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4.1 Findings

A. Implementation of WhatsApp in teaching Academic Writing

The formulation of the research problem is about the implementation of WhatsApp in teaching Academic Writing where there are 4 (four) questions given to students and 4 (four) questions for lecturers which are described in detail as follows:

1. Student Responses About Interview Questions

At this point the researcher asked 4 (four) interview questions to students regarding the application of WhatsApp media in learning academic writing which would be answered by 12 students majoring in English in the fifth semester at Muhammadiyah University of Mataram.

The types of questions regarding the using application of WhatsApp in academic writing learning are: 1). Are there any essays given to students to understand Academic Writing lessons using WhatsApp media. Yes No Why? 2). Are students more diligent in taking Academic Writing lessons by using WhatsApp. Yes No Why? 3). How do students respond to teaching Academic Writing using WhatsApp. Yes No Why?

4). Can students' writing skills in academic writing material be improved by using WhatsApp media. Yes No Why?


The following are the types of answers given by students related to the questions that have been asked by researchers are as follows:

For the first question about Are there any essays given to students to understand Academic Writing lessons using WhatsApp Yes No Why? There are 9 (nine) students gave the same answer regarding that,

Yes, there is Essay, and giving an essay by the lecturer is very helpful in learning Academic Writing. (Students AH, HH, NA and SZA) then the other answers Absolutely Yes, there is always an essay given when learning to write academically using WhatsApp because in addition to being easy to use, WhatsApp also has advantages in processing data to be more perfect. (Students JS and LD), next I think yes, because students will easily understand essay writing lessons using the WhatsApp application after the lecturer gives an essay. (Student RAM) and the last responses is Yes, because by giving essays students can understand academic writing lessons using a simple WhatsApp Application and make students' essays understandable and creative. (Student AA and N).

From some of the similarities in the answers given by the students above, the researcher can conclude that by giving Essays to students, it is considered very useful and effective in understanding academic writing learning using WhatsApp media.

In addition, there are 3 (three) students, namely (TM, MA and AIK) students who gave the same answer regarding giving essays which were considered less effective and maximal, namely,

In my opinion, there are limitations in giving essays during learning, due to network constraints in improving students' writing skills. (Student TM).

In my opinion, there are limitations in giving essays during learning, because online learning is not as good as face-to-face learning in the classroom in learning academic writing. (Student MA).

No, because it is not effective in giving essays in Academic Writing Learning through WhatsApp because it takes a lot of time and students cannot ask the lecturer directly if they find something difficult or confusing. (Student AIK).

From the explanation above, it can be explained that for the first interview question there is the highest percentage of answers which say

that the provision of academic writing essay learning is considered very effective and maximal, which comes from (nine) students including (AH, HH, NA, SZA, AA, N, JS, LD and RAM), whereas the rest of the 3 (three) students (Students TM, MA AND AIK) consider that the provision of Academic Writing Essay learning is not very influential.

While for the second question that the researcher asked the students about Are students more diligent in participating in Academic Writing lessons by using WhatsApp. Yes/ No. Why?

For this question there are the same answers given by 7 (seven) students including (AH, JS, RAM, AA, LD, NA and AIK students), which are as follows:

As a starter Yes, (student AH) responses that students think using WhatsApp is very easy and it makes them study harder. then. (Student JS) replayed yes, they are very interested in learning to use WhatsApp media because it is considered easy to understand and simple in its application Beside that I think yes, maybe students will be much more diligent if the lecturer uses the WhatsApp application to write articles and thesis. (Student RAM).

In my opinion, students are enthusiastic about learning Academic Writing by using the WhatsApp application because it is easy for students to do all the assignments given by the lecturer. (Student AA).

Of course you can, because in the WhatsApp application, lecturers can monitor student attendance and activity when sending assignments. (Student LD).

Yes, because students can send assignments according to the time limit determined by the lecturer on time. (Student NA)

Yes, students are easy to follow the instructions given by the lecturer such as reading a book or doing assignments according to the material that has been sent previously. (Student AIK).

