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The implementation of word wall media for teaching speaking of the seventh grade students of SMPN 2 Babadan

B. Specific Data

1. The implementation of word wall media for teaching speaking of the seventh grade students of SMPN 2 Babadan

and asks to them to open the book. Before going to the lesson, the teacher gives short explanation about the material clearly.73

In the pree activity, the teacher gives the material use word wall media. Teacher puts some of small card on whiteboard, and the students repeat after teacher and read together. The teacher also explains to the students the vocabulary from small card.

According to the observation in seventh grade students of SMPN 2 Babadan, researcher come to the class, class atmosphere was so silent because the students were quite and ready to follow teaching and learning process. In the beginning of teaching and learning process, teacher gives brainstorming.

After the teacher gives brainstorming to the students, the teacher gives question about material. The students answer the question and the teacher explains the use of singular and plural. In other hand, he also gives handout about material to students and the students repeat after him.74

The case indicates that some of students can answer questions from teacher. The students seriously and focus about material extended from the teacher. In other hand, teacher also gives handout about material, who make students easier to accept and understand what the teacher say, teacher also asks the students to repeat after him to show the pronounciation of students and all of students can speak loudly.

73 Look at transcript of observation: 01/O/20-IV/2015

74Look at transcript of observation : 01/O/20-IV/2015

Beside that, some of students in this class active and give participation in speaking class activity. But there are students have low motivation in speaking clases, they feel shy, and afraid. The students also difficult get some information from teacher. It is caused lack of vocabulary and less of media. Therefore, the teacher implements about word wall media. This media make students easily to speak, and get the vocabulary.

Based on the next observation, the teacher gives the lesson about material use word wall media. The teacher divides white board into 2 parts first part for singular and second part for plural. The color in this media is very important to give interest, attractive, beautify in teaching learning process. 75

From the result of observation above, can supported by interview with English teacher of SMPN 2 Babadan:

The use of word wall media should be created in beautiful color.

The color can give intract for stidents in learning speaking, and make students interesting. I divide white board into 2 parts, the first part is singular and the other part is plural. The students can understand and easier to catch the material from me.76

In another chance, researcher conducts further interview with the seventh grade students of SMPN 2 Babadan related with implementation of word wall media,

All of students focus and try to comprehend what the teacher‟s instruction and what the teacher say. If the students don‟t understand, they ask to the teacher to repeat and to explain the

75 Look at transcript of documentation: 03/D/21-IV/2015

76Look at transcript of interview: 02/I/04-V/2015

instruction or the material. The teacher gives small card for each student and the small card consist of material about singular and plural. Each student get one small card and all of students have different word in small card.77

Based on the researchers‟ observation, teaching learning process in class very enjoy and seriously. The students are interested because this media help the students more easier to understand the material. The students can differenciate between singular and plural in sentence. 78

The teacher asks to the students to read and to differenciate about material suitable by small card what they have. The teacher gives 5 minutes to the students to differenciate about material. And if the students finished to read, the teacher ask the students one by one to put small card on white board appropriate with their card. 79

The material of singular and plural:

Singular Singular (In sentence)

Plural Plural

(In sentence) A book I have a book Many books I have many

books An eraser There is an


4 erasers I have four erasers

A pen You have a pen 2 pens You have two

pens A bag This is a bag 3 bags I buy three bags A novel I read a novel 2 novels I read two novels

77 Look at transcript of interview: 02/I/04-V/2015

78 Look at transcript of observation: 01/O/23-IV/2015

79 Look at transcript of documentation: 03/D/23-IV/2015

A paper I need a paper 2 papers This is two papers A board marker It is a board


3 board marker I need three Board marker

In addition, the students get some material above, one of students also gets one of materials. They try to practice one by one in front of class to put the card on whiteboard. When a student make a mistake, the other students give correct answer. So, all of students know and understand about it. Beside that the teacher gives explanation about material clearly when we use singular and plural.

The teacher gives example, so the students can catch and understand about what the teacher say. If any students not understand the teacher will give explanation again until all of students get the point of material.

The result of observation was proved by researcher in further interview with Mr. Edy Triono, S.Pd:

The students get the material from me although I give some explanation repeatedly. And the students can do task or instruction from me. They also can put the card on white board based on their card. Beside that, the students are enjoy and happy to do it because this is use word wall media.80

In teaching learning process the teacher creates a good condition in class, he makes the class noisy because of learning

80 Look at transcript of interview: 02/I/25-IV/2015

process, and he make students active. 81 Based on the data the researcher can conclude that, the students can practice in front of class by putting the card on whiteboard and they can speak English about material what they have. They active and comfortable. So, word wall media is suitable to get the new vocabulary.

