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eBook “15 Cara Menghasilkan Uang dari Internet”

Dalam dokumen Hypnotic Sales Letter Collection (Halaman 25-34)


4. eBook “15 Cara Menghasilkan Uang dari Internet”

5. Gratis Seumur Hidup #EmailCurhatBisnis bareng bang Motty. 6. Akses ke Secret Group untuk Diskusi dan Tanya Jawab seluruh

Materi Kursus Hypnulis.

7. Anda otomatis terdaftar menjadi Affiliate untuk Kursus Hypnulis. (asyiik dapet duit ^_^)

Wow Banget ya Bonus-bonusnya!? ^_^ Jadi...

Mau ambil keputusan sekarang dan menerima semua manfaat Kursus Hypnulis beserta Diskon dan semua bonusnya atau mau tunggu harganya naik dan pesaing Anda yang belajar ilmunya duluan? ^_^

Diskon dan BONUS SPESIAL yang Saya berikan untuk Anda ini hanya berlaku sampai:

>> 8 Maret 2016 Pukul 22.00<<


Rp 126rb

>> Cara Pemesanan<<

Setelah Anda klik tombol hijau di bawah ini, Anda boleh lanjutkan prosesnya sesuai petunjuk pendaftaran.

Info Penting untuk Anda:

>>Kursus Online Hypnulis ini hanya dibatasi 300 orang saja, supaya

pembelajarannya maksimal dan lebih efektif.. Langsung daftar dan pastikan Anda mendapatkan kursi ya ^_^ <<

>> Kursus Hypnulis ini Full Online 100%. Anda bebas mengatur waktu belajar sesuai dengan waktu dan kecepatan belajar Anda masing-masing<< >>Link Affiliate Kursus Online Hypnulis bisa Anda ambil di member area Hypnulis: Login >> klik Kursus Hypnulis >> klik: Get Code Affiliate << <<

Ada yang ingin ditanyakan tentang Kursus Hypnulis ini? Silahkan hubungi Bang Motty di: DearMotty@gmail.com

[WORKSHOP] H-5 Belajar Dapat Milyaran dari Facebook Denny Santoso


Tahukah Anda bahwa Facebook bisa dibuat mencari income sampai milyaran rupiah?

Saya baru saja menyelesaikan Batch 6 Workshop Digital Marketing Elite Training 2 hari di Surabaya kemarin.

Ada salah satu peserta dari Batch 5 yang memberikan testimonial, bahwa kemarin ketika dia belajar di Batch 5, dia belum mengerti sama sekali tentang Facebook Ads.

Dia tekun mencoba kesana kemari, dan akhirnya ketika memberikan testi kemarin, dia sudah berhasil melakukan penjualan hanya 1 barang saja dengan cara beriklan di Facebook dengan total penjualan mendekati 1 Milyar rupiah hanya dalam waktu kurang lebih 8 hari saja.

Pertamanya ketika saya minta memberikan testi, dia belum mau, katanya angkanya belum mencapai 5 milyar :)

5 Milyar adalah angka yang dicapai oleh Albert Leonardo, yang akhir minggu ini (tanggal 12-13 Maret), akan mengajar di Kelas Facebook Ads Mastery di DigitalMarketer.id.

Kalau Anda masih menggunakan Facebook untuk posting status-status saja, tanpa pernah menghasilkan income lebih, maka Anda melewatkan potensi yang luar biasa sekali.

Kalau Anda belum daftar di Facebook Ads Mastery, silahkan registrasi melalui link ini:


Anda akan belajar dari dasar, kemudian praktek, dan ketahui bahwa ada teknik2 khusus yang dilakukan orang-orang yang berhasil mendapatkan milyaran.

Mereka mengerti bagaimana melakukan teknik scaling, baik itu vertical scaling maupun horizontal scaling.

Apa itu?

Semuanya akan Anda pelajari di kelas sehingga Anda tidak lagi mendapatkan uang receh setiap harinya.

