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PDF 56. Computational Classification

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Classification is the systematic allocation of resources to a system of intentional categories, often institutional ones. How is the uniqueness principle followed when resources do not clearly fit into a single category.

Introduction (IX)

Put another way, the structure and form of information resources is the basis for the design of resource descriptions. In the following sections, we will use design and writing as two lenses to look at the problem of how to choose the form of resource descriptions.

Structuring Descriptions

Batten developed a system for organizing patents.1 The system consisted of a language for describing the product, process, use, and device of a patent, and a way to use punch cards to record these descriptions. Patents that fit a certain description are easy to find thanks to the structure of the maps designed to describe the patents.

Or, more precisely, it has structure, but that structure is the underlying grammatical structure of the English language, and none of that grammatical structure is explicitly represented in a surface structure when the sentence is expressed. But we can treat these blobs as unstructured because none of the underlying structure of the visual or auditory input is explicit, and we are concerned with the ways in which the structures of resource descriptions support or inhibit mechanical or computational operations.5.

In doing so much of the meaning has been lost, but something has been gained: we can now easily distinguish Sebald and walk as separate items in the description.6 This makes it. Computers are getting better at extracting features from visual and auditory signals to identify and classify inputs, but our point here is that none of these features are explicitly represented in the input "blob" or "stream".

What was lost was the previously invisible structure

For example, the description of Sebald's novel can be rephrased as a series of terms: Sebald, novel, East Anglia, walking, history. In doing so much of the meaning has been lost, but something has been gained: we can now easily distinguish Sebald and Walk as separate items in the description.

It is rarely practical to make things as simple as possible

In a set of terms like Sebald, novel, East Anglia, walk, story, for example, one cannot easily say that Sebald refers to the author of the book while East Anglia and the walk refer to what it is about. It is a set of entries, not a list of entries, because the pairs are not ordered and because each entry must have a unique key.8 Note that this specialized meaning of dictionary is different from the more common meaning of "dictionary" as an alphabetized list of terms accompanied by sentences that define them.

This structural metamodel only allows one value for each property, which means it would not work for books with

Now we can say that author, type and subject are the properties and the original items in the set are the values. Structured descriptions entered using a form can simply be represented as dictionaries, where the form item labels are the properties and the data entered is the values.

Going the other direction is not so easy, however: just as real dictionaries do not support finding a word given

In dictionaries as commonly understood, properties are terms and values ​​are their corresponding definitions. Trees consist of nodes (letters and numbers in Figure: Tree of Properties and Values.) joined by edges (arrows).

The XML Information Set (Cowan2004)

For example, the dominant metamodel for XML is documents is a kind of tree called the XML information set or information set. The XML information set defines a specific kind of tree structure by adding very specific constraints, including the ordering of child nodes, to the basic definition of a tree.

It is possible that this inference may be wrong: there may be two people named Winfried Georg Sebald. How can we structure these descriptions so that they explicitly represent the fact that the Winfried Georg Sebald who is the subject of the first book is the same Winfried Georg Sebald who wrote the second.

Often it is useful to treat a graph as a set of pairs of nodes, where each pair may or may not be directly connected to an edge. In "The Document Processing World" we will use XML to model the graph shown in Figure: Descriptions linked to a graph. references” to connect a book to its title, authors and subject.


This feature relies upon the existence of an XML schema

Typically, an XML information set is created as a byproduct of parsing a well-formed XML document instance. An XML information set is typically the result of processing a well-formed XML document instance.15 Schemas associated with XML document instances "light" the corresponding XML information set.

A well-formed XML document instance, when processed, will yield an XML Information Set, as

Without mixed content, we wouldn't be able to write narrative text with hyperlinks embedded in the middle of a sentence. Thus, the 'truth value' of any XML infoset depends on the related schemas.16 Traditionally, any documentation that is.