After the students practice in front of class and they can speak English, the teacher gives short conversation about material to each student. They can practice again in front of class in pairs (group of 2).

The teacher gives 20 minute. This is to know the pronounciation and expression of students.82

The researcher got the result of interview with the students in the seventh grade:

The last activity the students also practice to speak in front of class. They can differenciate between singular and plural in short conversation. They also give expression and give difference which one singular sentence and which one plural sentence. They do with their friends in pair and discuss together. If a group in front of class the other students keep attention and listen to examine carefully. 83

In addition, the students can differenciate between singular and plural sentence. They can speak in front of class with their group in pair.84 The other interview from English teacher of SMPN 2 Babadan:

81 Look at transcript of documentation: 03/D/07-V/2015

82 Look at transcript of observation: 01/O/27-IV/2015

83 Look at transcript of interview: 02/I/28-IV/2015

84 Look at transcript of documentation: 03/D/27-IV/2015

I also give short conversation with students to do in pair. And I ask them to discuss together with their group, to differenciate singular sentence and plural sentence. Each group must practiced in front of class to perfomance conversation, give expression and speak. The other students can keep attention to listen and give suggestion if the students‟ perfomance is false.85

Therefore, in the post activity the teacher gives review about the material to the students. Its mean that the teacher gives small card again for some students. Anyone the students get the small card, they will read to the other students and the other students give respon, they speak what the meaning of word.

Based on explanation above, that is the last activity in teaching speaking. Next the teacher gives post activity to students, gives conclusion about the material and gives motivation for students to study hard, diligent and always spirit. Then the teacher closes the lesson by some statement, motivating, and praying.

According to Mr. Edy Triono as English teacher in SMPN 2 Babadan,

I close the lesson by asking to the students to study hard, read English book to develop their English. In addition, this word wall media can increase students‟ vocabulary, makes students easily to accept the lesson, and makes students active in speaking class.86

85 Look at transcript of interview: 02/I/29-IV/2015

86 Look at transcript of interview: 02/I/30-IV/2015

Some students also give statements about the implementation of word wall media for teaching speaking. And the researcher got the result of interview such as follow:

According to Intan Zulfa R:

Teacher makes warming up. The teacher asks the students to put the card on white board. Then all of students give expression and active to follow the lesson. This media make students interest, easily to understand, increase knowledge. I can more easy to remember English material.87

The other students from M Balqhis Al-Fikri:

Teacher gives material for students clearly. The teacher explains fluently and slowly, so it makes the students understand well. Teacher also gives word wall media for students, that is make students are happy and increasing their vocabulary. I think this media suitable for teaching learning speaking.88

The case indicates, that some of students interest in teaching learning process. The students have high motivation to speak and have self confidence in speaking class activity. 89

Beside that, the researcher conduct interview from the other students, the opinion according to Ratna Septya S:

The implementation of word wall media in learning speaking has good variation. This media is carton paper can put on whiteboard with beautiful color. The color is blue, it is can give influence for students in learning speaking. It can make understanable word for word, make the students more

87 Look at transcript of interview: 02/I/04-V/2015

88 Look at transcript of interview: 02/I/04-V/2015

89Look at transcript of documentation: 03/D/30-V/2015

understand, more know the vocabulary clearly, and we are happy during in speaking class activity. 90

According to Bagus P:

Actually I don‟t like English lesson but by using word wall media in learning speaking make me understand and more easier to study English, and make me little by little can speak English. This media is suitable in learning speaking because this media give inspiration to the students when the students say something, and get new vocabulary easier to remember.91 The teacher has a goal to keep the students learn easy to understand well the material. The teacher gives explanation about material and gives small card to put it in carton paper in white board.

Teacher asks the students to discuss, to differenciate about the material and to adhere appropriate with their self in white board. Teacher also gives short conversation for students to differenciate the material in front of class. The students give expression to do in pair. So, this is activity make students practice in speaking class. Students can follow the lesson fluently and good. They have high motivation to speak and increase their vocabulary in teaching speaking. They also keep spirit and active participate in teaching learning process.

2. The implication of word wall media for teaching speaking of the