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Press, New York

Dalam dokumen Buku Panduan Akademik Temp (Halaman 31-41)

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Karakterisasi Reservoar Silisiklastik (Characterization of Siliciclastics Reservoir) (2 SKS) ???

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Karakterisasi Reservoar Karbonat (Characterization of Carbonate Reservoir) (2 SKS) ???

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Reservoar Panasbumi (Geothermal Reservoir) (2 SKS) ???

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Geokimia Panasbumi (Geothermal Geochemistry) (2 SKS)

Dalam matakuliah ini akan dijelaskan tentang fluida panasbumi, komposisi kimiawi dan pengelompokannya. Selain itu diperkenalkan pula konsep water-rock interaction dan aplikasi geokimia dalam eksplorasi dan produksi sumber energi panasbumi.


Ellis, J. A., and Mahon, W. A. J., 1977, Chemistry and Geothermal System, Academic Press, New York .

Grant, M. A., Donaldson, I. G., and Bixley, P. F., 1982, Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Academic

Press, New York.

Nicholson, K., 1993, Geothermal Fluids. Chemistry, and Exploration Techniques, Springer-Verlag,


Ulmer, G. C., and Barnes, H. L., 1987, Hydrothermal Experimental Techniques, John Wiley and Sons,

New York.

Mata Kuliah Pilihan Konsentrasi Sumberdaya Mineral: SEMESTER I

Geokimia Endapan Mineral (Geochemistry of Ore Deposit) (2 SKS) ???

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Ekonomi dan Manajemen Sumberdaya Mineral (Economics and Management of Mineral Resources) (2 SKS) ???

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Material Geologi untuk Industri (Geology Raw Material for Industry) (2 SKS) ???

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Pemrosesan Mineral (Mineral Processing) (2 SKS) ???

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Mata Kuliah Pilihan Konsentrasi Geologi Lingkungan: SEMESTER I

Pemodelan Air Tanah (Groundwater Modeling) (2 SKS)

The course will introduce the basic groundwater flow model. This scope will cover the understanding of groundwater flow and groundwater model, types of model, numerical groundwater modeling, stage of modeling, mathematical implementation on groundwater modeling, understanding of model area, boundary condition/aquifer boundary and limitation on groundwater modeling. Assignments in practical focus on developing and installing groundwater model and basic skills in application of existing groundwater model software.


Hendrayana, H., 1994, Pengantar Model Aliran Airtanah, Jurusan Teknik Geologi Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta

Spitz, K., Moreno, J., 1996, A Practical Guide to Groundwater and Solute Transport Modeling, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York

Pinder, G.F., 2002, Groundwater Modeling Using GIS, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York

Batu, V., 2006, Applied Flow and Solute Transport Modeling in Aquifers-Fundamental Principles and Analytical and Numerical Methods, Taylor & Francis, London


Geoteknik Lanjutan (Advanced Geotechnics) (2 SKS)

Dalam matakuliah ini akan dijelaskan tentang pengertian geoteknik dan aplikasinya, sifat fisik tanah dan teknik menganalisisnya serta pemakaiannya sebagai dasar peletakan fondasi dan penentuannya sesuai dengan kondisi tanah dan batuannya.


Bowles, J. E., 1993, Analisis dan Disain Fondasi, Erlangga, Jakarta.

Peck, R. B., Hansen, W. E., and Thornburn, T. H., 1974, Foundation Engineering, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York

Pilot, G., 1982, Foundation Engineering., Presses De l'ecole nationale des pont et chaussees, Paris. Pencemaran Air Tanah (Groundwater Pollution) (2 SKS)

The course is intended for graduate level course in the field of contaminant hydrogeology. This course will covering the basic concept of groundwater pollution, start from the classification of pollution sources, types of groundwater pollutant, transport and attenuation mechanism in the subsurface and groundwater, the mitigation of the groundwater pollution problem and remediation methods of groundwater pollution.


