cells inside seminiferous tubules

Cells of the respiratory tract; cilia (gold) and mucus secreting cells (rust)

Cellular components of blood

Celsius and Kelvin temperature scales

Chain reaction

Changes during the menstrual cycle

Changes in global diversity over geologic time

Changes in nucleosome structure during gene transcription

Changes in plant form along environmental gradients

Changes in the chest during breathing

Changes in the earth's oceans and land masses over geologic time

Characteristics of epithelium


Chemical bonding

Chemical synapses

Chemistry connections to our changing world : transparencies

Chloroplast structure and function

Cholesterol-triggered atherosclerotic plaques in a coronary artery

Classes of levers

Classes of organic compounds

Classification of matter


The closed circulatory system of an earthworm

Clot formation

Cohesion-tension theory of water transport

Colligative properties of solutions

A colony of methanogenic cells

Common allergens. Grass and ragweed pollen

Commonly observed oxidation numbers of the representative elements

Communication between cardiac muscle cells

Communication junctions between abutting cardiac muscle cells. Location of specialized cardiac muscle cells

Comparative embryological evidence for evolution. (a) Similar vertebrate embryos. (b) Fishlike structures in early human embryo

Comparison of a skeletal systems of a human and an ape

Comparison of gill-supporting structures in jawless fishes and jawed fishes

Comparison of mitosis and meiosis

Comparison of monocots and dicots

Components of a plant cell

Components of an animal cell

Compound eyes of a deerfly

The compound light microscope

Concave mirrors

Control of water and nutrient uptake by roots

Control over glucose metabolism

Concave Lenses

Convex lenses

Convex mirrors

Covalent bonding

Creating a DNA library. Insertion of plasmids into a host to produce cloned DNA

Crossing over disrupts linkage

Crossing over during prophase I

Crystal systems

Cutaway view and photograph of a lancelet

Cutaway view of plasma membrane

Cutaway view of the human heart

Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae)


Cytokinesis in a plant cell

Cytokinesis in an animal cell

Cytomembrane system

Cytoplasmic division of a plant cell, as brought about by cell plate formation

Cytoskeletal components

Day and night

Dehydration synthesis

Development of a bean plant, a dicot

Development of a chick embryo

Development of a human hand

Development of corn, a monocot

Development of shepherd's purse, a dicot

Developments that revealed a key factor in the genetic basis of body weight

Diagram and micrograph of a chloroplast

Diagram and micrograph of a Golgi body

Diagram and micrograph of a mitochondrion

Diagram of the nuclear envelope

Diagram of the pulmonary circuit

Diagram of the systemic circuit

Didinium swallowing a Paramecium

Different flowering responses of spinach, a long-day plant, and chrysanthemum, a short- day plant

Different formulas for acetic acid, dimethyl ethor, and ethanol

Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates and proteins

Digestion and absorption of fats

The digestive system of a frog

The digestive systems of vertebrates

Direct combination and decomposition reactions

Direct combination and decomposition reactions

Directional terms and planes of symmetry for the human body

Dissolution of an ionic solid

A dissolved protein surrounded by ions and water molecules

Distribution of sea surface temperature during an ENSO

Distribution of sea surface temperature for the Pacific between ENSOs

Distribution of the world's major biomes

DNA and protein scaffold of a detergent-treated metaphase chromosome

DNA decondenses into loops that extend from attachment sites on scaffold proteins.

