• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

KI 2 : Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaanya.

KI 3 : Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi,seni, budaya, terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata. KI 4 :Mencoba mengolah dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret

(menggunakan,mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/ teori.

! " #þp$om$tn#$ % &'% &i# (or ûú ! " #þomp$t$n#$ '% &i# (or s 1. 1.1 B )*+) E , + ) . 1.1.1 E -) ./ E + 0

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; >L; BM G; :;8 6<

:67 NH>G; 8E68 6< :BE H; : 9;8D8; 8 >GO >D>6;GO


F C>6E@>6E6O GCEA; :67 G8 @F?>O :9 9EA7 8 6< ;E;C>9E6;>L;HG:<>4 K41341 P M IEA@H? :; 86< NH>G; 8E6G :BE H; ;C> ;>L; G;H7 >6;G :A> :B?> ;E 87 >6;8IM ;C> 9E6 ; >6; E I A >9E H6; ;>L; :99EA786< ;E ;C>9E6; >L;4 K41343PMIEA@H?:; 86 <NH>G;8E6G G;H7 >6;G:A>:B?>;E87 >6; 8I M ;C>? :6<H:<>I>:;HA>GE I: A>9E H6;;>L;4 K4134K P M A >:786< ;C> ;>L; 8 6 G><@ >6;G G;H7>6;G :A> :B?> ;E 8 7 >6; 8I M ;C> G;AH9;HA > E I;C>;>L;4 Q4 Q41QR >;; 86<;C>@>:68 6 <E I;C> GFE S>6:67=A8; ; >6A>9E H6; ; >L;OG CEA;:67G8@F? >O:BE H; :9; 8D8 ;8>GO>D>6;GO:67 F C>6E@>6E64 Q41Q41 PM@ :S86 <FA >789; 8E6G:67 9E6I8A@ 86<;C>FA >78 9;8E6G G;H7 >6;G:A>:B? >;E8 7 >6;8I M ;C>;EF89:67@:868 7 >:EI A>9E H6;;>L;4 Q41Q43 R8D>6 GE@> NH>G; 8E6G A>? :;>7 ;E ;C> ; >L; (short :nswer :nd trueT I:?s> t:GS) st H7 >6;s :r> :B?> tE 8 7 >6t8Iy :67 I8 67 tC> 7>t:8? 86IEA@:t8E6 8 6 : r >9EH6; t >xt 4

XY Zh[\ ]j[^_ [ti s

`abcdefgbh aif dj bcbkdf lgej c mlcniflocj c maobgfp pqpdrnf cdploflsifd bt UuUuUuU vxaofss te lcwkri cfss j cfxfry gelcgf tb i f lrcvc mi j pewej gejs aof pf cdfn

j c tefjr pajrjt bk if lrcj c m (lpwj c m lcn lcpyfrj c m qufstjbcpq grjtjgjzj cm, mjxj c mbajcj bcnr oj cm tef tf lgej c mlcniflrcj c mao bgfss)z

WuUuUuU { bhhr cjg ltf bo pe lrf tejcms wjet tf lgefr lcn krjf cn p j c wfi i h lccfr t

e obr me njpgr p pj bclcnarfpf cdltjbcz |uUWuUuU }n f cdjky tefg bcdfcdbk te f rfg br cd tfxtz

|uUWu|uU }n f cdjky te fr pfbkg bccf gtjcm wbon pqkbofxlhai f ptkjrst, tef cqlktfr te lt, sfkbof, kjcli iy, ftguz

|uUWu|uW }nf cdjky tefr pfbk lnxfr sbk tjhf, kbo f~lhai ft y fstfrnly, i lst hbcdeq bc bcn ly, lce br ol mbq jhhfnj ltfiy, ftguq |uUWu|u| }n f cdj ky tef strugturfbk tef tfxt z boj f cdltj bcq fxf cds, lcnof €bojf cdldj bcu uUuUuU

}n f cdj k ‚defdbaj glcnh lj cj nflb klofg br cd df~d

s lpfndbdef

g bcdf~dz uUuUuW lwfaofnj gtjbcpdbkj cndef tbajglcnhljcjnf lbkl rfgbr cd tfxtz uUuWuU

ƒj cndefnftljijckboh ltj bcjcdef rfgbr cd tfxt u „Y Z […^hin†… ‡ ˆ‰[… Šnin†‹…Œ[ri…

