• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan


4.2 Jadwal Penelitian

Tabel 4.2 Rencana pelaksanaan penelitian

No Kegiatan Bulan ke –

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1 Sintesis TiO2, ZnO dan preprasi CaCO3

dari cangkang telur

2 Preparasi komposit CaCO3/TiO2 dan perovskite CaTiO3

3 Karakterisasi material menggunakan XRD, SEM, BET, TEM, spektroskopi IR dan UV/vis

4 Analisis karakterisasi elektronik, optik, dan fisika material komposit CaCO3/TiO2

dan perovskite CaTiO3

26 6 Preparasi, perakitan dan karakterisasi sel

surya (kurva IV)

7 Karakterisasi sel surya menggunakan spektroskopi impedansi (EIS)

8 Interpretasi hasil karakterisasi/uji performansi sel surya

9 Uji fotodegradasi methylene blue dan brilliant green dengan katalis komposit CaCO3/TiO2 dan perovskite CaTiO3

10 Interpretasi hasil dan analisis kinetika fotodegradasi senyawa organik menggunakan katalis komposit CaCO3/TiO2 dan perovskite CaTiO3

11 Penulisan laporan akhir penelitian 12 Diseminasi untuk seminar internasional 13 Diseminasi hasil penelitian pada jurnal

internasional 4.3 Anggaran Biaya

Anggaran penelitian pada tahun pertama ini sebesar Rp. 110.000.000,00 dengan rincian yang ditunjukkan pada Tabel 4.3.

Tabel 4.3 Rincian anggaran biaya pelaksanaan penelitian Bahan Habis Pakai

No Uraian Vol Satuan Harga Satuan (Rp) Jumlah (Rp)

1 ZnAc.2H2O 1 paket (500 g) 1.000.000 1.000.000

2 TiO2 (US Nano, 5 nm) 1 paket (200 g) 2.500.000 2.500.000

3 Dietilen Glikol 1 paket (3 L) 700.000 700.000


Standar elektrolit I3-/I

-(Solaronix) 1

Paket (100

mL) 3.500.000 3.500.000

5 Chloroform dan Acetonitrile 1 L 500.000 500.000

6 Kaca TCO 10 Pack 1.500.000 15.000.000

7 Ethanol absolut 1 L 1.500.000 1.500.000

8 PEG MW 4000 1 paket 200.000 200.000

9 Sealant (Surlyn Polymer) 1 paket (10 pcs) 2.000.000 2.000.000

10 Kaca TCO-Pt 5 Pack 1.500.000 3.000.000


Peralatan sintesis penunjang

(gelas becker, erlenmeyer, dll) 1 paket 500.000 500.000

12 Mikropipet 1 paket 3.500.000 3.500.000

13 Karakterisasi EIS 8 Sampel 500.000 4.000.000

14 Karakterisasi FTIR 8 sampel 150.000 1.200.000

15 Karakterisasi XRD 8 sampel 200.000 1.600.000

16 Karakterisasi Raman 8 sampel 500.000 4.000.000


18 Karakterisasi XRF 8 sampel 200.000 1.600.000

19 Karakterisasi SEM/EDX 8 sampel 600.000 4.800.000

20 Karakterisasi (HR)TEM 4 sampel 2.500.000 10.000.000

21 Uji spektroskopi UV/vs 90 sampel 50.000 4.500.000

Subtotal 70.100.000


No Uraian Vol Satuan Harga Satuan (Rp) Jumlah (Rp)


Pengiriman paket bahan habis

pakai (luar negeri) 1 paket 2.500.000 2.500.000


Perjalanan survey bahan dan

peralatan penunjang 1 paket 2.500.000 2.500.000


Perjalanan dan akomodasi untuk mengikuti seminar

nasional/internasional 1 paket 5.000.000 5.000.000

Subtotal 10.000.000

Lain-lain (Administrasi, Publikasi, Seminar,dan Kesekretariatan)

No Uraian Vol Satuan Harga Satuan (Rp) Jumlah (Rp)

1 Kesekretariatan (ATK) 1 Paket 500.000 500.000


Pencetakan dan Penjilidan

Laporan 1 Paket 750.000 750.000


Publikasi Jurnal Internasional

(Catalyst, MDPI Swiss) 1 Open Acess 25.000.000 25.000.000

4 Seminar Internasional 1 Kali 3.750.000 3.750.000

Subtotal 30.000.000


Ali, R., Yashima, M., Space group and crystal structure of the Perovskite CaTiO3 from 296 to 1720 K, J. Solid State Chemistry, 178(9), 2867-2872, 2005.