DNA-histone packing in nucleosomes also loosens up

DNA-protein fiber (solenoid). (c) Nucleosomes. (d) Nucleosome structure

DNA replication

The DNA virus that causes herpes. The RNA virus that causes influenza

Doppler effect

Duct system in early embryo that becomes the reproductive system

Early embryonic development of a sea urchin


Early embryonic development of the frog


Effect of temperature on spontaneous change

Effect of tonicity on water movement

The effects of crack on the human body

Effects of regional cytoplasm differences on the fate of cells in a frog embryo

Effects of temperature and pH on enzyme activity. Siamese cats show such changes

The electrolysis of water

Enthalpy diagrams

Entropy change for reaction and surroundings

Escape velocity

Eukaryotic cell containing cyanobacteria-like structures


The evolution of the camel

An evolutionary history of the reptiles

Example of stabilizing selection

Examples of cell junctions

Examples of connective tissue

Examples of hydrogen bonds

Examples of simple epithelium

Exocytosis and endocytosis

Exploring earth science

Exploring life science transparencies, teacher's guide

Explosive and step-wise release of energy

External appearance of developing human reproductive organs

Fate map of a Drosophila zygote

Feedback control of hormonal secretion during a menstrual cycle


Five types of human skeletal joints

Flagellated protozoans

Floral development in two larkspurs

The flower

A food web

Food web

Forces and Airplane Flight

Formation of membrane attack complexes by complement proteins

Formation of water

The formula mass of a substance

Fossil links

Four-stroke internal combustion engine

Frequency Range of Human Hearing

From fertilization through implantation


Functional groups of organic compounds


Functional zones of a mitochondrion

Fusion and Fision Reactions

The garden pea, focus of Mendel's experiments

Gene expression in prokaryotes

General direction of information flow in nervous systems

General plan of insect tracheal systems

Generalized body plan of a bacterium

Generalized life cycle for club fungi

Generalized prokaryotic body plan. Micrograph of Escherichia coli

Geologic change. (a) Sea-floor spreading. (b) Plate tectonics

The geologic time scale

Geometry of an ionic crystal

Glacial deposition features

Glandular epithelium of frogs

lobal air circulation patterns

Global carbon cycle

Global winds

Glycolysis; energy-requiring steps

Glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm

(a) Gram staining. (b) Bacteria on a human tooth. (c) E. coli dividing

Gravitational pull


Groups of elements

Growth in a woody stem through successive seasons

The haber process


Hand positions that allow tool use. Skull shape and teeth of extinct primates

The heart structure of vertebrates

Heat and phase change

A heating curve for water

Hershey-Chase experiments

Hertzsprung-Russell diagram

Hexokinase and its substrate (glucose, in red). Induced-fit model of enzyme-substrate interactions

Honeybee dance language

How an action potential is propagated along neurons that have a myelin sheath

How ATP is formed in the noncyclic pathway of photosynthesis

Human anatomy : arteries, capillaries and veins

Human anatomy : brain

Human anatomy : circulatory system

Human anatomy : digestive system

Human anatomy : ear

Human anatomy : eye

Human anatomy : female reproductive system


Human anatomy : fetus

Human anatomy : kidney

Human anatomy : liver, pancreas, and gall bladder

Human anatomy : muscular system

Human anatomy : neuron

Human anatomy : reproductive system

Human anatomy : respiratory system

Human anatomy : simple reflex

Human anatomy : skeletal system

Human anatomy : skin

Human anatomy : the heart

Human anatomy : urinary system

The human brain

Human circulatory system (arteries in red, veins in blue

The human control systems

Human dentition

The human digestive system

The human digestive system

Human embryonic development

Human endocrine system

The human female reproductive system

The human kidney

Human lymphatic system

The human male reproductive system

The human muscular system

Human nervous system

The human placenta and its related structure

Human respiratory system

The human respiratory system

The human skeletal system

The human skeletal system

Human thyroid gland: anterior view, and posterior view

The human tongue

The human urinary system

Human vocal cords

Hybrid orbital summary

Hydraulic Lift

Hydrogen bonds in polypeptides : coiled chain, and pleated sheet

Incomplete dominance

Independent assortment (showing just two pairs of homologous chromosomes)

