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Lampiran 1 Hasil Analisis ANOVA Jumlah Total Telur Source Type III Sum of

Squares Df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model 157456.489a 1 157456.489 1.555 .215

Intercept 2.139E7 1 2.139E7 211.235 .000

Perlakuan 157456.489 1 157456.489 1.555 .215

Error 1.063E7 105 101277.348

Total 3.206E7 107

Corrected Total 1.079E7 106

a. R Squared = .015 (Adjusted R Squared = .005)

Lampiran 2 Hasil Analisis ANOVA Jumlah Total Telur (per Ekor)

Source Type III Sum

of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model 29514.805a 1 29514.805 1.250 .326 Intercept 3044980.891 1 3044980.891 128.973 .000 Perlakuan 29514.805 1 29514.805 1.250 .326 Error 94437.776 4 23609.444 Total 3168933.472 6 Corrected Total 123952.581 5

Lampiran 3 Hasil Analisis ANOVA Jumlah Telur per Ekor/Siklus Source Type III Sum

of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model 8383.313a 1 8383.313 37.742 .000 Intercept 177476.086 1 177476.086 798.999 .000 Perlakuan 8383.313 1 8383.313 37.742 .000 Error 23322.919 105 222.123 Total 202453.732 107 Corrected Total 31706.233 106

a. R Squared = .264 (Adjusted R Squared = .257)

Lampiran 4 Hasil Analisis ANOVA Jumlah Kelompok Telur Source Type III Sum

of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model 2.016a 1 2.016 2.009 .159 Intercept 136.596 1 136.596 136.072 .000 Perlakuan 2.016 1 2.016 2.009 .159 Error 105.404 105 1.004 Total 242.000 107 Corrected Total 107.421 106

Lampiran 5 Hasil Analisis ANOVA Daya Tetas Telur Source Type III Sum of

Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model .979a 1 .979 .010 .920 Intercept 26941.029 1 26941.029 275.828 .000 Perlakuan .979 1 .979 .010 .920 Error 9864.999 101 97.673 Total 37439.123 103 Corrected Total 9865.979 102

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