Meanwhile, there were 5 (five) students who gave different answers from the answers shown above, related to the researcher's questions about Are students more diligent in participating in Academic Writing lessons by using WhatsApp. Yes/ No. Why? and the answers given are as follows,

In my opinion, there is no change in behavior from being diligent in using WhatsApp to change our English writing, because the two are not related in learning academic writing. (Student TM)

I think no because based on my opinion and my experience base on what I’ve done students then not more diligent when lecture thought Academic Writing so it is contradicted with my brain or my experience because using WhatsApp is very we make students going laze. (Student HH)

I don't think so, because based on my opinion and experience, students will not be more diligent when using the WhatsApp application in learning academic writing because the material is not delivered optimally. (Student MA)

In my opinion, the use of WhatsApp applications in face-to-face learning will make students more effective and make students more diligent in learning academic writing. (Student SZA)

There is on experience only handful of students or diligent focuses and still stay. Because it is different when receiving offline learning students can express the your opinion. So that learning activity not passive, when online learning using. WhatsApp is passive so boring. (Student N).

From the description above, it can be explained that for the second interview question about Are students more diligent in participating in Academic Writing lessons by using WhatsApp. Yes/ No. Why? there are 7 (seven) students who gave positive answers, namely (AH, JS, RAM, AA, LD, NA and AIK students) and the remaining 5 (five) students (TM, HH, MA, SZA and N students) gave negative answers related to questions that have been asked by the researcher.

Next for the answer to the third question interview about how students respond to teaching Academic Writing using WhatsApp. Yes No. Why?

For the answers to these questions, there were as many as 5 (five) students who gave positive responses regarding the questions posed, namely (AH, JS, RAM, AA and LD students) as follows:

Yes, they gave a positive response because learning to use WhatsApp can add to the insight of students in the digital era. (Student AH).

Yes, they were very happy, because they did not feel bored with learning activities using WhatsApp. (Student JS).

I think yes, because Students response maybe that learning essay writing using WhatsApp is very good because students can easly express their opinions in

writing essay writing then the students can share the result of writing essay writing in heir story or WhatsApp groups. (Student RAM).

I think is positive or good because using WhatsApp Application can improve students Academic Writing and can improve them skill in Academic Writing using WhatsApp like status or make story in WhatsApp and students can share to another friend in group WhatsApp, so the response of students to improves students Academic Writing is good. (Student AA).

My response is Yes, because learning activities are more fun because students can design the given task model with several application features in WhatsApp and it is very interesting. (Student LD).

Meanwhile, there were 7 (seven) students who gave different answers from the answers listed above, related to the researcher's question about How do students respond to teaching Academic Writing using WhatsApp. Yes / No. Why? and as for the answer is.

The use of WhatsApp application for learning to writing it’s no interesting my opinion, when we learn writing can only write we continue to send. (Student TM).

I think the response of the students included me, Academic Writing using WhatsApp is hard to understand because what we need in teaching academic writing actually practice face to face (Luring) so we need to learn by luring method not by WhatsApp because by luring method is more effective. (Student HH).

Beside that (student NA) added no, because I’m not understand very well how to use this Application effectively. then Because learning with WhatsApp at inside of students. (Student MA), replayed.

Learning academic writing skill if you only using WhatsApp it’s my little big difficult to Improve using skill. (Student SZA).

My answer response related to teaching Academic Writing by using WhatsApp can be using regarding the learning process but it is not very conductive because a it is. (Student N).

No, because the lecturer cannot supervise the learning process directly.

Sometimes, I don't feel motivated to study academic writing because of the time-consuming exchange of information. (Student AIK).

From the description above, it can be explained that for the third interview question about How do students respond to teaching Academic Writing using WhatsApp. Yes / No. Why? There were 5 (five) students who gave positive answers, namely (AH, JS, RAM, AA, and LD students) and the remaining 7 (seven) students (TM, HH, NA,

MA, SZA, N and AIK students) give negative answers related to the questions posed by the researcher.