The Infoset contains knowledge of whether all related declarations have been read and processed, the base URI

A well-formed XML document instance to which schemas are associated, such as a DTD, can contribute information to the infoset. A DTD can define entities that are referenced in the document instance and expanded in-place when processed.

The SGML standard explicitly stated that

Assuming properties are declared, the Infoset exposes this information as a reference property as an ordered list of element information items.

Attribute types may be declared in an XML DTD or schema. Attributes whose type is ID must have a valid

XLink “allows elements to be inserted into XML documents to create and describe links between resources. It uses XML syntax to create structures that can describe links similar to the simple one-way hyperlinks of today's HTML, as well as more sophisticated links.”20.

XML Inclusions (XInclude) is (Marsh, Orchard, and Veillard 2006)

Within the document’s DTD, one simply declares the entity and its corresponding value, which could be

Similarly, we can treat each component of the description in Figure: Treat attributes as edges rather than nodes. How can we tell if the Winfried George Sebald of the third triple is the same as the Winfried George Sebald of the triple statement.

Online Information Exchange(ONIX) is the international standard for representing and communicating book

But when organizing systems, we usually need to additionally determine the content and composition of descriptions of the specific types of resources that are being organized. For example, when designing a system for organizing books, it is not enough to say that the book description is structured using XML, because the XML metamodel constrains the structure, not the content, of the descriptions.

Do not take on the task of creating a new XML model lightly. Literally thousands of XML vocabularies have

If no such standard exists or existing standards do not meet our needs, we can create a new model for our specific domain. When we choose a metamodel, we know the constraints we have to work with when modeling resources and collections in our specific domain.23.

See (Glushko and McGrath 2005) for a synthesis of best

An XML schema also defines rules for how those elements, attributes, and their contents can be arranged in higher-level structures. An XML document can use vocabulary from more than one XML schema.25 Associate a schema with an XML instance.

An XML schema that defines a domain pattern provides a dictionary of terms that can be used as element and attribute names in XML documents that adhere to that pattern. If an XML schema is given an identifier, XML documents can use that identifier to indicate that they use terms and rules from that schema.

What “correctly” means depends on the schema language used to encode the conceptual model of the document

For example, if an element named "title" means "book title" in one schema and "honor associated with a person" in another, the examples might have elements with namespace prefixes such as The discipline of. (See also “The Semantic Web and Related Data” and later in this chapter.)27.

For example, see Linked Open Vocabularies at

So far we have focused on how models specify vocabularies of terms and how these terms can be used in descriptions. Attribute values ​​can be restricted in a schema by specifying a data type, a default value, and a list of.

Specifying a vocabulary is just one way that models can determine what values ​​can be assigned to properties. There are too many variations of regular expression syntax to describe them in detail here, but they are worth briefly considering as we talk about checking values.

There is no single authority on the subject of regular expressions or their syntax. A good starting point is the

Programmers and data modelers use regular expressions to describe expected coding schemes when they design documents, data elements, databases, and coding schemes. In the context of checking values, we can use regular expressions to describe data values ​​ranging from identifiers, names, dates, phone numbers, and zip codes.

Writing Descriptions

In either case, you are using a notation: a set of distinctly shaped characters.1 The Latin alphabet is a notation, as are Arabic numerals. Some more exotic notes include symbols used for editorial notation and alchemical symbols.2 The characters in a note usually have an order.

The terminology here and in the following sections comes from (Harris 1996)

English-speaking children usually learn the order of the Latin alphabet in the form of an alphabet song.3. A traditional notation such as the Latin alphabet can afford a certain degree of variation in the form of a particular brand.

In the case of ASCII, each character is assigned a number from 0 to 127, so there are 128 ASCII characters.5 When you use a computer to type ASCII characters, each key you press selects a character from this "menu" of 128 characters. The most ambitious existing character encoding is Unicode, which as of version 6.0 assigns numbers to 109,449 characters.6 Unicode makes an important distinction between characters and glyphs.