Aprilia, N.I., Sumarni W., Susatyo, E. B., Sintesis Membran Padat Silika Abu Sekam Padi dan Aplikasinya Untuk Dekolorisasi Rhodamin B pada Limbah Cair. Indo. J. Chem Sci, 1(2), 164-165, 2012.

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Calió, L., Kazim, S., Grätzel M., Ahmad, S., Hole-Transport Materials for Perovskite Solar Cells Angew. Chem. Int,. Ed. 255, 14522-14545, 2016.

Carp., Huisman, C.L., Reller, A., Photoinduced Reactivity of Titanium Dioxide, Prog. in Solid State Chem., 32, 33-177, 2004.

Cesconeto, F.R., Borlaf, M., Nieto, M.I., Oliveira, A.P.N.D., Moreno, R., Synthesis of CaTiO3 and CaTiO3/TiO2 nanoparticulate compounds through Ca2+/TiO2 colloidal sols:

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Dong, S, J., Feng, M., Fan, Y., Pi, L., Hu, X., Han, M., Liu, J., Sun, J., Recent developments in heterogeneous photocatalytic water treatment using visible light responsive photocatalyst, a review, RSC Adv. 14610-14630, 2015.

Elias, Md.S., Penyingkiran Fenol terlarut dalam air melalui fotodegradasi menggunakan Titanium Dioksida (TiO2). Malaysian J. Analytical Sciences. 7(1), 1-6, 2001.

Etgar, L, Gao, P., Xue, Z., Peng, Q., Chandiran, A.K., Liu, B., Mesoscopic CH3NH3PbI3/TiO2 heterojunction solar cells, J Am Chem Soc, 134(42), 17396, 2012.

Fatimah, I.; Rahmadianti, Y.; Pudiasari, R. A., Photocatalyst of perovskite CaTiO3 nanopowder synthesized from CaO derived from snail shell in comparison with the use of CaO and CaCO3. IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 349, 1-7, 2018.

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Gralik, G., Zanelli, C., Raupp-Pereira, F., Dondi, M., Labrincha, J.A., Hotza, D., Formation and Quantification of Calcium Titanate with The Perovskite Structure from Alternative Sources of Titanium, 21th CBECIMAT Brasil, 2014.

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29 Hiroshi, M., Kazushige, U., Masahiro, O., Chil Moon, S., Koichi, K., Masahiro, H., Hideo, H.,

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Huang, X. Yan, X.; Fang, Y.; Min, Y.; Wu, Z.; Li, W.; Yuan, J.; Tan, L., Synthesis of rodlike CaTiO3 with enhanced charge separation efficiency and high photocatalytic activity. Int. J. Electrochem. Sci. 9, 5155-5163, 2014.

Is. F., Rismayanti, P. P., Rico, N. I., Photocatalyst of Perovskite CaTiO3 Nanopowder

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Kanhere, P.; Chen, Z., A review on visible light active perovskite-based photocatalysts. Molecules. 19, 19995-20022, 2014.

Khalil, L.B., Mourad, W.E., Rophael, M.W., Photocatalytic Reduction of Environmental Pollutan Methylene blue Over Some Semiconductor Under UV visible Light Illumination. Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 17, 267-273, 1998.

Ku, Z., Rong, Y., Xu, M., Liu, T., Han, H., Full printable processed mesoscopic

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Kumar, A.; Kumar, S.; Bahuguna, A.; Kumar, A.; Sharma, V.; Krishnan, V., Recyclable, bifunctional composites of perovskite type N-CaTiO3 and reduced graphene oxide as an efficient adsorptive photocatalyst for environmental remediation. Mater. Chem. Front. 1, 2391-2404, 2017.

