• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan


B. Cycle Explanation

2. Cycle II

2) Any students who did not passed the standard of minimum criteria score

3) Because this is the first time using Animation Video, the students felt difficult to comprehend the information.

Based on the reflection above, the researcher decided to continue the research to cycle 2, and the problems in this cycle would be solved in the next cycle.

2) Making lesson plan based on the theme

The lesson plan for second cycle was not researcher prepared the lesson plan for the first cycle and defined indicators as guidance to teach with theme how to make Godoh cake. (See in Appendix 2)

3) Preparing the research intruments a) Worksheet

How to make Godoh Cake


 Ripe bananas

 Rice flour

 Sugar

 Vegetable oil

 water

Tools :

 Knife

 Bowl

 Frying pan

 Frying spatula

 Stove


1. First, we take the ripe bananas 2. ..., we peel them

3. Third, we... the bananas into two parts with knife 4. Four, put the rice flour ... a bowl

5. After that, add some sugar and water into it 6. Next, mix them well

7. Next, boil the... in the frying pan and wait for about 5...

8. After that, ... bananas in to the mixture

9. Then, ... the stove and fry it using ... about 3 minutes,

10. ..., the Godoh cake ready to...

 Put the words below into the blanks to complete the procedure “How to make Godoh cake”!!!

a. Dip f. Prepare

b. Slice g. Vegetable oil

c. Serve h. Into

d. Second i. Minutes

e. The last j. Spatula

b) Observation sheets

The researcher would record the students‟ interest of teaching learning process in writing procedure text classroom.

Observation sheets were used to record the students‟ activeness in classroom

Below was observation sheets to record students‟


Table 4.4

Observation sheets for activeness cycle II

No Name


Score Explanat ion Student


Respon se/ Idea

Attenti on

1 Danu Widiatmoko 2 Guruh Guscahyono E.P.

3 Haidar Bendung

4 Lutfi Hakim Hayatulloh 5 Muhammad Fikri T.

… ……..

Checklist guide:

Get Score 1 = Less Active Get Score 2 = Active Get Score 3 = Very Active c) Assesment Guidance

Correct answer = score 3 Maximum Score = 30 Incorrect answer = score 1

Students‟ score Maximum = 100

Students‟ Score = ��ℎ�� � ����� �� ���� �� × 100

b. Acting

The first meeting was in Wednesday, January 13th, 2016. The use Animation Video in teaching learning writing procedure text stated from lesson plan. The steps of the action in classroom were :

1) Pre activity

The teacher greeted the students before starting the lesson.

After that, teacher introduced to the students and asked students about their condition. Before the teacher checked the present list, the teacher asked students to pray together.

2) Whilst activity

The teacher asked students about the understanding of procedure text. Before the teacher played the video, the teacher gives a brief explanation about procedure text. After that, the teacher and the students expostulate about information in procedure text Animation Videos. Then, the teacher distributes the student‟s work sheet and the teacher asked students collected the works.

3) Post activity

The teacher asked the students about the difficulties during process teaching learning in writing procedure text with theme

“How to make Godoh cake”. Then, the teacher gave conclusion for the materials that were given. After that, the teacher gave

motivation. The last, the teacher closed the lesson in the meeting of fisrt cycle with praying together.

c. Observing

The students‟ activeness and achievement were increased in the second cycle. The teaching learning process was more active. The students felt enjoy with the lesson used Animation Video in writing.

So, it could build the attractive situation in the classroom. Below is the record of students‟ activeness during the learning process:

Table 4.5

Result of the activeness observation in cycle II

No Name


Score Explanation Student


Respon se/ Idea

Attenti on

1 Danu Widiatmoko √ √ 2 Active

2 Guruh Guscahyono E.P. √ √ 2 Active

3 Haidar Bendung SICK

4 Lutfi Hakim Hayatulloh √ 1 Less Active

5 Muhammad Fikri T. √ √ 2 Active

6 Nopian Dwi Saputra √ √ √ 3 Very Active

7 Yudha Prana Bany S. √ 1 Less Active

8 Zainal Nur Rafiqy √ √ √ 3 Very Active

9 Alfi Nur Azizatur R. √ √ 2 Active

10 Alfionita Indah A. √ √ √ 3 Very Active

11 Armayfa Zahidha Raj √ √ √ 3 Very Active

12 Ayu Nur Widyawati √ √ √ 3 Very Active

13 Caecilila Oktavia S. P. √ √ √ 3 Very Active

14 Desy Fitriani A. √ √ √ 3 VeryActive

15 Intan Febriana A. S. √ √ 2 Active

16 Mariana Indah Fitriani √ √ 2 Active

17 Nanda Ria Puspitasari √ √ 2 Active

18 Oktaveryana L. √ √ √ 3 Very Active

19 Salsa Marlina Putri √ 1 Less Active

20 Triana Kusuma W. √ √ 2 Active

21 Ulul Mona Shofah √ √ √ 3 Very Active

Here is the result of the students‟ writing achievement:

Table 4.6

The result of the tudents‟ writing achievement of second cycle

No Name Score Notify

1 Danu Widiatmoko 100 Passed

2 Guruh Guscahyono Eka P. 100 Passed

3 Haidar Bendung SICK

4 Lutfi Hakim Hayatulloh 100 Passed

5 Muhammad Fikri Taqiyyudin 100 Passed

6 Nopian Dwi Saputra 80 Passed

7 Yudha Prana Bany S. 80 Passed

8 Zainal Nur Rafiqy 100 Passed

9 Alfi Nur Azizatur Rosyida 100 Passed

10 Alfionita Indah Ayuningtyas 100 Passed

11 Armayfa Zahidha Raj 73,33

12 Ayu Nur Widyawati 100 Passed

13 Caecilila Oktavia Septiana P. 100 Passed

14 Desy Fitriani Ambarwati 100 Passed

15 Intan Febriana Anggita Sari 100 Passed

16 Mariana Indah Fitriani 100 Passed

17 Nanda Ria Puspitasari 80 Passed

18 Oktaveryana Lombaryanto 100 Passed

19 Salsa Marlina Putri 66,67

20 Triana Kusuma Wardani 100 Passed

21 Ulul Mona Shofah 100 Passed

From the table above we can see that almost of students passed the test, only 3 students failed the test.

d. Reflecting

In the second cycle, he students were serious in doing their assigment. And they enjoyed the teaching learning process in the classroom. It means the second cycle was successful. It was proven from 21 students; the 19 ones have fulfilled the comprehension standard already. There was significance improvement in achievement of students‟ writing skill of procedure text used Animation Video from cycle I and cycle II. From this result, we can concluded that the implementation of Animation Video in teaching writing of procedure text to the seven grade students of SMP Ma‟arif 1 Ponorogo was success.

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