And the last is a discussion about the answers to the fourth interview which contains questions about whether students' writing skills in academic writing can be improved by using WhatsApp. Yes No. Why?

For students' answers to the fourth question, a larger percentage of positive answers was obtained, namely from 8 (eight) students including (AH, JS, RAM, AA, NA, MA, N, and AIK students) as follows.

I think yes, because students can improve their writing skills by using the WhatsApp application. (Student AH).

Yes, of course it increases because WhatsApp has many easy-to-understand features that can be used to do tasks quickly and effectively. (Student JS).

I think yes, because by using WhatsApp Students can easily their essay writing results from their opinions and also by using is WhatsApp Application they can confident o share their work via WhatsApp story or WhatsApp groups. (Student RAM).

Students can improve their skill in writing teaching using WhatsApp because using WhatsApp application is very simple so students can very active if the teacher active too, so depends the teacher and depends the function of WhatsApp Application. (Student AA) then (student NA) answered Yes, because I’m understand. About Application of WhatsApp.

Yes because learning with WhatsApp it’s easy and make more students diligent.

(Student MA).

In my opinion it can be improve if students it’s really focus and serious when learning to write Academic Writing using WhatsApp. (Student N) and the last answer given by (student AIK) that.

Absolutely yes. If students and lecturers are both active in the learning process.

For example, students are always on time to submit assignments and lecturers are always there to provide revisions to students. In addition, I think it will also be successful if the lecturer provides various learning materials such as video e-books and youtube links (not just e-e-books). and the remaining percentage of Negative answers from (students LD, TM, HH and SZA) based on questions that have been asked by previous researchers as follows:

The answer started from (student LD) I think no, because it is less effective in teaching writing online than offline this teaching in my opinion request hands on practice.

Then in my opinion I said no, as explain it same of the answer above with the like of interesting in WhatsApp it’s not very the effective it’s this application is use improve skill. (Student TM).

I think my point of view it’s depends on the students it their getting inspired or from (students SZA) said Maybe writing on WhatsApp is one way but is a not way It’s my opinion the best way maybe more like writing later maybe and any others.

2. Conclusions From Student Responses About Interview Questions Based on the conclusion above, it can be concluded that, as many as 4 (four) questions, namely: 1). Are there any Essays given to students to understand Academic Writing lessons using WhatsApp media. Yes No Why? 2). Are students more diligent in taking Academic Writing lessons by using WhatsApp. Yes No Why? 3). How do students respond to teaching Academic Writing using WhatsApp. Yes No Why?

4). Can students' writing skills in academic writing material be improved by using WhatsApp media. Yes No Why? The questions that have been given to students will be explained in detail according to the types of questions that have been asked previously to 12 (twelve) students are as follows:

The first question. Are there any Essay given to students to understand Academic Writing lessons using WhatsApp Media. Yes No Why? For this question, there are 9 (nine) positive answers to the questions given to 12 (twelve) students, and the remaining 3 (three) negative answers. This percentage indicates that giving essays to students in academic writing learning is considered effective and maximal.

As for the second question, the researcher asked students about whether students were more diligent in taking academic writing lessons using WhatsApp. Yes No. Why? For this question there are 7 (seven) positive answers obtained from 12 (twelve) students and the remaining 5 (five) negative answers, and it can be concluded that students are more diligent in taking Academic Writing lessons using WhatsApp.

Next for the answer to the third question interview about how students respond to teaching Academic Writing using WhatsApp. Yes No. Why? For the answers to these questions, there were 5 (five) students who gave positive responses to the questions posed to 12 (twelve) students, while the most answers were 7 (seven) negative answers based on these questions, this shows that students respond to teaching Academic Writing using WhatsApp, is considered not very effective.

And the fourth is containing questions about whether students' writing skills in academic writing can be improved by using WhatsApp.

Yes No Why?