Glottic writing systems based on natural human languages ​​are difficult to describe accurately and comprehensively. Nonglottic writing systems, however, can be accurately and comprehensively described using an abstract model.

To add to the confusion, while the American standard (ASCII) places the # character at position 23, the British

For example, XML and JSON are 1) metamodels for structuring information and 2) writing systems for textual representation of information. Unlike XML and JSON, several different writing systems have been standardized for the RDF metamodel, including N-Triples, Turtle, RDFa, and RDF/XML.10 Each of these is a writing system that is abstractly described by the RDF metamodel.

Recently, an alternative writing system for XML-structured data has been standardized: Efficient

In other words, they specify the abstract structure of a description and how to write it. It is possible to conceive other ways to textually present the structure of these metamodels, but only one writing system is standardized for each of these metamodels.9.

The characters in a notation only make sense in the context of a writing system that uses that notation. This example also serves to illustrate how the order of a notation may differ from the order of a writing system that uses that notation.

Although we use alphabetic characters today to represent Roman numerals, originally they were

However, in the arithmetic writing system of ancient Rome, which also uses the letters of the Latin alphabet as notation, I have a different meaning: one. When we arrange names alphabetically, we first compare the first character of each name and arrange them according to the order of the writing system.

It took a few hundred years before alphabetization became recursive and applied to letters other than the

In the second part, which indicates a limited subject area, and the fourth part, which indicates the year of publication, series of numbers are treated as numbers and ordered according to the decimal system. However, in the third part, sequences of digits are treated as sequences and ordered "notationally", as in the example above (334 before 67).

For example, the American spelling of the words “center”

The differences in order show just one way that multiple writing systems can use the same notation differently. For example, early computer systems only supported ASCII notation, so text from writing systems extending the Latin alphabet had to be converted to ASCII, usually by removing (or sometimes transliterating) diacritics.

The Library of Congress and the American Library Association provide standard procedures for transliterating text from more than sixty different writing systems into the (extended) Latin alphabet. In glottic writing systems like English, there is usually more than one sentence we can write to express the same statement.

In discussions of glottic writing systems, “syntax” usually refers only to the rules for combining words into

In contrast, when we create descriptions of resources in an organizing system, we generally use non-glottic writing systems, where each sentence expresses only a single statement, and there is only one way to write a sentence that expresses a given statement.17 These limitations make these writing systems less expressive, but simplify their use. Indeed, even non-glottic writing systems designed to encode resource descriptions can unambiguously have.

In truth, even non-glottic writing systems designed to encode resource descriptions unambiguously can have

Now let's go back to our example and look at the structure of the statement, The title is Die Ringe des Saturn and it has 371 pages. Basic ways of writing a part of the book description.; the xmlns:dc segment is a namespace declaration, which associates dc with the cited URI, which happens to be the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI); child .

Worlds of Description

This convergence was no accident, because XML was created specifically to address the problem of how to add structure and data to documents by "marking them up." XML is the successor to the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), which is derived from the International Business Machines (IBM) Generalized Markup Language, which was invented to enable the production and management of large-scale technical documentation. It should be noted that the content of the Infoset for a given document may be affected by the knowledge of any.

It should be noted that the content of the Infoset for a given document may be affected by knowledge of any

These descriptions are in the form of property-value pairs, known as "HTTP headers." Web representation HTTP headers are structured like dictionaries. The query component is usually structured like a dictionary, consisting of a series of property-value pairs separated by the & character.

In both cases, the data is structured as a set of properties and their corresponding values. HTML documents are structured as trees, but descriptions embedded in HTML documents can also be structured as dictionaries.

It is now widely recognized that there are useful differences in approach between the world of document processing and the world of the Web. The Internet world is also structured around URIs, but does not require that every resource being described has a URI.

In the world of the Semantic Web, in addition to the list having a URI, each book would also have a URI, in addition to any other identifiers it might have.5. Thus, at least in theory, all descriptive graphs on the semantic web are connected into a single massive graph structure.