Bedient, P. B., Rifai, H. S., and Newell, C. J., 1999, Groundwater Contamination: Transport and Remediation, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall International (UK) Limited, London

Boulding, J.R., Ginn, G.S., 2004, Practical Handbook of Soil, Vadose Zone and Groundwater Contamination-Assessment, Prevention and Remediation, Second Edition, Lewis Publishers, London

Deutsch, W.J., 1997, Groundwater Geochemistry : Fundamentals and Applications to Contamination, Lewis Publishers, London

Appelo, C.A.J., Postma, D., 2005, Geochemistry, Groundwater and Pollution, Second Edition, Balkema Publisher, Amsterdam

Delleur, J.W., 2007, The Handbook of Groundwater Engineering, Second Edition, Taylor & Francis Group, London

Pengelolaan Air Tanah (Groundwater Management) (2 SKS)

The course will introduce the basic concept of groundwater management. This scope will cover the understanding of groundwater budget, groundwater basin and it's boundaries, concept of groundwater protection and basin management, sustainable groundwater development, urban groundwater system and it's problem, implementation programs of technical and non technical aspects of groundwater management. Assignments and discussions focus on the problem solving of groundwater resources and the impact to the environmental and to the regional development.


Hiscock, K.M., Rivett, M.O., Davison, R.M., 2002, Sustainable Groundwater Development, Geological Survey, London

Shibasaki, T, 1995, Environmental Management of Groundwater Basin, Tokai University, Press, Japan

Boonstra, J., de Ridder, N.A., 1981, Numerical Modeling of Groundwater Basins, ILRI, Wageningen, the Netherland

Delleur, J.W., 2007, The Handbook of Groundwater Engineering, Second Edition, Taylor & Francis Group, London

Domenico, P.A., Schwartz, F.W., 1998, Physical and Chemical Hydrogeology, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.

Pencemaran Tanah dan Remediasi (Soil Pollution and Remediation) (2 SKS)

Pencemaran tanah merupakan keadaan di mana bahan kimia buatan manusia masuk dan merubah lingkungan tanah alami dan biasanya terjadi karena: kebocoran limbah cair atau bahan kimia industri atau fasilitas komersial, penggunaan pestisida, masuknya air permukaan tanah tercemar ke dalam lapisan sub-permukaan, zat kimia, atau limbah. air limbah dari tempat penimbunan sampah serta limbah industri yang langsung dibuang ke tanah secara tidak memenuhi syarat. Dalam mata kuliah ini, akan dibahas mengenai mekanisme terjadinya pencemaran tanah, serta dilanjutkan dengan remediasi. Remediasi adalah kegiatan untuk membersihkan permukaan tanah yang tercemar. Ada dua jenis remediasi tanah, yaitu in-situ (atau on-site) dan ex-situ (atau off-site). Pembersihan on-site adalah pembersihan di lokasi dan off site yaitu membersihkan tanah dengan membawa tanah tersebut ke tempat lain (treatment plant). Dalam kuliah ini, akan diuraikan jenis-jenis remediasi tersebut serta keuntungan dan kerugiannya.


Geoenvironmental Engineering: Contaminated Soils, Pollutant Fate, and Mitigation, by Raymond N Yong, 2001 Geoenvironmental engineering: Principles and Applications, by Lakshmi N. Reddi, Hilary I. Inyang, 2000 In Situ Soil Remediation by A.M. Otten, 1997

Introduction to Environmental Soil Physics by Daniel Hillel, 2003 Environmental Soil Chemistry by Donald L. Sparks, 2003

Geologi Pengembangan Wilayah (Geology for Regional Development) (2 SKS)

Mata kuliah Geologi Pengembangan Wilayah merupakan mata kuliah pilihan bagi mahasiswa Program S-2, yang dilaksanakan pada semester genap. Geologi Pengembangan Wilayah (GPW) merupakan bagian dari Geologi Lingkungan yang mempelajari penerapan konsep dasar geologi untuk pengembangan wilayah/ pembangunan tata ruang wilayah dan penataan lahan, berdasarkan pada analisis dan evaluasi potensi sesumber dan bahaya geologi, untuk menjamin terwujudnya kesejahteraan manusia yang selaras dengan keberlanjutan lingkungan. Dengan penerapan studi GPW maka diharapkan potensi konflik pemanfaatan lahan, bencana geologi dan degradasi lingkungan dapat diantisipasi dan dicegah atau diminimalkan.

