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C. Course Grid



Broadcast 1 on English Radio Program on One Radio SMA Negeri 1 Cilacap

Grade / Semester : X / 2

Program : Language

Core Competences of Grade X of Language Program

1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam

berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.

3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingintahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

Basic Competences Topic Indicators Input Learning Materials


1.1. Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat

mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar. Culinary Students are able to: 1. analyze the social function, the structure of texts, and linguistic aspects of proverb texts  Dialogues: - Dialogues between two friends. - A dialogue with an expert. - A dialogue explaining the proverb/riddle in Bahasa and English. For example:  Grammar: - Students learn sentences that are grammatically correct (including simplepresent tense, passive voice, action verbs) by listening the dialogues and explanations.

For example:

Observing:  Let‟s Listen!:

- Students listen to dialogues related to culinary topic providing proverb/riddle. - Students pay attention to how the speakers pronounce words in dialogues. - Students listen to a song related to the topic of culinary.


- Students can ask questions through a phone call / short messages to the radio.

Language Focus:

- Students listen to a review of the song 2.2. Menunjukkan perilaku

jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab dalam melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman. 3.15. Menganalisis fungsi


sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks proverb dan riddle, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. and riddle, 2. understand the meaning of proverb and riddle. A: I admit that I adore her. She worked so hard in the past, she met so many difficulties, but she survived. She even has a restaurant now!

B: Well, a calm sea does not make a skilled sailor. - A dialogue explaining the pronunciation A: How do you make those colored cakes? B: To make the dough, you have to mix flour, sugar, egg yolks, and milk by the mixer.

Vocabulary: - Students get new vocabulary by listening the songs, audio and the explanation of the meaning of the new vocabulary.

For example:

(including the new words) and learn the meaning of the proverbs/riddles

mentioned by the speakers.

Collecting Data:

- Students listen to the speakers‘ explanation about characteristics of proverb/riddle.

- Students listen to the explanation of the proverb/riddle mentioned in Bahasa and how they should be expressed in English.  Meet the Guest:

- Students listen to a conversation between the speaker and a guest speaker from the culinary field.

- Students pay attention to new words and how the speakers pronounce words in dialogues.

- Students listen to a song related to the 4.18. Menangkap makna

Monologue: - A short news/ information about the unique culinary from other countries.  Songs - yolk - shallot - blend - skewer  Pronunciation: - Students learn how to pronounce the new words in the recording by the part What did You Hear?. The speaker will give example of right pronunciation clearly so students can follow.

Associating Data:.  What Did You Hear?

- Students learn the pronunciation of some new words in the dialogues and their meanings.

Communicating:  Unique Facts:

- Students listen to a short

news/information that is related to unique culinary, providing proverb/riddle.



Broadcast 2 on English Radio Program on One Radio SMA Negeri 1 Cilacap

Grade / Semester : X / 2

Program : Language

Core Competences of Grade X of Language Program

1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam

berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.

3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

Basic Competences Topic Indicators Input Learning Materials


1.1. Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat

mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam

semangat belajar. Family, Peers, and Environment Students are able to: 1. 1. analyze the social function, the structure of texts, and linguistic aspects of explanation  Dialogues: - Dialogues between two people. - A dialogue with a guest. - A dialogue explaining the characteristic of explanation texts. For example:  Grammar: - Students learn sentences that are grammatically correct by listening the dialogues and explanations. - Simple present tense. - Passive voice. - Action verbs. Observing:  Let‟s Listen!:

- Students listen to dialogues about natural phenomena in a spoken explanation text.

- Students pay attention to new words and how the speakers pronounce words in dialogues.

- Students listen to a song related to the environment.


- Students can ask the questions through short messages to the radio.

2.3. Menghargai perilaku tanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cinta damai, dalam melaksanakan komunikasi fungsional. 3.11. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan


unsur kebahasaan dari teks explanation tentang gejala alam, sesuai dengan konteks pembelajaran lain di Kelas X. texts about natural phenomena, 2. understand the explanation about natural phenomena. A: C could you tell me how flood occurs? B: A flood occurs when a river bursts its banks, and the water spills onto the floodplain. Flooding tends to be caused by heavy rain. The faster the rainwater reaches the river channel, the more likely it is to flood.

