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PERPAJAKAN (Lanjutan) TAXATION (Continued) c. Beban/(Manfaat) Pajak Penghasilan

Untuk tingkat kenaikan gaji masa datang,

19. PERPAJAKAN (Lanjutan) TAXATION (Continued) c. Beban/(Manfaat) Pajak Penghasilan


19.c. Income Tax Expense/(Benefit) (Continued)

30 September / September 30 30 September / Tidak diaudit /

September 30, Unaudited

2021 2020

Laba Sebelum Pajak Sesuai Income Before Taxes as Presented in

Laporan Laba Rugi dan Statements of

Penghasilan Komprehensif Profit or Loss and

Lain 14.072.538 65.660.270 Other Comprehensive Income

Dikurangi : Less:

Laba Sebelum Pajak Entitas Anak (2.876.465) (3.685.943) Income Before IncomeTax of Subsidiaries

Laba Sebelum Pajak Income Before

Penghasilan Perusahaan 11.196.073 61.974.327 Income Tax of The Company

Perbedaan Waktu: Timing Differences:

Beban imbalan kerja 2.946.145 7.441.855 Employee benefit expense

Penghapusan piutang lain-lain (26.008.398) -- Write-Off Other Receivables

Pemulihan Penurunan Recovery for Impairment

Nilai Piutang - Net 83.307 (51.679.745) Receivable - Net

Beban (Pemulihan) atas Allowance (Recovery) for impairment

penurunan nilai persediaan 2.154.776 (600.894) of inventories

Beban Penyusutan (238.177) (1.359.692) Depreciation Expenses

Beban Amortisasi 36.381 (69.788) Amortization Expenses

Sewa Pembiayaan 314.768 -- Finance Lease

Jumlah Beda Waktu (20.711.198) (46.268.264) Total temporary differences

Perbedaan tetap: Permanent Differences:

Beban kesejahteraan karyawan 1.232.737 1.087.793 Benefits in kind

Pajak penghasilan 714.842 1.566.995 Income taxes

Tunjangan biaya operasional 295.446 2.652.565 Operational expenses allowance

Biaya Sumbangan 1.212.199 -- Donation

Penghasilan kena pajak final (1.339.880) (1.268.128) Income subject to final tax

Pendapatan Dividen (1.672.102) -- Dividend Income

Angsuran leasing (700.053) -- Leasing installment

Jumlah beda tetap (256.811) 4.039.225 Total permanent differences

Taksiran Laba (Rugi) Estimated Taxable Income

Fiskal Perusahaan (9.771.936) 19.745.288 (Loss) of The Company

Jumlah Beban Pajak Kini -- 4.343.963 Current Tax Expense

Pajak Dibayar Dimuka Prepaid Taxes

PPh pasal 22 (10.311.066) (9.218.783) Income tax article 22

PPh pasal 23 (194.179) (294.117) Income tax article 23

PPh pasal 25 (39.037) (7.622.757) Income tax article 25

Kurang/ (Lebih) Under/ (Over )

Bayar Pajak Penghasilan (10.544.282) (12.791.694) Payment of Income Tax

Penghasilan kena pajak menjadi dasar penyusunan SPT untuk periode setiap tahun yang disajikan dalam Laporan keuangan konsolidasian.

Rekonsiliasi antara beban pajak dan hasil perkalian laba komersial sebelum pajak penghasilan dengan tarif pajak penghasilan yang berlaku adalah sebagai berikut:

The taxable income is the basis for the preparation of tax returns every year period presented in the consolidated financial statements.

