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Dalam dokumen Rpp Bahasa Inggris SMK Kelas XII (Halaman 35-40)


I. Identitas Mata Pelajaran :

1. Satuan Pendidikan : SMK Gamaliel 1 Madiun

2. Kelas : XII

3. Semester : 1 (satu)

4. Kompetensi Keahlian : Teknik Pemesinan

5. Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

6. Jumlah Pertemuan : 80 x 45 menit

II. Standard Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate

III. Kompetensi Dasar : 3.6 Memahami dokomen-dokumen teknis.

IV. Indikator :

1. Menjawab pertanyaan yang terkait dengan isi Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) dengan benar.

2. Menceritakan kembali Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) di tempat kerja dengan kata-kata sendiri dengan benar.

V. Tujuan Pembelajaran :

1. Siswa mampu menjawab pertanyaan yang terkait dengan isi Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) dengan benar.

2. Siswa mampu menceritakan kembali dengan kata-kata sendiri Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) di tempat kerja dengan benar.

VI. Materi Ajar

PERTEMUAN 15 : Standard Operating Procedure from workplace A. Standard Operating Procedure of Activating SIM Card:

1. Before installing SIM card, always make sure that the phone is switched off and you can then remove the battery.

2. With the back of the phone facing you, press the release button. Slide and lift the back cover off the phone in the direction of the arrow.

3. Lift the battery out of the phone.

4. Insert the SIM card into the phone. Make sure that the SIM card is positioned correctly and that the golden contact area on the card is facing downwards.

5. Replace the battery.

6. Replace the back cover. Make sure that the locking catches on the sides of the covers go in the notches on the phone.

B. How to install a socket:

1. The recess and the channel are marked out with pencil. 2. the plaster is cut away using a hammer and a chisel.

3. The brickwork is removed by drilling holes in it and then cutting it away with the hammer and chisel.

4. the box is inserted in the recess and screwed into place. 5. The cable is placed in the channel.

6. It is then pulled through the hole in the box.

7. The cable channel is covered. This is done by filling it with plaster, which is the painted or papered.

8. The socket is connected to the cable by inserting each wire in the terminal and tightening the screw.

C. Checklist of job in a car service:

1. Check the oil: look at dipstick

2. Raise oil level: take off cap, pour oil in

3. Check water level: take off cap, check level is 15 mm below neck. 4. Raise water level: pour in more water.

5. Check lights: switch on lights, get out of car and look.

6. Check brake lights: press brake pedal, ask your workmate to look, remove cap. 7. Check tire pressure: place gauge on valve.

8. Increase tire pressure: pump in air.

D. How to weld (Electric Arc):

1. Hold the screen in front of your eyes.

2. Hold the electrode at 80 to the surface of the plates.

3. Make sure that the tip of the electrode is less than 3 mm from the plate. 4. Strike an arc between the tip and the plate.

5. Move the electrode steadily backwards in a straight line.

Pertemuan 16 dan 17 : Perform the procedure SOP in front of the class

VII. Alokasi Waktu : 12 x 45 menit (Pertemuan ke 15 s/d 17)

VIII. Metode Pembelajaran :

1. Speaking: Retelling the content of Standard Operating Procedure 2. Writing: Writing the content of Standard Operating Procedure

IX. Kegiatan Pembelajaran :


A. Langkah Awal: Pre Test

Menyiapkan alat / bahan / sumber B. Langkah Inti:

1. Eksplorasi

Menggali pengetahuan siswa tentang apa yang dimaksud dengan Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).

Memberikan contoh SOP yang muncul dalam lingkungan kerja. 2. Elaborasi

Memberikan latihan kepada siswa dengan meminta siswa menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang terkait dengan SOP.

3. Konfirmasi

Guru memberikan informasi ketika siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam mengerjakan tugas.

C. Langkah Akhir:

Kesimpulan dari materi

PERTEMUAN 16 dan 17

A. Langkah Awal: Greeting

Menyiapkan alat / bahan / sumber B. Langkah Inti:

1. Eksplorasi

Menggali pengetahuan siswa tentang bagaimana menceritakan kembali sebuah SOP dengan kata-kata sendiri.

Menjelaskan pada siswa bagaimana menceritakan kembali sebuah SOP dengan kata-kata sendiri.

Memberikan latihan kepada siswa dengan meminta siswa menceritakan kembali sebuah SOP dengan kata-kata sendiri.

3. Konfirmasi

Guru memberikan informasi ketika siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam mengerjakan tugas.

C. Langkah Akhir:

Kesimpulan dari materi X. Penilaian Hasil Belajar :

Pertemuan 15

I. Match the instructions with the ones in the box. 1. Tighten the screw.

2. Switch off the power. 3. Write in English. 4. Loosen the nut. 5. Write in Arabic. 6. Switch on the power

II. Answer the following questions based on the text!

1. What is the text about?

2. What is inside of the fuse box?

3. Why should the fuse carriers be pulled out one by one? 4. How can you know that the fuse is broken?

5. Can you use any kinds of wire for replacing the broken one?

6. Which word in the text means in the direction of the movement of the hands of a clock?

7. What is the very last step you have to take when mendinga fuse?

Pertemuan 16 dan 17

Describe one of the following SOP in front of the class!

a. Write from left to right.

b. Turn it anti-clockwise. c. Push the switch downwards. d. Push the switch upwards.

e. Turn it clockwise. f. Write from right to left.

Fuse box

Fuse wire Fuse

Mending a Fuse

Every household electrical system has a fuse boxwhich contains fuses. Often a fuse wire burns out and youwill have to fix a new fuse wire which can be bought atan electrical or a hardware shop. You must always use the same thickness of wire. To change the fuse wire, you will first have to open the fuse box. Next, find the fuse carrier with a new one. Always wind the wire in a clockwise direction. Finally, put the carrier back, turn on the main switch on the lights.

1. Describe the Standard Operating Procedure in a car service!

2. Describe the Standard Operating Procedure in welding using electric arc!

XI. Sumber Belajar :

1. Global Access to the World of Work (Diknas) 2. BSE for English SMK (Diknas)

3. SOP from workplace 4. Vocabulary Book

Madiun, Juli 2014 Mengetahui,

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran,

Drs. Antonius Hary Purwito Budhi Santoso, S.Pd

I. Identitas Mata Pelajaran :

1. Satuan Pendidikan : SMK Gamaliel 1 Madiun

2. Kelas : XII

3. Semester : 1 (satu)

4. Kompetensi Keahlian : Teknik Pemesinan

5. Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

6. Jumlah Pertemuan : 80 x 45 menit

II. Standard Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate

III. Kompetensi Dasar : 3.6 Memahami dokomen-dokumen teknis.

IV. Indikator :

Menjawab pertanyaan yang terkait dengan isi Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) dengan benar.

Menceritakan kembali Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) di tempat kerja dengan kata-kata sendiri dengan benar.


Dalam dokumen Rpp Bahasa Inggris SMK Kelas XII (Halaman 35-40)

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