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EFL students’ challenges in thesis writing : A review

In this section, we will discuss a review of EFL students’ challenges in thesis writing. In order to determine the challenges, the researcher has conducted examinations on 15 relevant articles. These 15 articles were selected by searching for particular keywords – challenges in thesis writing, EFL students’ challenges in thesis writing, EFL students’ difficulties in writing thesis. All of the articles involved were published within 15 years. After examining the articles, the researcher identified three major challenges and its sub-themes. These challenges encapsulates psychological factors ( lack of motivation, and lack of motivation), Sociocultural factors ( lack of knowledge of university’s format in thesis writing, unsupportive behavior of the supervisors , community, and family), and Linguistics factors ( grammar, vocabulary, and paraphrasing). The following table provides an overview of the challenges.

Table 1. The Literature Review of Challenges in Thesis Writing

NO Key points Articles


Psychological Factors

Lack of confidence (Dwihandini et al, 2013); (Puspita, 2019)

Lack of motivation (Balena & Liwag, , 2019);

(Lestari, 2020)

16 2

Sociocultural Factors

Lack of knowledge of university’s format in thesis writing

(Puspita, 2019) ; (Dwihandini et al , 2013)

Unsupportive behavior of the supervisors , community, and family

(Ballena & Liwag 2019);

(Tiwari, 2019)


Linguistics Factors

Grammar (Dwihandini et al,

2013) ; (Mohamed &

Zouaoi, 2014)

Vocabulary (Al-Khasawneh,

2010) ;

(Kristy, 2012)

Paraphrasing (Puspita, 2019) ; (Dung, 2010)

2.6.1 Physiological factors

Kellog and Ronald (1999) stated that psychological factors refer to factors that influence one's mental state, feelings, and behavior. Psychological factors are important as it will be very influential to students’ willingness to do their thesis.

Based on the previous research, there are two major challenges that fall into this category – lack of confidence and lack of motivation. Confidence


Lack of confidence is one of the most common challenges that EFL students face in writing a thesis. Students with low confidence will feel worthless, and incapable. In result, their thesis writing will be deterred and ineffective.

Previous study conducted by Dwihandini et al (2013) analyzed the factors affecting undergraduate students’ difficulties in writing a thesis. The results indicated that the participants of the research have very low confidence in deciding the titles of their thesis. Moreover, research conducted by Puspita (2019) stated that students with low confidence have difficulties in writing a proper literature review. They are incapable of finding a proper source for their reference, in result, they only depend on journals and pdf files. Motivation

Another psychological challenge EFL students face is lack of motivation.

Motivation is very essential in fueling ones’ desire in pursuing something.

Motivation explains the reasoning of people who decide to do something, how hard they will do it and how long they are going to sustain the activity (Diferiansyah et al, 2016). A qualitative study by Balena & Liwag (2019) indicated that the involvement of personal motivation – passion, background, and interest in thesis will help them to successfully finish their theses. On the opposite, lack of motivation will create disencouragement for students to do their theses. Moreover, another research by Lestari (2020) argued that one of the challenges students face in writing a thesis is dealing with motivation, especially intrinsic motivation. They lack the internal drive that pushes them to achieve


something. Hence, most of the students do not have the desire to finish their theses and end up failing to graduate.

2.6.2 Sociocultural factors

Language can not be separated from culture, hence it is very essential to consider the influence of sociocultural factors in thesis writing. Brown (2007) argued that culture is very essential in learning a second language. As a result, culture will always be involved in the equation. Based on the previous studies, there are two major factors in socio-cultural aspects - Lack of knowledge of university’s format in thesis writing, and Unsupportive behavior of the supervisors , community, and family. knowledge of university’s format in thesis writing

In thesis writing, every university has their own regulation and format that the students need to follow. Knowing the format of thesis writing will heavily help students to complete their theses. On the opposite, Lack of knowledge of format in thesis writing will put students in a very difficult predicament. A study by Puspita (2019) found that one of the challenges that students face in thesis writing comes from the format of thesis writing. The results showed that all of the respondents mentioned the same concerns. They found it difficult to understand the culture in university regarding the standard format of thesis writing. They felt the university format standard was very hard to comprehend. Furthermore, Dwihandini et al (2013) stated that students struggle in sociocultural aspects which involve having comprehension about the cultural aspect of the university regarding the format of the thesis writing. The result showed 53% of the


respondents agreed that the sociocultural aspect influenced thesis writing while 14% of the respondents claimed they have experienced it first hand. Unsupportive behavior of the supervisors , community, and family Surrounding people play a huge role in determining the success of students in completing their theses. Their remarks, comments, and suggestions are very crucial for students’ mental states (Ballena & Liwag, 2019). A qualitative study by Balena & Liwag (2019) found out that having a very approachable, knowledgeable, and accommodating supervisor were a big help for students in finishing their theses. In addition, the support of family, colleagues, and friends was also extremely essential. Because for some students, the feelings of pride for themselves and others were what drive them to complete their theses. Similarly, Tiwari (2019) researched about the challenges students face while writing their theses. The results showed that all of the participants claimed that their supervisors do not show any sympathy and are always angry when being asked to be cooperative. Thirteen participants claimed that their supervisors only care about their benefits, and one participant also stated that their supervisor indirectly demands money.

2.6.3 Linguistics Factors

Linguistics is one of (if not) the most important aspects in writing a thesis.

Because it will determine the contents of the writing itself. The progress of the writing will deter without the use of proper linguistics aspects. Lim (1975) stated linguistics as scientific study of language. Thus, linguistics entails a myriad of language related components. Previous studies indicate there are four major


challenges that students face in linguistics - Grammar, Vocabulary, and Paraphrasing. Grammar

The first linguistic challenge for students is grammar. A study by Dwihandini et al (2013) investigated factors affecting undergraduate students’

difficulties in writing a thesis. The results showed that 73 % of respondents agreed that linguistic factors – grammar error - as one of the challenges they faced in writing a thesis. They found it difficult in minimizing the grammatical errors in their thesis. Similarly, a study by Mohamed & Zouaoi (2014) indicated that the lack of grammatical knowledge is one of the biggest challenges for students in writing. It was revealed that students make a lot of grammatical errors in their writings. Vocabulary

The other linguistic-related challenge is vocabulary. A qualitative study by Al-Khasawneh (2010) showed that one of the challenges students face is vocabulary. Apparently, Vocabulary has become a major problem for students in their writing. Furthermore, Pratiwi (2012) researched students' difficulties in writing English. The results indicated that vocabulary was the most difficult aspect for the students. In this regard, students have very limited vocabularies, tendency to use incorrect words, and obscure meaning in their sentences. Paraphrasing

Paraphrasing is a technique used to re-phrase and borrow experts’ words to make it more comprehensible for readers. Baley (2011) defined paraphrasing as


modification of words from original source without any significant difference in meaning. Paraphrasing is commonly used in thesis writing in order to avoid plagiarism. Therefore, lacking in paraphrasing skill will give students a huge handicap.

A mixed method study by Puspita (2019) found paraphrasing as the most common challenge students encountered. All of the respondents claimed that paraphrasing is one of the sources of their difficulties in writing their theses. The lack of ability in paraphrasing are mainly due to limited vocabulary, incapability to understand sentences, and grammatical errors. Moreover, Dung (2010) did his research about EFL students’ paraphrasing experience in academic writing. The results showed the difficulties in paraphrasing sentences come from change from the original sentence, the citation of original text, the unawareness of how important the skill is, and their lack of willingness to create the sentences.

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