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B. Discussion

This section presents a discussion of the data analysis findings. Based on the data above, Joss (1967) classifies that there are 5 styles of language, namely Frozen, Formal, Consultative, Casual, and Intimate style. Researchers found 4 types of language styles in teenager and adults, namely, Formal style, Consultative style, Casual style, and Intimate style. However, in teenager only 3 types of language styles were found: 4 formal styles, 5 consultative styles, 6 casual styles. In adults, there are 2 Formal styles, 5 Consultative styles, 5 Casual styles, 1 Intimate style and there are no intimate language styles in conversation used by teenager. Based on the amount of data, the most dominant language style used by teenagers and adults is casual language style because this language style is often used in everyday life in relaxed conditions. It can occur in conversations between parents and children, friends, family members. According to Joss (1967) the casual style also has characteristics, namely: the speech is shorter than the consultative style. The drawback is that there is no standard language style for teenager and adult dialogue because this language style is only found in official ceremonies, official government events and international meetings. Judging from the results of the data, the second language style that is often used by teenagers and adults in the film "Turning Red" is a consultative language style because the context of their conversation often involves joint participation. That is, this style is used in some group discussions, conversations that take place usually


in schools, homes, and family shrines. And in this conversation it usually happens to teacher-student, parent-child. According to Joss (1967) the consultative style is usually used in semi-formal situations. That is, this style is considered quite formal but inferior to the formal style. Sentences in this style are usually shorter than the formal style and are also necessary for everyday communication.

In this study, the researcher also classified the language functions contained in the conversations used by teenagers and adults in the film "Turning Red". Based on the theory of Holmes (2001) language function consists of 6 functions, namely:

Expressive, Directive, Referential, Metalinguistic, Poetic, and Phatic or social function. Researchers found 6 language functions from 28 data consisting of 15 data functions in teenager and 13 data in adults. In teenager found 5 language functions, namely 4 expressive functions, 5 directives, 2 referential, 1 metalinguistic, and 3 phatic or social functions. In youth dialogue there is no poetic function because dialogue does not contain our own "touch" or creativity. According to Holmes (2001) poetic function means focusing on the aesthetic features of language. that's where the particular form chosen is the essence of the message. In adult dialogue, the researcher found 2 expressive functions, 3 directives, 3 reference, 2 metalinguistic, 1 poetic and 2 phatic or social functions. Judging from the research results, the directive function is often used by adolescents and adults in using language style. According to Holmes (2001) the directive function means an effort for someone to do something. This function is often found in commands and requests.


The results of the study found that the language style used in the film

"Turning Red" which is spoken in teenager and adults conversations is very often used in everyday life. The style of language used by teenagers and adults is based on the type of language style by Martin Joss (1967). Therefore, these findings support the previous research conducted by Indra and Hamzah (2018). However, the difference with this researcher is that they only explain the type and frequency of language styles used by teenagers and pre-adults in social media, namely Facebook.

Meanwhile, the researchers conducted in the film "Turning Red" analyzed how language style and language function between teenager and adults.

Meanwhile, teenagers and adults, judging from the results of the data, found that both of them used a consultative language style, and did not use the standard language style in the film. So this has differences and similarities with the results of previous research from Sood (2018), where the results of the research show that standard and consultative styles rarely appear in Instagram posts but often appear in everyday life.

Meanwhile, teenager and adults, judging from the results of the data, found that in conversation both of them are more dominant in using casual language styles, because casual language styles are used in relaxed situations, often occurring in conversations between parents and children, friends and family members. So this is supported by the results of previous research by Khaliq (2018), where the results of the research show that casual style is a style that is often used by tour guides and tourists in everyday life.


While the conversation used by teenager found 3 types of language styles.

However, adults found 4 types of language styles. So the similarity is that teenager and adults use a formal style, casual style, and consultative style and both do not use a standard language style. The difference is that in teenager no intimate language style is found and in adults one intimate language style is found. So this is supported by the results of Ade, Dwi& Rudi's previous research (2021), where the results of the study show that native English speakers use all types of figurative language.

