• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

Based on the results of descriptive analysis and testing using logistic regression models carried out, it is concluded that fraud pentagon theory simultaneously affects fraudulent financial reporting. Partially, financial stability and family firms have a positive effect, external pressure and total accruals have a negative effect, and the nature of the industry, effective monitoring, changes in auditors, change in director, the proportion of independent commissioners, and frequent numbers of CEO's picture do not affect fraudulent financial reporting.

405 This research implies that the fraud pentagon theory can detect fraudulent financial reporting because of the results of this study state that fraud pentagon theory has a simultaneous effect. Fraud pentagon theory can be used by auditors to indicate the existence of fraudulent financial reporting by taking into account the influential factors in this study, such as pressure factors measured using financial stability and external pressure ratios, rationalization factors with total accruals, and arrogance factors with family firms.

Practically, this research can be used as consideration for companies to pay attention to again that factors can trigger management to commit fraud. Companies need to pay attention to increase performance growth well without manipulating financial statements. Manipulating financial statements can bring the company into a state of bankruptcy because the things disclosed do not correspond to reality, so the company will not meet its liabilities. The stakeholders can also consider the results of this study before investing capital into the company by realizing prudence in investing. A go public company that was originally a family company in which the commissioner still has family relations with the company director is expected to supervise effectively and act in the best interest of the company and its stakeholders.

This study still has some limitations, including a research period that is still limited in 2014-2018. Some proxies have not been used in this study to measure the factors in the fraud pentagon theory. So that further research is expected to use different research samples such as companies listed on the Compass 100 Index, Sri-Kehati Index, and MNC 36 Index, companies subject to sanctions from the Financial Services Authority of Indonesia (OJK), financial sector companies, and other sectors listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange by extending the research period. Use a combination of other proxies for fraud pentagon theory variables in detecting fraudulent financial reporting, for example, financial targets and personal financial need for pressure factors, external auditor quality for opportunity factors, audit opinions for rationalization factors, CEO's education, and CEO's tenure for capability factors, and political connections for the arrogance factor.



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