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Mo¨ssbauer spectroscopy in inorganic chemistry

Dalam dokumen INORGANIC CHEMISTRY (Halaman 110-116)


2.12 Mo¨ssbauer spectroscopy in inorganic chemistry

fluxional. On going from the low to high temperature limit, the two signals coalesce to give a single resonance.

The usual dynamic process in which 5-coordinate species are involved in solution is Berry pseudo-rotation.Although ligand–ligand repulsions are minimized in a trigonal bi-pyramidal arrangement, only a small amount of energy is needed to convert it into a square-based pyramid. The interconversion involves small perturbations of the bond angles subtended at the central atom, and continued repeti-tion of the process results in each substituent ‘visiting’ both equatorial and axial sites in the trigonal bipyramidal struc-ture (Figure 2.13).

Exchange processes in solution

A number of hydrated cations in aqueous solution undergo exchange with the solvent at rates slow enough to be observed on the NMR spectroscopic timescale by using

17O isotopic labelling; 17O has I¼52, while both 16O and

18O are NMR inactive. Different chemical shifts are observed for the17O nuclei in bulk and coordinated water, and from the signal intensity ratios, hydration numbers can be obtained. For example, Alhas been shown to be present as [Al(H2O)6].

Reactions such as that in equation 2.41 are known as redistribution reactions.

PCl3þ PðOEtÞ3Ð PCl2ðOEtÞ þ PClðOEtÞ2 ð2:41Þ A redistribution reaction is one in which substituents

exchange between species but the types and numbers of each type of bond remain the same.

The position of equilibrium can be followed by using 31P NMR spectroscopy, since each of the four species has a

characteristic chemical shift. Rate data are obtained by following the variation in relative signal integrals with time, and equilibrium constants (and hence values of Go since Go¼ RT ln K) can be found from the relative signal integrals when no further change takes place (i.e.

equilibrium has been established); by determining Go at different temperatures, values of Ho and So can be found using equations 2.42 and 2.43.

Go¼ Ho TSo ð2:42Þ

d ln K dT ¼Ho

RT2 ð2:43Þ

Values of Ho for these types of reactions are almost zero, the redistribution of the groups being driven by an increase in the entropy of the system.

2.12 Mo¨ssbauer spectroscopy in

a radioactive source, a solid absorber with the 57 Fe-containing sample and a g-ray detector. For57Fe samples, the radioactive source is 57Co and is incorporated into stainless steel; the 57Co source decays by capture of an extra-nuclear electron to give the excited state of 57Fe which emits g-radiation as it decays to its ground state. If

57Fe is present in the same form in both source and absorber, resonant absorption occurs and no radiation is transmitted.

However, if the57Fe in the source and absorber is present in two different forms, absorption does not occur and g-radiation reaches the detector. Moving the source at different velocities towards or away from the 57Fe absorber has the APPLICATIONS

Box 2.6 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a clinical technique to obtain an image of, for example, a human organ or tumour.

The image is generated from information obtained from the

1H NMR spectroscopic signals of water. The signal intensity depends upon the proton relaxation times and the concentra-tion of water. The relaxaconcentra-tion times can be altered, and the image enhanced, by using MRI contrast agents. Coordina-tion complexes containing paramagnetic Gd, Fe or Mn are potentially suitable as contrast agents, and of these, complexes containing the Gd ion have so far proved to be especially useful. To minimize toxic side-effects in patients, Gdmust be introduced in the form of a com-plex that will not dissociate in the body, and chelating ligands are particularly suitable (see Chapter 6 for a discussion of stability constants). Excretion is also an important consid-eration; complexes must not remain in the body any longer than is necessary. One of the successful ligands in use is derived from H5DTPA; after the intravenous injection to introduce [Gd(DPTA)]2, clearance through the kidneys takes about 30 min.






If an image of a certain organ is required, it is important to find a contrast agent that targets that organ, e.g.

gadolinium(III) complexes are used to target the liver.