Meanwhile, foreign speakers use three types of speech styles. So the similarity is that both speakers use a formal style, a consultative style, and a casual style in speaking.

But the difference is that non-native speakers don't use standard and familiar styles.

From the result of this research, it show that the findings of this research have similarity with the other previous study such as Khaliq (2018), Indra and Hamzah (2018), Ramdhani, Sari &Shynta (2020), Ade, Rudi &Dwi (2021), and Pohan&Pohan(2021) also found types of language style such as Formal style, Consultative style, Casual style, and Intimate style. In the function have similarity with previous Dwitamayanti, Putra &Saputra (2021) it also found referential, directive, expressive, phatic or social, and metalinguistic function. Furthermore, this research uses “Turning Red” movie as research object to be different with the other previous study.



This chapter contains conclusions and suggestions. After finding the types of language styles and language functions in using language styles, then analyzing them, the researcher gives some conclusions and suggestions in explaining the types of language styles and their functions in teenager and adults in the film "Turning Red"

A. Conclusions

After analyzing data about the types of language style and language functions in using teenager and adult speech styles in films, the researchers concluded as follows: In "Turning Red" the film researchers found five types of language styles formal, consultative, casual, and intimate style. There are twenty-eight data divided into 15 conversational data used by teenager and 13 used by adults. Where the casual language style is the most dominant type used in the film. In the movie "Turning Red" the researcher also found 6 categories of language functions in the use of language styles implied in conversations between teenager and adults. The six functions are in using language style, such as expressive, directive, metalinguistic, phatic or social, poetic and referential functions where the expressive function is the most dominant performed by teenagers in films. Based on these data, it can be seen that teenagers use a relaxed language style not only to their parents, siblings, but also to their close friends. The language function between teenager and adults has differences and similarities. What they have in common is finding 5 language functions Expressive, Directive, Referential, Metalinguistic, Phatic or social function


and the difference is that one language function is not found in teenager dialogue but is found in adult dialogue namely the function of poetic. In the film, there are differences and similarities in language styles and language functions in teenager and adults. What they have in common is finding 3 language styles that are the same formal, casual and consultative style and finding 5 language functions Expressive, Directive, Referential, Metalinguistic, Phatic or social function and the difference is that one style of language is not found in teenager dialogue but is found in adult dialogue, namely intimate style, the function of language is not found in teenager dialogue but is found in adult dialogue, namely the poetic function.

B. Suggestions

The researcher suggests that readers learn or understand about the types of language styles and their functions in using language styles in conversation because it is very important to know so that people can speak according to the situation. Future researchers are highly expected to find out more about the types of language styles in the film "Turning Red" and can then be a reference for future researchers who want to analyze the same research, especially about the types of language styles. It suggest to the other research to study about language style and language function in different object such as poem, magazine, newspaper and song lyric because this study has not found the all of the types of language style, where there is not found frozen style. So, it is recommended for other to complete it by using the other object.



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Dewi Gina Zumaria was born in Denpasar on March 22, 2000.

She graduated from MA Nurul JadidPaitonProbolinggo in 2018.

She continued her further studies at the English Literature Department at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang and finished her study in 2022. During her studies as a college student, she stayed at PPTQ Tanwirul Hija.



Meilin: Besties, assemble! Miriam!

Miriam: Huh? Hey!

Meilin: Priya!

Priya: Yo.

Meilin: Abby!

Abby: [shouting Korean; in English] Yeah! What's up, Mei?

Meilin: Ready to change the world?

Miriam: So ready!

Priya: I was born to do this.


Ming: Sun Yee, revered ancestor, guardian of the red pandas. We humbly thank you for protecting and guiding us. Especially Mei-Mei.

Meilin: May we continue to serve and honour you and this community.

Both: Always.

TV Announcer: You've heard their hits, you've seen their moves, and now you get to experience them live! The worldwide pop sensation 4*Town will be kicking off their North American tour! Tickets on sale now!

Meilin: [gasps in excitement] Oh my gosh!

Ming: Who are these hip-hoppers? And why are they called "4*Town" if there are five of them?

Meilin: Uh… I don't know. Some of the kids at school like 'em.

