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5.2 Suggestion

This research explains about women’s oppressions that are caused by patriarchal family and also women’s struggle against it that are done by female characters by feminist spirit.

After reading this research, the writer hopes to the readers to apply everything that have been struggled by some female characters in this novel in their life. Every one in order they can remove all of kinds women’s oppression they faced should have feminist spirit, because every one who has feminist spirit always has the wish to progress and does not want to be discriminated.

Some female characters in this novel are described as great women who can get their freedom from the restrain of family, remove patriarchal culture in family and change the old tradition of family which discriminated women in all of aspects of life to the new tradition that appreciate the freedom of every one.

Therefore, the writer hopes that the readers can get the experiences to struggle their rights to be free women from this research. If we have a big feminist spirit, it is possible for us to get rights and equality between men and women. As what have been done by some female characters in this novel includes struggle for accessing education, against polygamy, abandoning from serving husband and doing household, demand to choose marriage partner freely, struggle for the freedom in family and struggle against women’s oppression are everything that we can get if we have a big feminist spirit. It can be said that being as women, do not make us to allow our self be discriminated and oppressed. We have the rights as men. So, struggle our rights as we can!

All of suggestions above are made based on the result of this analysis. The writer analyses Pavilion of Women novel by feminist literary criticism focuses on the patriarchal Chinese family purely to the novel it self and do not applied in the real patriarchal family in China. In this research, the writer analyses all of

women’s oppressions and their struggles to fight against that by showing all of the data that support it from the novel it self and without connection to the real

patriarchal family in China. The writer does not analyze whether patriarchal family is applied in China or not and whether the aspects of patriarchal family that are described in this novel are suitable with the real patriarchal family in China.

The limitation analysis that has been done by the writer is because of the limitation of references about patriarchal culture in China and socio-feminist literary criticism. Therefore, the writer hopes for the next researchers who use the same object to analyze this novel by compare it to the real patriarchal family in China in order can enrich the research about feminist literary criticism that is supported by comparison to the real condition in the setting that is applied in the novel. This novel takes the setting in China on 14th century, so by the next research that compares it to real world, can enrich the knowledge about the China’s culture beside feminist criticism from the novel itself.


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