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a. Imbalan Pensiun a. Retirement Benefits

Perusahaan menyelenggarakan program

pensiun iuran pasti (Program) untuk karyawan tetapnya. Iuran dana pensiun ditanggung oleh Perusahaan dan karyawan masing-masing sebesar 10% dan 5% dari penghasilan dasar pensiun karyawan. Total kontribusi yang

dibayarkan Perusahaan untuk program

pensiun ini dan dibebankan ke operasi untuk tiga bulan yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Maret 2018 dan 2017 masing-masing sebesar Rp15.969 dan Rp15.648.

The Company has a defined contribution retirement plan (the “Plan”) covering its permanent employees. Contributions are funded and consist of the Company’s and the employees’ contributions computed at 10% and 5%, respectively, of the employees’ pensionable earnings. Total contributions paid by the Company to the plan for the three months ended March 31, 2018 and 2017 amounted to Rp15,969 and Rp15,648, respectively, which were charged to operations.

Dana pensiun dikelola oleh Dana Pensiun Karyawan Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa, yang pendiriannya telah disetujui oleh

Menteri Keuangan Republik Indonesia

pada tanggal 12 November 1991, yang kemudian diubah dengan Surat Keputusan No. Kep-332/KM.17/1994 tanggal 1 Desember 1994. Pada tanggal 31 Maret 2018 dan 31 Desember 2017, total aset Dana Pensiun masing-masing sebesar Rp1.316.485 dan Rp1.279.464.

The Plan assets are administered by

Dana Pensiun Karyawan Indocement

Tunggal Prakarsa, the establishment of which was approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia on

November 12, 1991, as amended by

Decree No. Kep-332/KM.17/1994 dated

December 1, 1994. As of March 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017, the Plan assets totaled Rp1,316,485 and Rp1,279,464, respectively.

Kelompok Usaha menunjuk PT Mercer

Indonesia, aktuaris independen, untuk

melakukan penilaian dari taksiran liabilitas untuk imbalan pascakerja dan liabilitas atas uang pesangon, uang penghargaan masa kerja dan uang penggantian hak bagi karyawan tetapnya.

The Group has appointed PT Mercer Indonesia, an independent actuary, to conduct a valuation of the expected obligation for post-employment, severance, gratuity and compensation benefits of its qualified permanent employees.

Penilaian aktuaris dihitung dengan

menggunakan metode projected-unit-credit yang berdasarkan asumsi-asumsi berikut:

The actuarial valuation was determined using the projected-unit-credit method, which considered the following assumptions:

Perusahaan/ Entitas Anak/

Company Subsidiaries

Tingkat diskonto 6,75% 6,75% Discount rate

Kenaikan gaji dan upah 7% 7% Wage and salary increase

Umur pensiun 55 tahun/55 years 55 tahun/55 years Retirement age


a. Imbalan Pensiun (lanjutan) a. Retirement Benefits (continued)

Beban imbalan kerja yang diakui di laporan laba rugi dan penghasilan komprehensif lain konsolidasian terdiri dari:

The employee benefits expense recognized in the consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income consisted of the following:

2018 2017

(Tiga Bulan/ (Tiga Bulan/

Three Months) Three Months)

Biaya jasa kini 10.221 9.759 Current service costs

Biaya bunga 11.478 15.753 Interest costs

Total 21.699 25.512 Total

Mutasi nilai kini liabilitas imbalan pasti adalah sebagai berikut:

Movements in the present value of the defined benefit obligation are as follows:

2018 2017

(Tiga Bulan/ (Satu Tahun/

Three Months) One Year)

Saldo awal periode 707.459 700.532 Balance at beginning of period

Beban pensiun yang dibebankan

ke laba rugi Pension cost charged to profit or loss

Biaya jasa kini 10.221 39.036 Current service costs

Biaya bunga 11.478 63.012 Interest costs

Sub-total yang dibebankan ke

laba rugi 21.699 102.048 Sub-total included in profit or loss

Kerugian (keuntungan) aktuarial

yang diakui sebagai penghasilan Re-measurement losses (gains) in

komprehensif lain other comprehensive income

Perubahan asumsi aktuarial atas Actuarial changes arising from changes

asumsi finansial - 35.871 in financial assumptions

Koreksi aktuarial - (5.687) Experience adjustments

Sub-total yang diakui dalam

penghasilan komprehensif Sub-total included in other

lain - 30.184 comprehensive income

Pembayaran selam a

periode berjalan (24.214) (125.305) Payments during the period

Saldo akhir periode 704.944 707.459 Balance at end of period


a. Imbalan Pensiun (lanjutan) a. Retirement Benefits (continued)

