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ABRI 8 8 3 Dagang 357 465

Dalam dokumen NN (Halaman 31-52)

4 Tukang 423 - 423 5 Buruh 492 365 857 6 Pensiunan 250 152 402 7 Lain-lain 1842 1525 3367 Jumlah 3890 2973 6863

Tabel 3. Perincian penduduk menurut Tingkat Pendidikan:

No Tingkat Pendidikan L P Jumlah

1 Sarjana 400 193 593 2 Sarjana Muda 318 142 460 3 SMA 1713 1433 3146 4 SMP 275 525 800 5 SD 304 538 842 6 TK 250 224 474 7 Belum Sekolah 301 247 548 Jumlah 3561 3302 6863

Table 4. Perincian penduduk menurut Agama:

No Agama L P Jumlah

1 Islam 2973 2625 5598

3 Kristen khatolik 83 97 180

4 Budha 70 62 132

5 Hindu 50 57 107

Jumlah 3529 3334 6863

Table 5. Riwayat kepemimpinan kelurahan Enggal

No Nama Tahun Asal

1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Kgs. M. Saleh Japar Abdurrahman MJ. Yunus Hi. Samiun Aliman M. Dani M. Ali Arkani A. Halim Sahri Salim Nazaruddin Burhan Bahirumsyah, S.Sos Ishak Yatim, S.Sos Uripno AK 1883-1900 1900-1910 1910-1919 1919-1922 1922-1924 1924-1926 1926-1930 1930-1942 1942-1967 1967-1986 1986-1989 1990-1999 1999-2000 2000-2007 2007-2007 Banten Banten Banten Bengkulu Cilegon Banten Serang Serang Banten Banten Banten Banten Lampung Lampung Bengkulu Jawa Tengah

16 17 18 19 Laila Soraya, S.Stp, M.M Wiwied Priyanto Jancobi Sjaheru Sambul Bahri 2007-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009 Sumatera Selatan Jawa Tengah Sumatera Selatan Lampung

C. History of child prostitutes in the city of Bandar Lampung

Unbeknownst to the emergence of a definite period Whore children in Bandar Lampung is increasingly rife. Even the practice of prostitution occur up to junior secondary school (SMP). However, their presence seemed justified in the interests of the economic system was very simple: man masher as consumers and the interests of sex workers Whore as mutually beneficial.

Bandar Lampung is the acronym of Betung Tanjungkarang and the Gulf, though the term was never a slogan. Perhaps the title is for people already inherent negative idioms for example, the term is often added with delight by people outside of Lampung. That is, an appellation for mature aged women but can be asked out.

Historically, after the name changed to City Tante Bandar Lampung because Betung Bay no longer a capital city, but moved downtown Tanjungkarang. At around the year 1960 Betung Bay District became the center of the port cargo ships and passenger ships.

Dipelabuhan mobility crowded into the trigger location bermuncul night women who frequently entertain guests who come to Bandar Lampung city by sea. In this growing phenomenon of Commercial Sex Workers (CSW) are prostituting themselves especially around the port.

Despite the fact that the localization of these two have been closed. However, still running as usual activities. In addition, prostitution is also easy to find locations in the District Centre and Tanjungkarang Tangjungkarang East, precisely at the entrance Enggal Art Market Enggal Village. From year to year, this location is the number of prostitutes had never subsided, which is often found to PSK PSK Adults and Children. Until now scattered in Bandar Lampung PSK not only concentrated in site-location but then entered into the hotels, karaoke bars, shopping malls, terminals, on the streets of the protocol, the cafes at the center of town.

V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Background Informants

Generally, child prostitutes are living with both parents who have a background as a day laborer, Civil Servants (PNS), employees of contractors, laborers and housewives wash. Meanwhile, families of origin of their parents are not natives of Lampung, but from Jakarta and Banten Province.

This is supported by Belfast City because the location is strategic as a transit city tip of Sumatra Island and the gateway to the capital city, Jakarta. Pattern of the urbanization of population in Belfast to have occurred decades ago along with the commencement of the Dutch colonization practices that put the Lampung transmigration areas in Indonesia was the first time, when the Dutch East Indies.