Dalam mata kuliah ini dibahas pengertian, lingkup studi serta manfaat dan peranan GPW dalam menunjang pembangunan berkelanjutan. Fokus utama pembahasan dalam mata kuliah ini adalah analisis daya dukung lahan dan evaluasi kesesuaian lahan berdasarkan potensi sesumber dan bencana geologi, untuk merumuskan arahan pengembangan wilayah/penataan lahan secara berkelnajutan. Dibahas pula dalam mata kuliah ini konsep pembangunan berkelanjutan serta beberapa perundang-undangan dalam pengembangan wilayah/tata ruang, untuk menjamin keselarasan antara kepentingan dalam mewujudkan kesejahteraan manusia dan memelihara lingkungan. Referensi:

Bell, F.G., Cripps, J.C., Culshaw, M.G., & O’Hara, M., 1987. Aspect of Geology in Planning. in the Planning and Engineering Geology, Geological Society Engineering Geology Special Publication No. 4, pp. 1-38.

Bell, F.G. 2003. Geological Hazards, Their Assessment, Avoidance and Mitigation. Spon Press, Taylor and Francis Group, London.and New York.

Howard, A.D. 1978. Geology in Environtment Planning. Mc Graw-Hill, Inc., USA.

Murck, B.W., Skinner, J., and Porter, S.C. 1996. Environmental Geology. John Wiley and Sons, New York.

Bennet, R.M. and Doyle, P. 1997. Environmental Geology; Geology and the Human Environment. John Wiley and Sons. Singapore.

3.2.3. Matakuliah Pilihan Umum SEMESTER I

Metode Numerik (Numerical Method) (2 SKS)

Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan dan melakukan analisis pada masalah sederhana metode numerik dasar mencakup penyelesaian persamaan non-linier satu variabel, aproksimasi, interpolasi, integrasi, deferensiasi, set persamaan linier, persamaan diferensial satu dan dua dimensi. Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan pada masalah Teknik Geologi yang sederhana


Numerical Analyses, R.L. Burden and J.D. Fairez, PWS Kent. (Utama)

Numerical Recipies, the Art of Scientific Computing, W.H. Press et.al., Cambridge. Numerical Methods, Software and Analysis, J.R. Rice, McGrawHill.

Numerical Methods, J. Carnahan.

Vulkanologi Lanjutan (Advanced Volcanology) (2 SKS)

Pengertian dasar dan sejarah perkembangan vulkanologi, vulkanisme dan magmatisme, vulkanisitas dan tektonik, kenampakan gejala vulkanisme di permukaan, penyebaran gunungapi di dunia, bangun tubuh gunungapi, mekanisme dan tipe erupsi, produk erupsi, vulkanisme di Indonesia, arti ekonomi dan bahaya aktivitas volkanisme. Referensi:

Fisher, R. V., and Schmincke, H. U., 1984, Pyroclastic Rocks, Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg.

McPhie, Doyle, J. M., and Allen. 1993, Volcanic Texture : A guide to the interpretation of textures in volcanic rocks, Centre for Ore Deposit and Exploration Studies, University of Tasmania.

O’Meara, D., 2008, Volcano, a visual guide, Firely Books Inc., New York.

Payson, D.S., and Grayson, D.K., 1979, Volcanic Activity and Human Ecology, Academic Press, New York. SEMESTER II

Geomorfologi dan Geologi Penginderaan Jauh (Geomorphology and Remote Sensing for Geology) (2 SKS) Mempelajari asal mula, deskripsi, klasifikasi dan evolusi morfologi mencakup relief, penyaluran, proses eksogenik, proses endogenik, peranan batuan dan struktur geologi terhadap pembentukan dan evolusi morfologi, penerapan geomorfologi untuk keteknikan dan yang lainnya.

Mempelajari pengertian geologi, penginderaan jauh, citra penginderaan jauh, noncitra, penginderaan jauh untuk geologi, alasan mengapa citra peginderaan jauh semakin dibutuhkan, informasi geologi yang diperoleh dari citra penginderaan jauh, sistem penginderaan jauh, macam-macam citra penginderaan jauh, pencitraan citra penginderaan jauh, faktor-faktor dalam interpretasi citra untuk geologi, alat-alat interpretasi citra penginderaan jauh, tahap-tahao interpretasi citra dalam pemetaan geologi, fotogrametri untuk geologi


Bloom, A.L., 1978: Geomorphology, A Systematic Analysis of Late Cenozoic Landforms, Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliff, New Jersey.