Key Points in Chapter Nine

The RDF metamodel is a directed graph, so it identifies one node (the one from which the edge points) as the subject of the triple, and the other node (the one to which the edge . points) as its object. The edge is referred to as the predicate or (as we have said) property of the triple.


Vivien Petras Robert J. Glushko

Hyunwoo Park Robyn Perry

Sean Marimpietri

Introduction (X)

In this chapter we'll move from designing for interactions to designing interactions—and to do that we need to stop to consider the question "when?" In "When is organizing?", we compared organizing done "inbound" with that done "outbound." Regardless of the reasons, what we are essentially doing is rearranging these resources on the fly, or "on the fly," following many of the same principles and procedures that we covered in the previous eight chapters of this book.

Walmart uses its market power to impose technology and process decisions on its suppliers and partners. See

Some organizing systems have the power to determine the standards of description for others to use. Online retailer Shopstyle.com presents a typical e-commerce interface, allowing shoppers to browse a large number of fashion and beauty products organized into familiar categories.

In order to more easily use and reuse content, as well as have the ability to integrate different learning tools

What requirements must be met to provide the interactions that are desired. This will include determining the appropriate interactions ("Determining Interactions"), organizing resources for interactions ("Reorganizing Resources for Interactions"), implementing interactions ("Implementing Interactions"), and evaluating and adapting them (" Evaluating) discusses Interactions").

Determining Interactions

User requirements may be stated or implied depending on the sophistication and functional capabilities of the system. User information needs are most often expressed in search queries (whatever is typed into a search box) or manifest in the selection of one or more of the system categories offered for browsing.

In contrast, behavioral economics recognizes the cognitive and emotional limitations on human behavior and accepts that people are biased and flawed decision makers. However, the principles of behavioral economics can be used to design organizational systems that manipulate people into taking actions and making choices that they may not intend or that are not in their best interests.

A comprehensive review of the power of defaults in software and other technical systems from the

Their requirement is to be out of the heat and - possibly - see interesting things. An example of a very successful business-to-government implementation is the use of the Universal Business Language (UBL) by the government of Denmark.

Reorganizing Resources for Interactions

Major library system vendors now market so-called discovery portals to their customers, which allow

This means identifying the necessary resources and resource descriptions for the interaction and modifying the resource description as needed. Individual and collection resource descriptions should be carefully examined to record the necessary information for planned interactions.

While data encoding describes how information is represented, and data exchange formats describe how

During a transformation of the writing system (Format of resource descriptions), the syntax or vocabulary - also called the data exchange format - of the resource description will be changed.

Electronic Data Interchange(EDI), is used to exchange formatted messages between computers or systems

New order." As can be seen from the example, the description of the information being transmitted is not available in the document. The American National Standards Association (ANSI) can be found at http://www.ansi.org. different inventories without some semantic transformation to harmonize categories.4.

This and more examples for difficult categorizations can be found in: (Bowker and Star 2000)

Since they appear in every text, they can be removed because they cannot distinguish them. The traditional approach to enabling access to heterogeneous organizational systems has been to fully integrate them, enabling the "unrestricted sharing of data and business processes between any connected applications and data sources" in the organization.5 This can be a strategic approach. be. to improving the management of resources, resource descriptions and the organization of systems as a whole, especially when organizations have disparate systems and redundant information spread across different groups.

Allowing unrestricted access to data and business processes also becomes a problem when working across

Maintenance also becomes a problem, as changes in one system can entail changes in all systems that integrate with it.6. Changes in one system may not necessarily affect how other systems operate, as long as the information sent and received over an interface remains the same.

To illustrate the difference between a unidirectional and

The purpose of mapping can range from simply exchanging source descriptions to enabling access to longitudinal data to facilitating standardized reporting.8 Preserving the version history of source description elements and relationships in both systems is essential to verifying the validity of the data map. This powerful tool to accurately locate holdings in any library involves two resource description standards.