Then, having on the side of the parent education Child Prostitutes have low education base. They are the dominant primary school graduates and diploma course have low skills. Nevertheless, there is a family of Child Prostitutes who have education equivalent to a Bachelor who is a contractor and have background as a civil servant mother disebuah High School teacher.

Based on age, Child Prostitutes from 10 people interviewed, there are two people aged 16 years and eight men aged 17 years. They are generally familiar with prostitution since two years. Nevertheless, this had a bad experience like a child's initials as the Rose, he experienced his own rape by her stepfather since age 12 years and continue to happen until the age of 15 years.

school at grade IV primary and a primary school graduate only, while two children were at school in class I and II, Junior, two children just graduated junior high, and 4 children still in school at secondary school.

Through the pre-study observation Whore description was observed by type of activity the child. In general, they are a waitress at a diner-tavern and karaoke in ekslokalisasi. Unisex, as a student of a secondary school (high school) and those who dropped out of school, often found in shopping centers during school hours. In addition, at low level they do so only on the consensual. If such negotiations do not become a matter of basic rates. Location 'practice' their cover of night entertainment centers, central road sections and suburbs, and places of recreation beach.

From observations made not obtained with certainty about the amount of child whore. They live in a neighborhood not far from the location of 'hung' by occupying a rented house or rooming house nearby. There are also those who still live with their parents and relatives. Although, according to the family does not know the details of their current activities.

B. Background of children caught in CSEC

Variety of backgrounds are involved in the activities of CSEC, in principle the children do not have the power and do not want a life like this when they were living. The tendency of the parties that encourage the children enter the world of prostitution is the negligence of the adults around them. Especially next of kin, parents, spouse (boyfriend) and playmate. Each side has different roles and responsibilities and would certainly benefit economically from the practice of child prostitution tersebut.Peran kin have a great share in encouraging the children trapped in prostitution.

I Infoman

The informant originated from a family that is not harmonious and neglect of adults around the Rose (not her real name) is the victim who then stuck into the practice of prostitution. He was no longer a virgin at the age of 15 years, but have a bad life experience and strong enough background of life at the moment. A rose is just a child from a father who worked as scavengers trashy goods and Mother of a beggar who both do not finish primary school.

At the age of 15 years, Rose has a child who is none other than Her stepfather own. Driven responsibilities as a mother, Rose did not have enough choices to feed his children. Although, Rose argued just joined a friend in the profession today. However, given the profession of economic sufficiency. Rose at least a day can earn Rp. 300.

Informants II.

As experienced by the Rose, almost the same experienced by Jasmine (initials) that graduated from elementary school. Budget at a young age has a small family before the profession as a whore wrestle children. Diusia Jasmine are married very young and have a family experience. She and her husband across the family life does not last long, as a young diusianya. Although the Budget did not provide an explanation such dininya marriage. However, the experience of the failure of their marriage according to the Budget as a cause she is currently trapped as Child Prostitution since one and a half years ago.

not even feel the school and my mother only primary school education tasting though not to the finish. Until now, practically only Jasmine and mother who worked to provide for family needs. Meanwhile, Jasmine's father just does not work currently unemployed. Poor family conditions and bad environment facilitate the profession is currently

undergoing Budget. Having this condition, not too much for Jasmine looked at and to live life of prostitution at all times and understand the character of the neighborhood.

Informants III.

Similarly, experienced by Flower name initials. He stayed with friends at home Pimps. While parents, lived in Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta. Father as a retired factory worker and a housewife mother only, less able to cover their living together. Nevertheless, interest is not completing his status as a mistaken one high school student in Jakarta, he also chose to stop while he was at secondary school.

According to Flowers, the condition of household parents are not in harmony. Father as head of the family has unpaid debts, so the dept was always collecting the debt collector. This family of conditions that trigger discomfort, parents are always quarreling.

Currently 17-year-old Flower, the first time he knew lived diekslokalisasi Enggal

Lampung and invited his friends. Since long before he was trapped in prostitution. Habit of visiting nightclubs to experience that carried her into prostitution.