A reconciliation between income tax expense with the result of computation of commercial income with the prevailing tax rate is as follows:

19. PERPAJAKAN (Lanjutan) 19. TAXATION (Continued) 19.c. Beban/(Manfaat) Pajak Penghasilan


19.c. Income Tax Expense/(Benefit) (Continued)

30 September / September 30 30 September / Tidak diaudit /

September 30, Unaudited

2021 2020

Laba Sebelum Pajak Sesuai Income Before Taxes as Presented in

Laporan Laba Rugi dan Penghasilan Consolidated Statements of Profit or

Komprehensif Lain Konsolidasian 14.072.538 65.660.270 Loss and Other Comprehensive Income

Laba Entitas Anak (2.876.465) (3.685.943) Income of Subsidiaries

Laba Komersial Perusahaan 11.196.073 61.974.327 Commercial Income - the Company

Pajak Penghasilan Dihitung dengan Income Tax Calculated using

Tarif Pajak Yang Berlaku (2.463.136) (13.634.352) Current Tax Rate

Beban yang Dapat (Tidak Dapat)

Menjadi Pengurang Pajak (606.138) (1.167.618) Deductible (Non Deductible) Expenses

Penyesuaian atas perubahan Tarif Pajak -- -- Adjustment for Changes in Income Tax

Penghasilan Tidak Kena Non-Taxable Income/

Pajak/Dikenakan Pajak Final 662.636 278.988 Subject to Final Tax

Total Beban Pajak Penghasilan

Perusahaan (2.406.638) (14.522.982) Total of Company Income Tax Expenses

Pajak Kini Entitas Anak (1.561.128) (515.784) Current Tax - Subsidiaries

Pajak Tangguhan Entitas Anak 1.009.423 (336.248) Deferred Tax - Subsidiaries

Total Beban Pajak Penghasilan - Total of Income Tax Expenses-

Entitas Anak (551.705) (852.032) Subsidiaries

Total Beban Pajak Penghasilan Total Consolidated Income

Konsolidasian (2.958.343) (15.375.014) Tax Expenses

19.d. Aset (Liabilitas) Pajak Tangguhan 19.d. Deferred tax assets (liabilities)

Dikreditkan (Dibebankan) Dikreditkan pada Penghasilan

(Dibebankan) Komprehensif Lain/ Dampak Penyesuaian atas

pada Laba Rugi/ Credited Penerapan Awal Perubahan Tarif

Charged (Charged) to Other PSAK 71/ Pajak dan Lainnya/

Saldo Awal/ (Credited) to Comprehensive Effect of Initial Adjustment for Saldo Akhir/

Beginning Profit or Loss Income Implementation Changes in Income Ending

Balance SFAS 71 Tax Rate and Others Balance

Aset Pajak Tangguhan Deferred Tax Assets

Perusahaan The Company

Surplus Revaluasi Fixed Asset

Aset Tetap (3.170.670) -- -- -- -- (3.170.670) Revaluation Surplus

Liabilitas Imbalan Employee Benefit

Pascakerja 22.674.391 648.152 (2.568.545) -- -- 20.753.998 Liabilities

Cadangan Penurunan Nilai Piutang 5.937.927 (5.703.520) -- -- -- 234.407 Allowance For Doubtful Account

Persediaan 538.609 474.051 -- -- -- 1.012.660 Inventories

Aset Tetap (4.880.001) (52.399) -- -- -- (4.932.400) Fixed Assets

Aset Takberwujud (71.478) 8.004 -- -- -- (63.474) Intangible Assets

Rugi Fiskal -- 2.149.826 -- -- -- 2.149.826 Tax Loss

Sewa Pembiayaan 225.625 69.249 -- -- -- 294.874 Finance Lease

Total Aset Pajak Tangguhan 21.254.403 (2.406.637) (2.568.545) -- -- 16.279.221 Total Deferred Tax Assets

Liabilitas Pajak Tangguhan Deferred Tax Liabilities

Entitas Anak (1.686.733) 1.009.423 (21.472) -- -- (698.782) Subsidiaries

Total Liabilitas Pajak Tangguhan (1.686.733) 1.009.423 (21.472) -- -- (698.782) Total Deferred Tax Liabilities

2021 30 September / September 30,

19. PERPAJAKAN (Lanjutan) 19. TAXATION (Continued)

19.d. Aset (Liabilitas) Pajak Tangguhan (Lanjutan) 19.d. Deferred tax assets (liabilities) (Continued)