9. (NISO 2004)

While data mapping is the first step in establishing the relationships between different systems, data transformation involves generating code that uses the resulting maps to produce an executable transformational program that converts the source data into the target format. Languages ​​such as XSLT and Turing eXtender Language (TXL) facilitate data transformation.

Languages such as XSLT and Turing eXtender Language(TXL) facilitate the ease of data transformation

Design-time transformations depend on highly collaborative environments where specific design requirements (such as mapping rules and criteria) can be negotiated prior to system implementation. It can also be represented in one single rule that includes all the information above (a low-granularity model).

For an in-depth discussion of interoperability challenges, see Chapter 6 of (Glushko and McGrath 2005)

Intellectual checks and tests performed by humans are almost always necessary to prove the accuracy of. This reduces the quality and accuracy of the map and can result in "down translation" or "distortion" of the resource description system.

Implementing Interactions

The extent of possible interactions is determined by the extent of properties that are organized, described, and created in an organizing system. For these content-based interactions, internal resource properties such as color distributions are computationally derived and stored as resource properties.

Each of the four information retrieval models discussed in the chapter has different combinations of the

A tagging or annotation interaction allows a user (either a human or a computational agent) to add information to the resource itself or to resource descriptions. Each of the four information retrieval models discussed in the chapter has different combinations of.

Our discussion of information retrieval models in this chapter does not attempt to address information

An interaction that adds information from users can also improve system quality and usability.3. A good discussion of the pros and cons of tagging in the library field can be found in (Furner 2007).

A good discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of tagging in the library field can be found in (Furner 2007)

Unlike the vector space model, the idea behind the probabilistic model is that, given a query and a resource or resource description (most often a text), probability theory is used to estimate how likely it is that a resource is relevant to an information need. In the vector space model, by comparison, the resource whose term vector is most similar to a query term vector (based on frequency counts) is highest.6.

Salton was generally viewed as the leading researcher in information retrieval for the last part of the 20th century

If a term like "car" appears frequently in a feed, we can assume that it is one of the topics discussed in the feed. Latent Semantic Indexing is a variant of the vector space model where a mathematical technique known as singular value decomposition is used to combine similar expression vectors into a smaller number of vectors that describe their "statistical center".

See (Dumais 2003)

XPath (see "Structural relationships within a resource") describes how individual parts of XML documents can be accessed within the internal structure. Citation-based searching can be implemented by directly following citations from the original resource or to find resources that cite the original resource.

Evaluating Interactions

Designers would not only want to know if the garment length is represented correctly, but also if the interaction is working efficiently. When we evaluate the efficiency of an organizational system, we focus on the time, energy, and economic resources required for it. achieve system interaction goals.

One of the challenges for the evaluation of relevance in organizing systems is the gap between a user's information need (often not directly stated) and an expression of this information need (a query). Recall measures the completeness of the result set, that is, how many of the relevant resources in a collection were retrieved.

Recall and precision are only the foundation of measures that have been developed in information retrieval to

The completeness and granularity of the organizing principles in an organizing system greatly influence the trade-off between recall and precision. The trade-off between recall and precision is closely related to the scale of the organization.

Key Points in Chapter Ten

The trade-off between recall and precision decides whether the search finds all relevant documents (high recall) or only relevant documents (high precision). The extent of organizational principles also affects recall. and precision: more precise organization allows for more precise interactions.


Robert J. Glushko

Introduction (XI)

We begin with a look at the "Organizational System Life Cycle," which proposes four phases, each of which is discussed in its own section. Organizational System", where we distinguish the maintenance of specific resources and descriptions from the maintenance of the system as a whole.

The Organizing System Lifecycle

Others result from the fact that the work of system designers, architects, and developers is shaped by their experiences, values, beliefs, and circumstances—the often hidden limitations and influences of their social standing, education, cultural context, and mental models. Holy. The work of information professionals inevitably involves "slicing the world at the joints", creating classifications, models and architectures that support interactions with resources.

