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Multicultural Education At Indonesian Higher

Dalam dokumen abstrak jurnal no 1sd19 (Halaman 42-53)

Education To Revitalize Nationalism


(A W orking Paper)

M aftuchah Yusuf**)

A bstrak

Setelah Presiden Soeharto lengser akibat krisis moneter Indonesia menjadi kaotis. Akibat krisis multidimensional ini situasi politik, ekonomi dan sosial memburuk. Kemiskinan meningkat, pelanggaran hukum, kekerasan, kehancuran sumber alam, merosotnya moral bangsa mengakibatkan kebingungan dan patah semangat pada masyarakat Indonesia.

Setelah Pemilu 1999 suasana tidak berubah. Masa kepresidenan Presiden Habibie, diikuti oleh Abdulrahman W ahid dan Megawati Soekarnoputri (1997 – 2004) belum ada yang mampu membawa perbaikan kehidupan Bangsa. Keadaan ini memerlukan perbaikan cepat dan menyeluruh. Pemilu 2004 diadakan, agar memantapkan transformasi kehidupan demokrasi di Indonesia. Dengan biaya yang tinggi, wakil-wakil rakyat dipilih melalui Pemilu yang aman dan damai, dilengkapi dengan Pemilihan Presiden dan W akil Presiden secara langsung. Untuk

*) This paper was written as a small contribution to the success of t he International Seminar on “ Multicultural Education: Revitalizing Nationalism and the Role of Higher Education Amid the Age of Globalization “

memperbaiki keadaan di Indonesia pemerintah yang demokratis harus segera dilaksanakan.

Sesuai dengan anjuran Rowena G. Layador persyaratan Transformasi Pemerintahan yang otoriter ke Pemerintahan Demokratis ialah: (1) Pemilihan Presiden dan W akil Presiden langsung. (2) Partisipasi politik rakyat ditingkatkan. (3) Mewujudkan masyarakat Madani yang kuat. (4)Perubahan peranan militer. Dengan Pimpinan Nasional yang kuat dan melalui sistem Pendidikan Multikultural yang mantap Bangsa Indonesia diharapkan bisa memperbaiki keadaan, demi terwujudnya “ Bhineka Tinggal Ika.

Peran Ilmuwan Indonesia dalam M enumbuhkan Ilmu dan Pengetahuan yang Bersumber dari Tanah A ir1)

(Homegrown Science)

Dadan Umar Daihani2)

A bstract

Technology achievement is the most important factor in order to improve the competitive advantage of the nation. In the broad sense, technology can be defined as the way we do thing is all means, tools, techniques, and procedures used to accomplish some desired human purpose. The

scientist often forgets that our environment teach a lot of things that can be codified as a formal technology. A lot of tacit knowledge and

indigenous technology are buried because we never documented or coded those technologies. This paper will show that Indonesia has a lot of valuable and usable indigenous technologies. The challenge is “ do the Indonesian scientists realize about it? ”

Key word: Indigenous Technology, Formal Technology, Tacit Knowledge, Coded Knowledge, Indonesia


Penelitian dan Karya Ilmiah

Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Trisakti

Potensi Tembaga Sebagai Kerajinan Dekoratif Pelengkap Interior di Desa Tumang - Cipogo, Boyolali

Cama Juli Ria

Arbitrase Sebagai Forum Penyelesaian Sengketa Kegiatan Pasar Modal di Indonesia)


Dampak Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan Terhadap Erosi dan Hidrology di DAS Besai-Lampung Barat

Jamartin Sihite

Kemiripan Antara Gambar-Gambar Frank Lloyd Wright dengan "Hyakkei"

Agus Budi Purnomo

Morfologi Arsitektur Sumba

Moh. Ali Topan

Inovasi : Data Keruangan dan Sistim Informasi Geografis

Agus Budi Purnomo

Review Buku: The Problem of Style

Prasetya Utama

Pot ensi Tembaga Sebagai Kerajinan Dekoratif Pelengkap Interior di Desa Tumang - Cipogo,


Cama Juli Ria


The Public has known and been familiar with house hardware made of copper, such as dandang (a large metal vessel for steaming rice), tempayan (large water jar), kencheng (friying pan), etc. Copper has special characteristics, such as easy to be formed and bended, has a good strained strength, can be carved, and easy to be mixed with othermetals. It could also be produced with various colours. Thus, copper

could be used and formed as arts or crafts, which would have functional and decorative value. For example : cooper could be made into a flower pot / vase, umbrella stands, wall lamps, hanging lamps, wall decorations, and souvenirs. Copper crafts, which have special and unique characteristics of a certain region, are as one of various assets from natural culture wealth and Indonesian people have to substain and develop these crafts, so they could be more familiar and the community would be more interested in these crafts. Tumang village in Cipogo, Boyolali - Central Java, is one of villages where most of its people (80% ) work as copper craftman, whereas their skills came from tlreir fore fathers. There is a small number of people work as traditional copper craftman and a larger number of people who begin work as decorative copper craftman.

Arbitrase Sebagai Forum Penyelesaian Sengketa Kegiatan Pasar Modal di Indonesia

B a c h t i a r

A bst r ac t

Arbitration in Indonesia has been written in the Laws No. 30 Year 1999 on Arbitration (UU No. 30 / 1999) as a substitution of the laws ort arbitration made by the colonial Dutch Government.

Arbitration is an alternative from formal justice made by the country and it has been known for a long time. It is simply defined as a way of civil dispute resolution outside the court that is based on the arbitration agreement made by several parties who are involved in the dispute. From this definition, there are three important elements (1) Arbitration as a process of adjudication, (2) Privacy, and (3) Problem solving by arbitration based on agreement.

The dispute that might occur in the capital market has a unique character which demands knowledge and skills in the field of capital market. To make arbitration as the first options for solving a dispute in the capital market, it will be very important if all parties holding a cooperation include an article on arbitration in the contract or the agreement letter.

Dampak Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan Terhadap Erosi dan Hidrology

di DAS Besai-Lampung Barat

Jamartin Sihite


Many conflicts over the use of land resources involve competing interest group with various different reasons. These different interests cause conflict in upstream and down stream management in watershed. In upstream, population pressure on land causes landuse changes. Changes from forest to coffee plantation cause increase in soil erosion, run-off and fluctuation in stream dis-charge. In 1975 when 42, 6% of watershed area are forested, soil erosion was low (12,08 ton/ha/year), stream discharge had not fluctuated. In 1997 when forest area decreased to only 8,4% and coffee plantation become 71,2 % of watershed area, erosion was 49,93 ton/ha/year and stream discharge, greatly fluctuated. Researeh showed the irnpact of land-use changes could be rnanaged by using soil urrd water conservation. This practice decreased soil erosion rnore than 80%. Key words : Landuse change, erosion, run-off and discharge

Kemiripan antara Gambar-Gambar Frank Lloyd

Wright dengan "Hyakkei"

Dalam dokumen abstrak jurnal no 1sd19 (Halaman 42-53)

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