Zh[Ž ^i…un^tion‘

v~ai ljcj cmfxafj f cgf’r (s), aef cbhf cbcqlcnfxf ct’(s) tbsf rf abotfnq hbnfifnqpe lrfnqft

gu Zh[ stru^[tur  th[ t[xt

 “rj fcd ltj bct jt aobxjnfs tef ar oabpf bk tef tfxt lcn tef fxf cd’aefcbhf cbc’fxafrjf cgf j c mf cfrliu}t lipb aobxjnfs tef s lgwmrbr cn j ckbohltjbccffnfntbr cnfrstlcntef tfxt, jufuqebw wls j cxbixfnq weffr jt e laaf cfnqy e f cjt e laafcfnqftgu

 v xf cdtl rf g bonbkfxf cds r pr li iy rfg br cdfnjclge obcbibmj glibonfru

 ”f€boj f cdldjbct af op bcli g bh hf cdp lcn’bo fxlir ldjxf of hlowp bc def j cgj nf cdu

˜an™ša™›œ ›žur›Ÿ   ¡impl› pŸž t›Ÿ›n ¢ £¤ontinuouŸ  ¥¦§§ ¨©ª« ¦¨¬¦§­ ¦®¨®¯®¨© ª°±¬²¨³ ª´±µ¯ ¶ ±¨³ ¦· ¦·¦ª®¯ ¶ ±¨¦²©¸ ¹£ º›r»¼œ tim›  ½¦´ ² ¦·®ª½¨§ª´ ²« µ¶²¬¨µ¶¾µ¶®ª½¨ª¶¬ µ°·ª ±µ¨¯« «¦®¯ ª²¦§½¨¦² ©¸ ¿À Á›¤hin ™ ›th¼£¢£Á›¤hniqu › à ©¯¦¶²¯¥¯ ©ª­­· µª ©¬ į· ¦©² ¦®· ¦ª®¯ ¶ ±²¬¯ ¶Å¯¶ ±ª ©²¯Æ¯²½ ÇÀ ›£i¢£˜ ›Ènin™É ›sour¤›s ›£i   ʵ³¦·­ µ¯ ¶²  ʯ©²°· ¦´  Ë µ·Å´ ¬ ¦¦² ´ ˜ ›Ènin™É ›¤› sour Ì µ¶² ¦Í² °ª§ Φª©¬¯¶± ª ¶® Ϧª·¶¯ ¶ ± Ъ¬ ª´ª Ѷ±±·¯´ Ò Ã ¦Åµ§ª¬ ¾¦¶¦¶±ª¬ ʦ·² ª«ªÓ ¾ª®·ªsª¬Î´ ª¶ªw¯ª¬y Ô¦§ª´Õ ÑÑÑ JµÅµÊ·¯½ª¶ ª, [et. al.]. --Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2008.

ÖÀ ¡t›ps ¼œÁ›¤hin™£n˜ ›Ènin™×r¼¤›ss Áh›Çirst ››tin™


1) The teacher greets the students.

2) The teacher checks the students attendance list.

3) The teacher prepares the learners psychologically and physically to follow the teaching and learning process by asking the learners toclear up the class and spruce up.

4) The teacher presents the scope of the material and the activities according to the lesson plan.

á âãhä måænåçitytivèéê minutäsë ìáíärvinîèïðinutäsë

Þ) ñorks in groups, students òóôõrve the piöture (÷ ø öù Þ) túût is relûted to the teü ýù þuästionin î èÿ ê ðinut äsë ã räi çtin î Þ) tudents ûre givenû õôýø ò õûýõýòýúõ øöýõù ) ñorking in group, stuts fodenrmulûte õ ôýøò ô õ ûýõ ýò ýúõ ø öýõ ôø

ýúõõ ôýø ò ò ô(whatûndwhere) givenó thye teû öher. ) úõ representûtive of eû öh g wropurites down the õ ôýøò ô ò ýú õ

ú øýõ óòûù

à) tudents ûnd teû öher, toer, seleethgöt the ûppropriûte õôýø ò ô ýò óõ û ôõõù

lläço tinîååå präíäîntinèÿ ê minutäsë ã räiçtinî

Þ) ñorking in gp, stuurodents ûnswer the õ ôýøò ô ýúûý ò òõ ýúõ ÷ ø öù Þû ôýúõõ øöýøò ôù

) úõ representûtive of eûöh g ppuroresents the prediötions in front of th e other groups. ìáíärvinîèïðinutäsë Þ) ñorking in group, st udents òóôõrve the seöond piöture (÷ ø öù) túût is rel ûted to the teüýù ) tudents òóôõrve the õôýø ò ôýúûý ò òõýúõôõ öò øöýõù ) úõ teû öher guides the stuts inend understûnding the õ ôýøò ôù þuästionin î ån èïðinut äsë ã räiçtinî à)tudents ûre g leenivûdingõôýø ò ôõ ûýõýòýúõ øöýõù ) ñorking in group, stuts endûnswer the õ ôýøò ôø ýúõ öýøøýÞû ôýú õ õ ø öýøò ôù( -mûkin pgrediötions)