Thornbury, W.D., 1969: Principles of Geomorphology, 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.

Zuidam, R.A. Van and F.I. Vam Zuidam-Cancelado, 1979: Terrain Analysis and Classification Using Aerial Photographs, A Geomorphological Approach, International Institute for Aerial Survey and Earth Sciences (ITC), Enchede, the Netherlands.

Avery, T.E., 1977: Interpretation of Aerial Photographs, 3rd ed., Burgess Publishing Company, Minneapolis, Minnessota.

Lillesand, T.M., and R.W. Kiefer, 1994: Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, John Willey & Sons Inc., New York

Analisis Data Spasial (Spatial Data Analysis) (2 SKS) ???

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Geokimia Lingkungan (Environmental Geochemistry) (2 SKS) ???

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Geologi Medis (Medical Geology) (2 SKS)

On completing the module a student will be able to explain the distribution and effect of elements to human health, explain the toxic elements exposure to human, apply technology to predict and mitigate the endemic due to geological materials.


Selinus, O., Alloway, B., Centeno, J. A., Finkelman, R. B., Fuge, R., Lindh, U. and Smedley, P. (2005) Essentials of Mecial Geology, Elsevier, 812 p

3.3. Matakuliah Khusus Magister Geologi Pertambangan 3.3.1. Matakuliah Wajib


Endapan Mineral Ekonomis (Economic Mineral Deposits) (2 SKS) ???

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Hukum Pertambangan (Mining Law and Regulation) (2 SKS) ???

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Teknik Eksplorasi Sumberdaya Mineral (Exploration Methods for Mineral Resources) (2 SKS) ???

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Ekonomi dan Manajemen Sumberdaya Mineral (Economics and Management of Mineral Resources) (2 SKS) ???

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3.3.2. Matakuliah Pilihan SEMESTER I dan II

Pengelolaan Lingkungan Tambang (Management of Mining Environment) (2 SKS) ???

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Sistem Informasi Pertambangan (Mining Information System) (2 SKS) ???

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Pengelolaan Air Tanah (Groundwater Management) (2 SKS) ???

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Manajemen dan Mitigasi Geohazard (Geohazard Management and Mitigation) (2 SKS) ???


Teknologi Batubara Bersih (Clean Coal Technology) (2 SKS) ???

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Geoteknik Pertambangan (Geotechnics in Mining) (2 SKS) ???

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3.4. Matakuliah Magister Petroleum Geoscience 3.4.1. Matakuliah Wajib Umum


Tektonika (Tectonics) (2 SKS)

A review of key concepts in the formation, development and structural modification of sedimentary basins. This subject addresses the knowledge enhancement on basin formation and plate tectonic environment; earth structure and its characteristics (physical, rheological and mechanical); basin classification; basin infilling and its evolution; petroleum system and plays assessment.


Allen, P.A. and Allen, J.R., 1990, Basin Analysis: Principles & Applications,. Blackwell Scientific Publications, pp.451

Gluyas, J. and Swarbrick, R., 2004, Petroleum Geoscience, Blackwell Scientific Publications, pp. 402 Magoon, L.B. and Dow, W.G.(Eds) , 1994, The Petroleum System- From Source to Trap, AAPG Memoir 60. Petrologi Terapan (Applied Petrology) (2 SKS)

This course give the application of sedimentary and carbonate rock petrology especially on reservoir and seal geology. Understanding of sandstone fragment, matrix and pores types, major clays and their poroperm effects as well as carbonate depositional textures, microfacies, diagenesis, permeability, and porosity will be given. Fundamental understanding of environmental and facies analysis will be discussed. Students will learn how to unravel the complex geologic history of sandstone and carbonate layers from deposition through diagenesis to emplacement of hydrocarbons.