Ming: You mean Miriam? That girl is…odd.

Jin: Dinner's ready.


[Ming angrily pulls up at the Daisy Mart after catching her daughter's drawings of her and Devon]

Meilin: What are you doing?! [following her mother] No, no, no, no, no, no! No, no, no, no, no, no!

[Ming barges into the store and marches over to the counter]

Tyler: [laughs smugly] Oh, snap!

Meilin: Mom, no!

Ming: [pointing to Devon, fiercely] You! What have you done to my Mei-Mei?!

Devon: Uh, who?

Tyler: Meilin Lee, right here. [points to Meilin, who's standing next to him]

Ming: I should report you to the police. How old are you? 30?!

Devon: I'm 17.

Ming: See, see? This is what happens when you don't wear sunblock and do drugs all day! She's just a sweet, innocent child. How dare you take advantage of her! [takes out Meilin's drawings and throws them on the counter]

Meilin: Mom! NO!!! [echoes]

Devon: What?!

[Everyone gasps at Meilin's drawings and start laughing at her]

Tyler: [laughs] What a weirdo! [mocks her by kissing the air]

Ming: The Daisy Mart has lost a loyal customer today. [leaves the store with her daughter, looking humiliated and embarrassed; sighs with exasperation] Thank goodness I was here. That degenerate won't come near you again. Now, is there anything else I should know about, Mei-Mei?

Meilin: Nope. All good. [cut to her in her bedroom, buries her face in a pillow, muffled screaming; breathes heavily; angrily] You sicko! What were you thinking?!

Why would you draw those things? Those horrible, awful, sexy things!? [pacing back and forth] It's fine. You'll move to another city, change your identity. [muffledly yells under her bed, stomping her feet; weeping tearfully to a photo frame of her and Ming]

Mommy, I'm so sorry! [to her reflection, angrily] You are her pride and joy, so ACT LIKE IT! [slaps herself in the face; rips the drawings out of her notebook and throws them in the trash can; to her reflection] This will never happen again.


[After Meilin screams from seeing her reflection as a red panda in the bathroom mirror]

Panda Meilin: This isn't happening, this isn't happening. [whimpers in panic, sniffs the scent of her panda form and gags] Wake up, wake up, wake up!

Ming: [knocking on the bathroom door] Mei-Mei, is everything okay?

Panda Meilin: [panicking] DON'T COME IN HERE!

Ming: Mei-Mei, what's going on honey? Are you sick? Is it a fever? A stomach ache?

Chills? Constipation?

Panda Meilin: No!

Ming: Wait. Is it… that? Did the… Did the red peony bloom?

Panda Meilin: No! …Maybe?

Ming: [gasps in horror] But it's too soon. Don't worry, Mei-Mei. I'll get everything you need. Mommy's here. Jin. Jin! It's happening!

Ming: [quickly enters with a box of pharmacy stuff] It's going to be okay.

Panda Meilin: [angrily snapping] NO, IT'S NOT!!! WILL YOU JUST GET OUT?!?!

[covers her mouth in shock]

Ming: [confused] Excuse me?

Panda Meilin: I-I didn't mean that. I'm a gross red monster! [sobs] Stop it! STOP TALKING!! [slaps herself]

Ming: [clears throat] Mei-Mei, I know this is upsetting, but we are going to get through this together. I have ibuprofen, vitamin B, a hot water bottle, and...pads.

Regular, overnight, scented, unscented, thin, ultra-thin, ultra-thin with wings…

Panda Meilin: Uh-huh. All right.Awesome. Just leave them by the sink.

Ming: Mei-Mei. Perhaps we should talk about why this is happening.

Panda Meilin: No! I mean… nah, it's okay.

Ming: You are a woman now. And your body is starting to change.

Panda Meilin: [muffled] Mmm-hmm.

Ming: It's nothing to be embarrassed about.

80 Panda Meilin: Mom, please…!

Ming: [starts her hand on the shower curtain] You are now a beautiful, strong flower.

Panda Meilin: No, no, no, no…

Ming: Who must protect you delicate petals and clean them regularly.

