• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

Menu ini adalah untuk menambahkan data kelas yang nantinya akan digunakan untuk proses pengolahan data akademik.

➢ Klik Add untuk menambahkan data kelas baru, Kode Kelas akan muncul otomatis mengikuti data terakhir yang ada di dalam database

➢ Klik Save untuk menyimpan data kelas baru ➢ Klik Cancel untuk membatalkan proses

➢ Klik baris kelas lalu klik Edit untuk mengubah data kelas ➢ Klik Delete untuk menghapus data kelas

➢ Klik Find untuk mencari data kelas maka data di dalam grid hanya akan muncul sesuai dengan data yang dicari saja

➢ Klik Exit untuk keluar dari form data kelas

Coding Program Data Kelas

Dim tambah As Boolean Sub isicmbnig()

Call koneksi

35 cmbnik.Clear

Do While Not rsguru.EOF cmbnik.AddItem rsguru!nik rsguru.MoveNext

Loop End Sub Sub nonaktif()

Dim kontrol As Control

For Each kontrol In Me.Controls

If TypeOf kontrol Is TextBox Then kontrol.Enabled = False Next Toolbar1.Buttons(1).Enabled = True Toolbar1.Buttons(2).Enabled = False Toolbar1.Buttons(3).Enabled = False Toolbar1.Buttons(4).Enabled = False Toolbar1.Buttons(5).Enabled = False Toolbar1.Buttons(6).Enabled = True Toolbar1.Buttons(7).Enabled = True cmbstatus.Enabled = False cmbjurusan.Enabled = False cmbnik.Enabled = False End Sub Sub aktif()

Dim kontrol As Control

For Each kontrol In Me.Controls

If TypeOf kontrol Is TextBox Then kontrol.Enabled = True Next

36 Toolbar1.Buttons(2).Enabled = True Toolbar1.Buttons(3).Enabled = True Toolbar1.Buttons(4).Enabled = False Toolbar1.Buttons(5).Enabled = False Toolbar1.Buttons(6).Enabled = False Toolbar1.Buttons(7).Enabled = True cmbstatus.Enabled = True cmbjurusan.Enabled = True cmbnik.Enabled = True End Sub Sub bersih()

For Each kontrol In Me.Controls

If TypeOf kontrol Is TextBox Then kontrol.Text = "" Next

cmbstatus = "Status Kelas" cmbjurusan.Text = "Jurusan" cmbnik.Text = "Wali Kelas" End Sub

Sub tampilgrid() Call koneksi

rskelas.Open "select * from kelas", KON Set grid.DataSource = rskelas

aturgrid End Sub

Sub simpankelas() Dim a As String

Save = "insert into kelas values('" & txtkode.Text & "','" & txtkelas.Text & "','" & txtmax.Text & "','" & cmbstatus.Text & "','" & cmbnik.Text & "','" & cmbjurusan.Text & "')"

37 End Sub

Sub updatekelas()

ubah = "update kelas set nik='" & cmbnik.Text & "',max_siswa='" & txtmax.Text & "',status_kelas='" & cmbstatus.Text & "' where id_kelas='" & txtkode.Text & "'" KON.Execute ubah

End Sub

Private Sub cmbjurusan_keypress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If Not (KeyAscii >= Asc("0") And KeyAscii <= Asc("9") And (KeyAscii >= Asc("a") And KeyAscii <= Asc("z") And KeyAscii = 46 And KeyAscii = 127 Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack)) Then KeyAscii = 0

End Sub

Private Sub cmbnik_Click() Call koneksi

rskelas.Open "select * from kelas where nik='" & cmbnik.Text & "'", KON With rskelas

If .BOF And .EOF Then Exit Sub


MsgBox "Guru sudah menjadi wali kelas!!", vbInformation, "Informasi" cmbnik.Text = ""

cmbnik.SetFocus End If

End With End Sub


If Not (KeyAscii >= Asc("0") And KeyAscii <= Asc("9") And (KeyAscii >= Asc("a") And KeyAscii <= Asc("z") And KeyAscii = 46 And KeyAscii = 127 Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack)) Then KeyAscii = 0

End Sub

Private Sub cmbstatus_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If Not (KeyAscii >= Asc("0") And KeyAscii <= Asc("9") And (KeyAscii >= Asc("a") And KeyAscii <= Asc("z") And KeyAscii = 46 And KeyAscii = 127 Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack)) Then KeyAscii = 0

End Sub

Sub isicmbjurusan() Call koneksi

rsjurusan.Open "select * from jurusan", KON cmbjurusan.Clear

Do While Not rsjurusan.EOF

cmbjurusan.AddItem rsjurusan!kode_jurusan rsjurusan.MoveNext

Loop End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load() tampilgrid isicmbjurusan nonaktif bersih isicmbnig End Sub

Private Sub Toolbar1_ButtonClick(ByVal Button As MSComctlLib.Button) If Button.Index = 1 Then