Defining and Scoping the Organizing System Domain

A cattle farm can get by with only one worker for every thousand cows, unlike zoos, which usually have a small number of cases of many species of animals. Consider a business information system that is designed to contain millions of highly structured and similar instances of a small number of related resource types, such as purchase orders and their corresponding invoices.1 Analysis to determine features and appropriate principles for describing and organizing resources.

For some kinds of resources with highly regular structure, the distinction between the resource and its

Compare this large but very narrow collection with a small but very extensive one containing a thousand highly variable instances of dozens of different resource types. This variability means a large and diverse set of resource descriptions, where individual resource instances may not be described very accurately because it is too expensive to do it by hand ("Professional Resource Description").

The results of this analysis can be represented in a conceptual model or document/database schema which. The broad categories in a department store blur many of the differences between instances, but in the process create a small set of common characteristics that can be used to describe them.

See (Chen, Li, Liang, and Zhang 2010), (Pohs 2013)

Challenges caused by the scale of a collection are often related to constraints imposed by the physical or technological environment in which the collection exists, which limit how large the collection can be or how it can be organized. Model-driven software generation can be simple - an XFORM specification that creates an input form on a web.

Model-driven software generation can be simple—an XFORM specification that creates an input form on a web

The nature and number of users strongly shape the content of an organizational system and the interactions for which it must be designed. The scale and scope of a collection and the size of its user population are often related to the life expectancy of its organizational system.

Service design, architecture, and user interaction design are the primary disciplines that care about the influence

In turn, cookbooks use an organizing system for their recipes that arranges them by type of dish, main ingredient, or preparation method. Sometimes these multiple organizing systems can be designed in coordination so that they can function as a single hierarchical, or nested, organizing system in which it is possible to emphasize different levels depending on the user's task or application.

Identifying Requirements for an Organizing System

The domain, scope, and scale of the organizational system determine which interactions are possible and which must be explicitly supported, but the priorities of different interactions are more often determined by decisions about the intended users. For most organizational systems, except personal ones, is the set of interactions that are implemented in an organizational system.

An easy to remember framework for prioritizing requirements is MoSCoW, which classifies them as Must,

When we describe interactions in a generic or broad way as we did in Activities in Organizing Systems, we see that all organizing systems have some common interactions, but most of the time we want to pay attention to the more specific interactions which is designed to create value in a particular organizing system because of the kind of resources it contains ("Interaction and Value Creation"). For-profit firms often distinguish themselves by the number and quality of the interactions they support with their resources, some by supporting many of them and some by supporting a minimal number.

Funding cuts for public libraries lead to reduced staffing, reduced hours, and reduced acquisitions and many of

Organizing systems with active resources can create value on its own without explicit user interaction ("Active or Operant Resources"). Organizational systems differ in the extent to which they can initiate interactions or use information to create them.

Organizing systems differ in the extent they can initiate interactions or use information to make them

When organizing systems with physical resources, good designers enhance the inherent capabilities of resources with navigation and orientation aids that direct users to points of interaction ("Affordance and Capability"). Other organizational systems use stored, computed, or contextual information to create value by removing the need for user interactions, such as location-based smartphone apps that relay information to you when you're near a particular location or someone you know. knows (“Affordance and Ability”).4.

Simply put, choices about the nature and extent of resource description depend on which interactions or questions are more frequent or important (“Describing instances or describing collections”). The trade-offs imposed by the scope and timing of resource descriptions have been a recurring theme in this book, with the interplay between recall and precision being most prominent ("When is it being organized?", "Affordability and Capability," "The Abstraction of category and Granularity", "The Recall / Precision Tradeoff").


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224 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATION IN ENGINEERING RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT ISSN: 2348-4918 Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal VOLUME: 10, Special Issue 01, IC-IESP-MULTI-2023 Paper