[Alarm suddenly starts beeping as she quickly opens the shower curtain without looking back at her]

Jin: [offscreen] Uh, Ming?! Ming!

Ming: My porridge! [opens the door and runs out of the bathroom] Jin. Jin!

Ming: [pulling up at the middle school, dropping her daughter off] I know it feels strange, Mei-Mei, but I promise, nobody will notice a thing.

Meilin: [deadpan] Thank you for your concern, Mother. But I'll be fine.

Ming: Well, here's your lunch. I packed extra snacks. And herbal tea.For cramps. It helps relax your…

Meilin: [panicky] I-got-it-thank-you-bye!

[Lee Family Temple; As Panda Meilin, Ming, and Jin enter the Sun Yee shrine, Ming lifts up the bottom part of the scroll of Sun Yee, revealing a secret compartment in the wall, opens it, and takes a small wooden chest]

Ming: [sighs] As you know, our ancestor, Sun Yee, had a mystical connection with red pandas. [opens the chest and takes out a small scroll] In fact, she loved them so much… that she asked the gods to turn her into one. [unfolds the scroll with a story]

It was wartime. The men were all gone. Sun Yee was desperate for a way to protect herself and her daughters. Then one night, during a red moon, the gods granted her wish. They gave her the ability to harness her emotions, to transform into a powerful mystical beast. She was able to fend off bandits, protect her village, and save her family from ruin. Sun Yee passed this gift to her daughters, for when they came of age. [back to reality] And they passed it to theirs. But over time, our family chose to come to a new world. And what was a blessing became… [the camera quickly zooms to Ming's mouth] an inconvenience.

Panda Meilin: [looks at the tapestry of Sun Yee, shocked] Are…you… [with her eyes turning red with rage] SERIOUS?! [angrily tries to rip it apart as her parents try holding her back]

Jin: NO!

81 Ming: Mei-Mei, NO!

Panda Meilin: IT'S A CURSE!

Ming: She meant it as a blessing!


Ming: Mei-Mei, stop! Listen to me! Listen! There's a cure!

Panda Meilin: [calms down, letting go of her anger] Really? How do you know?

Ming: Because…it happened to me.

Panda Meilin: Why didn't you warn me?!

Ming: I thought I had more time! You're just a child. I thought, if I watched you like a hawk, I'd see the signs and be able to prepare. But it's going to be fine. I overcame it and you will too. On the next red moon, you'll undergo a ritual that will seal your red panda spirit into one of these. [holds up her panda necklace] And then you'll be cured.

For good. Just like me. But any strong emotion will release the panda. And the more you release it, the more difficult the ritual will be. There is a darkness to the panda, Mei-Mei. You only have one chance to banish it, and you cannot fail. Otherwise, you'll never be free.

Jin: [looking through the May 2002 calendar] Let's see, the next red moon will be the 25th.

Panda Meilin: That's a whole month away.

Ming: We'll wait it out together. And I'll be with you every step of the way.

Meilin: So, now that that's settled, I just have one teeny-tiny favor to ask.

[Later that evening…]

Ming: No. Absolutely not.

Meilin: WHAT?! But this is once in a lifetime.

Ming: Mei-Mei, it's one thing to stay calm at home or school, but a concert? You'll get whipped up into a frenzy and panda all over the place.

Meilin: I won't, I won't! I promise! You saw me keep it in!

Jin: Ming, maybe we should trust her.


Ming: It's them I don't trust. Look at those glittery delinquents with their… [shudders in disgust] Gyrations. Why on earth do you want to go so badly?

Meilin: [imagines herself and her friends at the concert while chugging soda, and Robaire proposing to her; back to reality] Like I said, I just want to broaden my musical horizons.

Ming: This isn't music. This is filth. And it's not worth jeopardizing your life over.

Right, Jin?

Jin: Uh…

Ming: See? Your father agrees. No concert, and that's final.

Meilin: [inhales calmly with a tightened sharped smile] Okay, well, thanks for listening. Good night. [picks up her 4*Town CDs and radio, and walks to her room with an annoyed scoff]

Ming: What was that? Am I the only one who sees the danger here? There's no way she could keep her panda in. And $200?! For what?! Who do they think they are?