Vocabulary: - Students get new vocabulary by listening the songs, audio and the explanation of the meaning of the new vocabulary. For example: - biodegradable - floodplain - water drop - refraction - sewage  Pronunciati Language Focus:

- Students listen to a review and the short explanation about the dialogues about the explanation of natural phenomena.

Collecting Data:

- Students listen to the explanation of the dialogues.

- Students learn the function and generic structure of explanation texts.

 Meet the Guest:

- Students listen to a conversation between the speaker and a guest speaker telling about the explanation of

making/creating something with friends/ for environment.

- Students pay attention to new words and how the speakers pronounce words in dialogues.

4.13. Menangkap makna teks explanation tentang gejala alam, sesuai dengan konteks pembelajaran lain di Kelas X.

- A dialogue explaining the pronunciation of words. - A dialogue explaining the meaning of songs.  Monologue: - A short news/ information in the form of explanation about unique natural - Students learn how to pronounce the new words in the recording by the part What did You Hear?. The speaker will give example of right pronunciation clearly so students can follow. topic of environment. Associating Data:.  What Did You Hear?

- Students learn the pronunciation of some new words in the dialogues and their meanings.

 Read the Song

- Students learn the meaning/translation of some part of lyrics from the songs, to know the meaning of the songs.

Communicating:  Unique Facts:

- Students listen to a short explanation about unique natural phenomena in other countries.



Broadcast 3 on English Radio Program on One Radio SMA Negeri 1 Cilacap

Grade / Semester : X / 2

Program : Language

Core Competences of Grade X of Language Program

1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam

berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.

3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingintahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.


4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

Basic Competences Topic Indicators Input Learning Materials


1.1. Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat

mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar. Technology Students are able to: 1. 1. analyze the social function, the structure of texts, and linguistic aspects to ask and declare the

Dialogues: - Dialogues between two people. - A dialogue with a guest speaker. - A dialogue explaining the expressions to ask and declare relationship between two  Grammar: - Students learn sentences that are grammatically correct by listening the dialogues and explanations of expressions to ask and declare the relationship between two

Observing:  Let‟s Listen!:

- Students listen to dialogues about technology.

- Students pay attention to new words and how the speakers pronounce words in dialogues.

- Students listen to a song related to the technology.


- Students can ask the questions through short messages to the radio.

Language Focus: 2.2. Menunjukkan perilaku

jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab dalam melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman 3.12 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan

menanyakan tentang

keterkaitan antara dua benda atau tindakan, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

between two objects or actions,

2. create spoken texts to ask and declare the connection between two objects or actions. actions mentioned in dialogues, including the function. For example: A: Which one is better between Nokia and Lenovo? B: I believe that both Nokia and Lenovo are good. - A dialogue explaining the actions. For example: - Both ... and; - not only ... but also - either ... or - neither ... nor  Vocabulary: - Students get new vocabulary by listening the songs, audio and the explanation of the meaning of the new vocabulary.

explanation about the technology mentioned and/or the dialogues.

- Students listen to an explanation of the expressions to ask and declare

connection between two objects or

actions mentioned in dialogues, including the function.

Collecting Data:  Meet the Guest:

- Students listen to a conversation between the speaker and a guest speaker telling about the newest technology in Indonesia.

- Students pay attention to new words and how the speakers pronounce words in dialogues.

- Students listen to a song related to the 4.16 Menyusun teks lisan

dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang keterkaitan antara dua benda atau tindakan, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

166 pronunciation of words. - A dialogue explaining the meaning of songs.  Monologue: - A short news/ information about the unique technology from other countries.  Songs For example: - technophobe - technophile - computing - appliance - affect  Pronunciati on: - Students learn how to pronounce the new words in the recording by the part What did You Hear?. The speaker will


Associating Data:.  What Did You Hear?

- Students learn the pronunciation of some new words in the dialogues and their meanings.

 Read the Song

- Students learn the meaning/translation of some part of lyrics from the songs, to know the meaning of the songs

Communicating:  Unique Facts:

- Students listen to a short dialogue about unique technology phenomena from other countries, providing the expressions to ask and declare the relationship between two objects or


pronunciation clearly so students can follow.


D. The Design of the

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