Independent assortment

Intensity of a sound

Interference of sound waves


The internal anatomy of a bird

The internal anatomy of a fish

The internal anatomy of a turtle

Internal organization of flagella and cilia

(a) internal structure of a corn leaf. (b) The carbon-fixing system in C4 plants

Internal structure of the kidney and its major blood vessels

Internal view of the human brain

Interphase, mitosis, and cytokinesis in an animal cell

Invertebrates of aquatic habitats. A flatworm. A sea hare

Ionic bonding>

Ionic and covalent bonding

Ionization of sodium and chlorine by electron transfer and sodium chloride crystal

Isotopes of Carbon


Jamaican kittyboo beetles


Kinetic energy and reaction rate

The kinetic theory and the gas laws

The Krebs cycle and preparatory steps

Land snail. Body plan of an aquatic snail

Landscape regions

Lateral root formation in a willow

Lateral view of a rotifer

Law of reflection

Layers of the atmosphere

Layers of the earth

Layers of the sun

Le chatelier's principle

Leaf shoot tips

The leaf

Life cycle of a beef tapeworm, Taenia saginata

Life cycle of a blood fluke

Life cycle of a cherry, a flowering dicot

Life cycle of a crab

Life cycle of a fern

The life cycle of a fern

ife cycle of a flowering plant

The life cycle of a gymnosperm

Life cycle of a gymnospern (ponderosa pine)

The life cycle of a jellyfish

Life cycle of a moss (Polytrichum)

The life cycle of a moss

The life cycle of a mushroom

Life cycle of a star


The life cycle of an alga

The life cycle of an amgiosperm

Life cycle of Chlamydomonas, a green alga

Life cycle of Dictyostelium discoideum, a cellular slime mold

Life cycle of HIV

Life cycle of Plasmodium, the sporozoan that causes malaria

Life cycle of the black bread mold, Rhizopus stolonifer

Life in ocean zones

Life's diversity. Bacterium and trichomonad

The light and dark reactions of photosynthesis

Light-independent reactions of photosynthesis

Light micrograph of a section through the upper surface of a leaf

Limiting reactant

A lipid bilayer

Lithospheric plates outlines

Location and arrangement of skeletal muscle cells

Locations of primary (purple) and lateral (yellow) meristems in a flowering plant

Long distance surface currents

Low current and low voltage

Main reactants, intermediates, and products of photosynthesis

Major biogeographic realms

Major cavities in the human body. Directional terms and planes of symmetry for the vertebrate body

The major land biomes

Major oceanic zones

Malaria-causing protist

Male reproductive tract, posterior view

Measuring power

Mechanism of protein hormone action

Mechanism of steroid hormone action




Mendel's dihybrid cross between parent plants that bred true for different versions of two traits

Mendel's peas


The metric system

Micrograph of two duplicated chromosomes. Diagrams of unduplicated and duplicated chromosomes.

Mitosis in a cell from the African blood lily


sModel of a repressor protein (green) binding to an operator in bacterial DNA (blue)