Informants IV.

Four informants in this study named Angrek, names whose initials derive pleasure when in night entertainment venues. He says, along with their peers often do clubbing (going to the Night Club). However, along with those habits Angrek had indeed been intimate with her boyfriend.

No stops on the experience, Angrek started looking for his own pleasure with friends. The first time he was seduced into prostitution by his acquaintances in places of

entertainment. The person was an adult who acted as intermediaries, perhaps with a more familiar approach to other women. Finally angrek approve the friend's invitation.

Currently Angrek new 16-year-old, living together in ekslokalisasi Enggal Pimps. This dilakukkannya since last year. Meanwhile, his parents still live in Pandeglang, Banten Province. They make a living by farming and trading, sufficient for daily needs of families for which only the educated parents who graduate from boarding schools and elementary schools.

Informant V.

Similar is also expressed by Sarti name initials, in ekslokalisasi Enggal Angrek friend. Sarti also from Banten Province precisely in the city of Serang. The first time he had sexual experiences with boyfriends. Sarti who was still sitting in first class of junior high school in the town of Serang. Children classified as New Gede (ABG), is psychologically unstable and find out something new.

Sarti has a simple family, his parents did not finish school at the elementary school educations and they were only working as a handyman who does not have a steady income. Sarti parents did not know that he worked as prostitutes. Sarti always said that this work diLampung to help parents but never told him what he was doing at the moment.

Then when asked to Sarti background diekslokalisasi Enggal, Sarti said the first time he connected with his girlfriend in a boarding house owner who was boarding was away. Informants VI.

Moreover, one informant Sarni initials initials name, expressed similar experiences experienced by Sarti. He received a sexual experience with his ex-girlfriend. Since the age of 16 years he has been trapped in a world of prostitution. Sarni is a child of the couple Ramli and Linda, both just graduated from junior high school, his parents also came from a poor family. They work as day laborers, handyman dad who did not have a steady income, while the mother as their neighbors clothes washers.

The family lived in District Rajabasa Sarni, although Sarni not mention the full address, in this district is a center of education in the province of Lampung, some universities have been established in this location, State University of Lampung, Malahayati University, University Darmajaya, Universities Teknokra, and much more learning centers for students around the district Rajabasa. In addition, there are also Rajabasa Terminal which is the main terminal in Lampung Province.

Although her parents Sarni still in Bandar Lampung, Sarni chose to separate from their parents with a dorm room, she paid rent every month. According to Sarni, this junior high school graduates of CSEC victims, many have friends karnet driver and urban transport (public transportation). Perhaps, because of the location where the family lived still dibilangan Terminal Rajabasa Sarni. In an interview, Sarni told how far he could be involved into prostitution, the following partial excerpt:

Until now, Sarni still remember having sex with him. Teio, youth 19 years is a familiar friend in public transportation Sarni, live still dibilangan Rajabasa and still within the residential parent Sarni.

It seems that a similar fate also suffered by Sarni, experienced also by Dini, Uli, Wiwi and Ros name initials. They have a first sexual experience together with their lovers. At a young age, family role in supervising their social circle of parents just do not appear. Guidance in the form of sexual knowledge that should they get from parents, families and schools instead they get from the association

Informants VIII

The first time happened when Uli ninth grade. Uli often skip school and often ride public transportation from there and often hung out with kenek uli-kenek public transportation. At that moment Uli often alcoholic beverages with my friends and I often held at that time hold part of my body by my friends when we were drunk not until there were also encouraged me to have sex but I never got rejected but the long run because of the influence I eventually want to alcoholic beverages as well. There are four of my friends who have sex with me, from there I often hang out with my female friend who was already a prostitute in Enggal Art Market, from my friend's invitation until now I have become commercial sex workers who mangkalnya enggal on the art market.

