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Conceptual Framework

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E. Conceptual Framework

Reading is one of the language skills that students should be mastered and it involves texts of different types. It is the skill or ability of getting information from a text. Thus, the teaching and learning of reading at the school should be carefully prepared and managed. However, some problems of reading in the grade VIII students were found. The grade VIII students at SMPN 6 Batanghari, have difficulties to retrieve information and construct meaning of a text. It can be

detected from their difficulty in generating the main idea and identifying detail information while both of those problems are included as the skills of reading.

The students also seemed to have difficulties in vocabulary. They are so struggle to translate every single word in the text when they actually can try guessing the meaning from the context. Regarding to the problems found at the school, some possible ways are proposed to solve them. In the matter of students‟

vocabulary difficulty, predicting can facilitate the students to guess the meaning from context. Making prediction is also proposed to support the students in connecting their prior knowledge to the information of the texts. The next steps are reading and confirming the predictions. They are proposed to deal with the students‟ difficulty in finding the main idea and detail information of the texts.

Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) is chosen because its components promote ways to facilitate the use of reading strategies. Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) is one of the strategies in reading that has three core steps of comprehension cycle. They are sample the text, make prediction, and sample the text to confirm or correct previous predictions. These three steps are conducted as before, during and after reading steps so that they fulfill the proper steps of reading comprehension. This guides students step by step in the reading process.

Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) divides the text into smaller portion so it aids the students to focus on the process of responding to higher-order questions. Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) involves predicting activity which assists the students to use not only what they already know but also whatever they can learn from a quick preview of the material to predict what the material is going to be about. Predicting prepares the reader for comprehension.

As mentioned by Harmer earlier, by implementing prediction, the students‟ expectations and active process of reading is ready to begin when they can get the hints of the text so they can predict what‟s coming in the next segment of a particular text. It is linear to the concept of Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) which dividing a text into some segments. During the process of conducting Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) the teacher guides the

students, making sure that each student is actively involved in understanding each segment before continuing to the next. It encourages the students‟ participation in comprehending the whole text. The students‟ less participation can be anticipated by creating more lively activities such as discussion and reward giving. And to overcome the lack of media, the researcher employs power point presentation which presents the material in the more interesting way. The way concept on this study is shown by the following diagram.

This research, however, does not improve all of the skills (micro and macro skills) of reading at once. It merely strengthens some points considered from the students‟ problems in reading as mentioned earlier. Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) mainly focuses on improving the students‟ reading comprehension especially the students‟ problem to detect the main idea and detail information in the texts. It also facilitates the students to be able to connect their prior knowledge with the information of the texts through predicting, reading, and confirming the predictions.

By using Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA), both the teacher and the students can be assisted in their own roles during the teaching and learning of reading. The students can be helped to improve their comprehension and the teacher can be more involved and active to guide the students during the reading.

Table 2.3

Global Problems in Teaching and Learning Process of Reading Global problems in teaching and

learning process of reading in class VIII-A SMPN 6 Batanghari

Vocabulary difficulty

The lack interest of Reading Comprehension

Students‟ less participation

Resolution of the problems

Pre-teaching vocabulary and introducing the key words

Teaching reading using DRTA

Group discussion, interesting media.

F. Hypothesis of Research

1. H01: there is any significant effect of directed reading thinking activity on students reading comprehension.

Ha1: there isn‟t any significant effect of directed reading thinking activity on student‟s reading comprehension.

2. H02: there is any significant difference on student‟ reading comprehension between the students‟ taught by using directed reading thinking activity and those who were not

Ha2: there isn‟t any significant difference on student‟ reading comprehension between the students‟ taught by using directed reading thinking activity and those who were not


METHODOLOGY OF THE RESEARCH A. Place and Time of the Research

This researchconducted at the eight grade ofjunior high school 06 Batanghari which was located at Jl. Sungai Abang Kel. Kampung Baru Kec.

Muara TembesiKab. Batanghari. The writer choose this school because based on the students problems experienced in learning English especially Reading, the writer thought that applying DRTA strategy at the eight grade of this school was appropriate with the research. The writerconducted the research about one month.

The research will held in Augustuntil September 2018 at the first semester in academic year 2018/2019.

B. Design of the Research

This research, the writer used quantitative-experimental approach to collect the data. According to Latief (2015, p. 95), Experimental research measured the effect of one manipulated and controlled (independent) variable to another (dependent) variable, like the effect of different methods of teaching to the students‟ achievement, the effect of an English training methods to participants‟ English skills. Experimental research is a powerful research method to establish cause-and-effect relationship (Borg, W.R., Gall, M.D.

1989, p. 639) as cited in Latief (2015, p. 95).

The design of this research was quasi experimental research. Sugiyono (2013, p. 77) stated that quasi experimental research is a type of research that have a control group, but not fully functional to control external variables that affect the experiment. In the quasi experimental research, the writer used nonequivalent control group design. This design was done in two groups; the experimental group and the control group which is not randomly selected.