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a. Nama Lengkap : Dr.-Ing. Doty Dewi Risanti, S.T., M.T. b. Jenis Kelamin : Perempuan

c. NIP : 197409031998022001

d. Fungsional/Pangkat/Gol. : Lektor Kepala/Pembina Tingkat 1/IIId e. Jabatan Struktural : Kepala Laboratorium Rekayasa Bahan f. Bidang Keahlian : Rekayasa bahan

g. Fakultas/Jurusan : Fakultas Teknologi Industri dan Sistem Rekayasa/Teknik Fisika

h. Alamat Rumah dan No. Telp : Jl. Mojoklanggru Lor 114, Surabaya i. Riwayat penelitian/pengabdian

No Judul Penelitian Sumber Dana Posisi

1. Modifikasi Fotoanoda DSSC (Dye Sensitized Solar Cells) Dengan Nanopartikel Struktur Core-Shell Au@TiO2 - Silika Microsheet

Lokal ITS Ketua

2. Pengembangan Fotoanoda TiO2

Dengan SiO2 Microsheet Dan Au-Nanopartikel Untuk Aplikasi Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell


3 Pengembangan Fotoanoda TiO2 -SiO2 Core Shell Au-Schottky Barrier untuk Aplikasi Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell


4 Pembentukan Budaya Literasi Sebagai Salah Satu Pembentuk Karakter Para Santri di Pondok Pesantren Al Ihsan Baron, Nganjuk

Lokal ITS Anggota

j. Publikasi

No Judul Artikel Nama Jurnal


Macro Texture Study of Non-/Sintered Pure Nb and Nb3Sn Using Orientation Distribution Function

Advanced Materials Research 2. The Effect of Paste Preparation and Annealing

Temperature of ZnO Photoelectrode to Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSC) Performance

Advanced Materials Research 3. On the role of NaCl addition to phase

transformation of TiO2 from TiCl3 Advanced Materials Research 4. Synthesis of various ZnO nanotrees morphologies

32 5. Co-sensitized natural dyes potentially used to

enhance light harvesting capability Proc. SPIE 9444 6. Modelling and experiment of dye-sensitized solar

cell with vertically aligned ZnO nanorods through chemical bath deposition

Proc. SPIE 9444 7. Enhanced Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells

Performance through Novel Core-shell Structure of Gold Nanoparticles and Nano-Silica Extracted from Lapindo Mud Vulcano

Procedia Engineering

8. Synthesis and Characterization of TiO2@ SiO2 and SiO2@ TiO2 Core-Shell Structure Using Lapindo Mud Extract via Sol-Gel Method

Procedia Engineering 9. Utilization of cacao pod husk (Theobroma cacao

L.) as activated carbon and catalyst in biodiesel production process from waste cooking oil

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

10. Preparation of Au@TiO2@SiO2 core-shell nanostructure and their light harvesting capability on DSSC (dye sensitized solar cells)

AIP Conference Proceedings 11. Potential use of chicken egg shells and cacao pod

husk as catalyst for biodiesel production AIP Conference Proceedings 12. Study on the structural evolution of SiO2

extracted from Sidoarjo mud

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

13. Tunable Surface Plasmon Resonances Of Au@ TiO2 Core-Shell Nanoparticles On The Dssc (Dye Sensitized Solar Cells) Performance

Jusami Indonesian Journal of Materials Science

14. The temperature variation effect to the AISI 316L corrosion rate of the rotary dryer off-gas line in the nickel smelting plant

AIP Conference Proceedings 15. On welding gray cast iron using SMAW and

GTAW process AIP Conference Proceedings

16. Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Au-sio2 Menggunakan Silica Gel dengan Variasi Ph

Jusami Indonesian Journal of Materials Science

17. Towards better light harvesting capability for DSSC (dye sensitized solar cells) through addition of Au@SiO2 core-shell nanoparticles

AIP Conference Proceedings 18. Gold Nanoparticles and Silicate Microsheet

Modified Photoanode for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells

Materials Science Forum 19. Purification of Biodiesel Using Activated Carbon

Produced from Cocoa Pod Husk E3S Web of Conferences 20. Investigation on optical properties of

SiO2 extracted from Sidoarjo mud with γ-Al2O3 nanoparticle addition for DSSC (dye-sensitized solar cells) applications

AIP Conference Proceedings

k. Paten -

33 l. Tugas Akhir, Tesis dan Disertasi

No Judul Tugas Akhir/Tesis Tugas Akhir/Tesis/Disertasi 1.