A model of the levels of organization of a eukaryotic chromosome


Models of the atom

Mole conversion chart

Molecular cues that stimulate lymphocytes to make immune responses



Morphological convergence among vertebrate lineages

Morphological divergence in the vertebrate forelimb

Movement of a fish and a salamander

Multiplication cycle for some of the bacteriophages

Multiplication cycle of one of the herpes viruses, an enveloped DNA animal virus

Mushroom development

Mutualism between legumes and nitrogen-fixing bacteria

Nearsightedness and farsightedness

Negative control of the lactose operon

Negative feedback loops to the hypothalamus and pituitary gland from the testes

The nephron and associated blood capillaries

Nerve net in a sea anemone

The nervous and muscular systems of a frog

Nervous control of muscle cell contraction

The nitrogen cycle in a land ecosystem

The nitrogen cycle

The nitrogen cycle

Noncyclic pathway of photosynthesis

Nondisjunction at anaphase I of meiosis

Normal and partially obstructed arteries. Diagram of an atherosclerotic plaque

Ocean floor features

An older stem with three annual rings

One of a pair of gills. Filaments in a fish gill. A blood vessel

One-way flow of energy from sun compensates for energy loss by organisms

The open circulatory system of a grasshopper

Opening of a rift valley

Organ systems in a planarian

Organ systems of the human body

Organization of the spinal column and cord

Organization within an organism


Overview of the stages of animal development

The oxygen/carbon dioxide cycle

The oxygen/carbon dioxide cycle

(a) Paramecium, a ciliated protozoan. (b) A hypotrich

Partial pressure gradients for O2 (blue) and CO2 (red) in the respiratory tract

Passive transport across a cell membrane

Pathways for ions across the plasma membrane of a neuron


Pattern of stimulation of photoreceptor cells of the retina. The pattern is upside-down and reversed left to right, compared to the object

Peptide bond formation

Theperiodic table

Periodic trends in atomic radii

pH of acid rains and other common acids and bases


A phase diagram

The phosphorus cycle

Photograph of the heart and its location in the thoracic cavity


A phylogenetic tree

A plasmid at high magnification. (b) Plasmids (blue arrows) released from a ruptured Escherichia coli cell


Plate collisions

Pollen grains from grass, rose, and ragweed

Possible origin of nuclear envelope and endoplasmic reticulum from folds in the plasma membrane

Prentice-Hall chemistry connections to our changing world : transparencies

Prentice-Hall exploring earth science transparencies, teacher's guide

Prentice-Hall exploring life science transparencies, teachers guide

Primary cell wall of cells in living plant tissues. Layers deposited inside the primary wall

Primary receiving and integrating centers for the human cerebral cortex. The limbic system

Propagation of action potentials along an axon

Propagation of an action potential along the axon of a motor neuron

Protein synthesis



Punnet squares

(a) Radial symmetry. (b) Bilateral symmetry

Receptor-mediated endocytosis

Recombinant DNA

Red blood cells from a person with sickle-cell anemia

Redi's experiment

Reflex response to muscle stretching

Relationship between fetal and maternal blood circulation in a full-term placenta

Relative abundance of the most common elements

Relative dating

Representations of a DNA double helix

Reproductive system of the human female

Reproductive system of the human male

The reproductive systems of a female and a male frog


The reproductive systems of vertebrates


The respiratory, circulatory, and excretory systems of a frog

Respiratory system of frogs

The respiratory systems of vertebrates

Ridge and trench system

Root of a corn plant, transverse section

Root structure

Rough and smooth endoplasmic reticula

Roundworm captured by Arthrobotrys dactyloides, a predatory fungus S and P waves

Rutherford's Experiment

Sac fungi. (a&b) Scarlet cup fungus. (c) Eupenicillium. (d) Candida albicans

Scanning electron micrograph of a cancer cell and white blood cells

Scanning electron micrograph of a leaf section and a leaf surface

Scanning electron micrograph of a macrophage

Scanning EM of a red oak stem

The seasons

Secondary growth in a dicot root

Section through a human ovary

Section through a young buttercup root

Seismic risk map

Self-assembling microscopic spheres of (a) proteins and (b) lipids

Semiconservative nature of DNA replication

Sensitivity to Teratogens during pregnancy

Sensory pathway from the retina to the brain

Sensory reception in the human air

Series and parallel circuits

Seven characteristics of pea plants

Sexual reproduction in Spirogyra, a green alga

Shapes of s, p, and d orbitals

Simple and complex tissues in a stem, and examples of ground tissues

Single and double replacement reactions

Size and shape of red blood cells

Skeletal muscle : section from a skeletal muscle, muscle fibers, and two myofibrils

Skull shapes of early hominids and modern humans

Sliding filament model of muscle contraction

Sodium and potassium ions

Soil characteristics of deciduous forest, tropical rainforest, and coniferous forest