Informants IX

Ros a year ago, Ros started dare to call-girlfriend relationship itim because Ros and that too because Ros true love with her boyfriend, so Ros intercourse. And finally I

abandoned by my own boyfriend, and I started ngedrop mentally and physically to the condition that I experienced. Then my friend Ros offered a job, ternyta job selling himself. Without thinking about another long, I went straight into the world of prostitution.

Wiwi first introducing the world of prostitution with his friend named Eka Wiwi and his friends close to home Wiwi coincidence, indeed Eka also work as prostitutes. Wiwi first invited, introduced the same Wiwi Wiwi one guy who does not know her name. Eka said to Wiwi what if you are maen same man but refused Wiwi. Because not want to end the nemenin Eka Wiwi man but they still come to the hotel dikamar Geminii they both sleep and I wait dikamar bath. From there I knew this job, but to do and start with this job, yes recently when I grade II (two) CMS. Wiwi first time clients get from my mother's school friend, he's also practically a pimp, my friend is also his profession as a prostitute and her own mother never dujual same.

C. Potential Victims Held

kosher and better from now. Awareness of Child Prostitution seems to be that reflected their recognition. If they acquire life skills, the opportunity to leave the profession today are very possible.

This has not got them in the family environment. The lack urge parents to keep children in school and there is no oversight for their parents is one of the causes of children's alienation from his world.

Commercial sexual exploitation of children in any form is very dangerous to the rights of a child to enjoy their adolescence and their ability to live productively. Rehabilitation for child victims of sexual exploitation of children is a complex and difficult process.

Children who have experienced exploitation generally expressed feelings of shame, guilt, and inferiority.

an adult. However, in this study of children victims of commercial sexual exploitation of these states that they have the potential for this do not sharpen them. Among others they like singing, dancing, theater games, dressing up, activities salon, and even one of them could use the computer even if limited to typing.

There is still hope for them to leave the profession now. According to their confessions, their talents and skills for this do not use. They practically do not have lunch later life as adults and leave the profession. There are five children from 10 children as respondents who admit they have skills. However they generally do not know how to start a new business from such expertise. Let's say, Jasmine and Orchid, they recognize the confusion to start because of the many limitations of self and family who do not support.

Moving on from that desire, for their existing skills will be utilized for lunch when I have to leave the world of prostitution. They were hoping to obtain a lawful occupation and better from now. Awareness of Child Prostitution seems to be that reflected their recognition. If they acquire life skills, the opportunity to leave the profession today are very possible.

This has not got them in the family environment. The lack urge parents to keep children in school and there is no oversight for their parents is one of the causes of children's alienation from his world.

D. Modus operandi

Luxury lifestyle implications of the shifting orientation cultural values of modesty. Elite lifestyle (bourgeoisie), rah-rah or find kesenanggan world (hedonic), and consumptive increasingly massive and easily acceptable to most urban communities. Linkage of these

values is often misunderstood as a modern culture. However, perbagai individualistic economic change has led to the cultural community of almost instantaneous. Reflected in the modus operandi of Child Prostitution. Child prostitutes in this study are marked with modes include: 1) Child Prostitution managed by pimps; 2) Child Prostitution in

freelance practice. The fundamental difference between them lies in the facilities and security of the Child Prostitution.

First, for the Child Prostitute pimps run, they get a shelter facility, the system of profit sharing pimps like room rental fee with the amount of short-time average of Rp. 30.000, - each time a transaction. As is known in Child Prostitution overnight guests are able to serve up to five people with varying rates, depending on negotiations with their guests. According to them in one night can earn Rp. 500 000, -.

Revenue is derived from an intimate relationship with his guest. Although not rare just drinking and karaoke accompany their guests are none other than as a side business pimps. If accompany their guests get tips from the owner of the USD. 5000, - per bottle. Tip it out of the guests from the accompanying karaoke because the manager does not provide compensation.

They bound "contract" with pimps, so their existence is more neatly organized. Proven authorities during a raid took place, the pimps have been getting 'leaked' information so it can minimize the impact of the raid. But there is also Mami sharing system that applies to foster children. Mami indication as guest liaison with Child Prostitution, whose role as a cashier in fees from guests denganmengambil Child Prostitution. According to one

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