• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan


5.2 Suggestion

The researcher thinks that his result of the research is still far from the perfect. The researcher still finds some weaknesses; theory, methodology,

especially in the occurrence of sentential meaning and its elements are difficult to be found. But hopefully it can be a reference to conduct the next research about Ulul Al-Bab verses in the Holy Qur’an to get more perfect research. Therefore, the writer will say grateful thanks to any one who criticize and suggest to make this study more available to be used as one of sources in conducting research with the similar focus.


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Name : Welly Kuswanto

Place & Date of Birth: Probolinggo, April 18th, 1984

Sex : Male

Martial Status : Married

Home Address : RT 07 RW 03 Sumbercenteng, Kotaaanyar – Probolinggo 67293 Phone : 085259033077

Current Address : Jalan Gajayana 50 Ma,had Aly Malang

Educational Background:

1. The State Elementary School of Sumbercenteng (1992-1998) 2. The State Junior High School of Kotaanyar (1998-2000)

3. Vocational High School of SMK Ahmad Yani Probolinggo (2000-2002) 4. English Letters and Language Department of The State Islamic University of

Malang (2003-2007)

Organizational Experiences:

1. The Chief of Journalistic of eL-Ma’rifah of Islamic Boarding School of Al-Aly UIN Malang (2007-2008)

2. The Coordinator of Ibnu Kholdun Language Division of Islamic Boarding School of Al-Aly (2004-2006)

3. The member of Journalistic division of the student Executive board of the faculty of Humanities and culture faculty of the state Islamic University of Malang (2006-2007)

4. The represent of Administration training of West Java and UNISBA

5. The represent of Administration training of UIN Sunan kalijaga Yogyakarta (2005)

Academic Achievements:

1. The receiver of Bank Jatim Award as The Best student of Vocational High School of Ahmad Yani Probolinggo (2002)

2. The Receiver of Supersemar Scholarship as The Best Student of Elementry School up to Vocational High School (1996-2003)

3. The Receiver of Gudang Garam Scholarship as The Best Student at The State Islamic University of Malang (2004-2006)

Non-Academic Awards:

1. The Best Represent of Administration Training of UIN Kalijaga Yogyakarta (2005)

2. The best represent of Administration Training of West Java and UNISBA Bandung (2006)


Name : Drs. H. Dimjati Ahmadin, M. Pd

NIP : 150035072

Place & Date of Birth : Kediri, October 3, 1944

Sex : Male

Martial Status : Married

Home Address : Jl. Teratai 18 Mulyorejo Dau Malang

Educational Background:

1. Society School (pass 1956) 2. PGAN 4 (pass 1960) 3. PGAN 6 (pass 1962)

4. IAIN Sunan Ampel on Bachelor’s program of Tarbiyah Faculty (pass1973)

5. IKIP Malang Program Sarjana Muda in English Education.

6. IKIP Malang on Bachelor Program in English Education (pass 1987) 7. The State University of Malang (UNM) on magister program of English


8. The State University of Malang (UNM) on doctoral program up to now.

Academic Achievements:

1. The teacher of State Islamic Senior high School of Malang 2. Lecturer of State Islamic University of Malang

3. Dean of Faculty of Humanities and Culture of UIN Malang

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