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why are generation y and z in thailand less

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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The purpose of this thematic paper is to identify key elements that impact the workforce in generations Y and Z working in government sectors and seek answers to the research question "Why do Generation Y and Z in Thailand have a higher turnover in government jobs than previous generations?" . Younger generations prefer careers in the private sector or start-ups over those in government because they fit their lifestyles better. Even though some people desire to serve in government to help the community, they eventually understand the bureaucracy that exists behind the scenes and choose to resign.

The purpose of this study is to look at the employment motivation of generation Y and Z in government sectors. Why Generations Y and Z in Thailand have higher turnover in government jobs than previous generations. The purpose of this research is to comprehensively explore the key elements influencing the workforce in Generation Y and Z working in government sectors.

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Table Page


  • Employment in Thai Government Sectors
  • Career motivation
  • Career motivation in Public service sectors
  • Turnover in public sectors
  • Maslow hierarchy of needs Framework
    • Physiological need
    • Safety need
    • Social need
    • Self-esteem need
    • Self-actualization need
  • Generation Y
  • Generation Z
  • Conceptual framework

According to Deci and Ryan (2002), public service motivation is an example of extremely self-determined extrinsic motivation. According to Grissom (2016), employee turnover can be attributed to elements that influence the demand for labor or the supply of labor. The level of physiological needs, according to Maslow (1987), lies at the bottom of the biological needs hierarchy.

According to Taormina and Gau (2013), there are two distinct stages in the life of a company employee: work and retirement. According to Maslow (1987), the level of social needs here is the desire for love, affection and belonging. Taormina and Gao (2013) say that employees' demands for respect in the workplace can be addressed through reputation, attention, recognition and importance.

According to Maslow (1987), self-actualization needs can only be achieved when the preceding four stages have been met. Generation Y, commonly known as the Millennials, are those born between 1980 and 1994, according to McCrindle and Wolfinger (2009). According to Chung (2013), members of Generation Y are diverse, technologically advanced and vocal about their opinions.

According to Singh and Dangmei (2016), Generation Z consists of generations born in the 1990s and who grew up in the 2000s through the most important developments of the century. Berkup, 2014) Moreover, according to Iorgulescu (2016), generation Z members are very confident, have an optimistic perspective on their future careers.

Figure 2.1 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Framework
Figure 2.1 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Framework


  • Research design
  • Data collection methodology
    • Sampling
  • Data collection approach
    • Data collection
  • Instrument
  • Data analysis approach
  • Data Validity

Thailand's government institutions continue to function as usual, without adapting to new circumstances or addressing issues in the minds of the younger generation of the workforce. Public sector employment is typically characterized by inflexible hierarchical duties and salaries, as well as limited opportunities for promotion. This thematic article aims to conduct in-depth interviews with twelve government employees (6 from the Y generation and 6 from the Z generation) and to ask open-ended questions to allow respondents to explore and express their perspectives on their current employment within government institutions . .

The purpose of this thematic paper is to conduct in-depth interviews with ten government employers (5 from generation Y and 5 from generation Z) and ask open-ended questions to allow respondents to explore and express their views on their current job in government institutions. To minimize the potential impact on the career path of the interviewees, all personal information is confidential and not disclosed in any research material. They are then informed that this interview will be used for educational and research purposes only and all responses are treated as anonymous.

Before the question portion begins, interviewees will be asked to sign a consent form to allow the interview to take place. The pre-questions asked demographic information of the participants (age, marital status, family background, education, income, position, organization and work (tenure/experience). This chapter lists the interview questions, determined the validity of the data for the study, and showed how collected and analyzed the data.

I will discuss the types of questions that will be asked before I conduct an interview so that they can prepare. The next chapter is about the research of semi-structured interviews that helped in the discovery of in-depth information about ten government employers to learn more about the factors influencing Generation Y and Z workforce.

Table 3.1 The guideline questions  Framework  (Maslow’s
Table 3.1 The guideline questions Framework (Maslow’s


Result from the interview

  • Physiological need Generation Y
  • Safety needs Generation Y
  • Social needs Generation Y
  • Self- esteem needs Generation Y
  • Self-actualization needs Generation Y

The jobs in the government sector were comparable, but the pressure was significantly lower and I can do my job better." 34;It is quite hierarchical in the department." others say, "but I'm used to it because I started from the bottom and gradually gained more responsibility over time." and "Working for the government may seem bureaucratic to outsiders, but most individuals here work harmoniously and we constantly help each other in our personal and professional lives." 34; Working in the government sector everything goes quite slowly and there are so many processes involved in making documents, approval process and it's all about respect." When asked about their relationships with their colleagues, younger people are often reprimanded by older individuals who are not their immediate bosses, and they find it harder to fit in sometimes.