2. - -

2. Anggota

a. Nama Lengkap : Lizda Johar Mawarani, S.T., M.T. b. Jenis Kelamin : Perempuan

c. NIP : 19740815 199703 2 001

d. Fungsional/Pangkat/Gol. : Lektor Kepala/Pembina/IVa e. Jabatan Struktural : -

f. Bidang Keahlian : Rekayasa Bahan

g. Fakultas/Jurusan : Fakultas Teknologi Industri dan Sistem Rekayasa/Teknik Fisika

h. Alamat Rumah dan No. Telp : Jl. Teknik Komputer IV , Perum ITS Blok U-135 Surabaya

i. Riwayat penelitian/pengabdian

No Judul Artikel Sumber Dana Posisi

1. Pengembangan Proses Pembuatan Biodiesel Minyak Jelantah dengan Katalis dan Limbah Kulit Kakao dan Cangkang Telur Ayam

Lokal ITS

2. Pengaruh Waktu dan Rapat Arus pada Proses Electrolytic Cadmiun Plating terhadap Kualitas Lapisan Cadmium sebagai Pelindung Korosi Baja AISI 4130

Lokal ITS

3. Pengaruh Waktu Perendaman Karet dan Konsentrasi NaOH sebagai Agen Penguat terhadap Karakteristik Mekanik Bahan Komposit Beton-Limbah Ban Karet

Lokal ITS

4. Sintesis Lapisan Pengemas yang Dapat Dikonsumsi (Edible Film dan

Edible Coating) Berbahan Dasar

Tepung Biji Durian

Lokal ITS

5. Sintesis Komposit

Surfaktan/Nanosilika Performansi Tinggi Dengan Metode Fase Liquid

Lokal ITS


No Judul Artikel Nama Jurnal

1. 2. 3.

k. Paten -

l. Tugas Akhir, Tesis dan Disertasi

No Judul Tugas Akhir/Tesis Tugas Akhir/Tesis/Disertasi 1.

2. 3.

3. Anggota

a. Nama Lengkap : Vania Mitha Pratiwi, S.T., M.T. b. Jenis Kelamin : Perempuan

c. NIP : 1889201812021/0013028905(NIDN)

d. Fungsional/Pangkat/Gol. : Dosen non PNS ITS e. Jabatan Struktural : -

f. Bidang Keahlian : Nanopartikel, Elektrokimia, Energi

g. Fakultas/Jurusan : Fakultas Teknologi Industri dan Sistem Rekayasa/Teknik Material dan Metalurgi

h. Alamat Rumah dan No. Telp : i. Riwayat penelitian/pengabdian

No Judul Artikel Sumber Dana Posisi

1. Sintesa NASICON berbasis Silika Xerogel dari Limbah Pabrik Gula untuk Fast Ionic Conductor

2. Sintesis dan Karakteristik Magnetik Multiferoik PbT1O3 Doping Mn sebagai Kandidat Aplikasi RAM 3. Sintesa Nasicon Berbasis Na1+x Zr2

Six P3-x O12 (x=1,5 - 2,5) dan Identifikasi Konduksi Ionik sebagai Solid Electrolyte Baterai

4. Pengaruh Penambahan Sio2 (X=1,5;2;2,5) Ekstrak Limbah Pabrik Gula Kebonagung Terhadap Performa Elektrokimia Nasicon (Na1-Xzr2sixp3-Xo12) Dengan Metode Solid-State Sebagai Solid Electrolyte Fast Ionic Conductor

35 5. Pengaruh Variasi Fraksi Berat

Fe2O3 : TiO2 dan Temperatur Laku Panas Pada Proses Sintesa

Pseudobrookite (Fe2TiO5) terhadap Sifat Optik dan Sifat Listrik

6. Sintesa Mesoporus Silika Dari Bahan Alam Hayati Sekam Padi Dengan Penambahan Template Surfactant Pengelola Ukuran Pori Sebagai Biosensor Material 7. Pengaruh Subtitusi Unsur Ti untuk

Zirkonia Terhadap Sifat Listrik Material NASICON sebagai Kandidat Sensor Gas NOx

8. Eksperimen Dan Simulasi Metode Electrophoretic Deposition (Epd) Lapisan Tipis Ag/Nps Pada Ss 316 L Sebagai Antimicrobial Coating 9. Pengaruh dari Mg2+, Ti4+, Y3+ and