This is what the wizard do. This is what you’re gonna do! See you in class

Denny Santoso

What Stage Are You In? Joe Vitale

Many have written to me from all over the world asking for a downloadable version of Tje Awakening Course, my bestselling audios on the four stages of awakening.

They asked fo a version that could be downloaded straight to your computer or to even use on your iPod or other media player while running, driving, walking, cleaning, relaxing, or anything else.

A version that makes storing CDs, DVDs, workbook and hard-to-shelve cases obsolete.


Not only is it now availabe, I’m offering a very substantial discount on it. (More on that in a minute).


The Awakening Course covers everything to live a balanced life, including how to explode your wealth and finances, live a life of great helath and fitness, find true love and long-lasting relationships, become more spiritually enlightened and discover real happiness.

It reveals the four stages to ideal health, wealth, romance, and more.

And you can be one of the first people to order this new downloadable program today at a very substantial discount from the price of the physical version. You’ll also be able to get two FREEE BONUSES (you cannot get anywhere else) that will knock your socks off.

The Awakening Course is unique on a number of levels – mainly it is the only (and I mean only) course ever developed on complete personal transformation. It not only gives you a proven step-by-step approach for finding and achieving all your goals and desires in all areas of your life but you will actually go far beyond it into complete mind, body, and even spiritual transformation.


The Awakening Course will take you on a magical journey through the four stages of awakening.

During your adventure, I will instruct you on the pitfalls and practices of each stage ad will finally lead you into the fourth and final stage of complete awakening a place rarely ever described before.

Here’s just sample of what you will learn in the first five presentations of The Awakening Course...

- What it means to be awakened and why it’s so important

- How you can create your own awakened life filled with miracles - The steps to get out of the victim mentality

- Ways to turn your fears into catalysts for success - How to move beyond ego

- 5 steps for attracting anything or anyone into your life

- The missing secret for making the Law of Attraction work every time - How the universe works (the real truth)

- Cleaning and clearing methods allowing miracles

- New perspective on money, role models, and the power of your unconscious

- How to re-state complaints into positive life-changing intentions - The role gratitude plays in attracting what you want in your life - How to co-create with the Divine

- A rare ancient method you can use to clean blocks - How to prepare yourself to become awakened

And we have not even discusssed the Awakening Course Live video seminar presentation, Inspired Action Guide and two freee bonus presentations (not vailable anywhere else) yet – so please stay with me. You’ll be blown away as I’ve never offered anything like this before.


The Awakening Course also comes with a special downloadable 45-minute video seminar called “The Awakening Course Live”

This is a live downloadable video seminar of the one and only presentation I ever gave on the subject of Awakening.

The Awakening Course Live video seminar also has a lot of other great

information that ties into the course. So much so, I originally wanted to offer this separate from the Awaekning Course, but decided it was just too

important to leave out. So it is yours to download. And to really make this course as effective as possible... You will also receive a downloadable “Inspired Action Guide”.

This downloadable guide is truly magical. Here you’ll be guided through all four stages of awakening through some very intense, effective and FUN exercises guaranteed to get you to where you want to go in every area of your life – Complete mind, body and spiritual transformation guaranteed. The Awakening Course comes with two freeee downloadable bonuses. First I’m going to give you access to a special audio presentation (you can’t get to anywhere else) called –

“The Awakened Millionaire”

The Awakened Millionaire contains a stirring interview I gave to Peter Wink, my VP of Marketing.

He sat me down in the studio and asked me question after question about wealth, finances, exactly what it takes to become a millionaire and more. (Personally I think he just wanted this information for himself when you consider how hard he pressed me for details.) All the answers are here. After listening to “The Awakened Millionaire,” you’ll know...

- How you can change negative beliefs about money

- The process of shifting to an awakened millionaire mindset - How you clear yourself mentally of your money issues

- What the missing secret id to making the Law of Attraction work for your finances

- The first steps you need to take if you’re experiencing serious money issues

- What to do first to make extra money right away - How coaching can help your finances

- The role positive thinking plays in attracting wealth or anything else - Why you need to develop a sense of gratitude to attract more abundance

- The difference between an awakened millionaire and billionaire - Why it is ok to have material wants and the message it sends to the


The Awakened Millionaire freee presentation (by itself) is worth more than the investment you’ll make in the course. And you can download it as part of The Awakening Course.


