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(Experiment Class) SCHOOL UNIT : SMP N 2 Pekalongan


Hari/Tanggal : Selasa, 8 Januari 2013 Nama Guru : Nikmatul Maula Pertemuan ke : 1 (Satu)

Petunjuk : Berilah penilaian Anda dengan memberikan tanda cek (√) pada kolom “ya” atau “tidak”, kemudian berikan skor yang sesuai dengan pengamatan Anda.

No. Kegiatan Guru Terpenuhi Skala Penilaian

Ya Tidak 0 1 2 3 4

1. Opening

1. Apperception:

# Teacher says greeting and makes sure whether the students are ready.

# Teacher reminds the students about the elements and parts of circle.

# Teacher brings the equipment to find the circumference of circle. # Teacher use contrast theorem

which is circle and not.

2. Motivation:

# Teacher tells students some topics in daily life related with the circumference of circle such as roll.

2. Main Activity

a. Exploration:

1. The students are divided into pairs, every group consist of 2 heterogeneous students, one as problem solver (PS) and the other as listener (L).

2. Teacher gives worksheet to each group to get the value of π and find the formula for the circumference of a circle.

3. Every student in their group determine the value of π and the


4. Teacher guides students the way to get the value of π and find the formula for the circumference of a circle.

5. Teacher gives example.

b. Elaboration:

1. Teacher gives different problems in worksheet to PS and L about circumference of a circle in a problem solving.

2. PS and L learn their problem for 5 minutes.

3. PS read the problem and tell the L the step to conclude the problem. 4. L observing the problem solving

process, ask if there is something less understood, or provide direction and guidance if PS had difficulty.

5. Teacher went around the classroom to observe and help smooth discussions.

6. After the first problem is solved, PS and L swapped roles and conduct discussions back as above.

7. One of group present the task in front of class.

8. The discussion of the two problems that have been given. 9. Teacher give reward to the best


c. Confirmation:

1. The students are given confirmation about the material if there are some misconception.

3. Closing

1. Students are guided by teacher make conclusion.

2. Students are given homework by teacher exercises on students book.

Skor 4 : sangat baik (jika disampaikan dengan sangat jelas/tepat/terarah/runtun) Skor 3 : baik (jika disampaikan dengan jelas/tepat/terarah/runtun)

Skor 2 : cukup (jika disampaikan dengan cukup jelas/tepat/terarah/runtun) Skor 1 : kurang (jika disampaikan dengan kurang jelas/tepat/terarah/runtun) Skor 0 : tidak terpenuhi


Skor total hasil observasi = …. Skor maksimum = 88

Pekalongan, 8 Januari 2013 Observer,

Arif Dewantoro, S.Pd. NIP.

-Hari/Tanggal : Rabu, 9 Januari 2013 Nama Guru : Nikmatul Maula Pertemuan ke : 2 (Dua)

Petunjuk : Berilah penilaian Anda dengan memberikan tanda cek (√) pada kolom “ya” atau “tidak”, kemudian berikan skor yang sesuai dengan pengamatan Anda.

No. Kegiatan Guru Terpenuhi Skala Penilaian

Ya Tidak 0 1 2 3 4

1. Opening

1. Apperception:

# Teacher says greeting and makes sure whether the students are ready.

# Teacher brings the equipment to prove the area of circle.

# Teacher reminds students the way to get the value of π.

# Teacher reminds students the formula for the circumference of a circle.

2. Motivation:

# Teacher tells students some topics in daily life related with the area of circle such as roll.

2. Main Activity

a. Exploration:

1. The students are divided into pairs, every group consist of 2 heterogeneous students, one as problem solver (PS) and the other as listener (L).

2. Teacher gives worksheet to each group to get the value of π and find the formula for the area of a circle.

3. Every student in their group determine the formula for the area of a circle.

4. Teacher guides students the way to find the formula for the area of a circle.

b. Elaboration:

1. Teacher gives different problems in worksheet to PS and L about area of a circle in a problem solving.

2. PS and L learn their problem for 5 minutes.

3. PS read the problem and tell the L the step to conclude the problem. 4. L observing the problem solving

process, ask if there is something less understood, or provide direction and guidance if PS had difficulty.

5. Teacher went around the classroom to observe and help smooth discussions.

6. After the first problem is solved, PS and L swapped roles and conduct discussions back as above.

7. One of group present the task in front of class.

8. The discussion of the two problems that have been given. 9. Teacher give reward to the best


c. Confirmation:

1. The students are given confirmation about the material if there are some misconception.

3. Closing

1. Students are guided by teacher make conclusion.

2. Students are given homework by teacher exercises on students book.

Skor total

Kriteria Penilaian:

Skor 4 : sangat baik (jika disampaikan dengan sangat jelas/tepat/terarah/runtun) Skor 3 : baik (jika disampaikan dengan jelas/tepat/terarah/runtun)

Skor 1 : kurang (jika disampaikan dengan kurang jelas/tepat/terarah/runtun) Skor 0 : tidak terpenuhi


Skor total hasil observasi = …. Skor maksimum = 88

Pekalongan, 9 Januari 2013 Observer,

Arif Dewantoro, S.Pd. NIP.

-Hari/Tanggal : Senin, 21 Januari 2013 Nama Guru : Nikmatul Maula Pertemuan ke : 3 (Tiga)

Petunjuk : Berilah penilaian Anda dengan memberikan tanda cek (√) pada kolom “ya” atau “tidak”, kemudian berikan skor yang sesuai dengan pengamatan Anda.

No. Kegiatan Guru Terpenuhi Skala Penilaian

Ya Tidak 0 1 2 3 4

1. Opening

1. Apperception:

# Teacher says greeting and makes sure whether the students are ready.

# Teacher reminds students the formula for the circumference of a circle.

# Teacher reminds students the formula for the area of a circle.

2. Motivation:

# Teacher tells students some topics in daily life related with the circumference and area of circle such as roll.

2. Main Activity

a. Exploration:

1. The students are divided into pairs, every group consist of 2 heterogeneous students, one as problem solver (PS) and the other as listener (L).

2. Teacher gives worksheet to each group.

3. Teacher guides students to calculate the formula for the circumference of a circle in a problem solving.

4. Teacher guides students to calculate the formula for the area of a circle in a problem solving. 5. Teacher gives example.

1. Teacher gives different problem to PS and L about the circumference and area of a circle in a problem solving.

2. PS and L learn their problem for 5 minutes.

3. PS read the problem and tell the L the step to conclude the problem. 4. L observing the problem solving

process, ask if there is something less understood, or provide direction and guidance if PS had difficulty.

5. Teacher went around the classroom to observe and help smooth discussions.

6. After the first problem is solved, PS and L swapped roles and conduct discussions back as above.

7. One of group present the task in front of class.

8. The discussion of the two problems that have been given. 9. Teacher give reward to the best


c. Confirmation:

1. The students are given confirmation about the material if there are some misconception.

3. Closing

1. Students are guided by teacher make conclusion.

2. Students are given information that for the next meeting there is a test.

Skor total

Kriteria Penilaian:

Skor 4 : sangat baik (jika disampaikan dengan sangat jelas/tepat/terarah/runtun) Skor 3 : baik (jika disampaikan dengan jelas/tepat/terarah/runtun)

Skor 2 : cukup (jika disampaikan dengan cukup jelas/tepat/terarah/runtun) Skor 1 : kurang (jika disampaikan dengan kurang jelas/tepat/terarah/runtun)


Skor total hasil observasi = …. Skor maksimum = 88

Pekalongan, 21 Januari 2013 Observer,

Arif Dewantoro, S.Pd. NIP.


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