Celine Dion? [the phone rings and Jin gets up to answer it] Hmph. Unbelievable. I saw that look. Where does she get that from? Treating her own mother like that.

Jin: Hold on. Ming, it's your mother.

Ming: I'm not here! [lays down sideways on the couch in a fetal position, takes the phone out of Jin's hand; petrified] Mother. Hello. [on phone speaker] How's everything in Florida?

Grandma Wu: [while putting makeup on] Ming. I know about Mei-Mei.

Ming: I was just about to call you, but everything's fine. [hesitantly] I'm gonna handle the ritual on my own.

Grandma Wu: [scoffs in anger, as she puts lipstick on] The way you "handled" Mei-Mei being on the news?

Ming: No one knows anything. They barely saw her!

Grandma Wu: I'm on my way… with reinforcements.

Ming: NO, I CAN HANDLE IT! I CAN… [Grandma Wu hangs up]

Meilin: That presentation was bomb.com. I cited all my sources. I had sparklers...and she still said no!

Priya: My parents said I could go when I'm 30.


Abby: Mine called it stripper music. What's wrong with that?!

Miriam: Mine said yes, but I have to buy the ticket. Who the heck's got that kind of cash?

Meilin: I know my mom's worried, but sometimes she's just so… so…

Miriam: Wacko?

Grandma Wu: Mei-Mei, can I have a word with you?

Meilin: Uh, sure. What's up?

Grandma Wu: [takes a folded cloth out behind her back and unfolds it, revealing a piece of red panda fur] I found this. Strange for a girl who hasn't let her panda out.

Meilin: It's, uh… [chuckles nervously] It's not mine.

Grandma Wu: Mei-Mei, I know what you're doing. I know how hard it is to keep the beast in. It feels so good to let it out. So free. But each time you do, the stronger it gets. And then you'll be bound to it forever, and the ritual will fail.

Meilin: Has that ever happened?

Grandma Wu: It cannot happen. [sighs] Your mother and I were close once, but the red panda took that away. I couldn't bear to see that happen to you. So, no more panda. You are your mother's whole world, Mei-Mei. I know you'll do what's right.

Tyler: You want your money? Then get your butt down here now!

Panda Meilin: Forget your money, and forget you!

Miriam: Mei! Let's just go.

Panda Meilin: [growls]

Tyler: What about our deal?!

Panda Meilin: SHOVE YOUR DEAL!

Tyler: Fine! Get out of here! Go back to your psycho Mom and your creepy temple, you freak!

Panda Meilin: [growls lividly and jumps off the roof, Tyler gasps, attacking him]

Miriam: Mei, no!



Miriam: [shocked] Mei, you're hurting him!

Panda Meilin: ARGH, I HATE YOU!!

Ming: [off-screen] Mei-Mei, STOP!

Panda Meilin: I HATE--!!

Ming: What is going on here?!

Tyler: [sobbing] I'm sorry. Just get off of me, please.

Tyler's Dad: I don't want to hear your apologies, okay?!

Tyler's Mom: She is an animal!

Tyler's Dad: [to everyone] Alright, party's over! Everyone go home!?

Tyler: It's just a panda, Dad.

Tyler's Dad: I'm sorry, Tyler.

[Meilin braces herself as Ming walks over to her, but passes her]

Ming: [walks over to Miriam, Priya, and Abby; super mad] I can't believe you girls would use her like this!

Miriam: What?

Priya: But we didn't.

Abby: No, we'd never.

Meilin: What?!

Ming: I knew you were (big) trouble. Putting all these thoughts into Mei-Mei's head, parading her around. Now she's lying, sneaking out. She attacked a defenceless boy!

You think this is a joke? Do you know how dangerous this is?

Miriam: We didn't mean to, we just wanted to see 4*Town.

Ming: 4*Town! You manipulated her for a bunch of tacky delinquents?!

Miriam: No! She wanted to…

Ming: Don't you blame her! She is a good girl, and you've taken advantage of her!

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