) ! "# represent$tive of e$%h gp puroresents the p%reditions of &%tivity ' ()*+ (,+ ),"#+,"#*-*+ . /0 1 2oll34tin56 7879:minut3s; <=>? @=376in58h3 t3xt inA35B3nt C) ! "# t#$%"#r D'str'E.,#s t" #)'rst st+ //'(-/+' (,%$rD)+*#$ % "-r+ ./1 F) &0, .D #(,*#$D0,"#)' * 0,0, + //' (-/+'(,+ ),"#,#G,1 ?A AH4i 78in59IJinmut3s; <=> ?@2onKiirm n57L6M3Kiryin58h3 pr36i4tions N) Oorking in gup, sturots end%onfirm their predi%tions.

) Ptudents %$n m$ke %orre%tion if it is ne%e0 0$ry.

) O inorking group, stuts ddeno the &%tivityQ &%, 'R' ,S T U"'% " $*# /*#D'%, ' (- $(D %+ ( )' *V' (- /*#D'%, '+ (0 $%,'R', '#0W ,"# 0$V# $0 ,"# /*#R' + .00,#/0 1


) ! "# students $re given$n inD.$diiv l homework (&%tivity). Q) ! "# te$%her gives rew$s fordr the stuts wdenith the higher 0%ore in the

p re -test.

Z) ! "# te$%her $nd le$rners, toer,geth summ$riz# ,"# V$,#*'$[ ,"$, "$D E ##([#$*(#D' (,"' 0V##,' (-1

T) ! "# te$%her $sk le$rners to help them doing refle%tion of their te$%hing $nd le$rning pro%ess.

) ! "# te$ %her eG /[$' (0$E+ .,,"#(#G,,#$%"'(-$(D[#$*('(-/[$(1 >h3\34on6]33tin5

7X ^p3nin59Y JBinut3s; ) ! "# te$ %her greets the students.

Q) ! "# te$ %her $sks the students toE #in thge %l$ss with p$rer.y Z) ! "# te$ %her %%ehks the students $tte(D$(%e list.

T) ! "# te$ %her pre/$res the le$rners psy%i%$hgloo lly$nd phsi%$y lly to fo llo w the te$%hing $nd le$rning p+%r ess Ey$g thinske le$rners to%le$r u p the %$lss $nd spru%e up. ) ! "# te$ %her re%$lls the previous m$teri$l.

a) btudents work in the cde gmroupds the piourevs detivity. f g hhi mjknjlitytivmnominutisp


_) vorking in g roup, stuts dendowetivityxydt t zs eyd{|z{ | c}~ w}€s z{‚yƒ€c{‚„}€~z{‚}‚y zr ƒdst „}€~…

†) ‡dey rƒrc {‚dtzˆ}„ ty |}‰ƒ cr wrzts }Š { tyd{cŠr }„ we‚zˆ z‚‹x }{‚y wy ztŒ}dr…

) v }€Ž z{| z { |€ }‰ƒ c‚‰ {‚c }Œc€ˆ ‚y |zˆ{ ƒze‚‰€ ( ze…) tydt is rel

dted to the te‘‚… ’uistioninsm“ouinutisp ”•h– — ˜riltins

š) vorking in groups, stuts foendrmuldte d › ‰c ‚z}{ ‚yd ‚ zc €œd ‚  ‚} ‚y ƒze‚‰€‰cz{|‚y › ‰c ‚z }{

Š }€ 

Šy } guided by the teacher.

5) The representative of each group writes down the questions on the white board.

6) Students are also given three questions related to the picture.

7) Students and teacher, together, select the appropriate questions that can help them to make predictions of the text.

8) Working in group, students answer the questions in the Activity 8 as the predictions.

9) The representative of each group presents the predictions in front of the other groups.


”•h– —•ij™insŸih tixt inrisuint

10) The teacher distributes the first stopping point cards for each group. 11) A student reads the first stopping point of the text.

12) The teacher reads the stopping point of the text again. –r r liinsj¡™˜riristinnmtuinutisp ”•h– —žon¢irmin s j¡™£iri¢yin s Ÿhi priltions

13) Working in group, students confirm their predictions. 14) Students can make correction if it is necessary.