For students' answers to the fourth question, a larger percentage of positive answers was obtained, namely from 8 (eight) students from 12 (twelve) people who were asked questions, and the rest were 4 (four) negative answers, this shows that students' writing abilities in academic writing can be improved by using WhatsApp, which is considered very effective and maximal.

3. Lecturer Response About Interview

The results of interviews with lecturers regarding the implementation of Academic Writing using WhatsApp media are presented, the questions are 4 (four) types which are addressed to the related lecturers.

This interview aims to determine the extent of the influence of the use of WhatsApp Media in learning Academic Writing, especially Academic Writing.

Table 4.1 Interview Questions with Lecturers of Academic Writing Courses

Central Theme Question

Support system 1. How is the academic writing learning process carried out using online media?

2. What are the obstacles you encounter when teaching using WhatsApp media?

Social system 3. Are there other media that can be used in providing learning materials other than WhatsApp media?

4. Is learning Academic Writing by using WhatsApp able to improve students' writing skills?

From the table 4.1 above, 4 (four) questions are presented by the researcher to the Academic Writing Lecturer, with the aim of knowing the extent of the influence of WhatsApp Media in learning Academic writing. According to the contents of the questions above, the following researchers will explain the answers to each question given to the lecturer clearly and in detail, as follows:

For the first question, how is the academic writing learning process done using online media? The Lecturer's answer is Several

online Applications are freely available, and one of the most common applications is WhatsApp. However, the use of such application towards the students’ performance and perception remains understudie.This research aimed at exploring the practices of Google Classroom in facilitating the academic writing, most students expressed their satisfaction with WhatsApp practical features to get involved in the academic writing course. The students were satisfied with WhatsApp features that were easy to be recognized and easy to be operated. WhatsApp features also provide clear instructions, practical directions, and the most valuable feature, that is assignment reminders for the students. It can be said that using WhatsApp in the academic writing at higher education is a great experience and brings great advantages to students’ outcomes.

Next, for the second question, what obstacles did you encounter when teaching using WhatsApp media? The answer that the lecturer gave was Internet service that is not good when using this application if it is not connected will hinder the online learning process. Then communication using video, images and large files affect data usage.

For the third question, are there other media that can be used in providing learning materials other than WhatsApp media? The answers given by the lecturer regarding these questions are: In conveying a number of materials and assignments, the media used is the zoom meeting in addition to whatsapp media, which is the main media used in

the process of informing the details of the task, be it the task of compiling articles or other tasks.

Furthermore, for the fourth question about whether learning Academic Writing using WhatsApp can improve students' writing skills? The answers given related to the related questions are Of course, by studying academic writing using WhatsApp media, it can affect the quality of students in motivating themselves to develop their talents and self-confidence, and elaborate on the knowledge gained from lecturers, by honing their abilities individually, even though the material they get is only 60% remaining. 40% are students themselves who have to look for it to improve their learning abilities.

4. Conclusion Lecturer Response About Interview

Based on 4 (four) questions that have been given by researchers to lecturers are 1. How is the academic writing learning process carried out using online media? 2. What obstacles did you encounter when teaching using WhatsApp media? 3. Are there other media that can be used in providing learning materials other than WhatsApp media? 4. Is learning Academic Writing by using WhatsApp able to improve students' writing skills?

Several online applications are freely available, and one of the most common applications is WhatsApp. However, the use of such application towards the students’ performance and perception remains understudie. This research aimed at exploring the practices of WhatsApp in facilitating the Academic Writing, most students expressed their satisfaction with WhatsApp practical features to get involved in the academic writing course. The students were satisfied with WhatsApp features that were easy to be recognized and easy to be operated.

WhatsApp features also provide clear instructions, practical directions, and the most valuable feature, that is assignment reminders for the students. It can be said that using WhatsApp in the Academic Writing at higher education is a great

experience and brings great advantages to students’ outcomes,although Internet service that is not good when using this application if it is not connected will hinder the online learning process.

experience and brings great advantages to students’ outcomes,although Internet service that is not good when using this application if it is not connected will hinder the online learning process.

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