Dikreditkan (Dibebankan) Dikreditkan pada Penghasilan

(Dibebankan) Komprehensif Lain/ Dampak Penyesuaian atas

pada Laba Rugi/ Credited Penerapan Awal Perubahan Tarif

Charged (Charged) to Other PSAK 71/ Pajak dan Lainnya/

Saldo Awal/ (Credited) to Comprehensive Effect of Initial Adjustment for Saldo Akhir/

Beginning Profit or Loss Income Implementation Changes in Income Ending

Balance Rp Rp SFAS 71 Tax Rate and Others Balance

Aset Pajak Tangguhan Deferred Tax Assets

Perusahaan The Company

Surplus Revaluasi Fixed Asset

Aset Tetap (2.256.170) -- (914.500) -- -- (3.170.670) Revaluation Surplus

Liabilitas Imbalan Employee Benefit

Pascakerja 21.727.498 2.060.843 1.493.350 -- (2.607.300) 22.674.391 Liabilities

Cadangan Penurunan Nilai Piutang -- (11.184.909) -- 17.122.836 -- 5.937.927 Allowance For Doubtful Account

Persediaan 686.017 (65.087) -- -- (82.321) 538.609 Inventories

Aset Tetap (4.766.170) (685.772) -- -- 571.940 (4.880.001) Fixed Assets

Aset Takberwujud (67.779) (11.832) -- -- 8.133 (71.478) Intangible Assets

Sewa Pembiayaan -- 225.625 -- -- -- 225.625 Finance Lease

Total Aset Pajak Tangguhan 15.323.396 (9.661.133) 578.850 17.122.836 (2.109.547) 21.254.403 Total Deferred Tax Assets

Liabilitas Pajak Tangguhan Total Deferred Tax Assets

Entitas Anak (1.376.913) (669.965) 51.560 143.354 165.231 (1.686.733) Subsidiaries Total Liabilitas Pajak Tangguhan (1.376.913) (669.965) 51.560 143.354 165.231 (1.686.733) Deferred Tax Liabilities

2020 31 Desember / December 31,

19.e Administrasi 19.e Administration

Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Perpajakan yang berlaku di Indonesia, Perusahaan yang berdomisili di Indonesia menghitung dan membayar sendiri besarnya jumlah pajak yang terutang. DJP dapat menetapkan atau mengubah pajak dalam batas waktu lima tahun saat terutangnya pajak.

Under the Taxation Laws of Indonesia, a Company which is domiciled in Indonesia calculates and pays tax based on self assessment. DGT may assess or amend taxes within five years of the time the tax become due.

Pada tanggal 31 Maret 2020, Pemerintah menerbitkan Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang (Perpu) Republik Indonesia No. 1 Tahun 2020 yang telah menjadi Undang-Undang (UU) No. 2 Tahun 2020, serta menetapkan Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) No. 30 Tahun 2020 tentang Penurunan Tarif Pajak Penghasilan bagi Wajib Pajak Badan Dalam Negeri yang Berbentuk Perseroan Terbuka dan berlaku sejak tanggal 19 Juni 2020. Aturan tersebut menetapkan penurunan tarif pajak penghasilan wajib pajak badan dalam negeri dan bentuk usaha tetap dari semula 25%

menjadi 22% untuk tahun pajak 2020 dan 2021 dan 20% mulai tahun pajak 2022 dan seterusnya. Pajak penghasilan badan untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 telah dihitung dengan menggunakan tarif pajak 22%.

On March 31, 2020, the Government issue Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perpu) of the Republic of Indonesia No. 1 of 2020 which has become Law (UU) No. 2 of 2020, as well as stipulated Government Regulation (PP) No. 30 of 2020 concerning Tariff Reduction for Domestic Public Companies Taxpayers and effective since June 19, 2020. The regulation has stipulated the reduction in the income tax rates for domestic corporate taxpayers and business establishments from 25% to 22% for Fiscal Year 2020 and 2021 and 20% for the Fiscal Year 2022 onwards. The Company’s corporate income tax for the year ended December 31, 2020 was calculated using the tax rate of 22%.

19. PERPAJAKAN (Lanjutan) 19. TAXATION (Continued)