39 bersih

tambah = True txtkode.SetFocus

ElseIf Button.Index = 2 Then

If txtkode.Text = "" Or txtkelas.Text = "" Or txtmax.Text = "" Or cmbstatus = "" Or cmbnik.Text = "" Or cmbjurusan.Text = "" Then

MsgBox "Silahkan Lengkapi Data!!", vbInformation, "Informasi" If cmbjurusan.Text = "" Then

cmbjurusan.SetFocus ElseIf txtkode.Text = "" Then txtkode.SetFocus

ElseIf txtkelas.Text = "" Then txtkelas.SetFocus

ElseIf txtmax.Text = "" Then txtmax.SetFocus

ElseIf cmbstatus.Text = "" Then cmbstatus.SetFocus

ElseIf cmbnik.Text = "" Then cmbnik.SetFocus

End If Exit Sub End If

If tambah = True Then simpankelas

grid.Refresh Form_Load

ElseIf tambah = False Then updatekelas

40 Form_Load

End If

ElseIf Button.Index = 3 Then Form_Load

ElseIf Button.Index = 4 Then tambah = False aktif txtkode.Enabled = False txtkelas.SetFocus Toolbar1.Buttons(3).Enabled = True Toolbar1.Buttons(2).Enabled = True Toolbar1.Buttons(1).Enabled = False Toolbar1.Buttons(4).Enabled = False Toolbar1.Buttons(5).Enabled = False Toolbar1.Buttons(6).Enabled = False ElseIf Button.Index = 5 Then

Call koneksi

rskelas.Open "select * from kelas ", KON With rskelas

If Not (.BOF And .EOF) Then

h = MsgBox("Hapus Data Kelas ?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Konfirmasi") If h = vbYes Then

hapus = "delete from kelas where id_kelas='" & txtkode.Text & "'" KON.Execute (hapus)

grid.Refresh Form_Load Else

41 End If

End If End With grid.Refresh

ElseIf Button.Index = 6 Then txtcari.Enabled = True txtcari.SetFocus

ElseIf Button.Index = 7 Then Unload data_kelas menu_utama.Enabled = True menu_utama.Show End If End Sub Sub aturgrid() grid.ColWidth(0) = 0 grid.ColWidth(1) = 1250 grid.ColWidth(2) = 1750 grid.ColWidth(3) = 1200 grid.ColWidth(4) = 1500 grid.ColWidth(5) = 1200 grid.ColWidth(6) = 1500

grid.TextMatrix(0, 1) = "Id Kelas" grid.TextMatrix(0, 2) = "Kelas" grid.TextMatrix(0, 3) = "Max Siswa" grid.TextMatrix(0, 4) = "Status Kelas" grid.TextMatrix(0, 5) = "Wali Kelas" grid.TextMatrix(0, 6) = "Jurusan" End Sub

42 Sub tampilkelas()

Call koneksi

rskelas.Open "select * from kelas where id_kelas like '%" & txtcari.Text & "%'", KON Set grid.DataSource = rskelas

aturgrid End Sub Sub sqlkelas()

sql1 = "select * from kelas where id_kelas like '%" & txtcari.Text & "%' order by id_kelas asc" KON.Execute (sql1)

End Sub

Private Sub grid_Click() a = grid.Row

kode = grid.TextMatrix(a, 1) Call koneksi

rskelas.Open "select * from kelas ", KON With rskelas

txtkode.Text = kode

kelas = "select * from kelas where id_kelas='" & txtkode & "'" Set rskelas = KON.Execute(kelas)

txtkelas.Text = rskelas.Fields("kelas") txtmax.Text = rskelas.Fields("max_siswa") cmbstatus.Text = rskelas.Fields("status_kelas") cmbjurusan.Text = rskelas.Fields("kode_jurusan") cmbnik.Text = rskelas.Fields("nik") Toolbar1.Buttons(4).Enabled = True Toolbar1.Buttons(5).Enabled = True End With

43 End Sub

Private Sub txtkode_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) Call koneksi

KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii))) If KeyAscii = 13 Then

rskelas.Open "SELECT * FROM kelas WHERE id_kelas='" & txtkode & "'", KON With rskelas

If .BOF And .EOF Then

psn = MsgBox("Kode kelas " + txtkode + " Data Baru", vbInformation, "KONFIRMASI") txtkelas = ""

txtmax.Text = "" cmbstatus = "" txtkelas.SetFocus Else

MsgBox "Kode kelas Sudah Ada", vbInformation, "Info" txtkode.Text = "" txtkode.SetFocus End If End With End If End Sub

Private Sub txtnama_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = 13 Then

cmbstatus.SetFocus txtnama.Enabled = False End If

44 End Sub

Private Sub txtcari_Change() Call koneksi

Call tampilkelas Call sqlkelas End Sub


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