• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan


B. Recomendation

Evaluation. It is for looking for the cause of difficulty in learning.


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Student’s Number : T20156065

Study Program : English Education Department

Faculty : Tarbiyah

Institute : State of Islamic Studies UIN jember

Honestly declared this thesis which entitled “The Implementation of Teaching Speaking Skill By Applying Public Speaking Program For The Third Grade Students in Kulliyatul Muballighien Al Islamiyah Of Al Ishlah Islamic Boarding School Grujugan Bondowoso in 2021-2022 Academic year “ Have been writen by me does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people except those citied in the quotation and the refrences, as the scientific paper should.

Jember 20 june 2021 The writer

Abdul Aziz Nur Ibnu Sahal

Appliying Public Speaking

Program at The Third Grade in Kulliyatul

Muballighien Al Islamiyah of Al Ishlah Islamic Boarding School Grujugan


2021-2022 2. Public

Speaking Program

2. Accuracy

3. Public Speaking Program

1. Grammar 2. Diction 3. Comprehensio


1. Writting Outline 2. Organizing

Ideas and Information

b. English Teacher c. Central

Language Improvem ent board d. Third

grade Students

2. Biblography 3. Documentary

Islamiyah of Al Ishlah Islamic Boarding School Grujugan Bondowoso 2. Qualitative

Research Approach 3. Population and

sampel with Purposive Sample

4. Collecting Data Method:

a. Observation b. Interview c. Documentary 5. Data Analysis

with Hiberman data Analysis

program for the third

grade students in

kulliyatul muballighien al islamiyah of al ishlah islamic boarding school?

2. How is the step of teaching speaking skill

through public

speaking program for the third grade students in kulliyatul muballighien al islamiyah of al ishlah islamic boarding school?

3. How is the strategy of teaching speaking skill trough public speaking program for the third

grade students in

kulliyatul muballighien al islamiyah of al ishlah islamic boarding school?

4. How is the evaluation of teaching speaking skill trough public speaking program for the third grade of Al Ishlah Islamic Boarding School?

Sifat :Biasa

Perihal : Permohonan Ijin Penelitian

Yth. Kepala Satuan Pendidikan Mu`adalah (SPM) KMI Al-Ishlah Grujugan Bondowoso

Dalam rangka menyelesaikan tugas Skripsi pada Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan, maka mohon diijinkan mahasiswa berikut :

NIM : T20156065


Semester : Semester empat


Program Studi :


untuk mengadakan Penelitian/Riset mengenai Improving Student's Speaking Skill by Applying Public Speaking Program For the third Grade Students in Kulliyatul Muballighien Al Islamiyah of Al Ishlah Islamic Boarding School Grujugan Bondowoso in 2021-2022 Academic Year selama 5 ( lima ) hari di lingkunganlembaga wewenang Bapak/Ibu Mohlasin, S.Pd.I

Demikian atas perkenan dan kerjasamanya disampaikan terima kasih.

Jember, 02 Juni 2022 an. Dekan,

Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik,


Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini,


Jabatan : Mudier (Direktur)

Unit kerja : Kulliyatul Muballighien Al-Islamiyyah (KMI) Al-Ishlah

Alamat Unit Kerja : Dadapan, Grujugan, Bondowoso, Jawa Timur

Dengan ini menerangkan bahwa mahasiswa yang beridentitas:

Nama : Abdul Aziz nur ibnu sahal

NIM : T20156065

Fakultas : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan

Jurusan : Tadris Bahasa Inggris

Perguruan Tinggi : Universitas Islam Negeri Jember

Telah selesai melakukan penelitian di KMI Putra Al Ishlah pada tanggal 10 Juni 2022 ” dengan judul

"Improving Student's Speaking Skill by Applying Public Speaking Program For the third Grade Students in Kulliyatul Muballighien Al Islamiyah of Al Ishlah Islamic Boarding School Grujugan Bondowoso in 2021-2022 Academic Year"

Demikian surat keterangan ini dibuat dan diberikan kepada yang bersangkutan untuk dipergunakan sebagaimana mestinya.

Bondowoso, 17 Juni 2022 M.

Mudier KMI,

Ust. Mohlasin, S.Pd.I

2. Lecturing class by teacher and manager of silah

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