The aims of this research is to know the significant effect of using DRTA Strategy on reading comprehension at the eighth grade students‟ of

junior high school 06 Batanghari. Before providing treatment, both groups gave a pretest to find out the extent of the students‟ initial knowledge in reading comprehension. In this research, experimental groups was the groups that received treatment by DRTA strategy, while the control group was the group that did not received treatment without using DRTA strategy. Furthermore, both groups were given a posttest to know the result of using DRTA strategy in descriptive and recount text on students‟ reading comprehension. Sugiyono (2013, p. 79) described the design as follow:

Table 3.1The Nonequivalent Control Group Design

O1 X O2

O3 O4


O1 : Pre-test of experimental group O2 : Post-test of experimental group O3 : Pre-test of control group O4 : Post-test of control group X : Treatment

C. Population and Sample 1. Population

According to Sugiyono (2013, p. 80), population is a generalization area consisting of; objects or subjects that have the same qualities and characteristics. The populationsof this research were all of eight grade students of junior high school 06 Batanghari. Totaling the students of eightgradewas 117 students and divided into 6 classes.

Table 3.2 Population of the Research

No Class Number of Students

1 VIII A 25

2 VIII B 25

3 VIII C 25

4 VIII D 26

5 VIII E 25

6 VIII F 25

2. Sample

Sample is a small group in population. Arikunto (2010, p. 174) defined that sample is a part or the representative of the population that will be studied. Furthermore, According to Sapsford and Jupp (2006, p. 26), a sample is a set of elements selected in some way from a population.In this research, the writer used purposive sampling technique to get the sample.

Kasmadi and Sunariah (2013, p. 66) stated that purposive sampling technique is the technique of determination of samples with specific samples and specific consideration. The writer took samples in this research based on the purpose. The purpose of the writer is to find a homogeneous ability of the students in the class. Therefore, the way of writer selects the sample by asking one of the English teacher at the school and looking at the list of students grades from each class. So, it can be concluded that the students who have homogenenous ability in the class were VIII B and VIII E. VIII E as an experiment class and VIIIB as a control class.The writer took 23 students from these class as the sample for conducting the process of data analysis because those students were constantly followed all the treatments given from the beginning until the end of the research.

Table 3.3 Total Sample of Population No Class Number of Students

1 VIII B 23

2 VIII C 23

Total 46 Students

D. Variable of the Research

Variable is the object of research that became the focus of the writer in a research. Sugiyono (2013, p. 38) said that variable is an attributes or the nature or value of a person, object or activity that has a certain variation set by the writer to be studied and then drawn conclusion. There are two variables in this research, namely independent and dependent variable.

Independent variable is variable that influences the change of the dependent variable. According Sugiyono (2013, p. 39), independent variable is a variable that affects or that causes the change or the emergence of the dependent variable.

Independent variable in this research is directed reading thinking activity strategy.

Dependent variable is variable that changes because the cause of the variables that influence. Sugiyono (2013, p. 39) stated that dependent variable is variable that is influenced or which becomes the effect because of the independent variable. Dependent variable in this research is students‟ reading comprehension.

E. Instrument of Data Collecting

In this research the writer only used test to collect the data. The test was distributed to measure the students‟ reading comprehension. The test was divided into two tests; pre-test was given before the treatment, and post-test was given after doing the treatment. The type of the test was multiple choice tests which consisted of 25 items (Descriptive text and Recount text). Every test item consisted of four answer options (a, b, c, and d). The proportion of every item was

4. Therefore, the total score was 100 if the students could answer all the items correctly.

The procedure of collecting the data for experimental group can be seen as follows:

a. Pre test

The pre-test carried out to determine the students‟ comprehension with their score. The items used for pre-test consist of 25 items (descriptive text and recount text). The test was about reading comprehension.

b. Treatment

The treatment conducted for experimental group by using directed reading thinking activity strategy was applied for six meetings.

c. Post test

After conducting the treatment, the post-test administered and analyzed as final data of this research. The post-test given was the same test as the pre-test.

While, the procedure of collecting data for control group:

a. Pre test

The control group was given pre test to know their reading comprehension.

The test was the same as experimental group.

b. Conventional Strategy

In this case, the teaching of reading comprehension for control group by using conventional strategy or classical method. It means, in control group, the writer did not use DRTA strategy in learning process.

c. Post test

Post test also given to control group and the result analyzed and used as final data for this research.

The test gives to experimental and control class, it purposes for knowing the validity and reliability of pre-test and post-test.

1. Validity of the test instrument

Validity is measurement, which level valid an instrument. According to Gay and Peter (2000, p. 161) , validity is the appropriateness of the interpretations made from tests score. Clear validity is the core future for the test. Furthermore, Gay said that there are three kinds of validity. They are content validity, criterion-related validity, and construct validity. All of them have different usage and function.

In this research, the writer adapted instrument test of Junariyah‟s thesis entitled The Effectiveness of Using CIRC Technique to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension on Recount Text. In her research, she implemented a content validity to the test.

2. Reliability of the test instrument

Reliability is instrument that can reliable for using collection tool.

