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A Bernsteinian description of the recontextualising process of the national curriculum statement from conceptualisation to realisation in the classroom.


Academic year: 2023

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This study aims to describe the recontextualisation of the official pedagogic field in the form of the National Curriculum Statement (NCS) in the Further Education and Training (FET) belt. Regional level - Getting to the core 78 District level - Mini training 104 In schools - Evening between parents and teachers of children 108. As an educator in the English classroom (teaching the mother tongue and the first additional language), the provincial training facilitator of the statement of the national curriculum for English in of the FET belt for districts in Okhahlamba.

As Head of the English Department (Grades 8 - 1 2 : ex-model C-school), the changes to AEO were only noticeable in the following ways: Grade 9s had to engage in a nationally produced Common Assessment Task (CAT).



The first (linguistic device) depends more on the intended meaning per se, while the second (pedagogical device) depends on the socio-political intentions of the transmitter. Where framing is strong, the knowledge transferer (ie the teacher/facilitator) has a great deal of control over the above concerns. The second rule of discursive order concerns selection, sequence, pace and criteria.

These rules, together with the concept of framing, are particularly evident in the research findings of the study under discussion.


This deduction is also appropriate for this study as much of the researched material is in the realm of the social and relates to Bernstein's notion of social power and consciousness. This point is particularly important for this study, since the goal in the process of social transformation is to avoid any breakdown of the message. This notion permeates the official pedagogical field which aims to see the inequalities of the past disappear in the social consciousness of the future.

In discussing the role of the teacher in a 'competency model' system of education, Muller points out that the regulative discourse is the dominant discourse.



The end product of the research has thus resulted in a descriptive narrative of the process mixed with data to validate the description. This has enabled the principal to be more aware than usual of the implications of research. The interview with the national policy writer has enabled the research to extend beyond the boundaries of the regional training session and provide a wider.

A photographic compilation of the posters made during the training session adds a visual authenticity to the description.



Provincial trainees' comments on program content. 2:1 think that's where real education lies. One can assume that the above comments refer to the transmission process and reflect the frame of information being disseminated. They do not necessarily reflect the acquisition of skills or the acquisition and implementation of the message.

I will now discuss how much of the above information has been recontextualized further down the spiral at the regional level. One would probably imagine a negative impact on the cascading of information as a result and poor participation as a result. The impact of training on the recognition and realization of the message of social transformation - Focus Area One; Social transformation (Day 1);.

Copies of the PPP also appeared in the generic handbook, further strengthening the transfer process. This signaled a vertical relationship between the sender and receivers of information (Vertical relationships mean that the dominant partner has control over the principles of valuing the privileged text - Dowling and Brown, 1996, in Hoadley, 2005). These posters remained up until the end of the course and were constantly referred to by the team leader and facilitators.

60 copies of those and they are in the trunk, and 60 copies of the Generic manual. The value of the documentation and its content was emphasized on day one and day two. I'm going to start with a PPP that will give you an idea of ​​the background to transformation.

The explanation of the curriculum statement emphasizes the value of the content (its global origin) and its usefulness in the classroom, as seen in the following extract:. it is very similar to the old syllabus.


This shows that parents are more interested in the content of the subject pack than in anything else. The social transformation for them seems to be through the change in subject and where it will lead their children in the future more than in a different mindset. In the above scenario it would seem as if one individual is convinced and by internalizing the information will be able to realize the political intention and give positive feedback in the spiral, but to what extent this scenario has been duplicated elsewhere remains to be seen . to be seen and researched at a later stage.

Although the above example lends itself to a positive process of recontextualization, we will surely find evidence in the future to point out that it reflects Harley's concept of “ideal versus real” (Harley, 2000). Hierarchy theory, although only briefly touched upon, meshed well with Bernstein's notions of power and control and helped to understand the spiral of recontextualization in the pedagogical apparatus. 34;What happens to the social justice project when it is translated or reconceptualized from the curriculum statement to the students in the classroom?".

In the case of curriculum designers, it was important for them to see that the principles seeped into their work as seen in the policy documents. The realization of the political message on their part is clearly visible in the content of their work. This is evidenced in the creation of a work plan by a group consisting of members who had reinforced the initial team of subject advisors from the Directorate of Teaching and Learning Services and the Unions.

In Bemsteinian terms, we could push this question deeper by examining the extent to which the various participants in the recontextualization process were. This is answered in interviews held with various school-based staff and participation in meetings of various teachers.


Outlines how the education and training system must transform to meet the diversity of learning needs. Vision of an education and training institution that promotes education, especially for those who have a learning barrier*. Teachers need to understand the efferent barriers to learning and how to deal with them.

It contains key strategic goals for the development of team programs, standards and standards for educators. Learning mediator - sensitive to the diverse needs of the learners Interpreter and designer of learning programs and materials Leader, administrator and manager In the classroom and in the whole. SPELL OUT THE REQUIREMENTS FOR PROMOTION AT THE END OF GRADE 10 AND 11, AS WELL AS CERTIFICATION AT THE END OF GRADE 12.

03 Business, Commercial and Management Studies 04 Comrnunicatiori and Language Studies 06 Education, Training and Development 06 Manufacturing, Engineering and Technology 07 Human and Social Studies 05 Law, Military Sciences and Security 09 H«aRh, Science and Social Services 10 Physical, Mathematical, Computer Science and Biological Sciences 11 Services. NCS Grades will be rolled out nationally in 2008. Exit with a National Senior Certificate.


Math teachers and English teachers at NCS before training Interview with curriculum writer before provincial training Preparation for training before first week of regional training.

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Four activities in total resulted in the production of posters, which were put up on the walls at the end of the activity and explained to the rest of the large group. For the purposes of this analysis, I have chosen posters of three of the groups, one representing a rural context, the next a peri-urban and the last an urban context, i.e. Msinga, Dannhauser and Newcastle, and will compare posters created on policies as well as the principles - two activities carried out as part of Day One or Part One: "Social Transformation".

Msinga: The policies were explained to Msinga, but posters were not made due to time constraints. Dannhauser: was given an outline of eight policies in the PPP and asked to take notes. This may be due to a lack of concentration or perhaps a non-recognition of the impact or importance of the policies.

Note the difference in their recognition or understanding of the policy, as well as in their realization of the policy content through both right-brain and left-brain reproduction – drawings and words that reflected the spirit of Newcastle's policy, cf. Groups were given the explanation in were shown their NCS overview papers and given between 20 and 30 minutes to read the principle and create their own idea of ​​it. Although the PPP was positive in its results, the realization of OBE as 'the washing powder that cleans brighter, better and cleaner' was an image created by the group, as was the staircase.

To create a comparative image, one had to first internalize the information. These posters thus demonstrate a strong realization of the message of social transformation. The group seemed to struggle with the medium of the message, preferring to find synonyms for “appreciate” and “indigenous.”

Principal response to the FET reform process in South Africa – case studies of three schools in Newcastle. Legitimizing school knowledge: State, universities and the remaking of the South African Leaving Certificate. The Real and the Ideal: Teacher Roles and Competencies in South African Policy and Practice.

Retrieved October 25, 2005, from Macquarie University and Research Website: http://www.educ.cam.ac.uk/bernstein. Paper presented to the Research Committee on the Sociology of Education of the International Sociological Association at the World Congress of Sociology, Durban, 23-28 July 2006. Bernstein and the Politics of Curriculum: Rethinking Theory, English and the Teaching of English, http://www.educ. cam.ac.uk/bernstein 24 Aug. 2004.


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