§¨ © ªrvin«¬­®inutªs¯ ¤°) ±tudents ²³´ µrve the pi¶re (tu· ¸¶ ¹º) » ¼»in t½»t is rel»ted to the te¾ ¿ ¹ ¤À) ±tudents ²³´ µrve the Áµ´¿¸ ²Ã´¿½» ¿Ä²ÅŲƵǿ½ µÈ¸ ¶ ¿Â ɵ¹ Êuªstionin« ¬­®inutªs¯ ËÌÍÎ Ï ÐrªÑiÒtin« ¤¦) ±tudents »re given the o fonityortuppr »sking»³²Â¿ the ²³´µrved p i ¶ture »ndÁµ´ ¿¸²Ã´¹ ¤Ó) Ô½ µ te» ¶her guides the stuts inend u»nderstndin thge Áµ´¿¸²Ã´¹ ¤Õ) Öorking in group, the students »nswer the Á µ´ ¿¸²Ã´ ¸Ã ¿½ µ ׶ ¿¸Ø¸ ¿ÙÕ ¿²Ú» ÛµÈɵǸ ¶ ¿¸ ²Ã´ ¹ ÜollªÒtin«Ñ ÝÞݬßàinmutªs¯ ËÌÍÎ ÏÌ ªÝÑin«Þhª tªxt in© ª«®ªnt á¥) Ô½ µ te» ¶her distri ³Â¿es the first stopping point ¶»rds for e» ¶h group. á¤)

Ô½ µ rep»resenttive of e»¶h gp purots thresene predi¶tions in front of th e other gro ups. áá) × student re »ds the first stopping point of the te¾ ¿ ¹ Ω © â ÒiÝÞin«Ýã ÑÐrª© ª«tinn¬­®inutªs¯ ËÌÍÎ ÏÜnäoirmin«Ýã Ñåªriä«yinÞhª prªÑiÒtions áº) Öorking in gup, sturots end¶onfirm their predi¶tions.

áæ) ±tudents ¶»n m»ke ¶orre¶tion if it is ne¶e´ ´»r y. á°) ±tudents, indiviÇ», dllyo׶tivity¤¥¿½» ¿¸ ´Ôɵ»Ã ÇFalse exercise. ÒçÜlosin«¬ßà®inutªs¯

1) The teacher and learners, together, summarize the material that had been learned in this meeting.

2) The teacher ask learners to help them doing reflection of their teaching and learning process.

ëì í î îïssmïnt ðì ñnowlïò óïôõ ò skill ö÷ ø ù ùúù ùûüýþ ú ÿ üû ú ý úù ùþ úùþ ÷ ü ùþ úüþ þ û úÿ ûÿúù ÿ÷ ü ùþ úüþ ö úüû ÷ ÿû üýýû úûü ú  ÿú ýúù ùþúùþéé inôîorï in or x ð öþ ö ÿþ úéè !úùúö ÿ ú " úýö!ö ö ù úü ö#ö$ %û ÷èéé&& éê'

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EHiKtionXNYFZEKorrEKtionCJ your prEHiKtion iJ it is nEKEX XF D[N

+CN ( KtivitiEs

\= ( N BCDk with your ]DoupUlookF L thE piKturEFG HFGEswr thEJollowin] qu

EstionXN0hEnU^FZE quEstions u]sin_uEstion woHrs whF LFGH whErE`N

(a b c=\) 1N Bd F LKFG youXEEJ thrmoE piKE etur

f N Bd F Lgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggge h N Bd ErEgggggggggggggg ggggggggggggggge


irjkiltionm noo p qnrs ts u unoopqnrs vwr

noo p qnrs


111 2. ({|}~€ 1. ‚ ƒ„… ƒ†‡ˆ‰Š‹‹Œ†„‚‹Œ…„‰Ž ‹? 2. ‚ ƒ„Œ†ˆ‘ƒ…„ Œ ’Œ „ ‡‚ ƒ ‹†‹Œ†„‚ ‹ Œ… „‰Ž ‹? 3. Cƒ†‡ˆ‰“‰‹ ŠŠ„‚‹Š„ ˆŽ ‡”‡•ˆˆŒ†“ƒ„„‚‹ Œ… „‰ Ž ‹ 1 ƒ† 2? 4. DŒ Š…‰ ŠŠ–Œ„‚‡ˆ‰ Ž“Ž ˆ‰—‹—”‹Ž Šƒ†–Ž Œ „‹‡ˆ‰ŽŽ‹Œ… „Œ ˆ† ˜ {r™ši}tion› œ žŸ œ ¡ ¢¡ £ £ œ žŸœ ¡ ¤ ¥  œ žŸœ ¡