Soil characteristics of grassland and desert ecosystems

Soil profile

Soil types of the United States

Solar heating system

Solubility curves of solids

Solubility equilibrium


Some components of human blood

Some skeletal muscles of the human skeletal muscular system


Speed of sound

Sperm formation. Structure of a mature human sperm

Stages in metastasis

Stages in the development of Rana pipiens, the leopard frog

The stages of ecological succession on land

(a) A stand of walled prokaryotic cells. (b) One of the oldest known eukaryotes. (c) A multicelled alga. (d) Eukaryotic microplankon (e) a eukaryotic cell. (f) a protistan

Stanley Miller's experiment

Statoliths in root cells

Stem structure of alfalfa, a dicot

Stem structure of corn, a monocot

The stem

Steps in amniocentesis

Stoichiometry problems

Stomatal action. Healthy holly stomata. Holly stomata clogged by pollutants

Structural formulas: alkanes

Structural Formulas: alkenes and aromatics

Structure of DNA

The structure of a human bone

The structure of a human tooth

Structure of a nerve

Structure of nitrogen bases

The structure of a plant root tip

The structure of a prokaryote

Structure of a T4 bacteriophage

The structure of a typical animal cell

The structure of a typical plant cell

Structure of a woody stem with extensive secondary growth

Structure of adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

Structure of an angiosperm leaf

Structure of blood vessels

Structure of cellulose

Structure of DNA

Structure of eukaryotic ribosomes

Structure of hemoglobin. A globin molecule and hemoglobin

Structure of human femur

Structure of human skin

The structure of human skin

Structure of nitrogen bases

Structure of rods and cones, mammalian photoreceptors

The structure of the human brain


The structure of the atom

The structure of the human ear

Structure of the human eye

The structure of the human eye

The structure of the human heart

The structure of the human lungs

Structure of the small intestine

Structure of the stomach. Peristaltic wave down the stomach

Structure of RNA : (a) Computer model, (b) features common to all RNAs, and (c) simplified model

Summary of energy harvest from aerobic respiration

Summary of transcription and translation

Sun's energy in the atmosphere

Surface view of nuclear envelope

Surface view of the deep, permanent folds of the intestinal mucosa. Individual epithelial cells at the free surface of a villus

Surface view of the deep, permanent folds of the intestinal mucosa

(a) Synura. (b) Diatom shells. (c) One dinoflagellate, Gymnodinium breve

T4 injecting DNA into bacterial host cell

Tactile receptors in human skin

Temperature scales

Tendon sheath

Tetrahedral shape of methane


Three methods of heat transfer

Three modes of natural selection

Three types of neurons

Three types of radiation


Topographic map


Translation; chain elongation and termination stages

Translation; initiation stage

Translocation of organic compounds in sow thistle

Transmission electron micrograph of an animal cell nucleus

Transmission EM of a plant cell, with organelles diagrammed

Transmission EM of an animal cell, with organelles diagrammed

Transparencies for Starr's biology : concepts and applications 001

Transparencies for Starr's biology : concepts and applications 002

Transport proteins span the lipid bilayer of the plasma membrane

Trends in the periodic table

Two examples of a complete digestive system

Two major patterns of cleavage in animal embryos. Embryonic development in deuterostomes and protostomes


Types of body cavities in animals

Types of faults

Types of intrusions and extrusions

Types of muscle

Types of stress

Types of transformers

Types of volcanoes

A typical electrochemical cell

Typical plant and animal cells

Units of measure used in m~icroscopy

The uranium radioactive decay series

Uses of petroleum

Van Allen radiation belts

Variation in the intensity of solar radiation with latitude. Temperature variation with latitude

Vascular tissue

A Venus flytrap, one of the "carnivorous" plants

Venus's flower basket (Euplectella) showing spicules

Viruses : (a) Helical, (b) polyhedral, and (c) enveloped

Visual accommodation

Voltaic cell

The water cycle

The water cycle

Wave characteristics

Weather map

Wound healing


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