Dependence upon the observation of proton signals in some organs (e.g. lungs) presents problems with respect to MRI. The use of129Xe magnetic imaging has been tested as a means of overcoming some of the difficulties associated with proton observation. Under the right conditions, gaseous129Xe taken into mouse lungs allows excellent images to be observed.

Further reading

M.S. Albert, G.D. Cates, B. Driehuys, W. Happer, B. Saam, C.S. Springer and A. Wishnia (1994) Nature, vol. 370, p. 199 – ‘Biological magnetic resonance imaging using laser-polarized129Xe’.

P. Caravan, J.J. Ellison, T.J. McMurry and R.B. Lauffer (1999) Chemical Reviews, vol. 99, p. 2293 – ‘Gado-linium(III) chelates as MRI contrast agents; structure, dynamics and applications’.

J.F. Desreux and V. Jacques (1995) in Handbook of Metal–Ligand Interactions in Biological Fluids, ed. G.

Berthon, vol. 2, p. 1109, Dekker, New York – ‘Role of metal–ligand interactions in the design of MRI contrast agents’.

S.H. Koenig and R.D. Brown (1995) in Handbook of Metal–Ligand Interactions in Biological Fluids, ed. G.

Berthon, vol. 2, p. 1093, Dekker, New York – ‘Relaxiv-ity of MRI magnetic contrast agents. Concepts and principles’.

R.A. Moats, S.E. Fraser and T.J. Meade (1997) Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English, vol. 36, p. 726 –

‘A ‘‘smart’’ magnetic resonance imaging agent that reports on specific enzymic activity’.

S. Zhang, P. Winter, K. Wu and A.D. Sherry (2001) Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 123, p. 1517 – ‘A novel europium(III)-based MRI contrast agent’.

Table 2.4 Properties of selected nuclei observed by Mo¨ssbauer spectroscopy. The radioisotope source provides the g-radiation required for the Mo¨ssbauer effect.

Nucleus observed Natural abundance / % Ground spin state Excited spin state Radioisotope source

57Fe 2.2 12 32 57Co

119Sn 8.6 12 32 119mSn

99Ru 12.7 32 52 99Rh

197Au 100 32 12 197mPt

m¼ metastable

effect of varying the energy of the g-radiation (i.e. by the Doppler effect). The velocity of movement required to bring about maximum absorption relative to stainless steel (defined as an arbitrary zero for iron) is called the isomer shiftof57Fe in the sample, with units of mm s1.

What can isomer shift data tell us?

The isomer shift gives a measure of the electron density on the 57Fe centre, and isomer shift values can be used to determine the oxidation state of the Fe atom. Similarly, in

197Au Mo¨ssbauer spectroscopy, isomer shifts can be used to distinguish between Au(I) and Au(III). Three specific examples are chosen here from iron chemistry.

The cation [Fe(NH3)5(NO)]has presented chemists with an ambiguity in terms of the description of the bonding which has, in some instances, been described in terms of an [NO]þunit bound to an Fe(I) centre. Results of57Fe Mo¨ss-bauer spectroscopy have revealed that the correct description is that of an [NO]ligand bound to an Fe(III) centre.

The formal oxidation states of the iron centres in [Fe(CN)6]4and [Fe(CN)6]3 areþ2 and þ3; however, the closeness of the isomer shifts for these species suggests that the actual oxidation states are similar and this may be interpreted in terms of the extra electron in [Fe(CN)6]4

being delocalized on the cyano ligands rather than the iron centre.

Differences in isomer shifts can be used to distinguish between different iron environments in the same molecule:

the existence of two signals in the Mo¨ssbauer spectrum of Fe3(CO)12 provided the first evidence for the presence of two types of iron atom in the solid state structure (Figure 2.14), a fact that has been confirmed by X-ray diffraction methods.