And I’m going to make it even better.

I’m adding in yet another free bonus presentation called – “The Awakened Relationship”

Now this is a must have for living a complete life. After all, relationships are everything.

I get so many questions through e-mail and in my snail mailbox about

attracting love and sustaining relationships, I just had to add this second free bonus presentation to the Awakening Course.

In fact, these are the exact same strategies I used to attract the woman of my dreams the lovely Nerissa

After listening to “The Awakened Relationship,” you’ll know... - The key to long-lasting intimate relationships

- How to deal with a negative life partner

- Why you should not keep secrets from anyone - The power of mutually beneficial relationships - How to relax with less stress

- How to experience deep inner peace, even in the midst of chaos and confusion

- Ways to resolve conflicts at home and at work, without having to seek the approval of others

- How to have more authentic, intimate, and loving relationships - And much more.

In fact, I was going to keep it a secret, but what the heck – there’s also a whole other section in the Awakened Relationship presentation, containing

answers to questions I’ve never addressed before. You have to listen to the presentation to get them.

So there you have it. (link)

You can get the entire downloadable Awakening Course, consisting of...

1. Five Awakening audio presentations taking you through the four stages of Awakening and more

2. The Awakening Courses Live 45-minute video seminat containing the one andonly prensentation I’ve ever give on awakening

3. An “Inspired Acion Guide” which is truly magical – where you’ll be guided through all four stages of awakening through some very intense, effective, and fun exercises guarenteed to get you to where you want to go in every area of your life. Complete mind, body, and spiritual transformation


As well as two freee bonus presentations (not available anywhere else)...

Bonus #1: The Awakened Millionaire – where I’ll teach you how to attract money and transform your finances

Bonus #2: The Awakened Relationship – where you’ll learn how to find love, build long-lasting relationships, and even meet your soulmate

All downloadable right to your computer.

That’s five Awakening Course audio presentations, one Awakening Course Live Video seminar presentation, one inspired Action Guide and the two free bonus audio presentations (Awakened Millionaire and Awakened Relationship).

And you can have the entire downloadable Awakening Course today for ONLY $67. (That’s a savings of 25% off the physical version that costs up to $89.95). Take inspired action, order now and have The Awakening Course within minutes. Your 100% Iron-Clad Money-Back Guarantee: If you’re not happy any time within weeks from your purchase, let me know and you will receive a 100% refund. And the entire downloadable Awakening Course is guaranteed for 60 days – so you have absolutely, positively, nothing to lose.


The Awakening Course is near and dear to my heart. I pulled out all the stops and left no stone unturned. All of years my research on becoming awakened are laid out in this simple-to-follow course.

No matter what stage are you at in your journey – the theories, practices, and life-chaning exercises within The Awakening Course (and the two free bonuses) will assist you in moving forward in your life with a greater sense of ease and well-being. You’ll create new practices, habits, and beliefs that will put you in a place of personal empowerment and total personal transformation.

You will become awakened.

Take inspired action and order your downloadable Awakening Course today. (link)

Love, Joe

P.S. When you order The Awakening Course today, you will get all five audio presentations packed with information on the four stages of Awakening and more, the special 45-minute live video seminar presentation called The

Awakening Course Live – which is the one and only presentation I ever gave on Awakeningm as well as the Inspired Action Guide where I will personally walk you through all four stages of awakening through some very intense, effective, and fun exercises guaranteed to get you to where you want to go in every area of your life.

And let’s not forget the...

Two free bonus presentations: You’ll get The Awakened Millionaire presentation, where you’ll learn how to find love, build long-lasing relationships, and even meet your soulmate

And the entire Awakening Course is guaranteed for 60 days – so you have absolutely, positively, nothing to lose.

Take inspired action and order the downloadable Awakening Course today at... (link)

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3D Touch

Dalam dokumen Hypnotic Sales Letter Collection (Halaman 25-34)

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