Jumlah nilai kini liabilitas imbalan pasti dan penyesuaian liabilitas program untuk imbalan pensiun adalah sebagai berikut:

The amounts of the present value of defined benefit obligation and experience adjustment on plan liabilities for retirement benefits are as follows:

31 Maret 2018/ 31 Desember 2017/ 31 Desember 2016/ 31 Desember 2015/ 31 Desember 2014/

March 31, 2018 December 31, 2017 December 31, 2016 December 31, 2015 December 31, 2014

Nilai kini liabilitas Present value of defined

imbalan pasti 704.944 707.459 700.532 619.150 564.089 benefit obligation

Penyesuaian liabilitas Experience adjustment on

program - 30.184 83.379 52.121 12.046 plan liabilities

b. Imbalan Kesehatan Pascakerja b. Post-retirement Healthcare Benefits

Perusahaan mulai mengadakan program

penggantian biaya rawat inap pascakerja (Program) kepada semua karyawan tetapnya yang memenuhi persyaratan sejak bulan Maret 2005, sedangkan DAP dimulai pada bulan Januari 2012. Program ini tidak didanai.

Perusahaan dan DAP telah menunjuk

PT Mercer Indonesia, aktuaris independen, untuk melakukan penilaian atas taksiran liabilitas untuk imbalan kesehatan pascakerja.

The Company started to provide post-retirement healthcare benefits (the “Plan”) to all of its qualified permanent employees since March 2005, while DAP started in January 2012. The Plans are not funded. The Company and DAP have appointed PT Mercer Indonesia, an independent actuary, to conduct a valuation of the expected obligations for post-retirement healthcare benefits.

Penilaian aktuaris ditentukan dengan

menggunakan metode projected-unit-credit,

yang mempertimbangkan asumsi-asumsi


The actuarial valuation was determined using the projected-unit-credit method, which considered the following assumptions:

Tingkat diskonto : 6,75% Discount rate

Trend biaya medis : 8,00% Medical cost trend

Usia pensiun : 55 tahun/55 years Retirement age

Tingkat mortalitas : TMI 2011 Mortality rate

Tingkat cacat : 10% dari tingkat mortalitas/10% of mortality rate Disability rate

Beban untuk imbalan kesehatan pascakerja karyawan yang diakui dalam laporan laba rugi

dan penghasilan komprehensif lain

konsolidasian terdiri dari:

The post-retirement healthcare benefit expenses recognized in the consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income consisted of the following:

2018 2017

(Tiga Bulan/ (Tiga Bulan/

Three Months) Three Months)

Biaya jasa kini 297 231 Current service costs


b. Imbalan Kesehatan Pascakerja (lanjutan) b. Post-retirement Healthcare Benefits (continued)

Mutasi nilai kini liabilitas manfaat imbalan kesehatan pascakerja adalah sebagai berikut:

Movements in the present value of the defined benefit obligation are as follows:

2018 2017

(Tiga Bulan/ (Satu Tahun/

Three Months) One Year)

Saldo awal periode 25.030 21.566 Balance at beginning of period

Beban pensiun yang dibebankan

ke laba rugi Pension cost charged to profit or loss

Biaya jasa kini 297 926 Current service costs

Biaya bunga 407 1.954 Interest costs

Sub-total yang dibebankan ke

laba rugi 704 2.880 Sub-total included in profit or loss

Kerugian (keuntungan) aktuarial

yang diakui sebagai penghasilan Re-measurement losses (gain) in

komprehensif lain - 1.784 other comprehensive income

Pembayaran selam a

periode berjalan (465) (1.200) Payments during the period

Saldo akhir periode 25.269 25.030 Balance at end of period

Jumlah nilai kini liabilitas imbalan pasti dan penyesuaian liabilitas program untuk imbalan kesehatan pascakerja adalah sebagai berikut:

The amounts of the present value of defined benefit obligation and experience adjustment on plan liabilities for post-retirement healthcare benefits are as follows:

31 Maret 2018/ 31 Desember 2017/ 31 Desember 2016/ 31 Desember 2015/ 31 Desember 2014/

March 31, 2018 December 31, 2017 December 31, 2016 December 31, 2015 December 31, 2014

Nilai kini liabilitas Present value of defined

imbalan pasti 25.269 25.030 21.566 21.783 22.009 benefit obligation

Penyesuaian liabilitas Experience adjustment on


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