The following terms were introduced in this chapter. Do you know what they mean?

q neutron q proton q nucleon q nuclide q mass number q mass defect q binding energy q radioactive decay q first order rate equation q first order rate constant q half-life

q a-particle q b-particle (b) q g-radiation q positron (bþ) q neutrino (ne) q antineutrino

q transmutation of an element q nuclear fission

q nuclear fusion

q slow (thermal) neutron q fast neutron

q transuranium element q isotopic enrichment q zero point energy

q isotope exchange reaction q kinetic isotope effect q spectroscopic timescale

q nuclear spin quantum number, I q chemical shift (in NMR spectroscopy) q spin–spin coupling (in NMR spectroscopy) q proton-decoupled NMR spectrum

q multiplicity of an NMR spectroscopic signal q satellite peaks (in an NMR spectrum) q stereochemically non-rigid

q fluxionality

q Berry pseudo-rotation q redistribution reaction q Mo¨ssbauer effect

q isomer shift (in Mo¨ssbauer spectroscopy)

Further reading

Basic reaction kinetics

C.E. Housecroft and E.C. Constable (2002) Chemistry, Prentice Hall, Harlow – Chapter 14 covers first order reaction kinetics with worked examples, and includes mathematical background for the integration of rate equations.

Fig. 2.14 The solid state structure of Fe3(CO)12as determined by X-ray diffraction methods. The molecule contains two Fe environments by virtue of the arrangement of the CO groups. Colour code: Fe, green; C, grey; O, red.

Chapter 2 . Glossary 75

Nuclear chemistry

G.R. Choppin, J.-O. Liljenzin and J. Rydberg (1995) Radio-chemistry and Nuclear Chemistry, 2nd edn, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford – An excellent general account of both the subjects and their chemical and practical applications.

G. Friedlander, J.W. Kennedy, E.S. Macias and J.M. Miller (1981) Nuclear and Radiochemistry, 3rd edn, Wiley, New York – A general textbook of radiochemistry and its applications.

J. Godfrey, R. McLachlan and C.H. Atwood (1991) Journal of Chemical Education, vol. 68, p. 819 – An article entitled

‘Nuclear reactions versus inorganic reactions’ provides a useful comparative survey and includes a re´sume´ of the kinetics of radioactive decay.

N.N. Greenwood and A. Earnshaw (1997) Chemistry of the Elements, 2nd edn, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford – Chapter 1 gives an account of the origins of the elements and of nuclear processes.

D.C. Hoffmann (1994) Chemical & Engineering News, 2 May issue, p. 24 – An article entitled ‘The heaviest elements’

which gives a good feeling for the problems and fascination involved in working with the transuranium elements.

D.C. Hoffmann and G.R. Choppin (1986) Journal of Chemical Education, vol. 63, p. 1059 – A discussion of high-level nuclear waste.

D.C. Hoffmann and D.M. Lee (1999) Journal of Chemical Education, vol. 76, p. 331 – An excellent article that covers the development and future prospects of ‘atom-at-a-time’


NMR and Mo¨ssbauer spectroscopies

C. Brevard and P. Granger (1981) Handbook of High Resolution Multinuclear NMR, Wiley-Interscience, New York – A reference book listing nuclear properties, standard references, typical chemical shift ranges and coupling constants.

C.E. Housecroft (1994) Boranes and Metallaboranes: Structure, Bonding and Reactivity, 2nd edn, Ellis Horwood, Hemel Hempstead – Chapter 2 includes an account of the inter-pretation of 11B and 1H NMR spectra of boranes and their derivatives.

B.K. Hunter and J.K.M. Sanders (1993) Modern NMR Spectroscopy: A Guide for Chemists, 2nd edn, Oxford University Press, Oxford – An excellent, detailed and readable text.

A.G. Maddock (1997) Mo¨ssbauer Spectroscopy: Principles and Applications, Horwood Publishing, Chichester – A com-prehensive account of the technique and its applications.

R.V. Parish (1990), NMR, NQR, EPR and Mo¨ssbauer Spec-troscopy in Inorganic Chemistry, Ellis Horwood, Chichester – A text dealing with the theory, applications and interpretation of spectra; includes end-of-chapter problems.

J.K.M. Sanders, E.C. Constable, B.K. Hunter and C.M. Pearce (1993) Modern NMR Spectroscopy: A Workbook of Chemical Problems, 2nd edn, Oxford University Press, Oxford – An invaluable collection of NMR spectroscopic problem-solving exercises.