34;I get scolded if I come to work a few minutes late, and sometimes I feel like everyone is waiting for me to do something wrong so they can criticize me.” As a result, they find it harder to work effectively with their older colleague, which may be delayed their work progress. 34;During a party at work I had to be the one serving everyone's food and pouring drinks and I really didn't want to go, I have outside friends and better things," says one person. Three out of five Gen Y respondents are satisfied with their chosen profession and his path, as some commented: "I am fully aware of a career in the public sector, but it gives me the opportunity to do something for the community that will make my family proud." Two other disgruntled employees stated: "In the beginning I believed I would do more for the community, but it was simply collecting and pushing paperwork that sometimes I didn't experience the results of my efforts because the situation changes so quickly and the department has to change the plan."

When asked about their perceived value at work, the majority of respondents said, "Even knowing that I am a small cog supporting a larger system, I sometimes felt not inspired enough to complete the same tasks over and over again." without seeing the results." Based on all statements, Generation Y has high needs related to self-esteem needs that remain unsatisfied, making them feel less enthusiastic about their jobs. Others say, “I knew what I was doing would help the bigger picture because I believe in systemic improvements. As we are gradually seeing with the current governor's administration, when people have the right vision, things can change.” And since the majority of the Generation Z workforce is still at the entry level, they have more room and opportunity to improve, as mentioned in 'Promotional exam and annual report review provide a glimpse of progress in the organization that is reasonable, but not flashy." According to respondents, they believe they are valuable enough for their current position, and try to offer their managers unique responsibilities that suit the younger generation, as stated: "My boss has often asked me to to do some unique tasks related to technology, for example during the covid lockdown I helped the department coordinate the Microsoft team meeting, and from then on my supervisor kept asking me to do tasks that senior employees could not perform.

Regarding self-actualization needs, all Generation Y employees agreed that with proper guidance and direction from their supervisor and department manager, they could exceed their potentials, as stated: “Sometimes I didn't know how to do certain tasks. , and there is no precedent or sample report and I can't go to anyone to ask, and my supervisor is often busy with other people's work, so I just did what I could, but proper guidance would help." Others add : "In this part of the civil service, you are not encouraged to show your creativity, but rather stick to the established path to avoid mistakes; one big mistake can cost your boss his reputation, and you will suffer for it in many ways. According to observations, the Gen Z workforce in government is also unable to satisfy the need for self-actualization.




Limitation and recommendation for further research


Appendix A: Analytical framework Perspective of generation Y

Working for the government may sound bureaucratic to outsiders, but most individuals here work in concert. The supervisor tried to cheer everyone up and tried to organize monthly activities that the whole office can do together, such as some sports activities, karaoke singing and sometimes trips as a reward. I was fully aware of a career path in the public sector, but it gave me the opportunity to do something for the community.

I studied the relevant field as well as many others in my department, but sometimes the work was not enough to keep me engaged. I got bored at work from time to time, bureaucratic work requires you to gain more seniority before it allows you to do more serious work. I wish I could contribute more to the people and policies I want to work for, but when your position doesn't allow you to do that, you have to do what you're told.

There was process for anyone to take and some room to grow if you have degree and follow the news of the department, but most people can follow the step and write report to continue every 2-3 years. 34;Even though I knew I was a small cog supporting a larger system, sometimes I didn't feel inspired enough to perform the same tasks over and over again without seeing the. Sometimes I did not know how to perform certain tasks, and there is no precedent case or sample report.

While others were undergoing training, I had written a report as the training opportunities are for more senior staff who will be promoted soon.

Appendix B: Analytical framework Perspective of generation Z

My colleagues helped me from time to time, especially when they were also responsible for tasks, but they often asked me to do their tasks while they chatted about other things or took longer breaks. During a party at work, I had to be the one serving food and filling drinks for everyone, and I really didn't want to go, I have friends outside and better things to do. I was comfortable with the responsibility and role I had, as I am competent for this; I chose this role or responsibility in this department because it is related to what I want to achieve".


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Figure    Page
Figure 2.1 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Framework
Table 3.1 The guideline questions  Framework  (Maslow’s


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