• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

Salah satu metode pengolahan limbah secara kimiawi adalah metode oksidasi. (Nilai 15%)

Dalam dokumen Bank Soal UTS Genap 2016 (Halaman 66-72)

a. Apa tujuan dari metode oksidasi ini?

b. Jenis-jenis oksidan apa yang biasa digunakan dalam proses pengolahan limbah?

c. Pengembangan dari metode oksidasi ini adalah Proses Oksidasi Lanjut. Apa yang dimaksud dengan proses oksidasi lanjut ini?

67 d. Apa kelebihan dan kekurangan dari proses ini?

e. Bagaimana tahapan dari proses ini?

f. Bagaimana strategi yang umumnya dilakukan untuk mengatasi kelemahan proses ini?

4. Proses yang berlangsung pada industry pelapisan logam pada umumnya berlangsung dengan tahapan sebagai berikut: (Nilai 20%)

a. Pembersihan logam dari lemak dengan pelarut seperti: benzene, trikloroetilen, metil klorida dan toluene.

b. Pemberisihan lanjut dengan larutan basa, seperti: sianida, boraks, atau sabun. c. Pengemasan untuk menghilangkan kerak, menggunakan asam sulfat atau asam


d. Proses pelapisan, menggunakan garam-garam logam. Pada umumnya yang digunakan adalah: tembaga, nikel, kromium, seng, timbal, alkali, timah,emas,perak, dan platina.


a. Buatlah perkiraan jenis-jenis senyawa yang terdapat limbah cair idustry pelapisan logam.

b. Jika anda diminta untuk merancang unit pengolahan limbah cair industry pelapisan logam ini, proses-proses apa saja yang ada di dalamnya? Jelaskan. c. Proses yang paling mudah dalam pengelohan limbah logam adalah

pengendapan (presipitasi). Hal-hal apa saja yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam proses pengendapan ini? Jelaskan!

d. Faktor-faktor apakah yang mempengaruhi kinerja pengendapan logam? Jelaskan!

5. Limbah cair, seringkali mengandung mikroorganisme. (Nilai 10%)

a. Apa nama proses yang digunakan untuk me-non-aktifkan mikroorganisme ini? b. Dengan cara apa proses ini bisa dilakukan?


Hari, Tanggal : Selasa, 31 Maret 2015 Waktu : 120 menit

Sifat Ujian : Open Sheet

Dosen : Dr. Ir. Nelson Saksono

1. Mengapa data-data tentang karakteristik minyak bumi sangat penting diketahui sebelum minyak tersebut diolah dalam kilang minyak?

2. Jelaskan secara singkat 5 karakteristik penting minyak bumi dan 1 metode ASTM yang anda ketahui untuk pengukurannya!

3. Parameter apa yang dapat dipakai untuk menentukan suatu minyak dikatakan minyak berat atau ringan? Jelaskan mengapa minyak ringan lebih tinggi harganya disbanding minyak berat!

4. Buat rangkaian sederhana skema proses kilang minyak yang terdiri dari unit kolom destilasi atmosferik, destilasi vakum, hydrocracking, gas separation dan polimarization dan jelaskan peran dari unit tersebut dalam menghasilkan produk-produk minyak bumi!

5. Jelaskan pengaruh suhu, tekanan dan umpan hydrogen pada proses cracking!

6. Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan oktan Number dan Cetane number dan bagaimana cara meningkatkan bilangan octane dan bilangan oktan!

7. Jelaskan 2 permasalahan utama minyak bumi di Indonesia dan bagaimana pemecahannya!


Hari, Tanggal : 31 Maret 2015

Waktu : s/d 3 April 2015 Pukul 15.30 Sifat Ujian : Take Home Exam

Dosen : Kamarza Mulia, Ph.D. dan Elsa Krisanti, Ph.D.

First Assigment (40 Points)

As the instructors of the controlled drug release technology course, we have been thinking about what the midterm test should be like. Up to now, you have covered the following three topics:

physiological considerations in oral formulation development

biodegradable polymers for cdr: degradation mechanism, structure-properties relationship

micro and nanoparticles preparation

You have done some reading, explored the topics, and discussed the topics in your focus group. Now that you have some pretty good idea about controlled release of drugs and bioactive compounds, we think that it is the right time to organize the information as a concept map. What is a Concept Map? In the words of Alberto J. Cañas & Joseph D. Novak (Institute for Human and Machine Cognition): Concept maps are graphical tools for organizing and representing knowledge. They include concepts, usually enclosed in circles or boxes of some type, and relationships between concepts indicated by a connecting line linking two concepts. Words on the line, referred to as linking words or linking phrases, specify the relationship between the two

concepts. You will find more information in

http://cmap.ihmc.us/docs/conceptmap.html. Please prepare your concept map that

covers the six topics given in the course syllabus. Since we have not yet covered topics 4-6 (mechanism of drug release, experimental methods, and, applications), your concept map is expected to cover the first three topics in more details. Your concept map should include concepts (in boxes) and relationship between the concepts (linking words). A good example is shown below:

70 You could use a computer software such as Word or Visio to prepare the concept map. Another option is to draw it manually and then scan the concept map.

Second assignment

Reading assignment 1 (30): ―Computer Modeling Assisted Design of Monodisperse PLGA Microspheres with Controlled Porosity Affords Zero Order Release of an Encapsulated Macromolecule for 3 Months‖, Kazazi- Hyseni, F., et al., Pharm Res (2014) 31:2844–2856. After reading this paper, please answer the following questions:

a) What is the objective of the research work reported in this paper?

b) Why did the authors chose PLGA as the polymer used in the controlled release formulation?

c) What is burst release? Do you think burst release of drugs as a phenomena that should be avoided altogether in the treatment of patients? Would your answer depends on whether the patient has a chronic or an acute disease?

d) Why do you think the authors want to obtain a formula that shows a zero-order release pattern?

e) Explain the term ―double emulsion membrane emulsification method‖ used to prepare the micospheres

f) List the chemicals used in the experiment along with their two dimensional molecular structure and their use in the experiment

71 why the authors believed that these parematers are the important ones in their


h) Do you think the authors achieve their stated objectives? Explain.

Reading assignment 2 (30): "Biodegradation and biocompatibility of PLA and PLGA microspheres‖, James M. Anderson and Matthew S. Shive, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 64 (2012) 72-82. After reading this paper, please answer the following questions:

a) Table 1 in this paper lists the factors that affect the hydrolytic degradation of PLA and PLGA. Which factors are considered in more details in this paper?

b) Explain the difference between degradation of PLA and PLGA. You may refer your explanation to Figure 1.

c) Why do you think the applications of PLA and PLGA mentioned in the paper do not include application such as oral drug delivery?

d) Give comments on drug delivery using PLA and PLGA as microspheres compared to as nanospheres


Hari, Tanggal : 10 April 2015 Waktu : 120 menit Sifat Ujian : Closed Book

Dosen : Widodo W. Purwanto, Asep H. Saputra

1. Geology

a. Jelaskan 4 tahap dalam petroleum investigation?

b. Jelaskan apakah mungkin batuan selain sedimen dapat menjadi batuan source dan batuan reservoir?

2. Drilling

a. What is the main purpose we have to do formation evalution while drilling? Explain? (see slide 8)

b. Explain these common terminology in directional drilling! (see slide 5)

1) Kick off point

Dalam dokumen Bank Soal UTS Genap 2016 (Halaman 66-72)

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