2.1 For each of the following isotopes, state the number of neutrons, protons and electrons present: (a)199F; (b)5927Co;


2.2 What do you understand by the terms: (a) atomic number;

(b) mass number; (c) mass defect; (d) binding energy per nucleon?

2.3 Using the data in Appendix 5, plot a representation of the mass spectrum of naturally occurring atomic Ba.

2.4 Radium-224 is radioactive and decays by emitting an a-particle. (a) Write an equation for this process. (b) The decay of radium-224 produces helium gas. Rutherford and Geiger determined that a-particles were emitted from


88Ra at a rate of 7:65 1012s1mol1, and that this corresponded to a rate of helium production of

2:90 1010dm3s1at 273 K, 1 bar. If 1 mole of helium occupies 22.7 dm3(273 K, 1 bar), estimate a value for the Avogadro constant.

2.5 Use the following data to determine the half-life of21884Po and the rate constant for the decay of21884Po.

Time / s 0 200 400 600 800 1000

Moles21884Po 0.250 0.110 0.057 0.025 0.012 0.005

2.6 The half-life of strontium-90 is 29.1 years. Determine the rate constant for the decay of strontium-90 in units of s1. [The SI unit of time is the second.]

2.7 Complete the following table, which refers to possible nuclear reactions of a nuclide:

Reaction type

Change in number of protons

Change in number of neutrons

Change in mass number

Is a new element formed?

a-particle loss b-particle loss Positron loss (n,g) reaction

2.8 For each step in Figure 2.3, identify the particle emitted.

2.9 Interpret the following notational forms of nuclear reactions: (a)5826Feð2n;bÞ6027Co; (b)5525Mnðn;gÞ5625Mn;

(c)3216Sðn;pÞ3215P; (d)2311Naðg;3nÞ2011Na.

2.10 Identify the second fission product in the following reactions:

(a)2359210n"14256Baþ ? þ 210n

(b)2359210n"13752Teþ ? þ 210n

2.11 In each of the following reactions, are the incoming neutrons ‘fast’ or ‘slow’ ? Give reasons for your choices.


(b)2389210n"23992Uþ g

(c) 2359210n"8534Seþ14858Ceþ 310n

2.12 Determine the half-life of Bk given that a plot of ln N against t is linear with a gradient of0.0023 day1where N is the number of nuclides present at time t.

2.13 The IR spectrum of naturally occurring CO shows an absorption at 2170 cm1assigned to the vibrational mode of the molecule. If the sample is enriched in13C, what change do you expect to see when the IR spectrum is re-recorded?

2.14 If the oxide P4O6is dissolved in an aqueous solution of sodium carbonate, compound A of formula Na2HPO3 may be crystallized from solution. The IR spectrum of A contains a band at 2300 cm1. The corresponding band in the IR spectrum of B (obtained by an analogous method from P4O6and Na2CO3dissolved in D2O) is at 1630 cm1. On recrystallization of A from D2O, however, its IR spectrum is not affected. Discuss the interpretation of these observations.

2.15 Why is the method of isotope dilution analysis used to determine the solubility of sparingly soluble salts rather than a method depending upon mass determination?

2.16 A small amount of the radioactive isotope21282Pb was mixed with a quantity of a non-radioactive lead salt containing 0.0100 g lead (Ar¼ 207). The whole sample was dissolved

in aqueous solution and lead(II) chromate (PbCrO4) was precipitated by the addition of a soluble chromate salt.

Evaporation of 10 cm3of the supernatant liquid gave a residue having a radioactivity of 4:17 105that of the original quantity of21282Pb. Calculate the solubility of lead(II) chromate in mol dm3.

In questions 2.17 to 2.27, refer to Table 2.3 for isotopic abundances where needed.

2.17 Why is a coupling constant measured in Hz and is not recorded as a chemical shift difference?

2.18 Long range couplings are often observed between31P and

19F nuclei, between31P and1H nuclei, but not between remote non-equivalent1H nuclei. What does this tell you about the relative magnitudes of values of JPF, JPH and JHHfor the respective pairs of nuclei when they are directly attached?

