• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan


G. Checking Validity of Findings


The researcher classified the data paragraph by paragraph based on the two parameters of quality: accuracy, acceptability. Its presented in form of tables.

4. Calculating the average score

5. Drawing conclusion. The conclusion is taken after the analysis of the data is done.

G. Checking Validity of Findings

The qualitative study needs the validity of the data. Actually the validation of the data analysis designates quality of the researcher‟s result. In qualitative study there are some ways that can be chosen to develop the trustworthiness of the data. One of them is triangulation.

According to Sutopo in Hanifah‟ study39 triangulation is the most common way that is needed to develop the trustworthiness of the data in qualitative study. According to Patton in Hanifah‟ study40 that there are four kinds of triangulation. They are: (1) Data Triangulation, (2) Investigation Triangulation, (3) Methodological Triangulation, and (4) Theoretical Triangulation.

To obtain the validity of the data in this study, the researcher used two kinds of trangulation. They are investigator and theoretical triangulation. For the investigator, the researcher chose a lecturer of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya and a teacher of MA Nurul Huda Wadeng Sidayu. The investigator gave a correction to translation text done by the researcher. Furthermore, the text would be a reference or guide in assessing the students‟ translation. In scoring the data, the researcher used the theory of translation quality developed by Mangatur Nababan that are two parameters of translation quality; accuracy and acceptability.

39 H.K. Nisak, Thesis: “An Analysis of Students’ Translation Quality at the Seventh Semester of English Department IAIN Surakarta in the Academic Year 2014/2015”, (Surakarta: IAIN Surakarta, 2016), 32

40 Ibid


This chapter deals with the study finding and discussion of the study toward students‟ translation quality using electronic dictionary in translating analytical exposition text English into Indonesian at second grade of MA Nurul Huda Wadeng – Sidayu. This presents the collected data from the students‟ translation sheets that is already given the feedback by the teacher and ranged by the theory of translation quality.

Additionally, the analysed data is categorized based on the study question of this study.

A. Research Findings

The data were collected from a meeting. There is a class ie XI IPS. There are 13 students. There are two research question dealing with this study; (1) How is students‟ translation quality using electronic dictionary in translating analytical exposition text English into Indonesian at second grade of MA Nurul Huda Wadeng – Sidayu? (2) What are the most common error made by the students in translating analytical exposition text English into Indonesian assisted by the use of electronic dictionary? The researcher described the findings as follows:

1. How is students‟ translation quality using electronic dictionary in translating analytical exposition text English into Indonesian at second grade of MA Nurul Huda Wadeng – Sidayu?

To investigate the students‟ translation quality, the researcher had some steps. The steps are: collecting the students‟ translation sheets (asked the permission), analyzing the students‟ translation sheets, classifying/

ranging the students‟ translation sheets by the theory of Mangatur Nababan, calculating the average score of accuracy, acceptability by each students‟ translation sheets, then make a conclusion.

The data was from XI IPS-1, taken on 27th November 2018. The text was about Global Warming which was taken from buku paket Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XI Edisi Revisi 2017.


From 13 data, based on two parameter aspects of quality those are accuracy and acceptability. The researcher analyzed the aspect of acceptability paragraph by paragraph, whereas the aspect of accuracy the researcher analyzed sentence by sentence from each students‟ translation sheets. There are 14 sentences from 5 paragraphs of the text.

1.1 The result of the accuracy of the translation.

The accuracy of the translation is analyzed based on the score given by the researcher according to the translation guide by an expert and the instrument of the translation quality parameters, sentence by sentence. There are 3 categories from aspect of accuracy; accurate, less accurate and inaccurate.

The text categorized accurate if the meaning of the source text (ST) transferred accurately into the target text (TT); there is absolutely no distortion of meaning. The text categorized less accurate if most of the meaning of the texts have been transferred accurately. However, there is still a distortion of meaninng or there is a meaning that is omitted. The text categorized inaccurate if the text meaning is inaccurately transferred to the target language or deleted.