Zn2+ sebagai doper elektrolit solid Na3Zr2Si2PO12 pada

konduktivitasnya sebagai SOFC (Solid Oxide Fuel Cell)

j. Publikasi

No Judul Artikel Nama Jurnal

1. Analisa Pengaruh Fraksi Massa Terhadap Sifat Akustik Dan Kekuatan Lentur Pada Pembuatan Komposit

Jurnal teknik ITS 5 (2) E32-E35

2. Pengaruh Temperatur Sintering pada Pembentukan Fasa Natrium Super Ionic Conductor (NASICON) Na1+ xZr2SixP3-xO12 (x= 2) dan Sifat Konduktifitas Ionik Elektrolit Padat

Jurnal Teknik ITS 5 (2), F156-F159

3. Efek Penambahan Serat Gelas Pada Komposit Polyurethane Terhadap Sifat Mekanik dan Sifat Fisik Komposit Doorpanel

Jurnal Teknik ITS 5 (2), A538-A541

4. The Effects of the Addition of Silica Mol Fraction (x= 1.5; 2; 2.5) as a Solid Electrolyte on Ion Conductivity of NASICON

(Na1-xZr2SixP3-xO12) Using Solid-State Method IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 202 (1), 012083

36 5. Fabrication of mesoporous silica

nanoparticles by sol gel method followed various hydrothermal temperature

AIP Conference Proceedings 1945 (1), 020052

6. The effect of BaM/PANI composition with epoxy paint matrix on single and double layers coating with spray coating method for radar absorbing materials applications

AIP Conference Proceedings 1945 (1), 020036

7. Effect of fluid flow, pH and tobacco extracts concentration as organic inhibitors to

corrosion characteristics of AISI 1045 steel in 3.5% NaCl environment containing CO2 gas

AIP Conference Proceedings 1945 (1), 020050

8. Analisa Pengaruh Variasi Leaching dan Penambahan Template Terhadap

Pembentukan Hollow Mesoporous Silika Nanopartikel

Jurnal Teknik ITS 7 (1), F91-F95

9. Porous Silica Nanomaterial Derived from Organic Waste Rice Husk as Highly Potential Drug Delivery Material

Materials Science Forum 964, 88-96

10. Characterization of NASICON Structure Prepared with Titanium Dioxide Doping for NOx Gas Sensor Application

Materials Science Forum 964, 168-173

11. Effect of pH, Rotation Speed and

Imidazoline-Paracetamol Based Inhibitor Volume Ratio on Corrosion Protection of St 41 Steel in CO2 Environment Using Rotating Cylinder …

Materials Science Forum 964, 7-12

12. Nanocarbon from Rice Straw as Supercapacitor Electrode

Materials Science Forum 964, 180-184

Effect of Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide as Template of Mesoporous Silica MCM-41 from Rice Husk by Sol-Gel Method

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 515 (1), 012051

13. Synthesis and characterization of mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNp) MCM 41 from natural waste rice husk

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 541 (1), 012018

k. Paten -

l. Tugas Akhir, Tesis dan Disertasi

No Judul Tugas Akhir/Tesis Tugas Akhir/Tesis/Disertasi 1.

2. 3.

37 4. Anggota

a. Nama Lengkap : Ruri Agung Wahyuono, ST, MT b. Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki

c. NIP : 199002212014041001

d. Fungsional/Pangkat/Gol. : - e. Jabatan Struktural : -

f. Bidang Keahlian : Rekayasa Energi dan Pengkondisian Lingkungan g. Fakultas/Jurusan : Fakultas Teknologi Industri/Teknik Fisika

h. Alamat Rumah dan No. Telp : Perum. Batumas Chandra Asri E6 No. 1, Pandaan, Pasuruan, Jawa Timur/ -

i. Riwayat penelitian/pengabdian

No Judul Artikel Sumber Dana Posisi

1. Development of Biocomposite Gel Adsorbent from Silk Fibroin and Fruit-Seed Waste for Water Treatment Application

Kurita Asia Research Grant (KARG)


2. CataLight: Light-driven Molecular Catalysts in Hierarchically

Structured Materials – Synthesis and Mechanistic Studies

SFB/TRR DFG ( Deutsche Forschungs-gemeinschaft)