2.19 Rationalize the fact that the13C NMR spectrum of CF3CO2H consists of two binomial quartets with coupling constants of 44 and 284 Hz respectively.

2.20 How might you use31P NMR spectroscopy to distinguish between Ph2PH and Ph3P?

2.21 The31P NMR spectrum of PMe3consists of a binomial decet (J 2.7 Hz). (a) Account for this observation. (b) Predict the nature of the1H NMR spectrum of PMe3.

2.22 The29Si NMR spectrum of compound 2.5 shows a triplet with a coupling constant of 194 Hz. (a) Rationalize these data and (b) predict the nature of the signal in the1H

Fig. 2.15 Figure for problem 2.23.

Chapter 2 . Problems 77

NMR spectrum of 2.5 that is assigned to the silicon-bound protons. [29Si: 4.7% abundant; I¼12]




2.23 Figure 2.15 shows the11B NMR spectra of (a) THF BH3 (2.6) and (b) PhMe2P BH3. Interpret the observed coupling patterns and mark on the figure where you would measure relevant coupling constants.



2.24 (a) Predict the structure of SF4using the VSEPR model. (b) Account for the fact that at 298 K and in solution the19F NMR spectrum of SF4exhibits a singlet but that at 175 K, two equal-intensity triplets are observed.

2.25 The19F NMR spectrum of each of the following molecules exhibits one signal. For which species is this observation consistent with a static molecular structure as predicted by VSEPR theory: (a) SiF4; (b) PF5; (c) SF6; (d) SOF2; (e) CF4?

2.26 Outline the mechanism of Berry pseudo-rotation, giving two examples of molecules that undergo this process.

2.27 Is it correct to interpret the phrase ‘static solution structure’ as meaning necessarily rigid? Use the following molecules to exemplify your answer: PMe3; OPMe3; PPh3; SiMe4.

Further problems on NMR spectroscopy

2.28 Account for the fact that the29Si NMR spectrum of a mixture of SiCl4and SiBr4that has been standing for 40 h contains five singlets which include those assigned to SiCl4 ( –19) and SiBr4( 90).

2.29 The structure of [P5Br2]þis shown in diagram 2.7.

Account for the fact that the31P NMR spectrum of this cation at 203 K consists of a doublet of triplets (J 321 Hz, 149 Hz), a triplet of triplets (J 321 Hz, 26 Hz) and a triplet of doublets (J 149 Hz, 26 Hz).



P Br Br


2.30 Tungsten hexacarbonyl (2.8) contains six equivalent CO ligands. With reference to Table 2.3, suggest what you would expect to observe in the13C NMR spectrum of a

13C-enriched sample of W(CO)6.




CO (2.8)

2.31 The compounds SenS8 nwith n¼ 1–5 are structurally similar to S8. Structure 2.9 shows a representation of the S8 ring (it is actually non-planar) and the atom numbering scheme; all the S atoms are equivalent. Using this as a guide, draw the structures of SeS7, 1,2-Se2S6, 1,3-Se2S6, 1,2,3-Se3S5, 1,2,4-Se3S5, 1,2,5-Se3S5and 1,2,3,4-Se4S4. How many signals would you expect to observe in the

77Se (I¼12, 7.6%) NMR spectrum of each compound?




1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8


2.32 Explain why the19F NMR spectrum of BFCl2consists of a 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 quartet. What would you expect to observe in the19F NMR spectrum of BF2Cl? Data for the spin-active nuclei in these compounds are given in Table 2.3.

2.33 Rationalize the fact that at 173 K,1H NMR

spectroscopy shows that SbMe5possesses only one type of Me group.

2.34 MeCN solutions of NbCl5and HF contain a mixture of octahedral [NbF6], [NbF5Cl], [NbF4Cl2],

[NbF3Cl3]and [NbF2Cl4]. Predict the number and coupling patterns of the signals in the19F NMR spectrum of each separate component in this mixture, taking into account possible isomers. (Assume static structures and no coupling to193Nb.)

An introduction to molecular symmetry

Dalam dokumen INORGANIC CHEMISTRY (Halaman 110-116)