According to Brown (2004, p. 20), reliability has to do with accuracy of measurement. This kind of accuracy reflected in the obtaining of similar results when measurement repeated on different occasions or with different instruments or by different persons. The characteristic of reliabilityy sometimes termed consistently. There are some factors affecting the reliability of a test, they are:

a. They are extent of the sample of material selected for testing.

b. The administration of the test is clear, this is an important factor in deciding reliability,

F. Technique of Analysis the Data

In analyzing the data, before the writerr calculated the value of ttest to look at the hypothesis, the writer have to analyze the normality and homogeneity of the data. The examination of normality needed to know whether the data has been normally distributed or not. Then, after getting the normality, the next step was calculating the homogeneity of data. It aims to look at whether the data is homogeneous orheterogeneous.

1. Normality test

Normality test is calculated to see whether the data were normally or not. Normality test is use Chi-square. The formulas of Chi-square are follows:


X2 : Chi-square

fo : the observation frequency fh : the expected frequency Systematic calculation:

a. Prepare the Distribution Frequency table of value b. Determining the mean

M=M‟+I( )

c. Determining the Standard Deviation SD=I√ 2


d. Determining the class boundaries, i.e. the class interval of number first left score minus 0.5

e. Determining Chi Square (x2 count) X2 = (fo–ft)2




= ∑ (f


– f






2. Homogeneous test

The purpose of homogeneity test was to see whether the data or sample in both classes were homogenous or heterogeneous. The test of homogeneity used homogeneity variance. The formula used can be seen as a follows:

Systematic calculation:

a. Conduct assessment of the students test result b. Determining for variance X (Sx2

) c. Determining for variance Y (Sy2


d. Calculate the largest variance and smallest variance e. Compare the ftablewithfcount

f. Criteria of test

If fcount<ftablethen the data homogeneus If fcount>ftablethen the data abhomogen

3. Hypothesis testing

In this part, the writer calculated the data to test the hypothesis that whether there was significant effect of using directed reading thinking activity strategy toward students reading comprehension.

1) T-test Formulation

The writer calculated the data using T-test formula. Two classes were compare, the experiment class is X variable and the control class is Y variable.

According to Sugiyono (2013, p.128), the formula of T-test is express as follows:



= 𝑋


– 𝑋



gab 1 𝑛1




Fcount= 𝑡ℎ𝑒ℎ𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒



1 1 1 ( 2 – 1) 2

1 2 =


tvalue : „t‟ test

X1 : Mean of experimental class X2 : Mean of control class

S12 : Variant data of experimental class S22 : Variant data of control class Sgab : Standard deviation of both classes

1 : The total students of experimental class : The total students of control class

After all the data calculated, give the interpretation to toto several processes as follow:

a. Formulating the hypothesis of the research and statistic hypothesis

b. Test significance of toby comparing the amount of towith ttableby setting of degrees of freedom(df) or db,by the formula df = N1 + N2 - 2

c. Determining criticism of „t‟ in the table value of „t‟ by adhering to the df or db have been obtained, both at a significance of 5%

d. Conduct the comparing between toand ttableas bellow:

Table 3.4 Criteria of Cohen’s

Criteria Hypothesis Decision

To ≥ ttable H0 Rejected

Ha Accepted

To ≤ ttable H0 Accepted

Ha Rejected

2) Mean

Mean or average is sum of all score divided by number of scores. Moreover, Charles and Dianne said that mean is score on a test is what is commonly known as the average. According to Sudijono (2000, p.80) in Diktat Statistik Pendidikan (2016, p.28), the formula of mean is :

Where :

X : Mean

∑f.x : Score of frequency (f) and data of experimental class (x)

∑f : total of students

3) Table of Frequency Distribution

According to Sudijono (2007, p.49) in Diktat Statistik Pendidikan (2016, p.22), the steps to make the table of frequency distribution as follow:

a. Distribution of score

b. Range (R) with the formula:

R = Xmax - Xmin Where :

Xmax : Maximal score Xmin : Minimum score

c. Number of class (K) with the formula:

K = 1 + 3,3 log (n) Where :

n : sample total

d. Length of interval class (P) with the formula:

P = Where : R = Range

K = Number of class

4) Variance

Variance is the amount of dispersion from standard deviation. The formula is:

1 1 1

Where :



1 : The middle of interval class

X : Mean

∑f : Total of students

5) Standard Deviation

Standard deviation is the square root of variance. According to Sudijono (2000, p.149) in Diktat Statistik Pendidikan (2016, p.35), the formula as follow:

1 1

1 or = √S2

Where : : Standard Deviation

1 : The middle of interval class X : Mean

∑f : Total of students S2 : Variance

G. Hypothesis Statistic

Hypothesis is the statements in quantitative research in whitch the investigator make a research. Hypothesis is a prediction of the possible outcomes of the research. The statistical hypothesis of this research can be seen as:

Ha is accepted if t0 ≥ t- table or there is significant effectof using directed reading thinking activity strategy toward students reading comprehension.

H0 is accepted if t0 ≤ t-table or there is no significant effect of using directed reading thinking activity strategy toward students reading comprehension.

H. Schedule of the Research

The writer arranged the schedule of research in order to make the research be effective and finish with the specified time. So, the writer created a research schedule are as follow :

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