From 13 data, the researcher analyzed the accuracy through sentence by sentence from each students‟ translation sheet. There are 15 sentences of the text. The number of the sentences are 195 sentences. After analysing the students‟

translation sheet, the researcher give score to makes a calculation and find the mean of the score. Then, the researcher counts the mean of the acceptability score or the average score.

Furthermore, the researcher can conclude the quality of the students‟ translation in accuracy.


4.1 The accuracy of the students‟ translation


SENTENCE 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4



A          

B          

C          

D          

E          

F         

G          

H          

I          

J          

K          

L          

M          

Accurate 5 6 9 1 6 3 3 7 9 4

Less Accurate 2 2 1 7 4 - 5 4 4 9

Inaccurate 6 5 3 5 3 10 5 2 - -



1 2 1 2 3


    

    

    

    

    

    

    

    

    

    

    

    


7 4 13 7 8 97 49,7%

- 9 - 1 - 43 22,1%

6 - - 5 5 55 28,2%


From the table 4.1 we can see the recapitulation of accuracy that there are 15 sentences from each students‟ translation. The number of sentences are 195. The descriptions below:

In the first paragraph there are 4 sentences that must be translated by the students. For the first sentence, there are 5 students who translated the text accurately. They are the student C, E, F, I and K. The data is “Pemanasan global adalah sebuah fenomena yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan peningkatan secara bertahap suhu udara dan laut”(Student F). Then, there are 2 students who translated the text less accurately.

They are the student D and G. The data is

“Pemanasan global digunakan untuk menggambarkan peningkatan suhu global dan lautan secara bertahap”. (Student D). And there are 6 students who translated the text inaccurately. They are the student A, B, H, J, L, and M. The data is “Pemanasan global adalah fenomena yang digunakan untuk menurunkan suhu udara dan laut”. (Student B). For the second sentence, there are 7 the students‟

translation which categorized accurate. They are the student B, D, G, H, J, L and M. The data is

“Pemanasan global bukanlah masalah baru, namun sekarang orang mengakui bahwa kita sedang menghadapi masalah serius” (Student J).

Then there are 2 the students‟ translation which categorized less accurate. They are the student A and D. The data is ”Pemanasan global bukan masalah namun sekarang orang-orang mengakui bahwa kita menghadapi masalah serius”

(Student D). And there are 5 the students‟

translation which categorized inaccurate. They are the student C, E, F, I and K. The data is

“Pemanasan global bukan masalah baru tapi


sekarang orang-orang mengakui bahwa kita menghadapi masalah politik” (Student C). For the third sentence of the first paragraph, there are 9 students who translated accurately. They are the student A, B, D, G, H, J, K, L and M. The data is “Perubahan iklim terjadi dimana-mana secara nyata” (Student G). Then there is a student who translated less accurately. That is the student E. The data is “Perubahan iklim menjadi nyata dimana-mana”. Then there are 3 students who translated inaccurately. They are the student E, F and I. The data is “Perubahan iklim menjadi dimana-mana” (Student C). For the fourth sentence there is a student‟s translation which categorized accurate. That is the student D. The data is “Panen yang gagal, ekonomi yang menurun dan penebangan pohon adalah dampak dari pemanasan global”. Then there are 7 the students‟ translation which categorized less accurate. They are the student A, C, G, H, J, L and M. The data is “Kelompok yang gagal, lambatnya ekonomi dan penebangan hutan diantara beberapa dampak dari pemanasan global”. (Student A). There are 5 the students‟

translation which categorized inaccurate. They are the students B, E, F, I and K. The data is

“Tanam gagal, ekonomi lambat, penebangan pohon adalah salah satu dari penyebab pemanasan global” (Student B).

Next, in the second paragraph there are 2 sentences that must be translated by the students.