Associated Researcher

3. Flexible und Effiziente Solarzellen auf Textilien (FEST)

Thüringer Aufbaubank (TAB) –



4. Fabrikasi dan Simulasi

Dye-sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) dengan Fotoelektroda ZnO Nanorods tersensitisasi Dye N719 dan Ekstrak Antosianin


j. Publikasi

No Judul Artikel Nama Jurnal

1. Nanostructured Cu2O Synthesized via Bipolar Electrochemistry

Nanomaterials 9 (12), 1781, 2019 2. Self‐Assembled Graphene/MWCNT Bilayers as

Platinum‐Free Counter Electrode in Dye‐ Sensitized Solar Cells

ChemPhysChem 20, 3336-3345, 2019

3. Structure of Ni(OH)2 intermediates determines the efficiency of NiO-based photocathodes – a case study using novel mesoporous NiO nanostars

RSC Advances 9, 39422-39433, 2019

4. Mesoporous WO3/TiO2 Nanocomposites Photocatalyst for Rapid Degradation of Methylene Blue in Aqueous Medium

International Journal of Engineering TRANSACTIONS A: Basics 32(10), 1345-1352, 2019

38 5. Enhanced Sensitivty of Electrochemical

Biosensor on Microfluidic Paper based Analytical Device Using ZnO/MWCNTs Nanocomposite

International Journal of Drug Delivery Technology, 9, 138-144, 2019.

6. Sensor elektrokimia menggunakan nanokomposit ZnO/carbon nanotubes pada mikrofluida kertas

Jurnal Integrasi Proses, 8, 1-6, 2019 7. Grid-connected and off-grid solar PV system

design using long-term climatological data and techno-economic analysis for ecological conservation

AIP Conference Proced. 2088, 030017, 2019.

8. Large Area Graphene Deposition on Hydrophobic Surfaces, Flexible Textiles, Glass Fibers and 3D Structures

Coatings, 9, 183, 2019

9. Revisiting Renewable Energy Map in Indonesia: Seasonal Hydro and Solar Energy Potential for Rural Off-Grid Electrification (Provincial Level)

MATEC Web of Conferences, 164, 01040, 2018

10. Blood plasma separation in ZnO nanoflowers-supported paper based microfluidic for glucose sensing

AIP Conference Proced. 1945, 020006, 2018

11. Deteksi kadar glukosa dalam plasma darah terpisah oleh mikrofluida terintegrasi partikel nano ZnO berbasis spektroskopi inframerah dan raman

Jurnal Integrasi Proses 6, 148-154, 2017

12. Preparasi dan Karakterisasi Dye-sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) dengan Pewarna Ekstrak Jeruk: Pengaruh Variasi Komposisi Karotenoid dan Flavonoid Terhadap Efisiensi Sel Surya

Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya 13, 103-108, 2017

13. Aqueous photocurrent measurements correlated to ultrafast electron transfer dynamics at ruthenium tris diimine sensitized NiO photocathodes

Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121, 5891-5904, 2017

14. In vitro lipophilic antioxidant capacity, antidiabetic and antibacterial activity of citrus fruits extracts from Aceh, Indonesia

Antioxidants 6, 11, 2017

15. Impact of drying procedure on the morphology and structure of TiO2 xerogels and the

performance of dye sensitized solar cells

Journal of Sol-gel Science and Technology 81, 693-703, 2017. 16. Effect of annealing on the sub-bandgap, defects

and trapping states of ZnO nanostructures

Chemical Physics 483, 112-121, 2017

17. ZnO Nanostructures for Dye‐Sensitized Solar Cells Using the TEMPO+/TEMPO Redox Mediator and Ruthenium(II) Photosensitizers with 1,2,3‐Triazole‐Derived Ligand

ChemPlusChem 81, 1281-1291, 2016

18. Integrated ZnO nanoparticles on paper-based microfluidic: toward efficient analytical device for glucose detection based on impedance and FTIR measurement

SPIE Proc. 10150, 1015011, 2016.

19. ZnO nanoflowers-based photoanodes: aqueous chemical synthesis, microstructure and optical properties

Open Chemistry 14, 158-169, 2016

20. Carotenoids of indigenous citrus species from Aceh and its in vitro antioxidant, antidiabetic and antibacterial activities

European Food Research and Technology 242, 1869, 2016

39 21. Co-Sensitization Promoted Light Harvesting

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Advanced Materials Research 1123, 325-328, 2015

22. Modeling and experiment of dye-sensitized solar cell with vertically aligned ZnO nanorods through chemical bath deposition

SPIE Proc. 9444, 94440Q, 2015

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