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Stratigrafi Terapan (Applied Stratigraphy) (2 SKS)

This course instructs the sedimentological, petrographic, and stratigraphic methods used to analyze and interpret siliciclastic, carbonate sediments and sedimentary sequences. It emphasizes how sedimentological and stratigraphic knowledge are essential in both petroleum exploration and development activities, and is fundamental in making predictive models. This subject also concerns with parameters and process controlling sedimentation; stratigraphic patterns; sedimentary cycles; depositional sequence and parasequence; log and facies expression sequence boundaries and maximum flooding surface; system tracts; and its application for hydrocarbon prospecting.


Allen, G.P., 1997, Sequence Stratigraphy and Its Application to Hydrocarbon in Siliciclastic Reservoir. IAGI Short Course, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Boggs, S., Jr., 2006, Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, 4th eds. Pearson Prentice Hall, New Jersey, pp.662

Posamentier, H.W., Summerhayes, C.P., Haq, B.U, and Allen, G.P.,(Eds.) , 1993 , Sequence Stratigraphy and Facies Associations. Special Publ. No. 18 International Assoc. Sedimentologist. Blackwell Scientific Publications, London, pp. 644.

Van Wagoner, R.M., Mitchum, R.M., Campion, K.M., and Rahmanian,V.D., 1991, Siliciclactic Sequence Stratigraphy in Well Logs, Cores, and Outcrops. AAPG Methods in Exploration Series, No.7. pp. 55

Geologi Lingkungan (Environmental Geology) (2 SKS)

This subject mainly concerns with the sustainable petroleum resources management to minimize all potential negative impacts of petroleum exploration and exploitation. Student understanding on the knowledge of Geo-environmental management and Geohazard Mitigation will also be enhanced together with the improvement of understanding on the concept of Environmental Impact Assessment, Cleaner Production, and Waste Management in Petroleum Exploration and Exploitation. In addition, the respective Environmental Laws will also be reviewed as a part of the Environmental Management Exercise.


Coates, D.R., 1982, Environmental Geology, John Wiley and Sons, New York.

Hasan, S.E., 1996, Geology and Hazardous Waste Management, Prentice Hall, New Jersey Montgomery, C.W., 2006, Environmental Geology, 7th Ed, McGraw Hill Int., 540p

Murck, B.W., Skinner, J., and Porter, S.C., 1996, Environmental Geology, John Wiley and Sons, New York Pipkin, B.W., Trent, D.D and Hazlett, R., 2005, Geology and the Environment, Thomson Brooks, 473p. Geofisika Eksplorasi Lanjutan (Advanced Exploration Geophysics) (2 SKS)

This course aimed to study petroleum system using integrated geophysics data. This subject covers several advance topics related to exploration geophysics especially on gravity, magnetic, and seismic. Core of this course is disccussion on advance problems on exploration geophysics in Indonesia.


Dobrin, MB and Savit, CH; 1988: Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting, 4th edition, McGraww Hill Book Company, New York, 867p

Grant,FS and West,GF; 1965; Interpretation Theory in Applied Geophysics, Mc Graw Hill Book Company, New York, 584p

Keary, P and Brooks,M ; 1991: An Introduction to Geophysical Exploration, Blackwell Scientific Publications, London, 254p.

Robinson, ES and Coruh,C; 1988: Basic Exploration Seismology, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 562p. Sheriff, R.E., 1995: Exploration Seismologi, Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, 592p.


Sumberdaya Geologi (Georesources) (2 SKS) ??

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Metode Penelitian (Research Method) (2 SKS) ?? Referensi: ?? Geostatistika (Geostatistics) (2 SKS) ?? Referensi: ??

Geokimia Terapan (Applied Geochemistry) (2 SKS) ??

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3.4.1. Matakuliah Wajib Khusus Magister Petroleum Geoscience SEMESTER I

Geologi Migas Lanjutan (Advanced Petroleum Geology) (2 SKS) ???

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Geologi Bawah Permukaan untuk Eksplorasi Migas (Sub-surface Geology for Petroleum Exploration) (2 SKS)


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Evaluasi Formasi (Formation Evaluation) (2 SKS) ???

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Karakterisasi Reservoar (Reservoir Characterization) (2 SKS) ???

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Manajemen Reservoar (Reservoir Management) (2 SKS) ???

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Analisis Ekonomi dan Resiko (Economic and Risk Analysis) (2 SKS) ???

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Dalam dokumen Buku Panduan Akademik Temp (Halaman 31-41)

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