For the first sentence, there are 6 students who translated accurately. They are the student A, B, C, D, E, G and K. The data is “Pertama, ada bukti yang tidak dapat dibantah bahwa aktivitas manusia telah mengubah lapisan atmosfer dari bumi kita” (Student G). Then there are 4 students who translated less accurately. The data is. They


are the student A, F, H and I. The data is

“Pertama, ada bukti yang tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa aktivitas manusia telah mengubah suasana teater bumi” (Student A). Then there are 3 students who translated inaccurately. They are the student J, L and M. The data is “Pertama, mereka tidak dapat disangkal bukti darpada akitivitas manusia mengubah mempunyai itu gas yang menyelimuti dari bumi kita” (Student J).

For the second sentence of the second paragraph there are 3 student‟s translation which categorized accurate. They are the student J, L and M. Then there is no the students‟ translation which categorized less accurate. There are 10 the students‟ translation which categorized inaccurate. They are the students A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and K. The data is “Sejak kita mempunyai industri kita mengawali mencemari air dan udara” (Student B).

In the third paragraph there are 4 sentences that must be translated by the students. For the first sentence, there are 3 the students‟ translation which categorized accurate. They are the student B, G and J. The data is “Kedua, menurut penelitian oleh green peace, ada bukti penggundulan hutan yang luas di Indonesia dan negara tropis yang lain di dunia” (Student B).

There are 5 the students‟ translation which categorized less accurate. They are the student A, C, D, E and K. The data is “Kedua, menurut penelitian kelompok Green peace, ada bukti bahwa penebangan hutan besar-besaran menghasilkan kartesisan di Indonesia dan negara tropis lainnya diseluruh dunia” (Student K).

Then there are 5 the students‟ translation which categorized inaccurate. They are the student F, H, I, L and M. The data is “Yang kedua, bergantung pada peneliti oleh organisasi green peace ada


bukti penebangan hutan yang luas di Indonesia dan negara tropis yang lain di dunia” (Student H). For the second sentence, there are 7 students who translated the text accurately. They are the student A, D, E, J, K, L and M. The data is

“Hutan-hutan itu digunakan untuk bercocok tanam, seperti gula aren, kelapa sawit dan kopi”

(Student M). Then there are 4 the student who translated the text less accurately. They are the student B, C, F and I. The data is “Hutan digunakan untuk menumbuhkan tanaman, gula aren, kelapa sawit” (Student B). Then there are 2 students who translated the text inaccurately.

They are the student G and H. The data is “Hutan digunakan untuk menambahkan seperti pohon gula/ minyak dan kopi”. (Student G). For the third sentence, there are 9 the students translated the text accurately. They are the student B, F, G, H, I, J, K, L and M. The data is “Dampak perubahan iklim terlihat diseluruh Asia-Pasifik baik selama waktu panas atau hujan yang disertai angindan badai petir” (Student L). Then there are 4 the students translated the text less accurately. They are the student A, C, D and E.

The data is “Efek perubahan iklim terlihat di seluru Asia, pada hari yang panas / hujan terlalu deras” (Student E). Then there is no student translated the text inaccutaely. For the fourth sentence, there are 4 the students‟ translation which categorized accurate. They are the student B, C, E and J. The data is “Itu sudah mulai mempengaruhi ekonomi juga” (Student J). Then there are 9 the students‟ translation which categorized less accurate. They are the student D, F, G, H, I, K, L and M. The data is “Awal itu mulai mempengaruhi ekonomi” (Student F).

There is no the student‟s translation which categorized inaccurate.


Next, in the fourth paragraph there are 2 sentences that must be translated by the students.

For the first sentence, there are 7 students who translated accurately. They are the student B, C, D, E, J, K and L. The data is “Lebih jauh lagi, pola cuaca yang bergeser telah menyulitakan petani untuk bercocok tanam” (Student L) . Then there is no student who translated less accurately.