112 ¦on§irm¨©ionª ¦orr« ¬tion 3. ­ ¬tivity® ¯°i¬±²³ ¯ °i¬±®³ 1´µookt pi·¸tur 1 ¶¹º»¶¼ ¶½n¾ »´¿À ¶t ºo y tuo hink th¸y will º Á ôÄo th¸y·¶ll ¶ºÁ·torÂ





114 (×Ø ÙÚÛÜ Ý×iÙÚÞÜ 1. Lßß àáââãäåæçâèé ä 1 áê ëìáíá æêî 2. ïðâãäñçáò òáëß çâ ß éóôãá âëßñß èâãæêàâãäëß çâ ßéôæòòëßáõß èââ ãäíæ éò? öÚ ÷ãáâøãßèòëâãäëßçâßéäùáúæê äâ ßàêßôãä éçßêëæâæßê? Aççèéáâ ä Läøø Aççèéáâ ä Nßâ Aççèéáâä ûrüýiþtion Cßêðæéúáâæßê

115 Cÿ ÿ A L A Nÿ A r ition Nÿ tivity 4 h son p rh ÿ ÿ . . . ÿ ÿ . ÿ ÿ . ÿÿ! . 1. Nÿ" ÿ # # 2. $ ÿÿ !ÿ ÿ " ÿ # % ÿ ÿ? 3. B # #&ÿ#"ÿ# ÿ? 4. $ÿÿ !# ÿ ÿÿ# ÿ ÿ?


C'() *+ ,-. *'(

C'+ +/0.*' (

N'1 23tivity4

5is3uss th678llowino9u6stions with8 your roup:2n; pr6s6nt yr ou<=sw6r in7ront o7 th63l<>s:

1. D'?'@.A*(B.A-..A/./C.*DE/ D0+ *F*(GD',/.A*(G? H'IE'?'@B('I? 2. D'/ D.A/./C../J J.A/K+/D/(.'+K-D./L/(.D? M*L/?'@++/-D' (1

3. NA-.E'/D.A/./C.-0.@-JJ?./JJ?'@-F'@.? 23tivityO

PQRk in;ivi;u<Sly<=; r6<; th6 t6xt T6:lowUh6nV<6swnr th67ollowin8 qu


O(/E-?W- (E+ - D/I*)/JJD*0B*(.A/,*E EJ/').A/E(GJ *D AJ/ DD'(1AJ J.A/D.@ E/(.D E*E +/-E*(G . -DBD. W@E E/(J? W- (E+ - D/I* L',* ./ E 1 AJ J '.A/+ D.@E/(.D D.'KK/ E I+ * .*(G. M+D. L*E* -A/J K/ EA/+* ,,/ E* -./J?. X A/0A-* +,- (').A/0J -DDD/(.) '+.A/ D0A' 'JY D E'0.'+. Z( ) *L/ ,*(@./ D .A/ E'0.'+ 0-,/. H/ /C-,*(/ E A/+ 0-+/)@JJ?. H/ /C-,*(/ EA/+/ ?/ D. H/)/J .A/+D.',-0A1H/J *D./(/ E.'A/+A/- +.F/-.. H/,/-D @+/E

11[ \]^ _` a ab c ^]dde^ ]. f\]g \] haai \ ]^ h ]jc ]^kh e^]. lmn j ko ^kpb d\] deo o ]^ d o ^aj jk `k ^p k. q]^h ]jc ]^kh e^]p dr]^s\pt\uf\khpdv\sd \]rajph ]b uw \]\kdkr]^ s_kb xaet\y h a au mn ``tp r] \]^ d aj] cp` ` do a ^ \]^jk `k ^p kydaj] hk _` ]hd o a^\]^o ]r]^y kgb ds^ eco a ^\ ]^xae t\uw \ ]g]]b dkv]]in d^]dh , said

the doctor. zu{stions|

1. What is the text telling you about?

2. What did the students do? What happened? 3. What was the name of the teacher?

4. What did the doctor do?

5. What was Sandra Dewi suffering from? }~ What did the doctor recommend

118 €‚ ‚ƒ „…€† „ ‡ˆ ‡€‰ Š ‹ŒŽ : Š ‘’ “’ ”•–—˜—™–š – Š›œž‹t : Ÿ ¡Ž¢ £Œ ¤Ž ¥ss/Šž¦žstžr : §˜˜˜/2 ¥¢  ¦¥tžr¢¥Ž : “ž‹›  ¨ tžxt —ur¥t¢  : 2 ¦žžt¢ ¡s (4 x 40 ¦¢   ›¨žs) †© ªomp«t«nsi ¬ ­ti ®‡or«‡«ompt«n¯« °±

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