Then there are 6 students who translated inaccurately. They are the student B, F, G, H, I and M. The data is “Selanjutnya, perubahan cuaca yang sulit diprediksi membuat petani sulit untuk panen” (Student I). For the second sentence of the fourth paragraph there are 9 the students‟ translation which categorized accurate.

They are the student A, B, C, D, E, J, K, L and M. The data is “Sebuah penelitian baru-baru ini menunjukkan bahwa karena pola cuaca yang tidak dapat diprediksi, ada banyak tanaman gagal” (Student M). There are 4 the student‟s translation which categorized less accurate. They are the student F, G, H and I. The data is

”Penelitian baru-baru ini telah menunjukkan bahwa cuaca tak dapat diprediksi ada banyak kegagalan panen” (Student H). Then there is no the students‟ translation which categorized inaccurate.

In the fifth paragraph there are 3 sentences that must be translated by the students. For the first sentence, all of the students translated the text accurately. The data is “Kesimpulannya, pemanasan bumi bukan masalah yang baru jika kita bertanggung jawab untuk itu” (Student I).

For the second sentence, there are 7 the students‟

translation which categorized accurate. They are the student F, G, H, I, J, L and M. The data is

“Tetapi sebagai warga negara dunia kita harus mengambil setiap langkah yang memungkinkan


untuk membantu mengatasi isu ini” (Student F).

There is a student‟s translation which categorized less accurate. That is the student B. The data is

“Kita harus mengambil tindakan yang mungkin untuk membantu mengatasi masalah ini”. Then there are 5 the students‟ translation which categorized inaccurate. They are the student A, C, D, E and K. For the third sentence, there are 8 students who translated the text accurately. They are the student B, F, G, H, I, J, L and M. The data is “Ini bukan hanya bagi kita tetapi untuk semua generasi mendatang” (Student J). Then there is no the student who translated the text less accurately. Then there are 5 students who translated the text inaccurately. They are the student A, C, D, E and K.

The conclusion of the descriptions is that there are 57 sentences translated accurately, 43 sentences translated less accurately and 55 sentences translated inaccurately. The percentage are 55,9% data are accurate, 19% data are less accurate, and 25,1% data are inaccurate. It can be said that the students‟ translation in the parameter of accuracy is accurate.

1.2 The acceptability of the translation.

The acceptability of the translation analyzed according to the translation guide by an expert and the instrument of the translation quality parameters. There are 3 categories from aspect of acceptability; acceptable, less acceptable and unacceptable.

The translation categorized acceptable if the translation feels natural; the technical terms used are commonly used and familiar to readers;

phrases, clauses and sentences used are in accordance with the rules of the Indonesian language. The translation categorized less


acceptable if the translation feels natural, but there is a slight problem with the use of technical terms or there are a few grammatical errors. The translation categorized unacceptable if the translation is not natural or feels like a translation work; technical terms used are not commonly used and are not familiar to readers; phrases, clauses and sentences used are not in accordance with the rules of the Indonesian languange.

In this acceptability parameter, the researcher analyzed pharagraph by pharagraph. There are 5 paragraphs of the text. The number of the paragraphs are 65. After analysing the students‟

translation sheet, the researcher give score to makes a calculation and find the mean of the score. Then, the researcher counts the mean of the acceptability score or the average score. After that, the researcher can conclude the quality of the students‟ translation in acceptability according to the standard of quality that mentioned in chapter II.


Table 4.2 The acceptability of the students‟ translation
















Acceptable 2 8 3 5 13 31 47,7%


Acceptable 11 5 10 8 - 34 52,3%

Unacceptable - - - - - -


From the table 4.2, we can see the recapitulation of acceptability that there are 13 students who coded with the letter A-M. Each student is analyzed paragraph by paragraph. The description below:

In the first paragraph, there are 2 students translated the text acceptably, they are the student J and L. The data is “Global warming is not a new problem but lately people are acknowledging that we are facing a serious problem” translated into “Pemanasan global bukanlah masalah baru, tetapi akhir-akhir ini orang-orang mengakui bahwa kita sedang menghadapi masalah serius” (Student J). Then there are 11 students translated the text less acceptably, they are the student A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, K and M. The data is “Pemanasan global bukanlah masalah baru, tetapi akhir-akhir ini orang-orang mengakui bahwa kita menghadapi masalah serius”(Student G). Then there is no student translated the text unacceptably.

For the second paragraph, there are 8 students‟ translation which categorized to acceptable that is the student A, C, D, E, F, G, H and K. The data is “There is irrefutable evidence that human activities have changed the atmosphere of our earth” translated into “Ada bukti yang tak terbantahkan bahwa aktivitas manusia telah merubah atmosfir bumi kita”

(Student F). Then there are 5 students‟ translation which categorized to less acceptable, they are the student B, I, J, L and M. The data is “Ada bukti yang tak terbantahkan bahwa aktivitas manusia mengubah atmosfir bumi kita” (Student I). And there is no student‟ translation which categorized to unacceptable.

Next, the third paragraph, the acceptable text are 5 students, they are the student G, H, J, L, M.

The data are “Greenpeace organization,


Indonesia, Asia-Pasific, This has started to affect the economy as well” translated into “Organisasi Greenpeace. (Student G), Asia-Pasifik. (Student J), Ini sudah mulai mempengaruhi ekonomi juga.

(Student J). The less acceptable text are 8 students, they are the student A, B, C, D, E, F, I and K. The data are “Organisasi greenpeace.

(Student C), Organisasi green peace. (Student F), asia-pasifik (Student F) Ini mempengaruhi ekonomi. (Student B)”. And there is no the text categorized to unacceptable.

In the fourth paragraph, there are 8 students translated the text acceptably, they are the student A, C, D, E, I, J, K and L. The data is “A recent study has shown that due to unpredictable weather patterns, there have been a lot of failed crops” translated into “Penelitian baru-baru ini telah menunjukkan bahwa karena pola cuaca yang tidak dapat diprediksi, ada banyak kegagalan panen” (Student J). Then there are 5 students translated the text less acceptably, they are the student B, F, G, H and M. The data is

“Penelitian terbaru menunjukkan bahwa ada banyak tanaman gagal akibat pola cuaca tak terduga” (Student F). There is no student translated the text unacceptably.

For the last paragraph, there are 13 students‟

translation which categorized to acceptable, they are the student A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L and M. And there is no the student‟ translation which categorized to less acceptable and unacceptable.

From that descriptions we can see the total amount of data that in the first paragraph there are 2 students‟ translation which categorized to acceptable, 11 students‟ translation which categorized to less acceptable and there is no student‟ translation which categorized to unacceptable. In the second paragraph there are 8


students‟ translation which categorized acceptable, 5 students‟ translation which categorized less acceptable and there is no student‟ translation which categorized unacceptable.

Next, in the third paragraph there are 3 students translated the paragraph acceptably, 10 students translated the paragraph less acceptably and there is no student translated the paragraph unacceptably. In the fourth paragraph there are 5 students‟ translation which categorized acceptable, 8 students‟ translation which categorized less acceptable and there is no student‟ translation which categorized unacceptable. In the last paragraph there are 13 students translated the paragraph acceptably, there is no student translated the paragraph less acceptably and unacceptable.

Based on the description above, it is clearly shown the distribution of the acceptability for each paragraph. From 65 data, 5 paragraph, 13 students‟ translation sheets, there are 31 paragraphs acceptable, 34 paragraphs less acceptable and there is no unacceptable paragraph. The percentage are 47,7% data are acceptable, 52.3% data are less acceptable, and 0% data are unacceptable. From te description above, it can be seen that the most of the data are less acceptable.

2. What are the most common error made by the students in translating analytical exposition text English into

2. What are the most common error made by the students in translating analytical exposition text English into

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